Change and Disclosure
Ian Hay Davison
© 1987 Ian Hay Davison
Placed on the
public record in litigation with permission of the
HTML version
for academic and scholarly use only
To the external members of Lloyds
on whose behalf the mission was carried out.
Contents |
Acknowledgments |
ix |
I |
Necessary Rupture |
1 |
Part I |
Peculiar Institution |
II |
in the World Insurance Market |
11 |
Structure of the Market |
20 |
IV |
The Legal
and Financial Structure of Lloyds |
30 |
Part II |
Developing Crisis |
V |
Advent of Speculation |
43 |
VI |
Autumn of 1982 |
55 |
The New
Council of Lloyds |
64 |
Part III |
Pattern of Reform |
up the Market |
75 |
IX |
The Rule
Book |
90 |
X |
Accounts |
100 |
XI |
The Audit
Panel |
109 |
and the Re-registration of Agents |
116 |
Between Members and Lloyds |
125 |
Rules for
Underwriters |
134 |
XV |
Corporation Structure |
145 |
Position of the Chief Executive |
152 |
Part IV |
Future of Self-Regulation at Lloyds |
Rule-making |
165 |
PCW and
the Names |
174 |
and the Legislators |
184 |
XX |
Future of Lloyds [*viii] |
195 |
Appendix I |
Terms of
Reference of the Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive |
205 |
Appendix II |
Letter of
Resignation |
207 |
Bibliography |
209 |
Notes |
213 |
Index |
233 |
Even before I left Lloyds
in early 1986 a number of my friends in the market, on the Corporation staff
and outside Lloyds encouraged me to record my experiences and the
history of the reform of that institution from 1982 to date. They felt, as I
feel, that these matters should be written down for the guidance of posterity.
In preparing my book I had to wait until Sir Patrick Neills report
was completed lest my public views should undermine the authority of his
conclusions. Sir Patricks report on regulatory arrangements at
Lloyds was published on 22 January 1987. Thereafter I was free to set
forth my own opinions on the reform of one of Britains greatest, and
most unusual, financial markets.
These views are founded on three
years [sic] intensive
study of the Lloyds market from the privileged position of an
independent insider privy to the currents of opinion in the market
and yet independent as a nonmember of the society followed by a
years reading and reflection. In writing this book I have been
greatly assisted by the support of my firm Arthur Andersen & Co who, while
affording me the facilities to prepare it, take no responsibility for the
contents. Many of my friends at Lloyds have offered guidance and
advice. It would be invidious to identify them they know how
grateful I am.
Specific thanks are due to Professor
Dean Berry of the London Business School who first suggested the idea of the
book; to my former adviser on self-regulation, David Stebbings, who was reading
and commenting on the manuscript up to his sad death in March 1987; to John
Newton who helped me on press and public relations matters during my time at
Lloyds and whose continuing steady advice, for which I remain
immensely grateful, has kept me out of trouble with the press ever since; to my
secretary, Majorie Smith, who typed many drafts of the book carefully,
patiently, and accurately and never complained once; and finally and
[*x] especially to my wife, Morny, who
read all the drafts and translated them, painstakingly and lovingly, into
decent English. The stylistic and punctuational felicities are entirely hers,
the errors are entirely mine.
Ian Hay Davison
London WC2
21 April 1987
The monthly meeting of the Council
of Lloyds on 5 February 1987 was held as normal round the enormous
table in the reproduction Adam ballroom from Bowood House which serves as the
council chamber for the society: three massive crystal chandeliers cast a
sparkling reflection across polished mahogany. The councils most
important piece of business that Wednesday morning was to receive the
resignations of four of its number: four of the sixteen who work day to day in
the business of insurance at Lloyds. These resignations presaged the
end of the 200-year hegemony over the affairs of the society by its working
members; I.1 they ushered in a further
set of reforms that will place control in the hands of those members of the
society who do not work at Lloyds, now four-fifths of the membership,I.2 and eight outside councillors
appointed with the approval of the Governor of the Bank of England. These
constitutional changes in the regulation of Lloyds were the kernel of
the proposals for reform produced by a government inquiry under Sir Patrick
Neill that had reported two weeks earlier.I.3
Lloyds prompt reaction to Sir Patricks proposals reflected
a climate of political and public opinion which, due to the recent Guinness
affair,I.4 was running strongly against the City.
Lloyds had no choice but to concede Sir Patricks demands at
once: the Conservative Government, faced with a general election within the
next 12 months, was not prepared to countenance insurrection in its own
Fifteen months earlier I had
submitted my resignation from the post of Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive
of Lloyds. My resignation produced two effects: first,
Lloyds was forced, in the critical climate that followed, to appoint
a successor to myself vested with virtually identical powers and independence,
although when I resigned such a reappointment was at first resisted; and,
second, the Government took action about the defects in the constitution of
Lloyds. [*2]
Parliaments concern had
begun in April 1985 when large losses by Lloyds members served by the
unfortunate PCW agency had produced a spate of letters from indignant members
of Lloyds to their MPs, mostly Conservatives. These concerns were
aggravated in August and September by revelations about the extent to which
parallel underwriting syndicates continued to be used by insiders at
Lloyds to benefit themselves at the expense of the innocent outside
members. My resignation confirmed, as it was meant to, that despite a major
three-year programme of reform, the constitutional structure of the Society of
Lloyds remained defective for its principal task: the regulation of
the market. The council took the resignation, with some justification, as an
affront. But it was a necessary rupture. They did not appear to share my view
that further major changes were needed: changes which would not have occurred
without the outside pressures caused by my resignation and the resulting Neill
In autumn 1985 a Bill to reform the
regulation of City investment markets was due to be debated in the House of
Commons. The Lloyds market had been left out of the Bill on largely
technical grounds. To many Tory MPS this seemed illogical and wrong. Following
my resignation, the reasons for which were explained in a public letter,I.5 there was pressure to amend the Bill
and include Lloyds. This pressure was met by an announcement in
January 1986 that Sir Patrick Neill would chair a government inquiry into the
regulation of the Lloyds market and the extent to which it matched
the needs of those who invest there.I.6
The defects in the constitution to
which Sir Patricks report drew attention arose from changes at
Lloyds over twenty years. Outsiders had been admitted to the
membership which had thereby ceased to be an exclusive club. With traditional
arrogance some insiders had treated these outsiders with disdain. Such an attitude
was tolerated given the continued profitability of Lloyds membership
and the absolute probity of the insiders who were running the society.
From the middle of 1982 it became
increasingly apparent that there was something seriously wrong. A handful of
powerful insiders involved in the Howden, PCW and Brooks & Dooley affairs
had taken advantage of the Lloyds climate of arrogant secrecy to milk
their backers of millions. Fraud occurs in the City from time to time. Rarely
are those who suffer the private investors, even less frequently is it true
that the perpetrators of the fraud are the trustees for the investors. These
were not frauds on
Lloyds, they were frauds by insiders at Lloyds on their own
members. The probity of the insiders could no longer be taken for granted.
The cases of outright plunder were
few: less than twenty Lloyds men were ultimately to be disciplined in
respect of abuse of their fiduciary duties towards the members they served.
When I joined Lloyds I had announced my determination to pick out the
rotten apples. I then thought that to exclude the wrongdoers would solve the
problem. But it was not as simple as that. Many of the apples were to some
extent tacky, and the barrel itself appeared to many observers to be infected.
The problem was that misunderstandings about the fiduciary duties of
Lloyds agents towards the members were universal. Impartial observers
were shocked by the ignorance and indifference of the Lloyds
community to its most basic legal and moral obligations. As Neill says,
Many members of the Lloyds community in senior positions
were not even vaguely aware of the legal obligations on agents to act at all
times in the best interests of their principals, not to make secret profits at
their principals expense and to disclose fully all matters affecting
their relationship with their principals.I.7
Save in rare cases, these misunderstandings had not led to fraud. But a number
of the most prominent agents had made improper tax arrangements which could not
have been carried out had they performed their duties as agents.
A second difficulty was the close
relations which appeared in the public mind to exist between the wrongdoers and
the ruling circles at Lloyds. The latter stoutly defended their
innocence, yet three of the committee of 1982 were subsequently to face
disciplinary charges by Lloyds and the involvement of some members of
the committee with parallel syndicates was generally known. The majority of the
committee members had done no wrong by the standards of the time, a minority
had done no wrong at all, but their authority was fatally damaged by these
The events at Lloyds
between the late summer of 1982, when the major scandals emerged, and the
publication of the Neill Report in January 1987, which brought to an end the
control of Lloyds by the market professionals, are the subject of
this book. We shall trace the factors that led to the need for reform at Lloyds
and review the steps taken to bring about the revolution that took place over
five years. Two issues of wide public and political significance emerge.
The first concerns changing
attitudes towards government regulation of financial markets. Britain has always
espoused self-regulation, by which the rules are made, and in extreme cases
applied, by those whose affairs are to be regulated. This contrasts with other
countries the United States and France where government
agencies handle the task of regulating investor markets. In this context it is
significant that the current reforms at Lloyds were initiated by
disclosures about improprieties at Howdens, a large Lloyds
broker. The disclosures came about because Howdens had [*4] been bought by an American company,
Alexander & Alexander, which is quoted on the New York Stock Exchange and
subject to the rules of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). US practice requires that, in the event of a takeover bid when the
acquiring company is unable to audit the books of the target company before
committing itself, an audit must be carried out afterwards. It was thanks to
the application of this American practice rule that the public, and
Lloyds, first became aware of the activities of the Gang of
Four who dominated the Howden board. Similarly information given to
the SEC by the New York arbitrageur Ivan Boesky first revealed the existence of
alleged improper arrangements for share price support in connection with the
Guinness bid for Distillers in 1986.
Both these instances raised
questions about the efficacy of self-regulation for controlling markets. A
government agency, as in the USA, appears to go further than analogous agencies
here in probing wrong-doing and exposing financial malefactors. The British
Governments reaction has been to shift the emphasis in its
pronouncements from the value of self-regulation as a flexible, speedy,
efficient and cheap tool of market regulation, to the importance of properly
supervising self-regulatory markets and including an appropriate level of
outsider involvement. The Neill Report closes a chapter in the history of City
self-regulation because it propounds the new maxim that investment markets
should henceforth allow for a substantial degree of independent scrutiny of
market practitioners.I.8
The Neil Report is the most
up-to-date study of self-regulation available now: its clear conclusion about
the importance of providing adequate supervision of self-regulatory markets
will be fundamental to the future reform of investment markets in general.
The second significant element in
the Lloyds story is the light it throws upon the role of professional
accountants in British commercial life. Accountants prepare accounts. They
audit accounts and assist in settling tax liabilities. In advising on tax they
may propose arrangements to ameliorate a companys tax burden: for
example to claim allowances provided for in the taxing statutes. They may go
further in suggesting a corporate reorganization that has the overall effect of
reducing tax. Such a reorganization will be legitimate if the Revenue are able
to see what has been done and challenge it if they wish. The line between
legitimate tax avoidance and illegitimate tax evasion is broken when the
arrangements are not transparent and essential details are concealed from the
Revenue. Auditors, in checking and approving the accounts, should give the
Revenue comfort that nothing has been concealed. [*5]
Accountants were at the heart of the
major misconduct at Lloyds. Underwriters and brokers may have taken
money, and ultimately paid the price for doing so, but in each case an
accountant planned the arrangements and failed to warn his principal of the dangers
of what they were doing. More generally, the dubious tax arrangements that were
such a widespread featurte of the Lloyds of the 19705 were planned by
accountants and audited, or to be strictly factual, not audited, by
It was therefore not inappropriate
to ask an accountant to supervise the reform of the situation. In November 1982
1 was paying one of my routine visits to New York. After work I played squash
with one of my American partners in the extremely comfortable surroundings of
the University Club on Fifth Avenue. The game over, I was enjoying the
old-fashioned marble-lined showers which produce a veritable Niagara of warm
water when I was interrupted. In America even shower rooms have telephones.
Dripping and wrapped in a towel I received a phone call from the Chairman of
Lloyds. Sir Peter Green asked me to undertake the chairmanship of a
Lloyds working party to inquire into the Lloyds audit
requirements and make recommendations on implementing the accounting proposals
of the Fisher Report.I.9 I was
to be assisted by two outsiders an accountant and a lawyer
and four leading members of the Lloyds market. The Financial
Times, announcing
this on 6 November 1982, said that I would be asked to make recommendations by
the end of December and that the inquiry had the support of the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Bank.
At that time my own knowledge of
Lloyds was an observers. I had helped to advise C. E. Heath
Ltd, a Lloyds broker founded by Cuthbert Heath, over a takeover in
1970, and my firm, Arthur Andersen & Co., had subsequently been appointed
auditors. As Managing Partner of Arthur Andersens London office since
1966 and of its UK practice since 1973, I had been involved in building up the
business in the UK from a total staff of 180 in 1966 to about 2,000 by 1982.
But I had had time for other matters, investigating fraud in particular. As
joint DTI inspector, with Michael Sherrard QC, I had investigated the
disappearance of Mr John Stonehouse MP in November 1974 and the complex web of
fraudulent arrangements surrounding the British Bangladesh Trust, a secondary
bank later to be called the London Capital Group. In March 1978 I was asked by
the Treasury to investigate a fraud at the Grays Building Society in which
£8 million, half the balance sheet, had been extracted by the
secretary over a period of forty years, and apparently spent on women and
racing. As a member of the Price Commission from 1977 to 1979 I [*6] had been involved in reviews of the
banking, unit trust and estate agency businesses. I had been a long-standing
member of the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, and I had
recently been appointed Chairman of the Accounting Standards Committee (ASC), a
body sponsored by the six accounting institutes and charged with the task of
developing accounting standards for the use of British industry, commerce and
the public sector. As the new chairman I sought extra members for the committee
whose status needed raising by an influx of fresh blood drawn from a wider
circle than members of the accountancy bodies. I called upon the Governor of
the Bank of England and discussed the matter with him in the spring of 1982.
Gordon Richardson, whom I had not met before, is a keen supporter of
self-regulation. He wanted to see it succeed in the accountancy field, and
backed me in my efforts to recruit important figures from the City and industry
to serve on the ASC. As a result I owed him an obligation that was to be repaid
somewhat sooner than I expected.
The new Lloyds working
party had barely started its meetings when On 22 December 1982 I was asked to
call on the Governor of the Bank. He knew that I was on my way to
Lloyds and inquired mildly if I had considered taking on the job of
Chief Executive of Lloyds. The answer was no, such a thought had
never entered my head. Although I protested that I knew little about
Lloyds and was not a member, he persisted, regarding both these
reservations on my part as additional qualifications for the job. I
am not asking for a life sentence, three to five years will do, he
said. With that comment and observing the gleam in his eye I knew I would be
hard pressed to find convincing reasons to refuse him.
I spent the Christmas holiday
thinking hard. I had resigned the post of Managing Partner at Arthur Andersen
in the preceding May after sixteen years, and I was ready for a fresh
challenge. Lloyds was, and is, an institution of vital national
importance. The job to be done was daunting, but it would involve things I knew
about: the unravelling of fraud and the development of accounting rules. Gordon
Richardson had pointed out that there was a critical responsibility for communication
with the press and this was something I was used to doing. It was clear that if
I were to do my job properly I would be unpopular at Lloyds
no agent of change imposed from outside attracts much praise
but I thought I could put up with that for three years. But above
all I admired Gordon Richardson and he had asked me: I would not have accepted
for anyone else.
All through my time at
Lloyds echoes of my accounting career recurred. The most important,
irreversible thing that I did was to establish disclosure: once the accounts of
syndicates were properly prepared, audited
and published to the world the
external members of Lloyds could be their own police force.
I undertook my task at
Lloyds as an assignment, not as a career move. I agreed to do the job
for a limited term, three to five years, and as an agent of change: to clean up
the market, launch the new rule book and, as far as I was able, to alter the
structure of the society so that power could be shifted and a recurrence of the
iniquities of the late 1970s avoided. This book is my report on that
assignment. It explains why Lloyds had to change and how those
changes were brought about. It goes further, impelled by the extensive reforms
suggested by Neill, to comment on those suggestions and point the way to
further change. An ex-cabinet minister member of Lloyds said to me at
lunch one day: Never underestimate the conservatism of a British
institution. His warning was right, but even at Lloyds
change has proved to be possible. [*8] [*9]
[*10] [*11]
By any standard Lloyds of
London is a remarkable place. It is a large and flourishing survivor of
Britains mercantile and imperial past, in many ways a strange relic,
but none the less a valuable one. Lloyds is particularly remarkable
in the Britain of the 1980s, for its size and for its peculiar structure. These
two factors provide the background for this book.
Note that I describe
Lloyds as a place. That is what it is: a Room where the business of
insurance is carried on. Until the Fundamental Rules of Lloyds were
repealed by the Lloyds Act 1982 they included the regulation:
All underwriting business transacted in Lloyds shall be
conducted in the underwriting rooms and not elsewhere.II.1 Although, because of the expansion of
Lloyds into the motor insurance market, the rule is an anachronism,
it still describes the way in which the preponderance of business is carried
Lloyds business is founded
on ships. The marine market is, by 200 years, the senior of the four principal
insurance markets at Lloyds. Marine insurance, which at Lloyds
includes the insurance of cargoes, is powerfully influenced by the society.II.2 Even today, despite the paucity of
Britains merchant fleet, the insurance of over 40 per cent of the
worlds merchant ships passes through the hands of the underwriters in
the Room and, although Lloyds takes a rather smaller share of the
total risk, the London market, which covers Lloyds and the insurance
companies grouped into the Institute of London Underwriters, sets the rates and
the terms of insurance for the worlds merchant fleets. Although
aircraft have largely replaced ships as transporters of people Lloyds
still dominates. Insurance slips covering virtually all of the worlds
commercial aircraft are shown in the Room at
LloydsII.3 The
Lloyds market is very influential in setting the rates which the
worlds airlines and their passengers must pay for insurance cover. [*12]
But neither the marine nor the
aviation market is the largest sector at Lloyds. The business of
non-marine underwriters accounts for about 42 per cent of Lloyds
volume.II.4 It includes property and casualty
risks, windstorm, earthquake, fire, burglary, product liability and
jewellers block insurance.II.5
The last class of business initiated the non-marine market when Cuthbert Heath
wrote a policy 100 years ago to cover, in one block, all
the risks to a jewellers stock. Before Heaths time such
non-marine business as there was was written as a side line by marine
syndicates, and this tradition has carried on under the rule that a marine
underwriter may take incidental non-marine risks up to 10 per cent of his
Although Lloyds holds a
pre-eminent position in the worlds marine and aviation insurance
markets, this is not the case with non-marine business where Lloyds
share of the worlds markets is under 1 per cent.II.7 None the less Lloyds is
influential because of its ability to accept large and complex risks which no
insurance company elsewhere in the world would be willing to lead or even to
share. For example, the professional indemnity insurance of the
worlds eight largest accounting firms, each of whose practices is
dominated by their American business, is underwritten at Lloyds
although other markets share the risks.
None of these markets is static.
Lloyds market share changes from year to year, and so does the nature
of the risks underwritten. Increasingly in recent years Lloyds has
tended to specialize in reinsurance: in insuring the insurers. Every insurance
underwriter must balance the risks on his book by laying off some element of
it, as a bookmaker lays off his bets. He may do this by accepting only a
portion of the risk, by co-insuring: or he may accept a larger share, and
reduce his exposure by reinsurance. Either this will be done by facultative
reinsurance related to a specific risk; or, more commonly, he will arrange a
contract or treaty with another insurer by which the latter accepts a share, or
quota, of risks of a certain class. Alternatively he may arrange a treaty to
reinsure his entire account for the year against loss. Reinsurance is a large
and growing business in which Lloyds is the most specialized market.
As the insurance habit has spread to
an ever-growing proportion of the worlds population the
administrative problems of servicing multiple risks have grown. Third World
countries, eager to assert their independence, have established their own insurance
companies and closed their markets to direct insurers from overseas.
Increasingly, Lloyds has come to provide the reinsurance capacity for
such new and often undercapitalized insurance companies, and for the
worlds insurance retail giants. Today more than 50 per cent of
Lloyds business is reinsurance, and the pro-[*13]-portion is even larger in the non-marine and
aviation markets.
The last of the four major markets
at Lloyds, motor insurance, Is quite different. It now accounts for
11 per cent of Lloyds volume of business and, with about 16 per cent
of the UK domestic motor market, Lloyds is the largest domestic
insurer of cars. Motor insurance is essentially a retail business: the
underwriters customer is the individual driver or fleet owner. Claims
are small, and frequent. Individual premiums are small by Lloyds
standards. Business is thus essentially a tariff business, and the
Lloyds syndicates are organized like small tariff companies. They have
moved out of the Room to suburban or provincial locations from where they deal
directly with high-street brokers who retail motor insurance to the public. The
motor underwriters write insurance business that is quite alien to
Lloyds: standard policies with standard conditions and premiums
charged according to a predetermined tariff: the typical underwriter in the
Room at Lloyds writes bespoke insurance with the
premium and policy wordings determined by his and his fellow underwriters
assessment of the particular risk and of the circumstances of the case.
