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US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit
Case Summary
Court of Appeals Docket #: 04-7214 Filed: 12/30/04
Nsuit: 3890 Other Statutory Actions
Society of Lloyds v. Siemon-Netto, G., et al
Appeal from: United States District Court
Lower court information:
District: 0090-1 : 03cv01524 lead: 03cv01524
Trial Judge: James Robertson, US District Judge
CLERK'S ORDER filed [871515] directing Appellant to file
[871515-1] : docketing statement due 2/18/05 for Gillian
Mary Siemon-Netto ; certificate of counsel due 2/18/05 for
Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto ; statement of issues due 2/18/05
for Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto ; lower court decision due
2/18/05 for Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto ; any procedural
motions due 2/18/05 for Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto ;
transcript status notice due 2/18/05 for Gillian Mary
Siemon-Netto ; deferred appendix notice due 2/18/05 for
Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto ; entry of appearance form due
2/18/05 for Philip J. Miller ; any dispositive motions due
3/7/05 for Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto. Directing Appellee to
file [871515-2] : certificate of counsel due 2/18/05 for
Scty Lloyds ; any procedural motions due 2/18/05 for Scty
Lloyds ; entry of appearance form due 2/18/05 for Raul
Antonio Cuervo ; any dispositive motions due 3/7/05 for Scty
Lloyds. [Entry Date: 1/19/05] (lvs)
2/18/05 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE filed by Attorneys Russel H. Beatie,
Philip J. Miller for the Appellants Uwe Siemon-Netto, and
Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto [879085-1]. (jth)
2/18/05 INITIAL SUBMISSIONS filed by the Appellants Gillian Mary
Siemon-Netto, and Uwe Siemon-Netto [879086-1]: docketing
statement; certificate of counsel; statement of issues; the
lower court decisions; and the deferred appendix notice
(Deferred Appendix needed = n). (jth)
2/18/05 NOTICE filed by Appellants Gillian Mary Siemon-Netto, and
Uwe Siemon-Netto FINAL transcript status report [879087-1].
Transcripts not necessary for this appeal, none have been
ordered as the case was decided on the pleadings below.
Certificate of mail service dated 2/17/05. (jth)
2/18/05 ENTRY OF APPEARANCE filed by Attorneys Stephen James Jorden
and James F. Jorden for Appellee The Society of Lloyds
[879090-1]. (jth)
2/18/05 STATEMENT filed by Appellee Society of Lloyds pursuant to
FRAP 26.1 providing corporate disclosure list [879092-1].
Certificate of mail service dated 2/18/05. (jth)
2/18/05 INITIAL SUBMISSIONS filed by Appellee Society of Lloyds
[879093-1]: certificate of counsel. (jth)
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Description: | dkt summary | Case Number: | 04-7214 |
Billable Pages: | 1 | Cost: | 0.08 |