Westlaw UK Legal Journals
Index: Articles on Terrorism and international law
1. Nuclear terrorism by states and
non-state actors: global responses
to threats to military
and human security in
international law Journal title: Journal of Conflict
& Security Law Availability: Abstract Citation: J.C.
& S.L. 2017, 22(2), 201-248 |
2. Cyberspace, terrorism and international law Journal title: Journal of Conflict
& Security Law Availability: Abstract Citation: J.C.
& S.L. 2016, 21(3), 475-493 |
3. Research Handbook on International Law
and Terrorism Journal title: Asian Journal of International Law Availability: Abstract Citation: A.J.I.
Law 2016, 6(2), 389-390 |
4. Nuclear terrorism and environmental protection under
international law Journal title: Environmental Law Availability: Abstract Citation: Env.
Law 2015, 91, 30-42 |
5. Preventive counter-terrorism and
international law Journal title: Journal of Conflict
& Security Law Availability: Abstract Citation: J.C.
& S.L. 2013, 18(2), 181-192 |
6. Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice Journal title: International Journal of Human
Rights Availability: Abstract Citation:
I.J.H.R. 2013, 17(3), 441-442 |
7. Terrorism, self-defence and
international law - a wide
definition Journal title: Criminal Law &
Justice Weekly Availability: Abstract Citation: C.L.
& J. 2012, 176(28), 410-411 |
8. Terrorism offences - definition of “terrorism” in Terrorism Act 2000 -
international law (Case Comment) Journal title: Archbold Review Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation: Arch. Rev. 2012, 3, 2-3 |
9. Judicial creativity at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon: is
there a crime of terrorism
under international law?
(Case Comment) Journal title: Leiden Journal of
International Law Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
L.J.I.L. 2011, 24(3), 655-675 |
10. Civil liability of corporate and
non-state aiders and abettors
of international terrorism as an evolving notion under
international law Journal title: Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology Availability: Abstract Citation:
J.I.C.L.T. 2011, 6(1), 1-11 |
11. Terrorism, War and International Law:
The Legality of the Use of Force Against
Afghanistan in 2001 Journal title: Liverpool Law Review Availability: Abstract Citation:
Liverpool L.R. 2010, 31(3), 317-319 |
12. Terrorism, War and International Law:
The Legality of the Use of Force against Afghanistan in 2001 Journal title: Journal of Conflict
& Security Law Availability: Abstract Citation: J.C.
& S.L. 2009, 14(2), 383-389 |
13. Defining Terrorism in International
Law Journal title: Legal Studies Availability: Abstract Citation: L.S.
2009, 29(1), 162-166 |
14. Islamic State Practices, International Law and the Threat from Terrorism
(Publication Review) Journal title: African Journal of
International and Comparative Law Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
A.J.I.C.L. 2006, 14(1), 136-139 |
15. Islamic State Practice, International Law and the Threat from Terrorism
- A Critique of the “Clash of Civilizations” in the
World Order Journal title: Criminal Law Forum Availability: Abstract Citation: Crim. L.F. 2007, 18(2), 253-262 |
16. Distinguishing terrorism from wars of national liberation in the light of international law: a view
from Italian courts Journal title: Journal of International Criminal
Justice Availability: Abstract Citation:
J.I.C.J. 2008, 6(3), 525-539 |
17. Defining Terrorism in International
Law Journal title: European Law Journal Availability: Abstract Citation: E.L.J.
2008, 14(4), 509-511 |
18. Defining Terrorism in International
Law Journal title: European Public Law Availability: Abstract Citation: E.P.L.
2008, 14(2), 261-264 |
19. International law and the “war on terrorism”: post 9/11 responses
by the United States and Asia Pacific countries Journal title: Asia Pacific Law Review Availability: Abstract Citation:
A.P.L.R. 2006, 14(1), 43-74 |
20. Defining Terrorism in International
Law Journal title: Human Rights Law Review Availability: Abstract Citation: H.R.L. Rev. 2007, 7(3), 643-648 |
21. Self-defence, anticipatory self-defence and pre-emption:
international law’s response
to terrorism Journal title: Journal of Conflict
& Security Law Availability: Abstract Citation: J.C.