The three main classes of business
in the Room at Lloyds marine, non-marine and aviation
compete energetically and successfully in the world insurance market.
The City of London once dominated the world financially. Its elaborate and
powerful network of financial institutions was originally established to invest
in and support Britains overseas trade and its related imperial
expansion. It ignored the investment needs of domestic industry in the
nineteenth century in favour of rubber plantations in Malaya, gold mines in
South Africa, railways in the Argentine, cotton in the United States, indigo
plantations in Bengal and the needs of foreign governments everywhere.
With Britains decline the
City has lost its world lead in finance. Although it is, by any standards, a
major financial centre, the Citys banks are not the worlds
largest: nor are its stockbrokers, money brokers, commodity dealers or shipping
lines.II.8 But there is one business in which
the City of London still leads the world and that is insurance: probably the
only field of endeavour in which Britain is still the worlds leader
measured by size as well as by skill, enterprise and inventiveness, and
Lloyds is in the forefront. In 1985 73 per cent of Lloyds
business was export.II.9
Sixty-eight per centII.10 is
transacted in dollars and about 55 per cent relates to risks in the United
States, easily Lloyds largest market, followed by the UK and Japan.
The earnings of Lloyds in foreign markets contributed, in 1985, over
£1.9 billion to the British balance of payments a figure
approaching the £2.1 billion earned by the entire British banking
system.II.11 [*14]
In 1939 the possibility of a German
invasion presented a major threat to Lloyds American business, even
then an important share of the market. In a period of a few days on the eve of
the declaration of war Lloyds American Trust Fund was established in
New York. All Lloyds dollar premiums are held in trust in this fund,
whether they originate in the USA or not, and dollar claims are met from it.
The fund is managed for Lloyds underwriters by Citibank and its size
makes Lloyds one of the largest customers of one of the
worlds largest banks. Most of the fund is invested in US Treasury
Bonds, a safe haven for short-term money. Lloyds holdings of US
Treasury Bonds makes Lloyds the largest private investor in the US
Government it provides about nine days worth of
Americas annual public-sector borrowing requirement.II.12 It should be said in explanation
that US Treasury Bonds are particularly attractive to Lloyds underwriters
for tax reasons: domestic US insurers prefer tax-exempt bonds like those issued
by many US local government entities.
Lloyds is big in the US by
other standards. It is the largest operator in the reinsurance market, its
premium income being three times that of the largest American-owned reinsurance
company. Lloyds contribution to the US Treasury puts it next to the
top of the list of taxpayers in the property and casualty insurance industry.
While I was at Lloyds I paid regular visits to the USA and was
surprised at first by the courtesy and attentiveness with which I was received
by Lloyds American bankers. When I learnt of the scale of our US
operations I realized that the natural courtesy of my hosts was supported by an
appreciation of the importance of the Lloyds account.
Why is it that Lloyds can
still lead the market in insurance when, in other fields, Britains
position reflects its relative financial weakness? It would be nice to say that
it is dur to the flexibility and inventiveness of the underwriters and brokers,
and the-skill with which Lloyds assets are invested, but that would
not be true. The two largest economies in the free world are Japan and the
United States. In the former the desire for a high degree of economic
self-sufficiency has made it extremely difficult for foreign insurance
companies to obtain licences to operate: no other nation has such a small
proportion of its domestic insurance needs served by foreigners. But insurance
is a worldwide business, especially in the field of large risks and
reinsurance. Lacking a domestic market in which foreigners regularly operate,
it is difficult for the Japanese to do insurance business in other countries:
they lack the skills (although they dont lack the financial
resources), and they find it difficult to get licences to operate in foreign
countries whose own insurance companies cannot enter Japan. So the Japanese
rely on foreigners for the reinsurance of risks too large to [*15] cover in their own markets and much
of this business continues to come to Lloyds.
With the growing skills which the
Japanese are exhibiting in world financial markets the situation may change,
and Lloyds will certainly suffer if it does.
The large American market is,
however, more secure for a totally different reason. Alone among the major
fields of commercial endeavour in the United States, insurance is regulated by
the individual states, and not by the Federal Government in Washington. As a result
there is no common market for insurance in the USA. Fifty
states regulated by fifty different insurance commissioners have laid out a
regulatory maze through which American insurance companies find their way with
difficulty and at considerable expense. In this world Lloyds
participates as an outsider, except for the two states Illinois and
Kentucky where Lloyds is directly licensed. Elsewhere in
the USA it does not have to meet the complex regulations laid down for domestic
insurers. Lloyds is, however, limited to writing reinsurance and
surplus lines business insurance risks that the local companies do
not wish to take because they are too large or complex the very
stuff that Lloyds thrives on. Lloyds US business is split
2 : 1 between reinsurance and surplus lines. How secure is this
market? In my opinion, it is quite secure, because a real risk of losing the
American market would arise only if Washington were to legislate for insurance
to become a federal matter. That would be a political move which would hardly
find favour with the individual states and their politically appointed
insurance commissioners; a move that can, I think, be discounted for the
present. Meanwhile Lloyds takes great care to be a good citizen of
the USA by paying its taxes, keeping its dollar premiums in New York, and
encouraging American citizens to become members.
Lloyds relative absence
from the European market is a more troubling matter. Since 1945, as the empire
has declined, Britains economy has become increasingly bound up with
that of Europe: 44 per cent of our exports now go to the Common Market. But
only 9 per cent of Lloyds overseas business is with Europe. The
reason lies in the fact that in virtually every country that came under the
rule of Napoleon insurance is regulated by government as if it were a public
monopoly. Rates and coversII.13 are
fixed by governments and in some countries it is illegal to insure with a
foreign insurance company or through a foreign insurance intermediary. The
reason for this tight regulation is protection for the consumer against the
possible default of the insurer; the effect is higher prices for less cover
than would be available in a freer market such as London. Opening up the Common
Market to Lloyds insurers remains a major task. [*16]
Lloyds is also important
as a place to work; its buildings in Lime Street in the City are the centre of
the London insurance market. About four thousand work under the spacious atrium
of the new Lloyds building which houses the largest single working
market in the City. Another two thousand work for the Corporation of
Lloyds at its offices in Lime Street, Fenchurch Street, Chatham and
Colchester. With an annual budget of £100 million they provide
necessary back-up services for the Lloyds market. But over forty-five
thousand people work for the organizations that operate in the Lloyds
market: some work for the brokers and the underwriting agents, others are
employed by the host of specialist companies supporting those who work in the
Room: the investment fund managers, loss adjusters, data-processing bureaux,
lawyers and accountants.
This is a book about the structure
of Lloyds and the changes being made to that structure. It is not a
treatise on insurance. Nevertheless it will be helpful to an understanding of
recent changes there to see how Lloyds fits into the world insurance
scene and to note certain changes in that scene.
The worldwide market for insurance
is growing. Premiums grew tenfold between 1960 and 1980. In 1982 North America
accounted for 51 per cent of world insurance business, Europe for 28 per cent
(the UK represents 6 per cent) and Japan for 13 per cent. Over the twenty-year
period the North American share of world insurance business had declined from
72 per cent, the European share had grown from 21 per cent and the Japanese
share from 2 per cent.II.14
Within this booming trend a regular
economic cycle emerges. Insurance seems to be the same as pig-farming when it
comes to the laws of economics because the costs of entering the industry are
low. Insurers make profits. More insurers enter the market. They reduce their
prices to attract more business. Insurance becomes unprofitable. The weakest go
out of business. The market tightens and insurance rates rise. Insurers make
profits again and the cycle is repeated. It appears that the cycle has a
typical interval of eleven years and that 1983 represented the trough of the
most recent insurance cycle. The current worldwide pattern of high interest
rates has made this cycle more violent. Insurance as a business offers the
operator a positive cash flow. He receives his premiums before claims are made.
If premium rates are set correctly the insurer should always be in funds, and
these funds can be invested to show a profit, given high interest rates and
falling inflation as has recently been the case. In the last decade the profits
from investing insurance funds have been so attractive that insurers have been
willing to cut their underwriting [*17] rates and make losses on their underwriting account in order to invest
the cash flow.
This is fine, as long as the
business continues to grow, and the settlement of claims can be deferred. But
in the end an underwriting loss must produce an overall loss and as a
consequence of the recent business downturn many insurers, especially in the
US, have been forced to raise their rates and cut back the volume of business they
handle. Some have gone out of business.
Lloyds is uniquely
fortunate in this cycle because of the peculiar structure of the market:
underwriters are sole traders and not corporations. Unlike an insurance company
there are no shareholders expecting to receive a dividend every year. A
Lloyds underwriter can afford to wait and turn away unprofitable
business until rates rise. Rates have risen in the last three years and as a
result Lloyds is enjoying better profitability in 1985, 1986, and 1987.
Four special factors, all emanating
from the United States, have affected the Lloyds market in recent
The first, and in economic terms the
most serious, is the problem of court settlements in the US. The system of jury
trial for civil cases, with jurors awarding the damages, and contingent fee
arrangements by which the plaintiffs counsel is paid only if he wins,
out of what he wins, makes litigation cheap and rewarding for an American with
a claim for damages. A jury is likely to be generous in its support of an
apparently impoverished plaintiff in a case against a faceless insurance
company. Recent US court settlements, met by underwriters at Lloyds,
have produced dramatic and absurd judgments In one case a suit was brought over
environmental pollution, which was traced to creosote in railroad sleepers. The
judge placed the liability on the Lloyds insurers who had covered the
railroad company in 1896 when the sleepers were laid. In another case a young
couple broke into an apartment complex. They had been drinking; the girl dived
into the swimming pool, and as the pool was half empty, she broke her neck. The
pool manufacturer, insured at Lloyds, was found to be liable. A third
case involved a truck driven along a California highway. There was an accident
for which the truck driver was responsible. He was not insured, neither was the
trucking company, but the freight container carried on the back of the truck
was covered, at Lloyds. Underwriters were held to be liable for
damages to the injured third party.
Not only are attributions of
liability distant and capricious, the damages concerned can often be very
large, driven up by trial lawyers with a financial interest in the size of the
settlement and emboldened by the fact that it is not the practice in the
American courts to award costs against [*18] an unsuccessful suitor: each side normally
bears its own costs regardless of the outcome.
This legal climate has produced some
bad losses for the non-marine market dealing in long-tailed North American
business risks where the settlement of claims will take a long time.
But the overall effect of these on the fortunes of Lloyds should not
be exaggerated: such business accounted for 12 per cent of Lloyds
volume in 1982, and produced most of the losses in that year.II.15
The other three factors are the
development of captive insurance companies, the influx of American insurance
brokers into London, and the introduction of the insurance exchanges in the USA
and Canada.
Captive insurance companies grew up
in the 1970s. Some very large American industrial companies, concerned at the
apparent high cost of insurance, looked at building up sell-insurance reserves
as an alternative. From an actuarial point of view it is attractive. But there
is a snag. American tax legislation does not allow a tax deduction for a
payment made by a company into its own reserves. A deduction would, however, be
available if the payment were made to an insurance company owned by the principal:
in other words a captive insurance company. But there is another snag: the
captive insurance company must be able to show the US Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) that it is a genuine insurance company, that is, that it has more than
one customer.II.16
During the 1970s a host of such
companies were established, often in offshore tax havens like Bermuda, the
Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, in order to take advantage of the fact that in
such places any interest accruing on invested funds would be tax free. Many of
the companies were operated for their owners by insurance brokers who
understood the business. Some of them made losses, especially on the proportion
of outside business which the IRS rules required them to handle. They were
sitting targets for a broker with a problematical risk.
Lloyds was affected in a
number of ways. The growth of the captives increased world insurance capacity
and in general must have driven rates down. The subsequent decline of captives
helped Lloyds to recover some of this business at much more
profitable rates. All captives needed reinsurance and some of this must have
come to Lloyds, partly compensating for the direct business lost. The
captives provided capacity for placing some of Lloyds underwriters
own reinsurance. But the most serious effect was that certain Lloyds
underwriters were to mimic the US companies and start their own captive
insurance companies offshore for the same reason, to obtain a tax deduction for
making a reserve.
The commercial insurance broking
market in the US is dominated by a limited number of firms led by Marsh
McLennan, Alexander & Alex-[*19]-ander and Johnson & Higgins. These firms, wlth others nearly as
large, are collectively known as the alphabet brokers
because they are usually referred to by their initials. Much of their very
large commercial business comes to London, by direct placing or in the form of
reinsurance for their American insurance company clients. In the last ten years
the alphabet brokers have been buying Lloyds brokers to gain access
to the London market without having to use a British-owned intermediary. The
largest, Marsh McLennan, acquired Bowrings, one of the four largest
Lloyds brokers, in 1979. It was the inquiries following the
acquisition by Alexander & Alexander of Howdens, another
Lloyds broker, at the end of 1982 which brought to light the extent
of the wrongdoing at the heart of the Lloyds market.II.17
If the pattern of US acquisitions of
London brokers represents the application of the maxim if you
cant beat em, join em, the
establishment of insurance exchanges in the United States represents the
reverse. Three exchanges have now been established in the United States to
provide a service to insurance brokers similar to that provided by
Lloyds. A fourth has just opened in Toronto. The New York exchange is
much the largest: its total volume in 1985 was $310 million, down from $346
million the year before.II.18 This
was less than one-tenth of Lloyds premium income at the time, and
Lloyds income is growing. The two exchanges in Chicago and Miami are
smaller. Although the American exchanges provide a convenient meeting place for
the exchange of insurance and reinsurance risks, they do not provide the
additional capital that Lloyds makes available through its unique
structure of individual membership with unlimited liability. The syndicates
which operate on the American exchanges all trade with limited liability and
their capital is, for the most part, contributed by US insurance companies who
thereby reduce their own ability to write direct business.
When the US exchanges were proposed
at the end of the 1970s there was considerable apprehension at Lloyds
that American business would be lost. This has not happened.
Lloyds remains a large and
powerful force in the world insurance market. Despite the scandals that have
surrounded it in the last five years, there is no evidence that the volume or
profitability of the insurance written at Lloyds has suffered. In the
three years I was at Lloyds, from
1983 to 1986, the overall volume of
premium income doubled.II.19 That
premium income made a contribution to the balance of payments and to the
nations financial strength which makes the success of
Lloyds important to the success of Britain and its reform vital to
that success. To understand these reforms and why they were needed it is
necessary to understand the second remarkable feature of Lloyds, its
structure. [*20]
The seventeenth century was a period
of expansion and prosperity for the nation states of Europe. In France the Sun
King Louis XIV reigned over a nation larger, in the territorial sense, than it
had ever been. Holland traded across the world and its merchants brought home
riches to the counting houses of Amsterdam. For Germany and England however it
was a period of strife: the Thirty Years War and the Civil War, in
which religion played a large part. The Restoration of 1660 and the accession
of William and Mary to the throne of England in 1689 cemented the foundations
for a new century in which Britain would build up its trade to compete with and
then eclipse the Dutch and ultimately to challenge and defeat the mighty
Dutch commercial practices were much
in vogue in Restoration London. The foundation of the Bank of England in 1694
by City merchants was based on the obvious success of the Dutch banking houses
in supporting that nations trade. In this prosperous commercial
climate Edward Lloyd opened his coffee house some time before 1689. We know it
was before that date because the first published reference to Lloyds
is an advertisement in the London Gazette in March of that year offering a
reward at Edward Lloyds coffee house for a lost gold watch.
There is no evidence that business
transacted in the early coffee house had much to do with insurance. But it is
known that Edward Lloyd made his premises a centre for marine intelligence by
providing facilities for sea captains, a Captains Room, to encourage
those returning from voyages to call in and give the latest reports of ships
sighted. In 1734, fifty years after the first edition of Lloyds News,
published by Edward Lloyd himself, a committee of Lloyds subscribers
launched a daily report of shipping intelligence. This was Lloyds
List, still
published daily and beating by fifty years the claim of the London Times to be the worlds oldest
daily news-[*21]-paper. Having seen some of the
early bound volumes of Lloyds List in the Guildhall Library, I must admit that
the dull recital of lists of ships, dates and destinations on octavo paper
would hardly qualify as a daily newspaper today.
Early insurance was much like
gambling. A merchant tended not to insure his ship until it was already overdue
and the risk of loss was real. Then he would, in the eighteenth century that
is, seek out and insure it with someone who didnt know it was
overdue.III.1 Intelligence was vital, and
Lloyds provided an ideal location to do marine insurance since that
was where the latest marine intelligence was to be had.
Strangely, the practice of insuring
overdue ships continues and overdue risks can still be broked in the Room. Here
the broker acts for an underwriter with a policy on an overdue ship to see if
he can reinsure the risk, at a pretty hefty premium of course, with other
marine syndicates. The difference today is that both parties, the insurer and
the reinsurer, know the latest intelligence.
Much of the efforts of the Committee
of Lloyds and of the staff of the Corporation of Lloyds
over the years has been directed at improving the flow of shipping information
into the Room where the Loss Book records all marine casualties. In the last
century, before the days of wireless, emphasis was placed upon a worldwide
network of signal stations to receive and transmit, by semaphore, news of ship
sightings from sea to land. Sir James Hozier, who was Secretary of
Lloyds from 1874 to 1906 (and Sir Winston Churchills
father-in-law) devoted his career to expanding and strengthening the network of
signal stations. The advent of wireless telegraphy brought the stations to an
end and only one now remains, at Gibraltar.
But the collection of intelligence
continues, much of it reported in by the Lloyds Agents. There are 403
of these,III.2 one in every major
port around the world, including several behind the Iron Curtain. The
Lloyds Agents, not to be confused with the underwriting agents who
form the main subject of this book, bid for the right to put up the
Lloyds crest in their harbour-side offices. They report all merchant
shipping movements in and out of their ports by telex to Lloyds of
London Press at Colchester. This provides the input to the daily edition of Lloyds
List, the weekly Shipping
Index and Voyage Record and the daily computer tapes which are made available to the maritime
authorities in London and Washington. The same network, leading into
Lloyds at Colchester, brings news of wrecks and other maritime
calamities and it is from Colchester that seagoing tugs and rescue vessels are
called out. The business of collecting and publishing marine intelligence makes
a profit of three-quarters of a [*22] million pounds a year towards the corporations expenses.
Until the Napoleonic Wars
Lloyds was small and obscure. The members of the society, which became
self-governing about 17 70, finally settled into premises in the Royal Exchange
opposite the Bank of England in 1773. Here the Room was located and it was in
this building that Lloyds flourished during the Napoleonic Wars.
Risks at sea were high then and, as always in times of calamity, underwriters
prospered. John Julius Angerstein, for many years Chairman of Lloyds,
was able to amass a private display of such splendid pictures that they formed
on his death the foundation of the National Gallery collection.
Lloyds set up a Patriotic
Fund to reward brave naval officers who had, by their efforts, saved British
merchant shipping. The fund ran into political difficulties when the government
of the day found that Lloyds was publicly, and generously, rewarding
admirals whom Whitehall had not chosen for public notice: Lloyds
private enterprise form of battle honours was not felt to be helpful to the
national interest. Since Napoleonic times the fund has been more discreet, and today
it gives assistance to needy ex-servicemen. The Committee of Lloyds
has taken on the function of awarding medals both for long service and for
meritorious acts.
The nineteenth century was a period
of great maritime prosperity for Britain. Free trade flourished under the White
Ensign of the Royal Navy and the British merchant fleet was the
worlds largest. Lloyds prospered too and moved into the
second floor of the new Royal Exchange, which was built in 1844 to replace the
building destroyed by fire in 1838. Towards the end of the century non-marine
business was introduced at the initiative of Cuthbert Heath, as historic a
figure at Lloyds as Angerstein had been a century earlier. It was he
who telegraphed instructions to his San Francisco agent after the fire and
earthquake of 1906 to pay all policy holders in full, regardless of the
detailed wordings of the policies. This shrewd action brought great credit to
Lloyds at a time when many American companies were restricting their
claims. Many attribute Lloyds standing in the States today to its
reputation, dating from that time, for paying legitimate claims promptly and in
After the First World War the
business of Lloyds had outgrown the Royal Exchange and the society
moved down the road to Leadenhail Street, where in 1928 Lloyds
occupied, for the first time, its own building. The Room here again became too
small, and in 1958 a new building was erected on the other side of Lime Street.
Subsequently the 1928 building was demolished and Richard Rogers
brilliant exercise in stainless steel and glass was opened on that site in
1986. Owning the two sites on either side of Lime Street, Lloyds is
one of the Citys largest freeholders and its property assets are
worth in excess of £250 million.
In order to understand the structure
of the organization that owns and operates the Room at Lloyds one
must grasp the fact that Lloyds is a market place where people do
business. The Corporation of Lloyds, created by Act of Parliament in
1871, owns the market place which is the Room, and provides facilities for the
transaction of insurance business. It, and its servants, do not engage in the
business of insurance. That business is carried on by the members of the
Society of Lloyds who collectively form, and own, the corporation.
There are in practice four principal types of member at Lloyds,
although some, brokers in particular, do not have to be members of the society
to do insurance business in the Room. Lloyds is a market place with
strict rules about the functions of each type of participant. As the Stock
Exchange was until recently, it is a singlecapacity market in which each
participant is confined to one principal role. The structure is based on the
concept of the intermediary, or broker, who deals with the customer and allows
the underwriter, who is at the heart of the business, to concentrate on the
pricing and evaluation of risks.
