'Plumber' Paul wins back his court costs
Chris Barry12/10/2006
ENTREPRENEUR Paul "The Plumber" Davidson has scored a second landmark victory in his battle with the City watchdog, after it was ordered to pay the legal costs for his appeal against a record '750,000 fine for market abuse.
In a legal first, the Financial Services Authority was found to have behaved unreasonably by the Financial Services and Markets Tribunal and directed to pay costs.
It now faces a multi-million pound bill for the legal fees of the Cheshire businessman, whose life fell apart after the fine, which related to a '5m spread bet on the flotation of his drug testing company, Cyprotex, in 2002.
He was cleared of market abuse, on appeal, in May this year, and then lauched the bid to claim his costs.
The FSA will also have to pay for the legal costs of Ashley Tatham, a director of City Index, the financial spread betting firm, who was fined '100,000 by the FSA.
His legal bill will be more than '5m, legal sources said.
The precise amount the FSA will have to pay is to be set by the Supreme Court costs office.
The tribunal's ruling also opens the door to a '100m-plus civil action against the Financial Services Authority by Mr Davidson, 51.
He told the M.E.N. today: "This is a landmark day for the working man. I represented myself against the best barristers in the land, and I won.
Championship cause
"For the working man, this is a championship cause.
"I lost my money, my home, my wife and my reputation. I've suffered five years of misery because of the way they (the FSA) have behaved.
"You can't sue the FSA unless they have behaved unreasonably, and I had to go head-to-head against them and all their lawyers."
In its 20-page ruling, the tribunal said: "The appropriate pen- alty ... would have been a published statement ... to the effect that the applicants had engaged in market abuse.
"We are of the view that it was unreasonable of the (FSA Regulatory Decisions) Committee not to mitigate the levels of the penalties more than they did.
"As we are of the view that the decision of the Authority was unreasonable, we direct that the Authority shall pay the costs of expenses incurred by Mr Davidson and Mr Tatham in connection with the proceedings."
Mr Davidson was declared bankrupt in December, 2004, with debts thought to amount to '20m.
He is now based in Portugal. His latest business venture involves an energy-saving device to alert a user when their mobile telephone is fully charged.
The former pipe fitter made his fortune after he invented a connector for household radiators, called the Oyster Converter, to allow people to paint behind them.
The FSA said it was "considering the decision". It is believed it is considering an appeal.