& S.L. 2007, 12(1), 95-126 |
22. Enforcing International Law Norms
Against Terrorism (Publication Review) Journal title: European Journal of
International Law Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
E.J.I.L. 2006, 17(4), 863-866 |
23. Islamic State Practices, International Law and the Threat from Terrorism:
A Critique of the “Clash of Civilisations” in the New World Order Journal title: The Commonwealth Lawyer Availability: Abstract Citation: Com. Lawyer 2005,14(3), 47-48 |
24. The multifaceted criminal notion of
terrorism in international law Journal title: Journal of International Criminal
Justice Availability: Abstract Citation:
J.I.C.J. 2006, 4(5), 933-958 |
25. Enforcing International Law Norms
Against Terrorism Journal title: Kings College Law
Journal Availability: Abstract Citation:
K.C.L.J. 2006, 17, 379-385 |
26. Islamic State Practices, International Law and the Threat from Terrorism:
a Critique of the “Clash of Civilisations” in the New World Order Journal title: Journal of Law and Society Availability: Abstract Citation: J. Law
& Soc. 2006, 33(2), 324-330 |
27. Enforcing International Law Norms
Against Terrorism (Publication Review) Journal title: Cambridge Law Journal Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation: C.L.J.
2005, 64(3), 757-758 |
28. Terrorism as a Challenge for National and International Law:
Security versus Liberty? (Publication Review) Journal title: European Human Rights Law Review Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
E.H.R.L.R. 2005, 1, 112-114 |
29. Terrorism and international law Journal title: International & Comparative Law Quarterly Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
I.C.L.Q. 2004, 53(3), 537-548 |
30. War, terrorism, and international
law Journal title: Current Legal Problems Availability: Abstract Citation: C.L.P.
2003, 56, 505-530 |
31. International law, the United States, and the non-military
“war” against terrorism Journal title: European Journal of
International Law Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
E.J.I.L. 2003, 14(2), 347-364 |
32. Terrorism and international finance: recent
developments from the
perspective of international law Journal title: Journal of International Banking Regulation Availability: Abstract Citation:
J.I.B.R. 2002, 4(1), 7-12 |
33. Terrorism, the use of force and international law
after 11 September Journal title: International Relations Availability: Abstract Citation: Int.
Rel. 2002, 16(2), 155-170 |
34. Terrorism, the use of force and international law
after 11 September Journal title: International & Comparative Law Quarterly Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
I.C.L.Q. 2002, 51(2), 401-414 |
35. Terrorism is also
disrupting some crucial legal categories of
international law Journal title: European Journal of
International Law Availability: Abstract Citation:
E.J.I.L. 2001, 12(5), 993-1001 |
36. Hard cases make bad laws:
an analysis of state-sponsored
terrorism and its regulation under international law Journal title: Journal of Armed Conflict Law Availability: Abstract Citation:
J.A.C.L. 1997, 2(2), 135-176 |
37. International law: documents relating to terrorism Journal title: Anglo-American Law Review Availability: Abstract Citation: Anglo-Am. L.R. 1996, 25(3), 395-396 |
38. International law documents relating to terrorism Journal title: Scottish Law Gazette Availability: Abstract Citation: S.L.G.
1995, 63(4), 188-189 |
39. Maritime terrorism and international law Journal title: The International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law Availability: Abstract Citation:
T.I.J.M.C.L. 1993, 8(2), 311-312 |
40. Maritime terrorism and international law
(Publication Review) Journal title: International & Comparative Law Quarterly Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
I.C.L.Q. 1992, 41(2), 490-491 |
41. Maritime terrorism and international law Journal title: Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly Availability: Abstract Citation:
L.M.C.L.Q. 1992, 1(Feb), 138-139 |
42. Maritime terrorism and international law Journal title: Cambridge Law Journal Availability: Abstract Citation: C.L.J.
1991, 50(2), 365-366 |
43. Terrorism and hostages in international
law: a commentary on the Hostages Convention 1979 (Publication Review) Journal title: International & Comparative Law Quarterly Availability: Abstract
| Full Text Citation:
I.C.L.Q. 1991, 40(1), 238-241 |