To make clear how Lloyds
works I shall deal with the principal participants in the Room in turn.
First, the brokers: there are just
over two hundred and fifty Lloyds brokers, among whom are the largest
organizations at Lloyds; about twenty are quoted companies or are
owned by quoted companies. The largest of the Lloyds brokers dominate
the market: nearly 40 per cent of the business in the Room is placed by the top
three firmsIII.3 and 65 per cent by
the top twelve. These brokers are international in scale and have offices,
branches, affiliates or, in the case of the American-owned brokers, parents
overseas. Their departments specialize in different types of risk, and in the
case of smaller broking firms, the company may limit itself to one type of
business (for example reinsurance). But the function is always the same, to
define the assureds insurance problem, to seek out the best
underwriters in terms of price and financial security, to persuade underwriters
to underwrite the risk at an acceptable premium and with suitable conditions,
to prepare the policy for the underwriter to sign, and to deal on behalf of the
insured with any claims that may arise. A broker will also act for the
underwriter in placing his outward reinsurance business.
brokers, who under the title subscribers are one of the
oldest categories of Lloyds members, also engaged in the business of
underwriting. When limited companies were first admitted as underwriting
agencies in the 1930s most of the new companies also operated a broker-[*24]-age account. From 1936 onwards the
broker-agents, as they were known, accounted for a
sufficiently large percentage of the market to cause the Committee of
Lloyds considerable concern. The committee was concerned at the
thought that, if the brokerage business passed into the hands of outsiders
(which the committee thought it would be wrong to try to prevent), the agency
business would also pass out of the hands of individuals connected with
Lloyds. The matter was extensively discussed but it was not until
1954 that the Chairman of Lloyds approached the chairmen of the
various companies involved and asked that their agency activities should be
transferred into separate companies.III.4
In the ig6os, when the committee finally outlawed them, there were still
twenty-five companies acting in two capacities as broker-agents. The story did
not end there. In 1982 when Parliament legislated against brokers having
interests in agency companies, no less than 70 per cent of the Lloyds
underwriting agents were broker owned or controlled.
The larger brokers place a minority
of their customers risks at Lloyds, the balance going to
the insurance companies in the UK and overseas. This is either because the risk
lies outside Lloyds field, for example life insurance, or because
Lloyds will not write the business, or because its terms are too
onerous or its rates too high. Lloyds brokers have now outgrown the
Lloyds market and operate on a scale in which Lloyds plays
a minor but significant role. Yet the large brokers are still proud to use the
Lloyds name, describing themselves as Lloyds
Brokers. However, their size and standing no longer make them easily
amenable to the direct discipline and regulation of Lloyds.
But the brokers are still the
marketing arm of Lloyds: they bring in the business to the
underwriters who, with certain exceptions (chiefly the motor market) may only
deal with a customer through a Lloyds broker. There is however a
developing tendency for underwriters to meet customers in order to obtain
better information about risks.
The second participant is the
underwriter. There are just over three hundred underwriters divided into the
four principal markets: marine, non-marine, aviation and motor. Each operates
from a box in the Room, a tiny cubicle looking much like the coffee-house booth
from which its design originates. The underwriter will have a deputy and a
number of clerks or entry boys, who note the risks accepted and the claims
settled. A typical underwriter will manage no more than ten people, so his
overhead costs will be small. This is because the broker undertakes the tasks
of defining the risk, on a slip, preparing the policy and processing the
claims. The duties of checking and signing policies, settling claims and
clearing accounts between brokers and underwriters are all handled on behalf of
underwriters by staff of the corporation of Lloyds . This sharing of
overhead expenses gives the Lloyds underwriter a tremendous cost
advantage over his company competitors who must support the cost of a marketing
and office staff out of their underwriting income, although a company
underwriter does not have to pay as much commission as a Lloyds
underwriter normally allows to the broker.III.5
Lloyds underwriters
specialize. They do so not only within the four markets, but in more
specialized classes of risk within the market: war risks, London market excess
of loss reinsurance, product liability or satellites. The list is endless. For
each class of risk there are a few leading underwriters who, because of their
specialized knowledge, will be expected by their colleagues to take the lead
and set the rate and the wordings. The broker presents a slip giving details of
the risk to a leading underwriter. Until a leader has put down his 5 per cent
or 10 per cent line on the slip the followers will not sign. Having secured his
leading signature the broker then completes the slip in the Room or he may
complete it outside the Room in the company market. In signing the slip an
underwriter, usually on his sole authority, commits himself and the members of
the syndicate for whom he writes to pay all claims that may arise on the policy
that will ultimately be prepared from the completed slip. It is a serious
responsibility. Lloyds has produced a breed of idiosyncratic
individualists to carry that responsibility. Underwriters rarely have any
formal training but learn their trade from their seniors on the box. It is a
trade in which failure can be easily measured: by a loss ratio regularly
exceeding 100 per cent of premiums. The selection process is, therefore,
rigorous and expensive. The system of single capacity by which an underwriter
deals with the outside world only through a broker makes him isolated. Few
underwriters have any management experience, given the small size of their
staffs, and many do not have a university education. These reasons explain the
weakness of the Committee of Lloyds underwriters in the face of the
political difficulties they faced over the last decade.
The role of the underwriter is
threefold: to accept risks, at a stated premium and at appropriate wordings; to
settle claims; and to reinsure his book of risks. The fourth function of
underwriting, the management of the fund of premiums held to meet claims, is
commonly handled for the underwriter by the underwriting agent.
The development of the underwriting
agency system at Lloyds matches the growth and increasing complexity
of Lloyds itself. Originally underwriters dealt on their own account
as sole traders in the business of insurance. With the need to insure larger
risks the underwriter would [*26] agree to act for a syndicate of underwriters; although each would be
liable only for his share of the risk. In legal terms the liability was several
not joint. The insurance policy would list, on the reverse, the names of the
underwriters on each syndicate headed by that of the active underwriter. It is
from this practice that underwriting members of Lloyds came to be
called Names.III.6
Before 1914 syndicates were very small and the active underwriter handled his
own insurance affairs and those of his Names personally. In 1904 the Committee
of Lloyds recognized the concept of the underwriting agency when it
introduced a rule that an underwriter could have only one agent for marine
business. Later the same rule was applied to the other
markets. By 1930 the main functions of the underwriting agent, as an
intermediary between the active underwriter and the Names, were established.
They are twofold: to manage
syndicates and to handle the Lloyds affairs of the members. It is the
duty of the managing agent to perform four functions in managing a syndicate:
to underwrite risks, to reinsure risks as may be appropriate, to settle claims,
and to manage the premiums trust funds in which premiums are held pending the
settlement of claims. The first three of these functions are discharged through
an individual, the active underwriter, who is an employee of the agent.
The second role is that of handling
the Lloyds affairs of the members. The members agent must
find potential members of Lloyds, guide them through Lloyds
complex admission procedures, advise them as to which syndicates to join,
manage the personal reserves which each agent will require his members to leave
with him against the possibility of underwriting loss, and resolve the tax
liabilities that will arise in respect of the Names membership of
Not all agents perform both these
functions, about one-third of the two hundred and fifty or so agents perform
the member service functions only, one-quarter confine themselves to managing
syndicates, and the balance, just over 40 per cent of the total number, combine
managing and member duties.III.7
In the last twenty years there has
been a growing trend for Names to spread their business across a number of
syndicates and thus to spread the overall risks. In 1968 the average
underwriting member of Lloyds was on three and a half syndicates. By
1985 the average had grown to ten.III.8
Because of the one
agent/one class rule a member can only have access to the syndicates
managed by another agent operating in the same market through the medium of a
sub-agency agreement between his own [*27] agent and the agent whose syndicate he wishes to join.
He can, however, go direct to the
second agent if he has no other agent for business in that market. As a result
of the one agent/one class rule there has grown up a plethora of sub-agency
agreements between members agents, anxious to have access to the best
syndicates for their Names, and managing agents anxious to obtain Names to add
to the capacity of their syndicates. In 1968 three of the largest agencies had
fourteen, nine and six sub-agency agreements respectively. By 1982 the same
three had sixty, forty-eight and thirty sub-agency agreements. Two other managing
agents among the largest had over one hundred, and ninety, in 1982.III.9
Agents are remunerated by their
Names through a fixed fee or salary and a profit commission
payable on the underwriting profits and on the earnings performance of the
syndicate funds. In the case of a syndicate membership obtained through a
sub-agency agreement, the fee and commission will be split between the managing
agent and the members agent, with the managing agent taking the
lions share; the relative size of this share varies from time to time
depending on the balance in the market between the underwriters need
for Names to increase his capacity and the Names eagerness to get on
to a profitable syndicate.
As already referred to, Lloyds
brokers played an active part in the development of the agency system. Having
access to capital and extensive contacts among their customers, they were well
placed to provide the capital needs of underwriting agencies, especially at
times when heavy taxation and death duties made it likely that some agents
would have to give up without the introduction of outside capital, and to
provide the system with a continual flow of Names to support the growth of the
market; Names who looked to the good name of their broker for comfort and
assurance that the underwriting arrangements made on their behalf were as
sensible and sound as they could be.
The specialist members
agents, of whom there are about eighty, are a phenomenon of the last twenty
years when the need for increased membership at Lloyds gave scope to
those with access to potential Names but no skills in underwriting management.
An agent who confines himself to the members support function has the
advantage that he can singlemindedly pursue his Names interests
because he has no obligation to keep a syndicate going. His disadvantage is
that he has no right of access to any syndicate but must negotiate with the
managing agent and will invariably find that his Names are given lower priority
than the managing agents direct Names. The Name who goes direct to a
managing agent will be sure of getting on to the syndicates managed by that
agent, but is likely to be the last to hear when it is time to come off those
syndicates. [*28] He will have the advantage that the
desire of other agents for places on his own agents syndicates will
give him reciprocal access to a wider range of syndicates. There is no simple
answer: some Names prefer to talk to the organ grinder; others prefer to deal
through the monkey.
When Parliament imposed divestment
upon Lloyds in 1982 it allowed an exception. Brokers could continue
to own members agencies as long as they did not engage in
underwriting. The Parliamentary Committee debated the desirability of going
further and requiring that the functions of managing and members
agents be divorced but this did not find favour. The new Act imposed divestment
but not divorce. Statutory divestment has required that the ownership of agents
who controlled 70 per cent of the market be transferred into other hands. This
has been a source of major disturbance during a period, 1982 to 1987, when
Lloyds has been occupied with more important reforms.
The fourth category of participant
at Lloyds is the Name, or underwriting member. There are, in 1987,
just under thirty-two thousand underwriting members of Lloyds, each
venturing his or her entire personal fortune on the world insurance market.
Each must show Lloyds that he has means of at least
£100,000, and will be expected to deposit with the corporation cash
or liquid investments to the value of £50,000. He or (since 1970) sheIII.10 is then free to join one or more
syndicates and to write a premium income up to five times his deposit. If the
Name wishes to join a certain syndicate his agent will contract for him to take
a certain line on that syndicate. Lines are usually expressed in multiples of
io,000 and the active underwriter for that syndicate is then empowered to
accept premiums on behalf of that Name up to the total of his line. The Name is
then liable for any claims that may arise. But that liability is not limited to
the Lloyds deposit, the certified means, or even the premium limit;
it is unlimited. Names are liable down, as the traditional phrase goes, to
their last waistcoat button. The ratios between deposits, means and premium
limits are laid down by Lloyds so that it can satisfy the Department
of Trade each year that each member is solvent and that all are able to meet
the claims expected to be made upon them.III.11
Originally Names at Lloyds
were all workers in the market themselves, but since 1945, with the rapid
growth of the membership of Lloyds, an increasing proportion are outsiders.
At the latest count 82 per cent of the Names were external members who were, in
fact, nothing other than passive investors in the syndicates in which they
participated. While the numbers of brokers, active underwriters, syndicates and
agents has not increased greatly since 1945 the number of members has. Since
1970 the number of members of Lloyds has grown dramatically, so that
the [*29] 6,000 in 1970 rose to 8,600 In
1976, i8,600 in 1980 and almost 32,000 by 1987. The character of the membership
has changed in other respects: 17 per cent are now foreigners (8 per cent are
from the USA) and 22 per cent are women. More than any other factor this
dramatic change in the size and character of the membership led to the downfall
of the old regulatory regime at Lloyds.
The principal participants in the
Lloyds insurance market are the brokers who bring in the business,
the active underwriters who price it and write it, the underwriting agents who
manage the underwriters and get together the Names to back the syndicates, and
finally, the Names themselves who, pledging their assets without limit, provide
the capacity for Lloyds to compete as successfully as it does in the
world insurance market.
The staff of the corporation, none
of whom or their wives or husbands may be a member of Lloyds, provide
the support services to the underwriters: the marine intelligence, the policy
signing office,III.12 the claims offices
and the agency network in overseas ports; and they regulate the market:
admitting members, approving and monitoring brokers and underwriting agents,
investigating breaches of the rules of Lloyds, holding and investing
the deposits and the other reserve funds of a very wealthy institution. Headed
by the deputy chairman and chief executive they number about two thousand,
including the red-and-black-livened waiters who are the real descendants of
Edward Lloyd and his staff of kitchen maids and waiters.
The staff is under the overall
governance of the Council of Lloyds elected from the membership and
charged by Parliament with the management and superintendence of the
affairs of society and empowered to regulate and direct the
business of insurance at LloydsIII.13 [*30]
The Insurance Companies Act 1982 governs the business of insurance in the UK. Under its provisions it is unlawful to operate an insurance company unless the regulations of the Act are followed. There are rules about minimum capital, solvency ratios and annual returns to be made to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The DTI must also be satisfied that the controllers of insurance companies are fit and proper persons. All these provisions are designed to protect the public from the possibility that a claim under an insurance policy will not be met because the company is insolvent, or fraudulent. Insurance inevitably involves an element of trust: the insurer takes the insureds money in exchange for a promise, evidenced by an insurance policy, to pay a claim if it arises. The business of insurance is governed by the legal doctrine of uberrimae fidei the utmost good faith: both parties, insurer and insured, must deal entirely openly and fairly with each other if the trust on which the contract is based is to survive.
Having stated that no
person shall carry on any insurance business in the United Kingdom
unless authorized by the DTI the Act promptly makes three exceptions: for trade
union strike funds, registered friendly societies, and Lloyds.
Lloyds therefore occupies a unique position of immunity from direct
legislation which gives it a measure of self-government and of self-regulation.
Underwriters at Lloyds are not, however, entirely exempt from the
Act. The policy holder must still be protected and the Act lays three
requirements on Lloyds underwriters: all premiums must be held under
a trust deed from which claims may be settled; the underwriters
accounts must be audited each year and a certificate produced that the
underwriter is solvent; and the Council of Lloyds must file an annual
return summarizing the extent and character of the insurance business done by
the members of Lloyds. The first two provisions relate to each [*31] member individually so that there
must, by law, be 32,000 trust funds and 32,000 solvency certificates
one for each underwriting member of Lloyds.
Because of Lloyds
exemption from the Insurance Companies Act the internal government of the
society is covered by separate legal provisions. In 1769 a committee of
Lloyds subscribers, dismayed at the amount of gambling that was then
rife at Lloyds, opened a New Lloyds Coffee House, run by a
master on behalf of the two hundred or so subscribers.IV.1 In 1811 in response to complaints
from Parliament about the insolvency of certain underwriters the subscribers
signed a trust deed to put their constitutional house in order. This deed
governed the Society of Lloyds until 1871, much as the Stock Exchange
is governed by a trust deed today. In 1871, after the Committee of
Lloyds had found itself unable to expel a member who had, so they
alleged, defaulted on a claim,IV.2 Lloyds secured a private Act of
Parliament. This Act laid down the Fundamental Rules of
Lloyds: the membership was to be divided between
underwriting and non-underwriting members, and only the former could underwrite
at Lloyds; all business had to be conducted in the Room on behalf of
individuals and not partnerships or companies; and underwriters in the Room
could only deal with other members or subscribers, so that only
Lloyds brokers could place business at Lloyds. Under this
Act the committee became increasingly concerned about the solvency of
underwriters. At first guarantees were called for, but by the 18 8os the
present system of deposits was in widespread use. In 1882 the committee fixed
the minimum deposit at £5 ,00o: this is £200,000 at
todays prices compared to the minimum deposit today of
£50,000. The 1871 Act established an elected committee of twelve and
gave the society the power to make byelaws subject to the approval of the
Recorder of the City of London. Further Acts, in 1888, 1911, 1925 and 1952
updated the founding statute. The most important change was in 1911 when the
committee was given power to suspend a member for up to two years if he had
been guilty of any act or default discreditable to him as an underwriter, or
otherwise, in connection with the business of insurance.
By the 1970s it had become apparent
that the 1871 Act, designed for governing a small society all of whose members
were active in the Room, was no longer adequate. The sanction of expulsion
could only be applied by a four-fifths majority at a general meeting, after a
finding of guilt by two arbitrators, one appointed by the committee and one by
the defendant. These provisions were used once, in 1982, when Christopher Moran
was expelled. Clearly they were too cumbersome for a society which in 1982 had
almost 20,000 members, i6,000 of whom were not active at Lloyds. [*32] The new Lloyds Act,
passed by Parliament on 23 July 1982, established a totally new regime for
Lloyds. It had four provisions.
1 A Council of Lloyds was
established to supersede the old committee. The council was to have a
tripartite membership of twenty-eight: sixteen working
members elected from the six thousand members active in the market at
Lloyds; eight elected from the external inactive membership of the
society; and three nominated members appointed by the council subject to the
approval of the Governor of the Bank of England. The nominated members cannot
be members of Lloyds. Their number was subsequently increased to four
when, as Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive of Lloyds, I was made a
nominated member of the council on 14 February 1983. The old Committee of Lloyds,
made up of the sixteen working members of the council, still exists.IV.3
2 The new council has the power to
pass bye-laws which under the 1871 Act could only be enacted by a general
meeting of members.
3 A Disciplinary Committee was
established which may include lay members and need not be composed of members
of the council: this committee can expel, suspend, fine, reprimand or censure a
member and its reports may be published. There are rights of appeal and the
council may exercise a right of clemency to modify the punishment.
4 Finally, the Act requires
divestment associations between Lloyds brokers and
underwriters to be ended by 23 July 1987.
Lloyds brokers are covered
by the Act. They are members of the Lloyds community in their
capacity as subscribers and most are also individual members. But they are also
subject to the Insurance Brokers Registration Council (IBRC) established by the
Insurance Brokers (Registration) Act 1977. This Act attempted to regulate the
activities of insurance brokers by limiting the use of the title
Insurance Broker to registered organizations, and applying
regulations and a code of practice to those so registered. Lloyds
brokers are the largest group within the British Insurance Brokers Association
(BIBA), the body of brokers registered under the Act. They form a powerful
constituency which strongly influences BIBA whose members are mostly small
provincial brokers handling retail, rather than commercial, business. The Act
lays down minimum standards of size and financial strength: many BIBA members
complain that their competitors have escaped the burden of these standards by
dropping the word broker from their trading name in favour
of insurance consultant. Lloyds brokers are
currently exempted from some of the detailed rules of the IBRC on the footing
that, being subject to the rules of Lloyds, they must already meet
higher standards. [*33]
The business of insurance has been
supervised for many years by the Board of Trade, now the Department of Trade
and Industry. The DTI is therefore Lloyds sponsoring department, and
is particularly concerned with the annual solvency test, laid down under the
Insurance Companies Act 1982. The Bank of England, whose primary contact in
Whitehall is the Treasury, has a general role in the supervision of City
markets of which Lloyds is one. The Lloyds market is
involved with two sets of external relationships: with policy holders, in which
the DTI is directly and statutorily concerned; and with the external members,
who, although not strictly speaking investors, have a relationship with their
agents like that of a shareholder with his stockbroker. Relations between
members and their agents are not governed by Whitehall but by the Council of
Lloyds under the provisions of the 1982 Act. In this area
Lloyds is self-regulatory. Both the DTI and the Bank of England are
interested to see that the self-regulatory powers are properly exercised.IV.4
Self-regulation is a peculiarly
British method of supervising financial markets and Lloyds is a
first-class example of the advantages and disadvantages of the method. For
self-regulation to work effectively there are a number of preconditions. In the
first place there must be a closed circle of members to whom the rules are to
be applied, and it must be profitable to be a member of the closed circle and
financially disadvantageous to be excluded. Second, there must be statutory
backing for the self-regulatory regime so that a member with a grievance cannot
defeat the system by
recourse to the courts. Third, the
members of the self-regulatory society must be willing to accept that proper
rules are more helpful to the conduct of business than a complete free-for-all.
Fourth, the self-regulatory process will not work unless there are adequate
procedures for consultation. If Parliament vests legislative powers in a
private body it follows that any proposed subordinate legislation by that body
should be subject to public review in the same way as bills in Parliament. The
consultative process must extend outside the circle of members so that laymen
can also express a view. But consultation does not mean consensus: it is not
appropriate to allow a veto power to any member of the society, as was once the
case with Lloyds rule-making arrangements. Provided that views on
legislation have been properly
canvassed and considered by the self-regulatory body it is entirely right that
the body should be free to decide what should be done.
