Supreme law of the land:


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U.K.: INTM154020 - Double taxation agreements: residence: Dual residents


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Gregory H. Fox et al., Supreme Law of the Land? (Cambridge U. P. 2017)


Andrew P. Napolitano, The Constitution in Exile: How the Federal Government Has Seized Power by Rewriting the Supreme Law of the Land (Thomas Nelson 2007)


Frederick E. Crane, The Supreme Law of the Land, 5 St. John's L. Rev. 45 (1930)


Martin Flaherty, History Right?: Historical Scholarship, Original Understanding and Treaties as 'Supreme Law of the Land, 99 Colum. L. Rev. 2095 (1999)


Rett R. Ludwikowski, Supreme Law or Basic Law? The Decline of the Concept of Constitutional Supremacy, 9 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 253 (2001)


Vasan Kesavan, The Three Tiers of Federal Law, 100 NW. Univ. L. Rev. 1479 (2006)


Leonie W. Huang, Which Treaties Reign Supreme? The Dormant Supremacy Clause Effect of Implemented Non-Self-Executing Treaties, 79 Fordham L. Rev. 2211 (2011)


Anthony J. Bellia, Bradford R. Clark, Why Federal Courts Apply the Law of Nations Even Though it is Not the Supreme Law of the Land, 106 Geo. L.J. 1915 (2018)


Bradford R. Clark, The Supremacy Clause as a Constraint on Federal Power, 71 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 91 (2003)


Thomas M. Burke, Is a 4-3 Decision of the United States Supreme Court the "Supreme Law of the Land"?, 2 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 312 (1974)


Daniel L. Farber, The Supreme Court and the Rule of Law: Cooper v. Aaron Revisited, 1982 U. Ill. L. Rev. 389


Francis H. Heller, Article V: Changing Dimensions in Constitutional Change, 7 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 71 (1973)