The fifth prerequisite for effective
self-regulation is the active participation, on a voluntary basis, of those to
whom the rules are to be applied.
Self-regulation has many attractions
for Whitehall. Self-regulatory legis-[*34]-lation is much cheaper: the drafting is done by practitioners and not
civil servants. It has more important advantages. Practitioners are better able
to define the questions being addressed and to prepare rules to prevent
maipractices because they are more familiar with the market. A repentant
poacher makes the best gamekeeper. But underwriters and brokers are not usually
expert legislators, and skilled staff are needed to turn the
practitioners propositions into effective legal language.
Finally, it is vital that the public
interest be properly observed. As Adam Smith said, People of the same
trade seldom meet together, even for merriment or diversion, but the
conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public.IV.5 The public interest means the
interests of all
parties other than the insiders themselves: in the case of Lloyds,
the interests of external members and policy holders as opposed to working
members. In a modern self-regulatory organization great care must be taken to protect
the public interest.
Such a self-regulatory regime
covering a well-defined market, with appropriate statutory backing, acceptance
by the market of the need for rules, adequate procedures for consultation
before legislation, and active involvement in legislation by practitioners can,
provided that the self interest of the regulators does not damage the superior
interests of those outside the circle of practitioners, produce a more
efficient regulatory framework than Whitehall can. It is efficient because the
rules are likely to be more closely adapted to the needs of an efficient
market: they can be made more quickly and if necessary changed more quickly.
Self-regulators do not have to wait for a gap in government business to fit
legislation into a parliamentary timetable. Further, rules made by a society
are more likely to be accepted and followed by those to whom they are to be
applied than rules made by outsiders. This offers a further advantage. Offences
against statutes are crimes and are punished in the courts according to
criminal standards of evidence and proof. Parliamentary legislation is a clumsy
instrument for raising standards because rules must be drafted in such a way
that only really grievous offences are criminal. Statutes must establish a
minimum standard of behaviour, breach of which is a crime. A self-regulatory
regime, because it is based more upon consent than compulsion, is able to
control through codes of practice rather than statutes. Such codes can
establish higher standards: they are based on the premise that compliance with
the spirit of the rules is the essence of the rules themselves. Parliament
cannot expect the public to obey anything more than the letter of the law.
Members of Lloyds, and other selfregulatory organizations, can be
expected to do more: to obey the spirit of the law. [*35]
But there are disadvantages to a
self-regulatory regime. It may be lackadaisical, lacking the will or the
authority to do its task effectively. Alternatively, it can be officious and
overzealous with too many rules inadequately enforced. But the greatest
disadvantage is unquestionably the freedom it gives to vested interests. Unless
the market professionals show considerable self-restraint there will always be
a danger of Adam Smiths maxim coming into play: rules will be
inadequately enforced against chums or exercised overzealously against hated
competitors; there will be an unwillingness to legislate until offences have
become too widespread; there will be a tendency not to see the improprieties of
current attitudes because things have always been done that
way; and judgments will too frequently veer towards supporting
current market practice rather than protecting the public interest.
The key to effective self-regulation
must, therefore, be adequate arrangements to control and obstruct vested
The discussion so far makes no
distinction between legislation and execution: writing the laws and applying
them. Self-regulation may be defined as a system under which the rules are made
by those to whom they are to be applied. But such a definition begs a question
which was to be central at Lloyds in the 198 os: who is to apply the
rules? It is self-evident that there is a much greater danger of vested interest
coming into play in the enforcement of rules than in their promulgation.
Enforcement proceeds case by case. It is carried out in private. Personal
relationships are at issue, as are considerations of competition between
enforcer and enforced. It is therefore essential if the public interest is to
be properly secured by a self-regulatory regime, to be punctilious in excluding
anyone with a vested interest from applying the rules in the market place. This
was to prove extraordinarily difficult at Lloyds with its small
number of market professionals from which the amateur market regulators were to
be drawn, and with the extensive cross-memberships of syndicates. Furthermore
there was an unwillingness to concede that there was a point at issue. To many at
Lloyds self-regulation meant, and means today, self-government, in
which the legislative, executive and judicial branches are all in the control
of the market professionals.
A curious feature of the business of
insurance is that you dont actually need capital, save for a trivial
investment in a desk and a pen, since premiums are collected first and claims
paid later: the business enjoys a positive cash flow, unless something goes
wrong and claims exceed premiums, when capital must be called upon. In
insurance, capital serves principally to provide reserves for the protection of
the policy holders in case of loss. [*36] Lloyds has put this fact to good use by employing the concept
of uncalled capital. Underwriters do not call upon their Names to contribute
until there is a loss on a particular year of account and capital is needed:
then they have the right to call for as much as the circumstances may require.
Names at Lloyds have unlimited liability, but only in respect of
their own share of the syndicates loss; in the words of the standard
Lloyds marine policy, each for his own, not one for
another. In legal terms Names have several, not joint and several,
liability. The security of a Lloyds policy depends on the ability of
each Name who has subscribed to that policy to meet his obligations under the
policy as and when they fall due. A Lloyds policy is signed by the
corporation on behalf of underwriters. The Society of Lloyds itself
warrants that legitimate claims under the policy will be met and has rules to
ensure that this will be the case. There are four lines of defence.
First, in accordance with the
Insurance Companies Act, all premiums must be placed into a premiums trust
fund, on behalf of policy holders.IV.6 This
fund must only be used for the payment of claims and must, by the rules of
Lloyds, be invested in secure short-dated investments. After three
years the active underwriter will take a view of the possible future claims
that may be expected to fall on the fund and will calculate a closing reserve.
Most of the balance of the fund will be used to buy a reinsurance policy,
called a reinsurance to close, the terms of which will indemini1r the fund
against all future claims. Any balance then left in the trust fund is profit
and can be withdrawn for the benefit of the Name. If the trust fund is in
respect of certain very complex classes of business, or the
syndicates affairs are in an uncertain state, the account may be left
open for a fourth year or longer until the closing reserve can be calculated
with sufficient accuracy. It is wrong to assume that this three-year accounting
system at Lloyds exists because of any inability on the part of
Lloyds underwriters to keep their books up to date. The system is
designed principally to defer the distribution of profit until the pattern of
claims settlement can be seen with reasonable clarity.
In practice the other party with
whom the reinsurance to close policy is usually taken out is the same
syndicate, but for the next year of account. In fact, a Name participating on
the syndicate for a given year contracts with the same syndicate for the next
year of account and is thus, in a sense, contracting with himself. This may smack
of Alice in Wonderland but it becomes important when, as frequently happens,
the constitution of a syndicate changes from year to year and hence a
continuing Names fractional interest in the outgoing reinsurance to
close differs from his fractional interest in the incoming reinsurance to
close. The whole thing [*37] is rather
like a game of pass-the-parcel with each player representing the syndicate for
a different year of account.
If the premiums trust fund proves
inadequate and the calculation of the reinsurance to close reveals a loss the
second line of defence is called on the deposits and personal
reserves. Each Name at Lloyds is required to place a deposit with the
corporation pro rata to his premium income limit. For external members the
current figure is 20 per cent for UK residents and 28 per cent for foreigners.IV.7 The agent will also normally require
a Name to leave personal reserves with him, accumulated out of past profits. In
addition the Revenue-approved Special Reserve Fund Scheme allows a Name to set
aside a small tax-deductible amount of his underwriting income. These reserves
and deposits are there to meet losses in case of need. If the Lloyds
deposit is used for this purpose the Name will be required to reduce or cease
underwriting until the deposit is made good.
If the deposits and reserves prove
inadequate Lloyds can then turn to the Names certified
means. Before becoming a member of Lloyds an individual must show by
producing an accountants certificate to that effect that he has
independent means, excluding his home, of at least £100,000. He must
renew that certificate if he later increases his underwriting limits and must
undertake not to allow his means voluntarily to drop below the certified level.
The Lloyds deposit and reserves form part of the means. The level of
certified means determines the level of premium income the Name is permitted to
write by a ratio of 1 : 2.5; a Name may accept premium income, and
the related risks, up to two and a half times his or her certified means.
Although there is no maximum level of means, the maximum premium income which
an individual Name may write is £1.3 million, which requires him to
show means of £520,000.
The Names underwriting
obligations are unlimited. If his means are not enough to meet claims then
Lloyds must turn to the fourth and last line of defence: the Central
Fund. Lloyds Central Reserve Fund was established by a trust deed in
1927 out of a small levy paid by every Name in proportion to his premium
income. It has always existed for the protection of policy holders, so that
claims can be met when Names lack means. For the Central Fund to be used a Name
must be declared in default; Lloyds then has a right of suit on
behalf of the fund against any Name on whose behalf disbursements are made.
Since the 1982 Act, the assets of the Central Fund have been legally merged
with those of the Society of Lloyds, and the total available to meet
the claims of defaulting Names is now about five hundred million pounds.IV.8 This may not seem much in relation to
a market capacity of £10 billion, but it should properly be viewed as
a fund to cover the possible default of individual underwriters, [*38] each undertaking an average volume
of business of £220,000.
In the last five years, and most
dramatically in 1986, there have been attempts to borrow
the Central Fund to provide security for the liabilities of Names whose
solvency position is not clear because of allegations of fraud or accounting
deficiencies. I shall comment further on this in relation to the Pew case.IV.9
These four lines of defence:
Premiums Trust Fund, deposits and reserves, certified means, and Central Fund,
provide backing for a Lloyds policy that compares very favourably
with that behind a company policy Lloyds ratio of premium
income to assets is 1.2 : 1. This compares with a norm of
4 : 1 in the US and 2 : 1 among the top companies in the UK.
These lines of defence are subject
to two systems of check. First, the level of premium income accepted by each
underwriter on behalf of his Names is continuously reviewed. Insurance
regulators everywhere use premium income as a surrogate for exposure to risk
when laying down rules about levels of solvency and assets. By definition, risk
exposure cannot be measured, but risk will vary proportionately to premium.
Taking one year with another, an insurance companys premium income
will cover the risks it undertakes or it wont make a profit. Since
the insurance industry as a whole makes a profit, it follows that although risk
cannot be measured, premium income will do as a substitute. By ensuring that
Names do not exceed their limits of premium income Lloyds ensures
that their assets should cover the risks they undertake.
The second check is the annual
solvency test, formerly called the Lloyds audit. This originated in
1908 when, in response to a scandal in which an underwriter bankrupted several
Names,IV.10 a manifesto was signed by the
leading underwriters of the day led by Cuthbert Heath. It said: We
the undersigned underwriters would agree to hand into the Committee of
Lloyds annually a statement signed by an approved accountant that we
were in the possession of assets reasonably sufficient to wind up our
underwriting accounts. Rules for an annual audit of solvency were
duly introduced and in the next year, when new insurance companies legislation
was introduced requiring deposits and returns from insurance companies,
Lloyds was exempted. This was the genesis of Lloyds
selfregulatory status.
Each year Lloyds lays down
minimum reserves for each class of business in Its first, second, third and
subsequent years of development. Underwriters are required to calculate their
reserves by reference to these minima, but they must provide more reserves if
the record of claims requires it. The solvency returns for each syndicate are
amalgamated so that the total exposure of each Name at Lloyds is
calculated. A certificate must be signed by an approved auditor in respect of
each Name certifying that he has assets, whether in his premiums trust fund,
deposits or personal reserves, to cover his liabilities. Any deficiency must be
made good before the certificate is signed. Names who cannot produce
certificates of solvency are declared to be in default and Central Fund assets
are earmarked to cover the deficiency. When every Name has been accounted for
in this way, that fact is signified to the Department of Trade and to those
overseas regulators who also require Lloyds to provide an annual
proof of solvency.
The work of checking solvency
certificates has by statute to be carried out by an accountant approved by the
Committee of Lloyds. This work has traditionally been in the hands of
a limited panel of relatively small firms of chartered accountants who
specialized in Lloyds work. Four firms account for 76 per cent of the
syndicates.IV.11 There were a number
of defects in these arrangements.IV.12
Each Name at Lloyds has
unlimited liability and must expect to pay out cheques in some years, although
he may expect to receive cheques in most. Names who are nervous of the risks
they run are able to take out a personal policy of reinsurance to back up the
arrangements that each of their underwriters will have made to reinsure his
syndicates. Such a personal stop-loss policy will cover the Name each year
against the risk of an overall loss in the year. That is, against the risk that
all his syndicate underwriting results plus all the investment returns on his
premiums trust fund, will show a negative result because of underwriting losses
on one or more of his syndicates. Because a Lloyds Name must have
unlimited liability, such a personal stop-loss policy cannot be without limit:
there must be a maximum loss covered, but the upper figure can be, and usually
is, fixed at an improbably high level.
Should he be unlucky the Name has a
second option. He can consider whether his agent is perhaps to blame, and if he
has a case he can sue his agent. By the rules of Lloyds, each agent
must carry errors and omissions insurance so that if he is sued he will have
the means to settle a claim for damages.
There are structural snags to these
arrangements: because both personal stop-loss and agents errors and
omissions insurance are usually placed within the Lloyds market. This
results in a security weakness, because stop-loss reinsurances are using the
asset-backing behind a Lloyds policy twice. The Lloyds
security chain has been pledged once to back the claims of direct external
policy holders. It is then pledged a second time to cover the risks of
stop-loss policies. Although there are rules which prevent a Name participating
in a syndicate which writes his [*40] own stop-loss policy there is a clear element of double counting. There
are also regulatory weaknesses because underwriters of agents errors
and omissions insurance are not excluded from the regulatory activities of the
committee and council where deliberations as to an agents behaviour
can affect a claim against him by his Names. A complete solution would be
provided by a rule that personal stop-loss policies, and agents
errors and omissions insurance, must be placed outside the Lloyds
market.IV.13 [*41]
[*42] [*43]
In 1965 a severe American wind-storm
led to historic changes in Lloyds; Hurricane Betsey produced losses
on a scale that Lloyds had not seen since the end of the Second World
War. The average Name lost £6,000 in 1965 and over £3,000
in 1966. The whole market showed a loss of 8 per cent on premium income in 19
65. The effect of the three loss-making years of 1965, 1966 and 1967 on those
who work at Lloyds was serious and is not forgotten today: workers in
the market are allowed privileged access to membership; these privileges mean
that they dont have to have the financial resources of ordinary
external members and the economic risks they run are consequently greater.
However, in the long run the effect on the external membership was of greater
In the twenty years following 1946
Lloyds membership grew slowly and steadily: from 2,000 to over 6,000.
Then, as a result of the Hurricane Betsey disaster, the number coming forward
for election each year halved and resignations doubled. For the first time in
recent history the membership of Lloyds began to fall: it fell for
four years, and only began to recover in 1971. This happened against the
background of an upturn in the insurance cycle. Rates were hardening and there
was good business to be written, but underwriters lacked the capacity to
respond. Lord Cromer, a former Governor of the Bank of England, was invited in
November 1968 to chair a committee to examine the required growth of
Lloyds capacity, the likely growth of underwriting membership, the
existing capital structure, and alternative methods of providing capital
backing for underwriting.V.1
Cromer concluded that
Lloyds must stay in the business of insuring large risks and that it
must therefore increase its capacity. He proposed a number of changes to make
membership more accessible: a lower means requirement; simplified deposits;
higher premium income limits and a [*44] larger allowance for reinsurance which has the effect of increasing
capacity for a given level of security. The Committee of Lloyds
quickly accepted these proposals and at the same time opened the membership to
I foreigners and women.
These changes, together with a
return to profitability in world insurance markets, produced dramatic increases
in membership. By the end of the decade 1980 the number
of members had trebled to i 8,6oo; it reached 31,500 in 1987. Not only did the
number of members grow but the nature of the society began to change. Cromer
had noted that whereas in 1958 two-fifths of the applicants for external
membership had been landowners or farmers, that proportion had dropped to
one-fifth by 1968.V.2 The
ratio of external to working members changed too: one-third of the membership
worked in the market in 1968, whereas today that proportion is one-fifth. Lord
Cromers Committee showed considerable foresight when it said:
nor is it surprising that the recent run of losses should lead to a
more critical attitude by some Names towards agents. We think it would be a
mistake to assume that this more critical attitude is a passing phase. Many
Names are waiting to see what comes out of the present review of the
organisation of Lloyds. Many have also made substantial losses which
only a long series of profitable years will wipe out. In present conditions
Names are likely to look for something akin to the relationship which would
exist if they were shareholders in a company and expect at least the same
degree of accountability and consideration as is generally extended today to
the shareholder.V.3
Pursuing this theme, the Cromer Committee called for Lloyds to
require agents to publish audited syndicate accounts to their Names, to give a
report on prospects for the two open years, and not to increase a
Names share in a syndicate or transfer him to another syndicate
without his approval. Annual meetings of Names on syndicates were also
Pointing out that a small number of
agents treated their Names in a thoroughly cavalier fashion, the Cromer
Committee thought that, thanks to the practice at Lloyds whereby the
agent receives a commission on the profits of the syndicates but makes no
contribution to the losses, agents charges were higher than could be
justified. It proposed that agents should be required to inform the Committee
of Lloyds, in confidence, of the financial arrangements in the
conduct of each syndicate, the results of this survey to be published in a
generalized form.V.4
Although the Committee of
Lloyds adopted the Cromer proposals to ease the conditions of
membership there was, at best, only a partial followup of the proposals
concerning agents, and none at all for the proposals for the management of
Lloyds which included the appointment of a chief [*45] executive.V.5 The Committee of Lloyds
decided that the Cromer eport should not be published. It is a wide-ranging
survey of the affairs of Lloyds, of interest to the Names, the
authorities and the public. It is, however, somewhat critical of agents and it
is difficult to resist the conclusion that the decision not to publish was
prompted by the fact that the Committee of Lloyds consisted then (it
was eventually published in 1986) of an overwhelming majority of agents. Had it
been. published at the time it is possible that pressure from Names for the
reforms called for would have brought about changes in the agency system that
should have avoided some of the disasters that followed. In the event the
changes were made, fifteen years too late.
The Cromer Report introduced a
decade in which the behaviour of Names changed radically. During the booming 19
70s when for five years out of six profits averaged over 8 per cent, the agency
business grew as the membership of Lloyds grew. Members
agencies, virtually unheard of in the 1960s, sprang up as entrepreneurs with
access to blocks of potential Names sought to serve the needs of the market
and make some money doing so. As the membership grew the nature of
Lloyds changed inexorably and permanently. It ceased to be a small
tight-knit association in which working members predominated a
members club and increasingly became an investment market
in which members did not hesitate to enforce their rights at law. Two critical
cases signalled this change.
The first, the Savonita case,
concerned a claim against Lloyds in respect of a damaged cargo of
Fiat cars carried on board the Savonita. The original broker was doubtful of
the bona tides of the claim and hesitated to present it for payment. The
customer changed his broker to Willis Faber and in the end settlement was made.
The difficulties between the two brokers, one of whom was not himself a member
of Lloyds while the other was at the heart of the Lloyds
establishment, led to an internal inquiry, but only after an adjournment debate
in the House of Commons in which Jonathan Aitken MP criticized the Chairman and
the Committee of Lloyds.
The inquiry report was published at
the end of 1978. In publishing it the committee chose a curiously inept way of
handling the press. Newspapers were allowed to have copies of the report only
if they agreed to sign a document beforehand acknowledging that
having regard to the privileged nature of the report, neither the
board of inquiry nor the Committee of Lloyds will accept
responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the report. In
addition, newspapers were required to indemnify the board and the committee in
advance for any legal costs arising from publication. However sound this course
of action may have been legally [*46] It was disastrous from a public relations point of view and from that
time on the press have been suspicious of what they see as unpardonably pompous
and arrogant tendencies on the part of Lloyds.
The difficulties behind the Savonita
case concerned a suspect claim at Lloyds: rightly or wrongly, the
original broker from his investigations suspected that the claim might be
fraudulent, while Wiffis Faber, from their investigations, concluded, rightly
or wrongly, that the claim was not fraudulent. Lloyds has suffered
from suspect claims from time to time; sadly there is nothing unusual about
this in the world of insurance. The second case, the Sasse affair, was much
more serious. Used to handling matters between underwriters and customers,
Lloyds now had to learn new skills on a second front: relations
between Names and agents.
A binding authority is an
arrangement under which a Lloyds underwriter grants the authority to
bind risks on his behalf and that of his Names to a third party or
cover-holder. The cover-holder is often a broker and is
usually operating overseas. By this device the Lloyds syndicate gains
access to retail business overseas. A binding authority, or
binder, should only be granted to a highly reputable
cover-holder and the underwriter should monitor the development of the business
closely. The Non Marine Association at Lloyds has for many years
operated a system of checking the bona fides of cover-holders, but such a
binder was granted by the Sasse syndicate in 1975 to an American cover-holder
Harrison without the usual checks. The binder was used
improperly to insure derelict properties in the South Bronx area of New York.
Massive losses ensued and fraud was alleged. The Names on the syndicate were
faced with calls for large sums in circumstances which they found difficult to
follow and of which they had been told nothing. For the first time in
Lloyds history the Names refused to pay.
The problem was compounded by the
actions of the Committee of Lloyds in intervening in the management
of the damaged syndicates. The Names alleged that the Corporation of
Lloyds itself shared responsibility for their plight. The litigation
between Lloyds and a group of its Names hit the headlines. The
protesting Names formed themselves into associations out of which grew
todays Association of Lloyds Members. It was apparent to
the Committee of Lloyds that the constitutional arrangements that had
served for a society of a few hundreds, all of whom were engaged in the
business of insurance at Lloyds, would no longer work in the new
climate of investor Names. The Sasse affair was resolved by a compromise in
which the whole society undertook to bear some of the Sasse losses. The general
question that had arisen the changing nature of relations between
Names and agents led to the appointment of the Fisher Committee. [*47]
Sir Henry Fisher has had an unusual
career: a distinguished lawyer who became a high court judge, he resigned from
the bench to become a merchant banker and has just finished a term as Master of
Wolfson College, Oxford. In February 1979 he was asked by the Committee of
Lloyds to undertake an inquiry into self-regulation at
Lloyds and in particular to review the constitution and the powers of
the committee. The committee included two distinguished outsiders Mr
Robin Broadley of Barings, the merchant bankers, and Mr David Watt,
then director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Four senior
working members of Lloyds completed the group.
The Fisher Committee reported in May
1980. Its terms of reference make clear that the question of whether
self-regulation was appropriate to Lloyds was not to be considered.
The report said: We have no doubt that Lloyds would be best served by
a properly conducted system of self-regulation.V.6 But no arguments were advanced to
support this thesis, which would remain unexplored until Sir Patrick
Neils Inquiry was appointed in January 1986.
The Fisher Report laid down a
charter for reform at Lloyds. It concerned itself principally with
legal and structural matters. Much the most important conclusion was that there
should be a new Lloyds Act, whose contents have been described in an
earlier chapter. The most radical element of the Act was to be the
establishment of a Council of Lloyds, in which the ultimate power of
regulating the market would vest, and which would include representatives of
the external members of the society and three nominated members
appointed by the Council
and confirmed by the Governor
for the time being of the Bank of England: Provided that a person who is a
member of the Society
shall not be eligible for appointment as a
nominated member.V.7 The
majority would still be working members, brokers or underwriters, most of whom
would be agents as well, and the chairman and elected deputy chairmen would
continue to be market professionals. Having proposed that the council should
have the power to pass bye-laws, Fishers next proposal was that the
contractual undertakings between participants in the market and the Corporation
of Lloyds, which largely governed the behaviour of market members,
should be replaced by a comprehensive system of bye-laws. Agents and brokers
would all be required to re-register with Lloyds to new tighter standards.
The Act should give the council wide investigatory and disciplinary powers.
Recognizing the difficulties caused by the Sasse case, binding authorities were
to be regulated; as suggested by Cromer, audited syndicate accounts were to be
But the most dramatic reform
introduced by Fisher was divestment by [*48] the brokers of their agency interests. At the
time of the Fisher Inquiry 70 per cent of the syndicates at Lloyds
were broker-controlled.V.8
The concern
of the Committee of Lloyds in 1954 that underwriting agency
activities be conducted through separate companies from insurance broking
activities has already been noted.V.9 Cromer
commented further on the matter in 1970: There is a conflict of
interests which cannot be ignored
. There can be little question that
the Lloyds underwriting syndicate and the Lloyds broker are
essentially complementary to each other in forming the Lloyds market
as a whole. Although complementary, and this is a cardinal point, they are not
. If a conflict were to arise between an insured and
an underwriter who happened to be an employee (even indirectly) of the broker
to the insured the problem is most difficult. But, short of a conflict of this
kind, we find it difficult to accept that, in exercising judgment of what he is
to accept and what to refuse, an underwriter who is an employee of a
broker-owned agency can at all times be wholly impartial,V.10 The committee of the day did not take
up the suggestion of negotiations to resolve the problem.
Sir Henry Fisher returned to the question of conflicts of interest in 1980. He saw three dangers: that the underwriter might be forced to accept risks contrary to his better judgment and the interest of his Names; that the broker might give the business to his own syndicates contrary to the interests of his assured; and that collusion between broker and controlled underwriter would limit the degree of competition between underwriters in the Lloyds market. He concluded: The question is whether the undoubted difficulties, both of principle and of practice, of a compulsory divestment by Lloyds brokers of shares in managing agencies should be allowed to override this logic. We have discussed this problem at length and the majority of us have reached the conclusion that divestment should be enforced and the formation of such links prohibited for the future.V.11 He went on to consider the further question of whether, when brokers were no longer allowed to control managing agencies, they should be allowed to control members agencies and hence to influence an underwriter by threatening to take their Names off his syndicates. The Fisher working party concluded that, although divestment was necessary, the divorce of brokers from members agents was not, provided that the Committee of Lloyds introduced a rule that there should never be more than a certain percentage of one syndicates Names coming from any one members agent.
Fishers arguments were accepted by
Parliament: the 1982 Act decreed that associations between managing agents and
Lloyds brokers were to be terminated by July 1987. Lloyds
brokers were allowed to continue their members agencies. In other
words, Parliament favoured divestment by which brokers were to cease their
connections with the underwriting activities of agencies but did not support
divorce the separation of brokers from the members
services activities of agencies. Nor did Parliament favour the divorce of
underwriting activities from members service activities; combined
managing/members agencies were allowed to continue and indeed now
dominate the agency business.
The Lloyds Bill started through Parliament as a private Bill in November 1980. Before then a general meeting of Lloyds members had endorsed the Bill and accepted that divestment, as recommended by Fisher, should be recognized in it. What was not agreed at that stage was that the Act itself would impose divestment, and not leave it to be implemented at a later stage under the aegis of the new Council of Lloyds. The Bills passage through Parliament was controversial: some members objected to the clause that granted the Council of Lloyds immunity against suit by members of the society in respect of actions committed in the discharge of its regulatory duties; others, led by individuals from Howdens and Minets who were to figure in later disciplinary proceedings, argued against divestment by which some Lloyds brokers stood to lose considerable sums in profits. The House of Commons Select Committee on the Bill took an active interest, favouring statutory divestment, and also divorce, from which they were dissuaded by the vote of a further general meeting of the members of Lloyds. But statutory immunity from suit at the hands of the members, a very necessary provision for the effective regulation of the market, stayed in the Bill. On 23 July 1982 the Lloyds Act became law. A leader in the influential New York daily, the Journal of Commerce, said at the beginning of August that Lloyds, its troubles behind it, could now look forward to some years of calm prosperity while the changes required by the Act were carried out.
Before I discuss the dramatic
developments of the latter half of 1982 that led to my appointment, it is
necessary to explain a second undercurrent of change at Lloyds: this
concerned reinsurance.V.12 The
genesis of these developments lay in the late 196os when premiums rose sharply
in a world insurance market shocked by the serious losses caused by Hurricane
Betsey. Although premiums and profits were high in the 1970s, the insurance
market was tight. Underwriters were unable to find reinsurers for their active,
profitable but risky, accounts. They therefore decided to make their own
arrangements, and a handful of agents setup reinsurances with insurance
companies in such a way that the companies bore no risk. Typically the terms of
such a funding or banking policy were
that the claims under the policy could not exceed the premiums, plus the
interest [*50] earned by the insurance company on
those premiums, less a commissi™n to the reinsurers. The reinsured could
determine when a claim was due: in other words, he could call down the money at
any time. In many cases the terms of the policy were such that any unclaimed
balance could be rolled forward as a reduction in the premium payable for the
next year of account. Such a policy was called a roller.
These arrangements were capable of
increasing degrees of refinement in which, in some cases, the line between
permissible tax avoidance and criminal tax evasion became somewhat blurred.
First, the money could be placed with a reinsurance company offshore so that
interest would accrue tax free. Second, the money could be placed with a
reinsurance company owned by the agent himself so that the commission would not
be lost. In such cases a higher rate of commission might be charged, benefiting
the agent at the expense of his Names. Third, although the value of the
reinsurance policy could be brought into account when reckoning up the assets of the syndicate
to calculate the reinsurance to close, in many cases this was not done. As the
books of the syndicate bore no trace of the assets held under the policy, but
only recorded a reinsurance premium paid, concealment was easy. Fourth, as the
reinsurance premiums were paid away from the syndicate and not accounted for or
audited, they provided a fund from which dishonest agents could steal, and in a
few notorious cases that is what they did.
Often the funding arrangements
included supporting opinions from auditors and counsel and, in one or two
cases, clearance from the audit department at Lloyds and even from
the Revenue itself. The fact that such care was taken from the start confirmed
the doubts of their authors about the tax deductibility of such reinsurance
arrangements, arrangements which, with varying degrees of refinement, became
widespread among a small circle of the larger agents: perhaps thirty in all. It
was a circle which included some of those who were later to be found guilty of
misdemeanours and also a number of members of the committee. Thanks to the
modern practice of Names spreading their interests, and their risks, among many
syndicates, many managed by agents other than their own, such doubtful
arrangements ultimately affected 92 per cent of the Names.
Lloyds rules, since the
195 os, have confined themselves to requiring underwriters to arrange that
their reinsurances conform to the basic concept of honourable
trading which requires that there be a genuine risk of loss on the
part of the reinsurer. A letter from the Committee of Lloyds to
underwriters in December 1958 drew attention to the questionable tax
deductibility of certain roller reinsurance premiums. Notwithstanding this
advice, during the 1970s rollers flourished and in [*51] October 1985 were alleged to have reached
£100 million in value. The lack of adequate accounting rules at
Lloyds, coupled with the fact that there was no requirement for
syndicate accounts to be audited, helped to conceal the true facts from the
Names and the Revenue.
The distinction between genuine
policies of reinsurance and funding policies is clearly illustrated in the
report of the Hart disciplinary inquiry: Where there is a genuine
risk reinsurance contract, the premium is received by the reinsurer on his own
behalf. He is under no obligation to repay the premium (unless the policy is
avoided). His liability (if any) is to pay in respect of claims falling within
the terms of the reinsurance contract. Where there is a funding
policy, the purported reinsurer receives the
premium on behalf of the Syndicate, and not on his own
behalf, he invests it, not as part of his own funds, but as funds of the
Syndicate, sometimes called escrow funds; and when called
on by the active underwriter pursuant to the arrangements between them, he
repays the premium (with or without interest and/or any
gain derived from its investment) to the syndicate.V.13
In summary, the practice was this:
payments were described as reinsurances which were in fact general reserves,
and tax deductions were obtained for these payments. The underwriter then had
an additional secret fund under his hand which could be called upon to meet
later losses and hence to smooth profits. The evidence is that, overall, funds
flowed out in the 1970s and back in the loss-making I98oS although many
syndicates drew down in the late 1970s and made further arrangements up to
1982. The Revenue was concerned by the fact that deductions were claimed in
years when the top tax rate was 98 per cent and the funds recalled into tax
when the top rate had dropped to 60 per cent.
Exchange controls, abolished in
1979, played an influential part in such arrangements. Funds could be moved
abroad under the guise of reinsurance and then used for investment purposes. To
have moved the funds ostensibly for investment would have been difficult and
might have meant paying the dollar premium which existed in the 1970s, and
which became payable if dollars were bought for investment. Reinsurance was thus
an attractive route for moving funds for exchange control, as well as tax
reasons. Islands such as Bermuda and Cayman were popular locations for offshore
reinsurance funds because of local rules about secrecy, the fact that interest
would be earned there tax free, and that they were in the sterling area. In
1973 Bermuda and the Caribbean islands were excluded from the British exchange
control net. Such locations as Gibraltar, the Isle of Man and the Channel
Islands, which remained inside the sterling area, then became more attractive
because, while no exchange [*52] control permission was required for fund transfers, there was little or
no local income tax.
It must be said that underwriters
were no less affected than other businessmen by the climate of the late i 70S
when tax avoidance became something of a crusade. While the top rate of tax on
earned income was 75 per cent, and that on unearned income 98 per cent,
Lloyds underwriters were not alone in seeking ways of making what
they saw as perfectly legitimate and proper provision against future disasters.
The Treasury, under Sir Stafford Cripps in 1947, had instigated arrangements by
which each member of Lloyds could reserve up to £7,000 tax
free against future losses. But the figure had not been adjusted since 1956 and
gave little cushion against an increasingly risky business. The roller
arrangements were products of the times, but that does not make less excusable
the breach of the agents duty implicit in the transactions. Under agency
law every agent has a duty to account to his principal, who in the
Lloyds context is the Name, for the use he makes of the
principals funds. He must never make a profit for himself out of such
funds without the express agreement of the principal given with full knowledge
of all the facts. The roller arrangements breached those rules because of the
secrecy involved and because, in some cases, agents charged fees or commissions
on the fund without the express agreement of the Names. In a few notorious
cases they went a step further and misappropriated the funds.
Each year since 1908
Lloyds has carried out a solvency test assisted by a panel of
approved auditors.V.14 The
collective behaviour of this group when faced with the arrangements I have just
described, and the more serious breaches of agency duty which I shall come to,
provide an object lesson for accountants.
Having the legal duty of preparing
the Annual Certificate of Solvency, and acting as they did for the underwriting
agents who are mainly small concerns with limited staff, many of the panel
auditors had taken on the task of keeping the books for their clients and
preparing the tax returns for agents and their Names. Twenty years ago the
Institute of Chartered Accountants introduced rules restricting auditors from
keeping the books of their clients because of the inevitable lack of
independence involved: an auditor should not be called upon to check his own
work. The reaction of the panel auditors at Lloyds, with which the
committee concurred, was to establish joint audits, by
which one of the signatories to the auditors certificate kept the
books and the other audited them. It was frequently not clear how the duties
were divided and what responsibility each of the joint auditors had for the
work. Certainly one, the bookkeeper, [*53] could not also be the auditor if the strict rules of the profession
were to be applied.
The number of firms on the
Lloyds audit panel remained very small. Until a recent spate of
mergers with larger, non-Lloyds, accounting firms, none of the
leading members of the panel was a household name in accounting terms. The
Committee of Lloyds did not appreciate the perils in this situation,
no doubt assuming that the requirements of the market were so peculiar that
only a small number of auditors experienced in the work could be relied upon to
do it. Until 1985, any newcomer to the panel was required to serve a period of
probation as a joint auditor with an existing panel member.
Each of the small panel firms became
increasingly bound up with Lloyds, and in isolated cases had partners
who were not only members of Lloyds, but members of the syndicates
they audited. Because of their significant involvement in Lloyds work
some of the panel firms drew a substantial proportion, and in a few cases the
majority, of their total fee income from such work.
A further problem was the fact that
the panel auditors, appointed to audit the syndicate by the agent, frequently
acted both as auditor to the agent and auditor to the syndicate for whom the
agent acted. The conflict of interest is obvious: it is always a matter of
judgment how much of the overhead expenses of the underwriter should be borne
by the agent out of his fee and profit commission and how much may properly be
charged directly as an expense to the underwriting account of the individual
Name. An auditor acting for both sides is in a difficult position when
commenting on the fairness of this judgment. For a number of reasons,
therefore, there was a continuing risk, not always avoided, that the panel
auditors at Lloyds lacked independence from their clients: some kept
the books; some were too dependent upon Lloyds for their fee income; the
panel formed a small group specializing in an arcane area of accounting work;
and the different interests of Names and their agents were not adequately
reflected in the audit arrangements.
But there was a more serious
problem. Despite their title, the panel auditors-were not in fact charged with
carrying out an audit at all. Their duty was described by Lord Cromer:
The main function of the auditor is to provide a certificate to the
Committee of Lloyds that the Name has sufficient funds at Lloyds
to meet his obligations. V.15
Agents, underwriters, Names and the committee were all under the
misapprehension that the work done by the panel auditors was an audit, in the
commonly accepted sense of that word: an independent opinion on the veracity of
a set of accounts. But it was not a point which the panel auditors,
to give them [*54] their due, had occasionally drawn
attention to. The accounts of an underwriting syndicate, and the determination
of its profits, depend upon how much reserve is necessary to close the
accounts. The figure for this closing reserve is provided by the underwriter in
the form of the reinsurance to close. Some of the panel auditors were still
living in the days, which I recall from my apprenticeship as an accountant
thirty years ago, when auditors accepted a certificate of stock at
directors valuation: they did not consider it part of their
duty to audit the reinsurance to close, yet the result of the syndicate for the
year of account was wholly dependent on this one figure.
Under these circumstances it is no
surprise that some of the auditors missed the scandals and failed to point out
the impropriety of what was going on. They were not charged with performing an
audit to normal auditing standards, and although they clearly had knowledge of
some of the matters that were going on, they may well not have fully
appreciated their implications. In any case, regrettably, they did not see it
as their duty to draw the Names attention to what was happening. Had
they been stronger firms, or wiser in the affairs of the world, or perhaps more
willing to ask difficult questions, they might have exposed the frauds earlier.
But the fact is they did not. [*55]
United States business is vital to
Lloyds and, despite its apparent Englishness, Lloyds
business has been at least half American since the Second World War. As the
volume of the worlds insurance business grew so did the size and
geographic scope of the great American broking houses based in the nation that
provides almost half the worlds insurance premium income. Much of
their reinsurance business and of their more complex direct insurance business
is placed in the London market of which Lloyds is the centre.
Lloyds rules require that any business coming to an underwriter must
be placed through a Lloyds broker: the American brokers were
therefore forced to go through intermediaries whose skills duplicated their
own. It would make economic sense for each to merge with or acquire its own
Lloyds broker.
The Committee of Lloyds
has historically been dominated by underwriters, although brokers have always
had an important voice. Chairmen of Lloyds are usually underwriters
although a distinguished minority have been brokers. The committee has always
been ambivalent on the question of permitting Lloyds brokers to be
owned by foreigners which usually means Americans. On the one hand,
they fear their inability to control elements of the market having such
enormous financial muscle elements which are able to gobble up the
business handled by the more traditional English brokers. On the other hand,
the underwriters are keen to attract business to Lloyds and dont
wish to offend a vitally important source of that business.
The last thirty years have been
marked by increasingly half-hearted attempts by the committee to prevent
outsiders taking over Lloyds brokers. The so-called 20 per
cent rule, which is alleged to forbid any holding by a foreign
interest above 20 per cent in a Lloyds broker, has been broken so
often that it is clearly a dead letter. The committee still [*56] attempts to stop insurance
companies from owning Lloyds brokers on the footing that they would
have an impossible conflict of interest. But American brokers of standing are
now clearly free to buy: the takeover of Bowrlngs by Marsh McLennan,
the largest of the alphabet brokers, has already been referred to.VI.1
In this climate it was obvious that
the acquisition of Alexander Howden by Alexander & Alexander, the
second-largest of the alphabet brokers, would be unlikely to be challenged by
the regulatory authorities.VI.2
Howdens was, in 1982, a fast-growing broker with an extensive
reinsurance book. It owned a number of reinsurance companies including the
Sphere! Drake. The management of Howdens was in the hands of four
members of Lloyds: Messrs Grob, Comery, Page and Carpenter, later known
as the Gang of Four. The Lloyds underwriting activities of
Howdens made a significant contribution to the groups
profits: their chief underwriter, Ian Posgate, was the largest marine
underwriter in 1982. He wrote for about six thousand Names, over one-quarter of
the then Lloyds membership, and handled not far short of 10 per cent
of the entire premium income of Lloyds.VI.3
This represented a high degree of concentration, but it was not all that
unusual: in an average year in each of the two large markets, marine and
non-marine, ten underwriters write half the business. Ian Posgate was, however,
an undoubtedly popular star with a large number of external members. He was
also a reluctant fifth member of the Howden board, having come under the wing
of Howdens in 1970 at the insistence of the Committee of
Lloyds which was concerned at his overwriting of premium income and
wished him to be properly controlled. Posgate was a controversial figure in the
Lloyds market. His free-wheeling and aggressive underwriting methods
had earned him the enmity of his competitors in the marine market on the floor
of the Room. He was seen as being one who would break conventions and cut rates
to get business he was certainly not a team player. But his
popularity at Lloyds was great enough for him to be elected to the
committee at the end of 1981.
The acquisition of Howdens
would give Alexander & Alexander the direct access to the Lloyds
market they were seeking. In early 1982 the deal was done and the new owners
began to move in. Under American securities practice it was necessary for the
acquiring company to carry out a full audit of their new subsidiary. Such a
check could not be carried out before as Howdens was a public company
and the rules of the UK Stock Exchange would have forbidden such disclosures to
a potential buyer. Deloittes carried out a fair
value audit. This revealed that a large proportion of the assets of
Howdens was missing, mostly from Sphere/Drake, the wholly owned
reinsurance company subsidiary. [*57]
In a statement filed with the Securities Exchange Commission in Washington reporting this discovery, Alexander & Alexander said that they were suing the Gang of Four and Mr Posgate. The company alleged that: Beginning as early as 1975, funds totalling approximately $55 million, including payments purporting to be insurance and reinsurance premiums from Howden insurance companies and quota share premiums from Howden managed insurance underwriting syndicates, of which Mr Posgate was the underwriter were paid improperly to certain entities.
On r September 1982 A&A gave
Lloyds the first news of Deloittes discovery. On 16
September Lloyds was told that Ian Posgate was implicated and he was
suspended from the market and from his place on the committee. On 20 September
following the filing of the statement with the SEC the DTI announced in London
that inspectors would be appointed under Section 165 of the 1948 Companies Act,
into the affairs of the Howden Group.
Lloyds learned about a
further development on 29 October. A&A reported that questionable
reinsurances had been placed by Howdens on behalf of the PCW
syndicates. Peter Cameron-Webb was another marine underwriter, but with a more
conformist style than Mr Posgate. He had been trained by Janson Green, the
agency later operated by Sir Peter Green, then Chairman of Lloyds,
but had left to start his own operation when Janson Green was still under the
command of Sir Peters father Toby Green. With his partner, accountant
Peter Dixon, he had placed reinsurances of his syndicates with entities which
he owned in Gibraltar, the Isle of Man and Guernsey. About forty million pounds
was alleged to have been moved in this way. Cameron-Webb had retired from
Lloyds at the end of 1981 and taken up residence abroad. As soon as
A&A reported their discoveries to Lloyds, Dixon, who then ran
the PCW agencies, agreed to suspend himself from the market.
The PCW agency had been acquired by
the large publicly quoted Lloyds broker, J. H. Minet & Co., in
1970. Following the policy of the committee at the time, which was anxious to
avoid unnecessary conflicts of interest, Minets were denied access to
details of the PCW underwriting activities, the auditors at the agency were
different from those of the parent broker, and Minets was allowed
only one nominee director on the board of the agency subsidiary. This was their
Chairman, John Walirock. It appeared that, without the knowledge of the board
of Minet, Wallrock had shared in some of the personal benefits obtained by
Cameron-Webb and Dixon at the expense of the Names on the syndicates they
managed. He resigned and the DTI appointed Section 165 inspectors into the
affairs of the Minet Group. [*58]
A third similar scandal broke just
before Christmas in 1982 when Messrs Brooks & Dooley, a smaller
underwriting agency, were accused of placing their syndicate reinsurances with
a Bermuda-based company called Fidentia which they either owned or controlled.
In this case £6.2 million was alleged to have been put into Fidentia
from the Brooks & Dooley syndicates.
The Chairman of Lloyds
himself, Sir Peter Green, was also subject to critical attention. Allegations
had been made in early 1982 about reinsurance arrangements made by Peter
Cameron-Webb through a Monaco-based company called Unimar. Although no large
sums of money had gone astray, the clandestine arrangements under which
privately owned Unimar had received a 10 per cent overriding commission on
outward reinsurances from the Cameron-Webb syndicates were suspect. Sir
Peters own largely private inquiry found no evidence of dishonesty
a conclusion that the press later found disquieting when
Cameron-Webbs other actions came to light. A later Lloyds
inquiry by Simon Tuckey QC also reached the conclusion that there had been no
dishonesty. The Department of Trade inspectors inquiring into Minets
had the power to question a wider circle of witnesses than the Lloyds
inquiry and they announced in July 1986 that they had found evidence of
dishonest intent on the part of Cameron-Webb, Dixon and a Lloyds broker,
David dAmbrumenil.VI.4 They
reported that Sir Peter Greens conclusion that there was no
dishonesty on the part of anyone connected with the transactions went
further than was justified by the evidence available to him.VI.5 However they agreed that further
evidence would have been difficult to find given the limited circle of
witnesses to which Sir Peter had access. They concluded: The
conclusions expressed by Sir Peter in his letter of 26 February 1982 were his
honest opinion of the matter. We reject the suggestion that he was guilty of a
Sir Peter was also under attack
because of his personal shareholding in a Cayman-based insurance company called
Imperial with which some of his syndicate reinsurances had been placed.
This catalogue of calamities brought
strong reactions from a number of quarters. Lloyds had for long been
a closed book for the press, and relations between the committee and the press
had never been easy. On the release of the Savonita report the committee had agreed to
the report being made available to members of the press only if the journalists
signed an indemnity undertaking not to libel the committee!VI.7 Soon after I arrived at
Lloyds I was horrified to learn that it was the practice not to give
the Lloyds press office a copy of the monthly agenda of the council
for fear of leaks. In such a secretive climate moles
flourished and as is usually [*59] the case when the press obtain stories from undercover sources the
leaks tended to be incomplete and biased. The press leapt with delight upon the
misfortunes of the lofty institution of Lloyds. Front-page stories
revealed increasingly detailed chapters of horror; the Bank of England,
Whitehall and Parliament became concerned.
The Secretary of State for Trade and
Industry was then Lord Cockfield, an energetic and single-minded individual
whose fearsome command of detail I came to respect when I served as a member of
the Price Commission under his chairmanship in 1977. Cockfields
concern to seek out the truth was confirmed by the promptness with which DTI
inspectors were appointed into Howdens and Minets.
Members of Parliament, who had been
prevailed upon only six months earlier to pass the new Lloyds Act,
felt cheated and angry. They had tackled the question of divestment, at the
prompting of Sir Henry Fisher, and achieved the separation of brokers and
underwriters. But it now appeared that Sir Henry had shot the wrong horse. In
pressing for divestment, in the name of avoiding conflicts of interest among
brokers between their duties to their customers, the insured, and to the Names
for whom they also acted as underwriting agents, he overlooked the much more
serious abuses of confficts of interest involved where agents put their own
interests improperly ahead of their duties to their Names. Lloyds had
been given new powers by Parliament. But it was now revealed that among those
who had argued so strongly for the granting of extended powers had been some
who had cheated and even plundered the members of Lloyds for whom
they acted. Grob and Walirock had been important witnesses before the Select
Committee on the Bill. There can be little doubt that had Parliament known of
the Howden, PCW, and Brooks & Dooley affairs before July 1982 the new
Lloyds Act would not have been passed and Lloyds
self-regulatory status would have been in grave doubt.
The reaction at Lloyds was
one of shock. Steps were taken to stem the damage. Those members of
Lloyds implicated in the scandals suspended themselves from the
market, or were suspended by the committee. In order to allay the fears of
Names, and no doubt influenced by Sir Peter Greens earlier unhappy
inquiry into Unimar, independent inspectors were appointed by Lloyds.
Nigel Holland, a partner in accountants Ernst & Whinney, who was well
versed in Lloyds accounting, and Peter Millet oc, handled the Howden
affair. Simon Tuckey oc assisted by Holland looked at PCW. Anthony Cohnan oc
was teamed with Stephen Hailey PCA, a partner in Arthur Andersen & Co., to
inquire into the Brooks & Dooley case. In each case staff and support were
provided by investigatory staff of the Corporation of Lloyds headed
by the head of regulatory services, [*60] Ken Randall. It was important for the inquiries to be seen as being
carried out independently of the Lloyds market professionals so that
the public could be confident therefore that they would be thorough and fearless,
even if members of the committee proved to be implicated. Although the
Lloyds inquiries were commonly seen as analogous to DTI inspections
under Section 165 of the Companies Act 1948, this was not actually the case.
After any prosecutions that may be called for as a result of the
inspectors conclusions, DTI inquiries are always published so that
the public may know the nature of the alleged wrongdoing. In the case of the
Lloyds inquiries the intention was different: to decide if there was
a case to answer before a Lloyds disciplinary tribunal for a breach
of the rules, what that case was, what was the evidence for it, and what rules
had been broken. The Lloyds inquiries were similar to the inquisition
carried out by an examining magistrate before a criminal case is brought in
Meanwhile steps were taken to place
the management of the stricken agencies in fresh hands that would be charged
with the job of recovering the missing funds on behalf of the Names. icw
underwriting agencies was a subsidiary of Minets. It was therefore up
to the board of Minets, with the approval of the Committee of
Lloyds, to arrange the continuing management of the PCW syndicates
and to recover the missing funds. Minets invited a distinguished
marine underwriter, Richard Beckett, formerly with Sedgwicks
underwriting interests, to become Chairman of PCW; he was assisted by Graham
White from Willis Faber as managing director. New underwriters were appointed
and a start was made on unravelling the tangled accounting web at icw and
recovering for the Names the money of which they had been defrauded.VI.8
The Brooks & Dooley agency had
sprung off an older Lloyds agency, Dugdales, most of whose
names were on the Brooks & Dooley syndicates. With the help of jack Aiston,
from Lloyds brokers Leslie and Godwin, as chairman, the board of
Brooks & Dooley was recast. At the same time a new team was installed at
Dugdales under the direction of David Newton. Mark Farrar, a
solicitor and a Brooks & Dooley Name, chaired a committee of defrauded
Names and steered it towards an acceptable compromise of litigation with Messrs
Brooks & Dooley which recovered a fair amount for the benefit of the Names.
Howdens, in whose
syndicates almost a quarter of the Lloyds members in 1982 were Names,
needed a two-part recovery plan. A special agency was set up by Alexander &
Alexander Alexander Syndicate Management (ASM) chaired by
Jeremy Hardie, a chartered accountant. ASM were given carte blanche to take
whatever steps were called for to recover [*61] missing funds for the benefit
of the Names. If this involved litigation A&A would provide the
necessary funds, even though their subsidiary, Howdens, would be a
possible target of such litigation.
The second part concerned the
Posgate syndicates whose management presented difficulties. lan Posgate had
established his own agency, Posgate and Denby, which was separate from
Howdens; This agency ran a number of syndicates, including some for
which Ian Posgate was the underwriter. In addition he was the active
underwriter of the Howden syndicates. As the agencys managing
director, principal shareholder and star underwriter had been suspended, new
management had to be found. Colin Bramail stepped in as Chairman, with the
approval of the Committee of Lloyds, and led a long and arduous
battle with Ian Posgate over the effective control of Posgate and Denby.
The Howden syndicates were trading
at a profit. The task was to recover, through Howdens, the funds that
had gone astray, and Jeremy Hardie was able to achieve an arrangement in which
a fair proportion of the Names claims, about 85 per cent, was
recovered. The underwriters of the Brooks & Dooley syndicate called on the
reinsurance funds in Bermuda to meet losses on the syndicate; the balance
ultimately available to meet the claims of the Names was therefore somewhat
depleted, but a reasonable bargain was struck in 1985. The case of PCW was much
more difficult. Cameron-Webb and Dixon had been engaged in an elaborate series
of devices to extract reinsurance funds from the syndicates, and to complicate
the accounting records so that it would prove very difficult to unravel them. While
this was going on their non-marine underwriters had written some disastrously
unprofitable business. This was to show losses of over £235 million
by 1986, so that the sums recovered from Gibraltar, Minets and
A&A (who had broked the questionable reinsurances) for the benefit of
the Names were overtopped by the calls made upon them to meet these losses. The
ultimate resolution of the problem of the PCW losses was to face the Society of
Lloyds with one of the most serious challenges in its history.
In all these scandals a common
thread emerged. Lloyds agents had breached the duty of trust that
every agent owes to his Names under the law of agency. Any agent faced with a
conflict between his own interests and those of his principals, the Names, has
a clear legal duty to avoid that conifict if he possibly can. If he cannot
avoid it, he must declare to his principal that there is a conflict, seek his
principals express informed permission to continue to act, and if
this is granted he must then, at all times, put the interests of his principal
before his own interests. A further rule of the law of agency provides that an
agent who makes a profit with [*62] his principals funds in secret is in breach of the law: he
must disclose the profit to his principal and account for it in full. Thirdly,
every agent has a duty to account regularly and in detail to his principal for
his stewardship. In each of the scandal cases, agents had breached the rules of
the law of agency: principally those concerning conflicts of interest, the rule
against secret profits, and the duty to account. In each case the arrangements
had also secured dubious tax advantages.
In the three cases in question the
agents responsible had plundered their Names; the sums involved totalled at
least £55 million.VI.9 These
were much the worst cases of outright plunder, but misunderstandings about the
law of agency were widespread among the agents at Lloyds. Insofar as
the details of funding reinsurance policies were withheld
from Names the law of agency was breached. Such doubtful arrangements occurred
among a majority of the major agencies and affected syndicates covering 92 per
cent of the total membership of Lloyds.
Baby or preferred syndicates were
another problem. They had been brought into the open by the press towards the
end of 1982. The worst case was in the PCW agency which operated two special
syndicates for the benefit of a handful of insiders: the Principal Baby
Syndicate and the Staff Baby Syndicate. The disciplinary report on the PCW
affairVI.10 explained that the two syndicates
participated in selected direct business, picked out by the underwriter, and
also received premium by way of reinsurance from the main syndicates. From 1970
to 1979 the baby syndicates received payments and adjustments made for the
purpose of engendering profits for the baby syndicates which to a very
substantial extent would not have been made by underwriting the reinsurances
which were therefore bogus and dishonest.VI.11
Concluding their passage on this the Disciplinary Committee said: The
Baby Syndicates were
operated in a manner which defrauded the
members of the other syndicates managed by Pew and as a further means of
dishonestly misappropriating substantial sums of money.VI.12 No other underwriters went quite so
far, but many, particularly in the marine market, adopted the practice of
operating a preferred syndicate to reward agency directors or staff. Often an
inner circle of brokers was included to encourage them to bring their business
to the main marine syndicate. In adopting these practices the underwriters were
not dealing fairly with their Names. Although it could be, and was, argued that
the Names would benefit in the end from happier agency staff, or a better flow
of business from brokers, the practice was not disclosed, so breaching the
rules against secret profits and conflicts of interest.
By the end of 1982 the climate
surrounding Lloyds had become dis-[*63]-tinctly torrid. The press had found a cause
célèbre, Parliament felt it had been cheated, the Tory
Government was displeased at revelations of skulduggery in its own back yard
the City, and the confidence of external Names in Lloyds, its committee
and chairman, was shaken. The Bank of England has a general responsibility for
the regulation of City markets. It had taken an interest in recent developments
at Lloyds and had been influential in establishing the Fisher
Inquiry. Under the new Lloyds Act it had, for the first time, a
formal role as sponsor of the nominated members of the new Council of
Lloyds. Now it was beginning to be seriously concerned that questions
about Lloyds might affect confidence in the entire City. It was
decided to press Lloyds to accept the appointment of an independent
chief executive of public stature drawn from outside the circle of
Lloyds staff and from outside the membership.VI.13 [*64]
The new Lloyds Act took
effect from I January 1983: the new Council of Lloyds took office
from the same day. In accordance with Fishers recommendations the
membership of Lloyds was divided into two constituencies: the working
members who elected sixteen members to the council; and the external members of
whom eight joined the council. The election of external members presented a
difficulty because unlike the working members of the society, external members
did not know each other: it has always been contrary to the rules of
Lloyds for members to publicize their membership. The candidates were
unknown to most of the external members so the election process was somewhat
capricious. The winners were those who had the support of the principal agents
whose Names wrote in for advice on how to vote. It had hardly been
Fishers intention, when he proposed that external members be included
on the council to counterbalance the power of the working members
including the agents that the agents should influence the choice. It
is difficult, however, to see what other method of election would work. Nor did
the external members subsequent behaviour give any evidence of
obligation to the agents who had sponsored them.
The new council held a preliminary
meeting at Leeds Castle in December 1982. The first business was to appoint
three nominated members who could not be members of Lloyds. It was
necessary to negotiate with the Bank of England on this point because the Act
required that they be approved by the Governor of the Bank. Lloyds
was fortunate to obtain the services of Sir Kenneth Berrill, former head of the
government Policy Review Board, Brandon Gough, Managing Partner of Coopers
& Lybrand, the accounting firm, and Edward Walker-Arnott of City solicitors
Herbert Smith & Co. These three were to serve for several years.VII.1
The question of remuneration for
council members came up at an early [*65] stage. Members of the old Committee of Lloyds, who now formed
the sixteen working members of the council, had always served without pay. They
had only to come up from the Room to attend a committee meeting on the second
floor at Lloyds and the business of the council was intimately
connected with their day-to-day concerns as brokers, underwriters and agents.
The chairs the chairman and the two elected
deputy chairmen served full time, but they were unpaid too. The
working members on the council would look askance at any proposal to pay
attendance fees to the external members of the council, who were regarded by
the more conservative insiders as interlopers. Soon after my arrival at
Lloyds certain external members of the council were invited to accept
outside directorships of agencies: clearly a connection with the ruling council
would be useful to a growing agency. This caused grave offence to the working
councillors and standing orders were drafted to forbid an external member of
council benefiting financially from his office: he was precluded from drawing
any salary from the market or changing his underwriting arrangements during his
term of office in such a way that it might appear that he had benefited from
inside knowledge. These provisions represented an injustice to the nominated
members who had no financial interest in the success of Lloyds. They
remained unpaid until the beginning of 1987 when annual salaries of
£8,000 were awarded to the three nominated members by bye-law.VII.2
The Committee of Lloyds is
the second-oldest element in the structure of the society. In 1771 a committee
was formed to launch the New Lloyds and it has
had a continuous history of managing the society and regulating the business
done in the Room. The 1982 Act transferred this responsibility to the new
tri-partite Council of Lloyds, but allowed the committee to live on.
It was made up of the sixteen members of the council elected from the working
membership. It continues its Wednesday morning meetings in traditional form:
the committee stands when the chairman enters the room: members sit, and speak,
in order of seniority; and subscribers (a category of members) are elected by
secret ballot, using the ballot box. During the crises of 1982 the committee had
frequently resumed work after its weekly lunch, but in early 1983 the new
council began to feel its muscle, and take on an increased responsibility: the
role of the committee began to diminish.
There was an early attempt to
maintain the traditional status of the committee by the passage of a resolution
delegating most of the new councils powers to the committee. This
resolution would have had the effect of putting the general power to regulate
Lloyds back into the hands of the very body, the committee, that
Parliament had just decided should [*66] surrender it to the new council. The external members did not like it
and the resolution was given only four months life. When the council
returned to the matter in April 1983 a new power structure was proposed in
which the committee would have a much smaller part to play. Over the next year
new committees were formed by the council to be responsible for a number of
matters formerly handled by the Committee of Lloyds. These new
committees included external and nominated members of the council who, in a
number of important cases, provided the chairman. Committees were formed to
deal with Finance, Investigations, Administrative Suspension, Rules, Accounting
and Auditing Standards, Staff, Senior Appointments, Training, and External
Relations. The formation of these committees had the effect of removing these
responsibilities from the Committee of Lloyds, since policy on these
matters now came directly to the monthly council meeting for decision. Working
members of the council played an important, but rarely dominant, role in these
committees. Delegation by the council to the Committee of Lloyds was
in respect of specific matters rather than by granting a general authority.
The committee continued to have
responsibility for the admission of members, brokers and agents, and for
solvency. Two important subcommittees dealt with membership matters and with
the annual solvency test, including recommendations on minimum solvency
reserves: both these sub-committees were chaired by influential working
These developments, particularly the
exclusion of finance and investigations, meant that the role of the Committee
of Lloyds changed and its weekly agenda, reflecting its diminished decision-making
powers, looked increasingly thin. Attempts were made to reduce the frequency of
meetings, fuelled by suspicions among external members of the council that the
committee provided too good an opportunity for the working members to meet in
caucus before the monthly council meeting. So far these attempts seem to have
had little effect on the weekly ceremony on the eleventh floor in Lime Street.VII.3
The Committee of Lloyds
remains, as it should, the principal forum for the expression of market
opinion. Committee members are elected for four years at a time; one-quarter
retire each year and must then take a sabbatical year away from committee
duties before they can stand again for election. Because of the growth of the
society the old system of voting in person on General Meeting Day in November
has been replaced by a postal ballot the only way external members
could be effectively enfranchised. Although external members vote for a
separate constituency eight external members of the council
the same postal voting system is now used for the working members.
The market associations [*67] are
important in these elections because they provide a training ground for future
committee talent. There are always marine and non-marine underwriters on the
committee, and they have often been chairmen of their respective associations
the Lloyds Underwriters Association and the
Lloyds Underwriters Non-Marine Association. Sometimes the fortunes of
election give an opening for an aviation underwriter or a motor underwriter:
both these markets are too small to ensure regular representation on the
committee. The rest of the committee consists of brokers, often former chairmen
of the Lloyds Insurance Brokers Committee, and agents who have served
their time on the committee of the Lloyds Underwriting Agents
Association. Although most leading agency figures are underwriters or
ex-underwriters there is a cadre of professional agency men who have made their
way up through handling the affairs of Names.
Because the working member
electorate is small, so that candidates are usually widely known, and service
on the committee is interrupted by sabbaticals, the electoral system is very
democratic in the sense that it responds quickly to market attitudes.
Time-servers on the committee do not, on the whole, last well because they have
to secure re-election after an interval. This system of direct election gives
the committee power and lends weight to its opinions on market questions. It
has however one major disadvantage. There are under six thousand working
members of Lloyds, of whom two-thirds are at any time too junior or
too old to be considered for elected office. The pool from which the committee
members can be drawn is therefore small and the pressure on the more successful
underwriters to avoid the commitment of elected duty is great.
Although the new Council of
Lloyds was drawn from the three constituencies of the working and
external members of the society, and nonmembers co-opted by the council, it
quickly cohered. Bye-laws must be approved at council meetings by a special
resolution with separate majorities of the working members and of the external
and nominated members voting together. This device was designed by Fisher to
make sure that the working members majority on the council could not
be used to approve bye-laws against the wishes of the external
members representatives. In fact, special resolutions have always
been supported from both sides of the council chamber and early fears that the
council might become divided have proved groundless.VII.4
The Leeds Castle council meeting
decided two further matters. Sir Peter Green would continue as Chairman of
Lloyds for a fourth year, and the new post of Chief Executive would
be created. I saw Sir Peter on 4 January 1983 and told him that I would accept
that new position subject to certain conditions. I wanted to be a deputy
chairman as well as Chief Executive. [*68] I would be a nominated member of the council with the right to attend
committee meetings only working members can belong to the committee.
Because I saw myself principally as an agent of change, I agreed to serve for a
limited term only a minimum of three and a maximum of five years.
After that, the decision to continue the post or not was a matter for
discussion by the council. I wanted certain staff to be available to me. I
recognized that, in order to be free of any charge of partiality, I would have
to retire from my firm. I would continue for the time being as Chairman of the
Accounting Standards Committee (where my term of office ran out in June 1984)
but I would give up my other public appointments. In concluding my discussions,
I said that I would have to be free to make clear, if asked, that the post was
not of my choosing but that I was doing it because the Governor of the Bank had
approached me and that I considered I had a public duty to respond.
Sir Peter Green is a bluff man with
considerable phlegm. He can be taciturn but has a strong will. There can be no
doubt that he dominated the Council of Lloyds in its early days. He
certainly was not afraid of it. We did not discuss the details of my terms of
reference, in the drafting of which I played little part.VII.5 He said that the job would be
principally concerned with implementing the new self-regulatory regime
envisaged by the 1982 Act. He saw the society as needing three things which the
present chairs could not supply: continuity, because the constitution of the
elected triumvirate of chairs changes each year, management skills, because
underwriters have little management experience and neither do most brokers; and
what he called a hard impartiality in the application of the societys
rules. The proposal to appoint me as Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive was
put to a somewhat startled Council of Lloyds at the beginning of
January 1983. A small sub-committee of councillors interviewed me. I can recall
little of that hurried interview in the chairmans office at
Lloyds except for a comment by one of the group, Peter Miller:
You do realize do you not, he said, that your
first duty is to the external members of the society? This remark emphasized
for me a significant aspect of my future job.
I began to get to know the top
people in the Lloyds market and among the council members. I was
obviously something of an enigma to them. The paths of public accountants and
Lloyds underwriters dont often cross. To most I was
the chap the Governor found.
In 1983 Peter Rawlins was a senior
manager (later a partner) with Arthur Andersen & Co. He came with me to
Lloyds as my personal assistant on secondment from
Andersens. He was the initiator of much good thinking at the early
stages, especially in the area of rule-making. [*69]
He also drafted speeches, articles
and papers and kept his finger on the pulse of the second floor, the market
and, to a lesser degree because he too was an outsider, the staff. He was my
trusted confidant and adviser and without him the job would have been ten times
more difficult, especially at the early critical stages. Peter Rawlins returned
to Andersens in the spring of 1984 before leaving at the end of that
year to take up the position of Managing Director of Lloyds largest
agent, R. W. Sturge & Co.
It was clear to me that the massive
task of reforming the regulatory framework at Lloyds would require
high-level, professional competence. I had knowledge of standard setting in the
accounting field and I had served as a member of the professions
Auditing Practices Committee. But I was not a lawyer and knew little about
insurance and less about Lloyds. I, therefore, proposed to my first
council meeting that the council appoint three advisers on self-regulation. The
first was David Stebbings. He was then the recently retired Senior Partner of
Freshflelds, the leading City law firm. He was one of the two
non-Lloyds members of the Higgins working party, appointed by the
Committee of Lloyds in 1982 to inquire into the agency system
following an undertaking to Parliament during the debate on the
Lloyds Bill. He had had a baptism of fire at Lloyds and knew
about many of the problems. Before I took up office at Lloyds he had
talked to me about the iniquitous system of baby syndicates, which he described
as daylight robbery, and the need to be rid of it. His
input was particularly valuable on the law of agency so fundamental to
Lloyds. His lectures at seminars on the subject opened the eyes of
many Lloyds agents who were surprised to learn that trusteeship with
its strict accountability, the very core of agency law, was as old as the
Crusades and had long preceded the foundation of Lloyds.
The second adviser was Philip Brown.
Philip was a deputy secretary at the DTI. In a long civil service career he had
acquired experience on the insurance regulatory side. Philips initial
brief was to advise on the investigatory and external relations areas, both of
which were in need of attention. Later he joined the staff full time as head of
external relations and then as head of regulatory services. He left
Lloyds just after I did.
Richard Wilkes was a former
president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and is a partner in Price
Waterhouse & Co. I felt I needed advice on the accounting side as well as
the legal and regulatory aspects of the job. Richard formed the third member of
the team and his work on broker regulation was particularly useful.
The paper to council that approved
the appointment of these three as advisers on self-regulation included some
prophetic words: Council, Committee and market are all anxious to
bring in necessary and appro-[*70]-priate regulations in order to lift the cloud of suspicion that hangs
over Lloyds and to render it free of future attack
. The
advisers overall mission will be to assure the Deputy Chairman and
Chief Executive and through him the Council that the proposed arrangements meet
necessary standards of quality in the public interest and are in the interests
of assureds and Names
. They will report individually to the Deputy
Chairman and Chief Executive and undertake tasks at his request
Their independence of Lloyds will help to stiffen his back against
any tendency to temper the proper force of sell-regulation.
L started work at Lloyds
on 14 February 1983. On the very first day I had to focus on one of the issues
which was to dominate my three years in Lloyds and which lay behind
all the major scandals tax evasion. The Revenue had learnt from the
papers about some of the dubious reinsurance practices at Lloyds.
This was the beginning of a course of inquiry into the reinsurance practices,
described in Chapter V, which led to a settlement with the Revenue in October
1985. At this stage the Revenue was literally feeling its way. We explained the
plans that had been developed within my working party on syndicate accounting
to publish a register of underwriters interests and suggested that
this should give them the information they wanted.
When I started at Lloyds I
agreed a three-point plan with the chairman and the council. The first and most
urgent thing was to restore confidence in Lloyds as an institution.
The press scandals did not appear to have had an adverse effect on the flow of
business into Lloyds: the insurance world knew the way that
Lloyds worked and were aware that the difficulties concerned
relations between external Names and their agents. Policy holders were not
affected because the security of the Lloyds policy was not at risk.
The proud boast that no valid claim on a Lloyds policy had ever
remained unpaid was still true. Business continued to flow in. Admittedly it
was now accompanied by some snide comments from the American market; we no
longer had an unimpeached record for integrity, but provided that
Lloyds cleaned up the mess there would be no lasting damage.
Reactions in the UK were more
critical and the danger was that the confidence of Names as investors would be
affected. In fact the volume of business written at Lloyds doubled
from 1983 to 1986 and the number of members rose by one-third over the three
years, so any damage to confidence must have been marginal.
The second task was to write the
rule book. Lloyds bye-laws under the 1871 Act run to twenty-two
pages. Most of the markets rules were unwritten, or embodied in the
vague authority of letters from the chairman [*71] to the market. One of the principal reasons
for the new Act was to furnish Lloyds with a comprehensive legally
enforceable rule book with which to regulate the business of insurance in the
The third job was the most
difficult. It was to alter the Society of Lloyds so that it would be
equipped with a regulatory framework appropriate to the worlds
largest insurance market. This meant not only managing the staff and finances
of the Society of Lloyds; it also meant changing the very structure
of the society so that the application of the councils new rules to
the market would be progressively transferred out of the hands of market insiders
into those of independent professionally trained staff. [*72] [*73]
[*74] [*75]
Cleaning up the Market
On top of the 1958 Lloyds
building in Lime Street stands a block of Portakabins erected to provide much-needed
extra office space before the new building across the street was completed. It
is approached by a draughty iron staircase across the roof. The block is
isolated and cannot be overlooked. During the latter half of 1982 it was
dedicated to the Lloyds investigations and was known as Fort Knox.
Here, remote from the Room six floors below, Ken Randall and his staff began to
unravel the woeful deceit patterns spun by the scandals at Lloyds.
Ken had joined Lloyds as an accountant at Lloyds of London
Press ten years earlier. Transferring to the regulatory staff of the
corporation, his obvious skills had led him to the centre of power on the
second floor and he was named to the new post of Head of Regulatory Services in
March 1983.
The investigations staff at the end
of 1982 numbered about fifty. A few were old-stagers borrowed from various
Lloyds departments; most were young lawyers and accountants, men and
women newly recruited to the staff or seconded from City professional firms.
The expense of the team, which itself co-ordinated the work of a number of
firms of lawyers and accountants, was considerable. But the committee and the
new council did not stint in providing the funds needed to do the job. The
members of the team were either new to Lloyds or new to investigatory
work. They put in many hours of overtime. They were faced with the largest
crisis in the history of Lloyds.
My terms of reference had emphasized
my special duties as far as investigations and discipline were concerned. Not
being a member of the society and having resigned all other outside posts, I
was the only member of the council who was in all respects and at all times
completely independent of the matters under inquiry and had the time to give to
the needs of the situation. Clearly the right policy was to back Ken Randall,
[*76] a decision I never regretted; to replace the temporary staff arrangements
by cheaper permanent ones and reduce the dependence on outside firms of
solicitors and accountants; and to support the staffs efforts with
the chairs and the committee. Allegations were then being made which ran close
to leading figures in the market and even to the committee itself. Staff were
justifiably nervous of their own jobs because they might find themselves
investigating their masters.
The success of the Fort Knox team
was urgent because the press was baying at our heels. The events of the autumn
of 1982 had given Lloyds a most unfavourable press. A great British
institution, somewhat mysterious but none the less of the greatest economic
importance, appeared to have soup stains down its tie and the press was not
inclined to be generous in reporting Lloyds.
Relations between the Committee of
Lloyds and the press had never been easy. Underwriters had always
found it difficult to accept that journalists might have a legitimate right to
inquire into the happenings at Lloyds. The committee had always been
reluctant to take the press into its confidence, although some years earlier
the practice of an annual press conference was instituted at which the Chairman
of Lloyds, flanked by the chairmen of the market associations,
presented the overall market results for the year. Lloyds had a press
department, but its principal role when I arrived was seen as that of keeping
journalists away from the second floor.
Looking back at the headlines of
autumn 1982, criticism fell into four categories.VIII.1
First, it was alleged that Lloyds would, as usual, cover up its
scandals and sweep them under the carpet. Nothing would ever be heard of the
outcome of the allegations being made, for that was the way things had always
been done in the past. Lloyds, it was said, had only one rule:
Dog dont eat dog. Any actions against the
recently publicized miscreants would be confined to ensuring that they did not
gain an unfair competitive advantage in the market. Moreover, it was said, the
Committee of Lloyds could never give a fair hearing to an accused who
was himself a close competitor in a tightly knit market. Second, the press
concentrated on the traditions of the place, its age and the conservatism of
its attitudes and the unlikelihood that its members could ever be persuaded to
alter their practices. Lloyds was seen as an unchanging institution
to which reform was inherently alien. Third, this conservative clannish club
was founded on the maxim of privacy; secrecy was endemic at Lloyds.
Mind your own business was the normal response to the
press. The external Names and the public had scant chance of discovering what
went on inside such a private, and some might say arrogant, society. Finally,
Lloyds was seen [*77] as
essentially an elitist club in which the favoured few, the working members or
market professionals as the Financial Times had come to call them, would
continue, as ever, to exclude the external members, the public interest and the
professional staff from any power or influence over the affairs of the society.
These four points the
tendency to cover up, conservatism, natural secrecy and elitism were
the essence of the storm of criticism which Lloyds was attracting
from the press when I joined in early 1983. A contemporary quotation
crystallizes these sentiments under the headline Lloyds
must regain its grip. The passage reads: The essential
problem at Lloyds is that the market has failed to keep up with the
standards of the times. To some extent this had been recognized by the passage
of new legislation in Parliament to strengthen Lloyds self-regulatory
powers, but the whole approach to business needs to change. Much of the City
has moved away from the old club-like approach; Lloyds has lagged
Our first task was to correct these impressoisn by
improving relations with the
press. My own past experience, my terms of reference and the promptings of the
Bank of England all pointed me towards taking the initiative.
I had found over the years that the
best posture with journalists was absolute frankness on matters where they had
a legitimate right to know, and to say no and explain why if the matter was
secret. The key was for the chief executive to handle the press personally. I
therefore set to work to build better relations with the leading financial
journalists by always making myself available to them on the telephone and by
holding regular monthly press conferences after each council meeting. These
were well attended at first, up to forty journalists came, but as the mystery was
dispersed and interest fell the numbers came down to fifteen or sixteen. I
boasted at the time that we had got Lloyds off the front page and on
to the back page, then into the inside pages, and finally we had disappeared
from view. Because the press knew that they would be kept informed the search
for leaks, which had so occupied them in 1982, flagged. Until the PCW problems
emerged in all their seriousness in April 1985 we enjoyed a steadily improving
press which lacked the carping tone that had been so noticeable before 1983.VIII.3
In handling the press it was always
important to remember that the Chairman of Lloyds is the chief
ambassador for the market and its principal spokesman and figurehead; my
appointment had attracted a good deal of press publicity; as far as possible I
had to avoid my name and face prevailing in Lloyds reportage. I
therefore adopted the practice of speaking off the record to journalists other
than at the monthly press [*78]
conferences, and of ensuring that my many talks to market groups, external
Names and public forums, were off the record.
In order to improve Lloyds
image, especially in the United States, arrangements were put in hand to
publish the annual return of Lloyds business to the DTI, which is
called for under the Insurance Companies Act in a form similar to the annual
report of a company. We added a statement setting out the financial resources
that stand behind the Lloyds policy. These documents were especially
valuable in the USA because most of the leading American insurance companies
reinsure with Lloyds. New rules in the US required auditors of
American insurance companies to check the financial status of those companies
with whom their clients reinsured. But Lloyds had never published
accounts. The most useful way of meeting the need was to redraft the annual DTI
return as Lloyds Global Report and Accounts. The
figures were nothing but an amalgamation of returns submitted by each syndicate
and they were not audited. But they served to give a clear picture of the size
and scope of Lloyds business and its relative profitability.
This process of opening up
Lloyds had the desired effect. The press coverage of
Lloyds, measured in column inches, fell steadily week by week,
contrary to the expectations of the more conservative members of the committee
who expected that the new policy would attract media attention. It was not
however true, as was then alleged, that I had arranged to pay a bonus to the
Lloyds press department based on the reduction in the number of
column inches achieved each month! But this relief was only a lull: the most
convincing source of reviving confidence in Lloyds would be evidence
that the miscreants in the market would be dealt with properly. We had to show
that there would be no sweeping under the carpet as had happened in the past.
I have already referred to defects
in the disciplinary arrangements at Lloyds under the 1871
legislation. Procedures to remove a member from the market were cumbersome and
unwieldy.VIII.4 Although the
Lloyds Act of 1911 provided that, instead of expulsion, the committee
could suspend a member for up to two years, the procedures required were still
so cumbersome that they were very rarely used. Instead the chairman of the day
would, if the offence merited it, invite the miscreant to resign or accept such
punishment by way of suspension or reprimand as was felt appropriate. This
procedure depended upon the accuseds willingness to accept his
punishment, and upon the weight of the chairmans office being brought
into play to secure this acceptance and execute the sentence. In the booming
days of the 1970s, when a new breed of fortune hunter had entered Lloyds,
the old willingness to accept the rules of the club had [*79] withered and the committee felt,
rightly in Sir Henry Fishers view, that it lacked the powers it
needed to discipline the market.
The new Act required the council to
pass bye-laws establishing a Disciplinary Committee, a majority of which should
be members of the society, and an Appeal Tribunal whose members could not be
members of Lloyds. Except for the councils power to
confirm, modify or grant a dispensation in respect of any penalty or sanction
awarded, all the disciplinary powers or functions of the council were to be
exercised by the new Disciplinary Committee, and in respect of appeals, by the
Appeal Tribunal.VIII.5
It was urgent to act promptly in
respect of these new powers, and a comprehensive set of disciplinary bye-laws,
which had been drafted before the Act had come into force, was passed by the
council at its first meeting on 5 January 1983. The Disciplinary Committee
consisted of senior members of the society with a minority of non-members,
chiefly lawyers. Council members were excluded. The Appeal Tribunal was chaired
by a distinguished Lord of Appeal, Richard Wilberforce: his deputy was David
Calcutt QC who later became Chairman of the Bar Council. The range of penalties
available to the Disciplinary Committee, which would sit in panels of three or
five, now included the power to reprimand, censure, suspend and fine as well as
to expel. There was a power frequently resorted to, to appoint an independent QC
to chair a disciplinary committee in any particularly serious case.
The disciplinary and appeal bye-laws
were buttressed by five others. The most important of these, the misconduct
bye-law, laid down the matters which could constitute misconduct: breach of the
Lloyds Act or any bye-law, regulation or direction made thereunder;
conduct detrimental to Lloyds or those doing business there; conduct
of any insurance business in a discreditable manner with a lack of good faith;
or dishonourable, disgraceful or improper conduct. The range of penalties
available to the Committee of Lloyds was specified. The
administrative suspension bye-law gave the council power temporarily to suspend
the member if required to prevent the risk of serious damage to
Lloyds. The inquiries and investigations bye-law gave the council
power to order inquiries into a members conduct. Such inquiries could
not be carried out by anyone having a financial interest in the matter or
closely connected to the person involved. A committee of inquiry set up under
this bye-law would have powers to obtain information from
Lloyds persons, that is to say all those within
Lloyds jurisdiction including members and the lesser categories of
persons associated with Lloyds: subscribers, associates and
substitutes. The fourth bye-law made clear that any evidence obtained [*80] by
such an inquiry was to be confidential and only to be used for the proper
regulatory purposes of Lloyds. Finally the council stage of the
disciplinary process was set out, defining the councils power of
clemency and giving it the power to publish the findings of disciplinary
This framework was a vast
improvement on what had gone before. But everything turned on how the powers
were to be used. Investigations and discipline had always been matters for the
Chairman and the Committee of Lloyds. In the current circumstances
this was inappropriate because members of the committee were themselves under
challenge. Further, the investigations bye-law now expressly forbade the
involvement in this work of those having a financial interest in the matter or
a connection with those involved. Lloyds is such a small market, in
terms of the numbers of leading figures actively involved, and cross-interests
are so frequent (more than half the members of the council were members of Ian
Posgates syndicates), that great care must be taken to ensure that
justice is properly done. We had to establish that investigations and any
subsequent disciplinary proceedings would be impartial to avoid accusations of
favouritism towards old friends, or antagonism towards hated competitors. This
meant that any members involved in a decision to prosecute or sitting in judgment
on a case had to have no connection with the defendant. Secondly, we had to
ensure due process, as the Americans say. New bye-laws had
to be applied punctiliously and correctly: there could be no repetition of the
incident in November 1982 when Mr Posgates proposed suspension from
the market had been overturned in the High Court because of legal defects in
the committees action.
It was also necessary to apply John
Lockes doctrine of the separation of powers. According to the letter
of the law the Council of Lloyds is supreme: it has full powers to
regulate the business of insurance at Lloyds. The council can bring
charges against a member, it can hear those charges through the medium of the
Disciplinary Committee, and it can exercise a power of clemency in respect of
the sentence at the council stage of disciplinary proceedings. It had already
been decided that no member of the council would serve on the Disciplinary
Committee so there was no confusion when it came to hearing a case and bringing
a verdict. But deciding whether or not to investigate alleged wrongdoing and
then, having read the report of the investigation, to prosecute a member could
not in my view properly be taken by the same council who would, later, decide
if the sentence should be reduced. An Investigations Sub-committee of the
Committee of Lloyds had already been formed which reported regularly
to the weekly meeting of the Committee of Lloyds. We changed this by
forming an Investigations Committee of the council chaired by [*81] one of the nominated members who
was, by definition, not a member of the society. The membership was drawn from
the working, non-working and nominated members of the council which delegated
to the Investigations Committee two powers: that of ordering that matters be
formally investigated under the investigations bye-law; and that of ordering
that charges be brought against any member of the society alleged, by such an
investigation, to have committed an offence. With the formation of this
committee the Committee of Lloyds ceased to have any role in the
investigation and disciplinary field. When a matter reached the final
disciplinary stage before the council, members of the Investigations Committee
excused themselves from attendance on the footing that they already knew of the
matter and were prejudiced because they had been involved in the decision to
bring the original charges. In this way a proper separation of powers was
achieved and Lloyds was proof against allegations that members of the
regulatory authority had been both judge and advocate in the same case.VIII.7
Similar considerations applied to
administrative suspension. We had powers to suspend a member from the market
for up to six months pending the completion of inquiries and disciplinary
processes.VIII.8 Such suspension was
not meant to imply any pre-judgment of guilt: it was purely administrative, for
the protection of the market. None the less, to suspend a member was to deny
him the right to earn his living and gossips would make damaging remarks about
his integrity. We had therefore to be very careful that such suspension was
always judicially applied. An Administrative Suspension Committee of council
members was established which excluded members of the Investigations Committee
and represented all three constituencies of the council working,
external and nominated members. Cases for consideration were referred to this
committee by the Investigations Committee who would advise, when considering
charges, whether temporary administrative suspension was called for. The
Administrative Suspension Committee was furnished with substitute members so
that a quorum of members independent of the case would always be available. It
sat in judgment on cases of administrative suspension, hearing the arguments
advanced by the Investigations Committee and any defence advanced by the member
The business of insurance at
Lloyds involves a lot of standing around. The Room is full of brokers
queuing to get the attention of their chosen underwriter. While they are
waiting they gossip and gossip travels fast. Allegations of misbehaviour travel
fastest of all and in fairness to those accused we had to take steps to stop
character assassination at the hands of the gossips in the Room and the press.
The early investigations had [*82] been publicly announced, a necessary step at the time in order to
restore confidence in the fair regulation of the Lloyds market. But
this had two unfortunate effects: those named as the subjects of inquiries were
immediately and unfairly labelled as guilty; and the press and the members
expected to read the resulting reports, even though the purpose of the
inquiries was to see if any offences had been committed and to recommend what
charges should be brought. We therefore took steps to withdraw the inquiry
process from the public gaze both by using informal powers of inquiry where
possible and by refusing to make any public comment on matters that might or might
not be the subject of investigation. Lloyds has a regular inquiry
staff.VIII.9 All investigations start in the
Advisory Department. A few go further because it is necessary to report the
matter to the Investigations Committee. Very few reach the stage of a formally
announced investigation by a team of independent lawyers and accountants.VIII.10
But we would not succeed in our
mission to restore confidence in Lloyds unless justice was seen to
have been done. It was in my view unjust to publish reports of investigations
while the wrongdoing portrayed in them was based on allegations, and had not
been proved as facts. Once the matter had passed the disciplinary stage the
case was different. The allegations had been proved or disproved in accordance
with a criminal standard of proof as in a public court. The verdict had been
judicially arrived at and the appropriate sentence passed. There then could be
no injustice in publishing the facts within the jurisdiction of
Lloyds. The Council of Lloyds adopted the daring and
laudable policy of publishing the reports of disciplinary cases in full. These
reports contain as full a recital of the facts of the matter as that in the
investigation report on which the original case was brought. As a result Names
and others directly affected had the evidence they needed to secure their civil
rights based on the proven guilt of the defendants.
These new arrangements began slowly
to prove their worth. We had to fight on two fronts. The press were determined
that there should be no cover-up, and we could only assure them that, once the
cases had been heard properly, they would have all the facts. Some of the
defendants were eager to attack the disciplinary process through the courts or
through public assertions that they would name names if the
matter came to a Lloyds trial. The Lloyds bye-laws provide
that a disciplinary case may be heard in public at the option of the defendant,
a provision inserted because of advice that the European Commission would
expect it. This was used, without much effect, by one or two defendants who
were anxious to embarrass Lloyds. None succeeded in doing so because
we [*83] had made our disciplinary processes
impartial, fair, appropriately public and inexorable. Furthermore we had shown
that they were to apply to all members of the market without fear or favour.
Defendants who began by protesting their disdain of the Lloyds
process came in the end to accept that Lloyds justice was unavoidable.
By the end of 1983 the inquiry
reports commissioned in the autumn of 1982 began to come in. The first was the
Fidentia report, named after the Bermudan insurance company formed by Raymond
Brooks and Terence Dooley to receive and hold many of their syndicate
reinsurance fundsVIII.11 Under the
Lloyds inquiries bye-law inspectors are free to conduct their
inquiries as they see fit, subject to any specific directions the council may
give, and to the laws of natural justice, a breach of which could cause the
inspectors to be challenged in the courts. Anthony Colman oc and Stephen Hailey
FcA, the Fidentia inspectors, had decided to recommend that their first report
be sent out immediately to the Names on the affected syndicates as it provided
evidence which could help the Names to recover some of the missing funds. This
proved to be the only exception to the rule that the subject matter of the
reports would remain secret until disciplinary proceedings were at an end.
By early 1984 we were bringing
charges against the first of the defendants in the main scandal cases, Brooks
& Dooley. They challenged Lloyds actions in the courts, arguing
that the offences they were alleged to have committed ante-dated the new Act
and that in effect Parliament had intended an amnesty in respect of past
actions when they set up the new regulatory regime at Lloyds. This
case was brought despite Clause 10 of the Fourth Schedule of the Act which
states that in preferring charges the council may have regard to acts committed
before i January 1983. Lloyds won, but had to undertake that the
standard of conduct called for in respect of this and other disciplinary
matters originating before the Act could be no higher than that prevailing at
the time. In other words, the offences would have had to amount to
discreditable conduct both at the time they were committed and by
todays higher standards. In the event this rule proved to be of no
hindrance to the serious cases with which we were dealing. Lloyds is
founded on the law of agency; gross breach of that civil law has always been
discreditable conduct and todays codes and rules on the matter merely
illustrate and clarify the basic principles of a law that ante-dates
Alan Page and jack Carpenter mounted
a second challenge. Peter Cameron-Webb had left Lloyds at the end of
1981. Towards the end of 1984, before charges had been laid against him, he
applied to resign from the society. In accordance with the then current
practice there was no [*84]
alternative but to accept his resignation. Later, during 1984, Page and
Carpenter sought to resign rather than face disciplinary charges. By this time
the council had passed the membership bye-law, a critical clause of which deals
with resignation.VIII.12 A member of
Lloyds may submit his resignation at any time but will still be
liable for his insurance obligations until the accounts are closed for the
years during which he was a member by reinsurance into syndicates of which he
is not a member. Until then he must leave his deposits with the corporation.
Thereafter he will cease to be a member, but only if the committee exercises
discretion in accepting his resignation. If there are inquiries afoot or
charges pending the committee will not accept it. Again the judge upheld
Lloyds position. If he had not done so we would probably have been
faced with a spate of resignations from those who would have preferred not to
stay and face the music.
Challenges in the High Court were
not the only reason that it took so long to clear up the cases: that against
John Wallrock, for example, was settled only in July 1986, almost four years
after the offences were discovered. In a number of cases defendants, as was
their right, took the fullest advantage of the legal processes provided for by
the Act and bye-laws.VIII.13
We took care to be punctilious in ensuring that every defendant was granted his
legal rights to the fullest degree. Arguably simpler proceedings should be
arranged for simpler offences for example, filing accounts late
but the present arrangements have stood the test of time well and
produced acceptable justice in the face of profound scepticism and forceful
legal attack by defendants.
The hurdles we had to overcome
proved higher than we had at first assumed. It became accepted, and was
confirmed by Lord Wilberforce in the Posgate appeal, that charges would have to
be proved to a criminal standard of proof. He said: The Disciplinary
Committee in my clear opinion correctly directed themselves as to the burden
and standard of proof. Lloyds must, they held, make good their case
not merely on the balance of probability but on the criminal standard of proof
so that the Disciplinary Committee could be sure as to their findings.VIII.14 This is a tighter regime than is
called for by the civil courts. There are those who argue that a
self-regulatory regime need not be so particular about excluding members from a
club, but considering the sums at stake and the livelihoods that depend upon
the decisions it is difficult to argue with Lord Wilberforce: he was, in any
case, confirming the correctness of judgment of a number of the disciplinary
tribunals, each of which had been chaired by a oc.
The success of the new regime is
evident from the statistics. By 13 [*85] February 1987, four years after the new Act came into force, seventeen
cases had been dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee Involving forty-seven
defendants. Charges had been withdrawn against eleven. Ten defendants had
appealed. Of the thirty-six convicted, ten had been expelled, twelve suspended
and three fined. Twenty-four had been given a censure or a reprimand. This
record of achievement can hardly be matched by any other self-regulatory body,
particularly considering the gravity of many of the cases and the fact that
Lloyds was initiating a new regime.
But there is one respect in which
the support which had been hoped for was not forthcoming. From the earliest
days It had been the rule at Lloyds to co-operate closely with the
authorities.VIII.15 If fraud was afoot
the police would be told, if gross tax irregularities came to light the Revenue
would be advised. The new council endorsed the latter policy in June 1983:
Those who work at Lloyds must be punctilious about
complying with all requirements of the tax laws. Furthermore if, after formal
enquiry, cases of gross tax irregularity come to the attention of the Council
they should be prepared to advise the Revenue. As the Lloyds
inspectors continued their inquiries, evidence came to light, and when it
concerned possible criminal activity the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
was advised. Initially we were concerned that the process of Lloyds
investigations and the subsequent hearing of disciplinary charges would be
interrupted by criminal proceedings. Had such proceedings been brought we would
then have had to wait years for these proceedings to be completed before taking
action. However the decision was taken to press on hoping that, in the most
serious cases where criminality was alleged, the DPP would follow closely on
our heels. Had this been the case the authorities would have been seen to be
actively supporting the actions of Lloyds in publishing wrongdoers.
It would put an official stamp of approval on our new disciplinary powers.
There were those who suggested that the bringing of criminal charges against
members of Lloyds would damage the society. We did not agree, given
the amount of publicity attracted by the scandals and the public way in which
the council had decided to punish the transgressors. The matters were serious,
Lloyds had taken serious action, members had been expelled, and the
market was stronger because it was evident that misbehaviour was not being
condoned as might have been the case in the more secretive past. However as
time passed the inaction by the DPP became an increasing source of
embarrassment to Lloyds. While I have no doubt that the
DPPs delays were caused by genuine procedural reasons, there must be
something wrong with a system of criminal justice in which a shoplifter goes to
jail [*86] for petty theft and a City
fraudster, who may have stolen millions, gets off scot free.VIII.16 Certainly there was no truth
whatsoever in suggestions that Lloyds had withheld evidence from the
DPP or discouraged the authorities from pursuing their inquiries.VIII.17
Behind all these difficulties lay
one major question. All those who had plundered the Names at Lloyds
had originally been motivated by a desire to reduce their, and the
Names, tax liabilities. That had led to the tax improprieties
described in Chapter IV. The resolution, of Lloyds difficulties with
the Revenue would complete the task of cleaning up the market.
Reporting, in October 1985, that
Lloyds had settled its differences with the Revenue, the press stated
that £43.5 million had been paid to clear the past tax problems of
all but a handful of members, those few whose actions tended towards the
criminal. The arguments, we have seen, turned on the tax deductibility of
certain types of reinsurance policy.VIII.18
The questionable arrangements were so widespread as to affect over 92 per cent
of the then 26,000 members of Lloyds. Individual members were
directly affected by the issue of provisional assessments to reopen past years
and the withholding of tax repayments in relation to their underwriting losses
at Lloyds. The Revenue had shown that its disfavour, expressed in
this way, was capable of causing damage to the operations of Lloyds
as a whole. As it was not possible to allocate the tax liability fairly among
individuals or sections, a global solution was adopted to clear
Lloyds name and purge past allegations with the sum being paid out of
the central coffers of the society of Lloyds.
The Revenues interest in
the scandals at Lloyds no doubt followed the wide press publicity in
the autumn of 1982. Initially their interest focused on the offshore aspects of
reinsurance; later they asked about rollers, about time and distance policies
by which an underwriter can reinsure a claim as to which the amount is known
but not the date of settlement; finally they turned to the reinsurance to close
itself which, aggregating by 1984 to £3.8 billion, raised serious
questions for the Society of Lloyds as a whole. Before serious
negotiations could start it was necessary for both sides to go through a
process of education. The Special Investigations Section (SIS) of the Revenue
had to understand the complex workings of the Lloyds insurance
market. Some of the Lloyds agents had to be brought to understand the
serious peril in which their actions had placed themselves and their Names.
The essence of the
Revenues case was that reserving had been misdescribed as reinsurance
and a whole framework of dubious arrangements set up to conceal the truth. As a
result income had been shifted from a period of high tax rates to one of low rates:
indeed in some cases, where [*87] the funds had been stolen, they had avoided tax altogether. The lack of
clear rules at Lloyds meant that there was no standard against which
market practices could be judged, and it appeared that the committees
letter of December 1958 had been ignored. The calculation of the reinsurance to
close, although probably fair in aggregate for the market as a whole was, in
most cases, not properly evidenced by actuarial, statistical or accounting
data, nor was it supported by an audit opinion. Consequently, in certainly
individual cases, over-reserving had occurred. In order to achieve their
purpose of reopening settled assessments the Revenue was forced to allege
fraud, wilful default or neglect.
Lloyds case was based on
the commercial necessity of the arrangements made and on the fact that, in the
vast majority of cases, no peculation had occurred. If the funds had been
stolen, the agents position was indefensible and Lloyds had
energetically pursued such miscreants. Further, the sheer complexity of
reopening past tax assessments going back over ten to fifteen years and
affecting up to thirty-five thousand taxpayers, a significant proportion of
whom had died or resigned from Lloyds, made the correct imposition of
the tax liability literally impossible.
The Revenues case was
complicated by two facts. First, the agents who were alleged to have misled the
tax authorities were not themselves taxpayers: the Names, in whose interest the
arrangements had been made, were largely ignorant of them. It would be
difficult to prove fraud or wilful default against a party who was totally
ignorant of his offence. Second, when the funds were repatriated they flowed
back into the Premiums Trust Funds which, by insurance law, could not properly
be used for the settlement of tax liabilities. Lloyds case was made
more difficult because one of the foundations of the reform of
Lloyds, upon which the new council was engaged, was the reform of the
agency system. All underwriting agents would have to re-register at
Lloyds and show that they were fit and proper persons
honest, competent and solvent. It might be difficult for an agent to meet such
a test were he to be convicted of wilful default or neglect vis-ˆ-vis the tax
affairs of his Names.
The resolution of these difficulties
was a long and tortuous process. The settlement, when it finally came in the
latter half of 1985, was entirely fair and reasonable. But it made clear how
pervasive the doubtful tax practices at Lloyds had been.
The Revenue settlement was the major
achievement in cleaning up the market. It capped three years of endeavour in
which the chief villains had been caught. The cases of plunder, in which agents
had bilked their Names, proved to have been very few. But misunderstandings
about the law of agency were widespread. Many, indeed most, agents had
infringed [*88] the law by their failure adequately
to account for their stewardship, by their inadequate handling of conflicts of
interest and (a smaller number) by their taking of secret profits. The
infringements did not involve crimes, because the law of agency is civil law
and a breach gives rise to a right of civil action by the principal, but close
attention to the law of agency is fundamental to proper relations between Names
and their underwriting agents and thus to the proper regulation of the
Lloyds market. A breach of the law of agency can thus be argued to be
discreditable conduct at Lloyds because the whole
system depends so heavily on that branch of the law. Sir Peter Green summed up
the problem in his chairmans statement at the general meeting of
members in June 1983: Our real problems have arisen due to a dichotomy.
Whilst on the one hand the Society has scrupulously protected the interest of
Lloyds policy holders, we have failed to ensure that all those who
make up the market fully comprehend the commercial and legal realities of the
1980s, especially in the area of accountability between agent and principal.
The issues are almost all internal in the sense that members of the public are
not involved. The main issues are conflicts of interest, to which Fisher drew
attention, secret profits and failure to disclose
. The relationship
between Name and agent is founded on mutual trust and we must ensure that
nothing is done or not done which can undermine that trust.
Agents advanced arguments in support
of their actions: that the Names would have approved had they known, that the
sums were trivial, that the Names would have refused to read accounts if they
had been sent to them, that all the Names were interested in was a cheque,
preferably a larger one than the year before, and that the doubtful arrangements
had been in place for many years and no one had thought to challenge them. None
of these were adequate to refute the basic thesis: there would have to be a
change in the way in which relations between Names and agents were handled. The
further argument that such arrangements were regular practice in the
market or that I didnt know it was wrong
just revealed the scale and depth of the problem. The fact was that
most underwriters had never had any form of business training in the field of
agency law, company law or taxation: their training had been limited solely to
underwriting. This was the essence of the problem.VIII.19 Cleaning up the market, in the
sense of removing fraudsters, was one thing. But it was not enough. By a process
of education and regulation we would have to change the culture of
Lloyds. 1f this were not done the efforts of those in Fort Knox would
have been wasted. [*89]
Names at Lloyds are taxed
individually on their underwriting profits which are calculated on a
calendar-year basis two years in arrears: thus the 1983 profit will be reported
and distributed during 1986 when the accounts are closed at the end of 1985.
The reinsurance to close contract transfers all outstanding liabilities to the
next year of account, at a price. Once the price has been paid any balance
remaining is profit. Tax is payable on this profit but, by a special concession
applicable to Lloyds, the tax assessment is deferred two years so as to
coincide with the distribution of the profit. Where the underwriting account
shows a loss then the taxpayer is entitled to reclaim tax in respect of the
year in question on his other income. In addition, and separately, the Name
will be liable to tax on the earnings of his premiums trust fund and any
capital gains arising thereon.
A high-rate taxpayer who
participates in loss-making syndicates which engage in long-tail business
business on which claims are not settled for many years and which
therefore give rise to large balances in the premiums trust fund -. will be
able to reclaim substantial amounts of his tax on other income in respect of
these losses. At the same time the large premiums trust fund, if appropriately
managed, will generate substantial capital gains on which the Name will be
liable to tax at 30 per cent rather than the 6o per cent applicable in respect
of trading profits. It is this set of circumstances which gives rise to a most
attractive tax position for the Lloyds Name with a high income from
elsewhere. A change introduced by the Chancellor in the spring of 1985 by which
capital gains on premiums trust funds were less easy to obtain and more of the
income on such funds was to be assessed as income had somewhat reduced this
beneficial tax structure, but none the less it still represents an attractive
arrangement for a wealthy member paying a high level of personal tax. [*90]
Schoolmasters were in short supply
during the Second World War. As a boy at a London public school I got used to
quite a few characters whose teaching skills were rather below the norm. One
individual was notorious for his vagueness and inability to handle a class. In
one of his lessons a boy lit a fire in his desk. The smoke billowed forth and
the master rose from the dais and stalked down the aisle. Boy What
are you doing? Please sir, I didnt know I
wasnt allowed to. Well in that case I clearly cant
punish you, kindly put the fire out. That tale epitomizes the rule
problem at Lloyds under the pre-1982 regime. Many of the rules were
unwritten and those that were committed to paper were often vague and incapable
of enforcement for lack of means. They were quite unsuited to new-style
underwriters and brokers with big ideas and little respect for the past.
The bye-laws of Lloyds,
passed under the 1871 Act, fill a twenty-twopage octavo volume.IX.1 There are eighty-seven clauses. The
margins are generous. The document looks like the rule book of a West End club.
This impression is fortified by an examination of the contents: admission of
members, fees, subscriptions, hours of opening, the allocation of seats,
meetings, elections and rules for determining the vital question of
the seniority of committee members. Only at the end are there a handful of
clauses touching on insurance, notably the power to refuse the renewal of a
subscription by a broker, and the last clause, bye-law 87, which established a register
of underwriting agents. The whole confirms the view of Lloyds as a
gentlemans club.
The difficulty faced by
Lloyds before 1982 in passing bye-laws has already been referred to
as has the evidence that Lloyds had outgrown its rule-making powers.IX.2 In a shift to cover the regulatory
gap the old Committee of Lloyds resorted to four devices. [*91]
The first was the use of
undertakings. Lacking the power to make rules the breach of which could give
rise to disciplinary sanctions, the committee sought to impose obligations on
members, brokers and underwriting agents by requiring undertakings to be given
on first admission and by imposing requirements on those admitted or by
attaching conditions to admission.IX.3
These undertakings were contractual in nature: each party was bound in contract
to the Society of Lloyds. The difficulty was that, once the party had
been admitted, the contract could not then be altered by Lloyds
unless the member, broker or agent agreed. As new requirements were introduced
they could be enforced only on new applicants. This gave rise to anomalies,
especially in the case of members means. A member had only to comply
with the means and premium income limit rules which he had undertaken to meet
when he was admitted. Thereafter, although the rules might be tightened up,
they could only be applied to new members or to those old members who wished to
increase their premium income limits and had to show additional means in order
to do so.
The second was the issue of manuals.
For example the manual for underwriting agents was intended to provide the
agent with a comprehensive guide to the workings of Lloyds. Although
useful as training material the volume was inadequate for regulatory purposes
because it was too vague (the advice on reinsurance, which had to
comply with the principles of honourable trading, has
already been mentioned) and it was unenforceable. The only effective rules in
the manual were self-enforcing regulations such as those prescribing what form
to use for an application for membership. It was not possible to discipline an
agent for not following the manual.
Rules for the market were more
often, and more easily, promulgated in the form of the third device: letters
from the chairman, a deputy chairman or the committee. The example of the
committees letter about rollers in 1958 has already been quoted.IX.4 The fact that it was widely ignored
confirms the inadequacy of such methods of legislation: letters are fine for
guidance but do not form an effective basis for disciplinary action.
Finally, there are market
agreements, which continue to operate. These agreements govern the conduct of
business among underwriters and brokers.IX.5
Some agreements which protect the market are appropriate for regulation; other
market agreements could be seen as reducing competition among underwriters. The
market agreements are the province of the market associations of underwriters.
Although of use for the better operation of the market they are not essentially
regulatory. Except for those covering binding authorities, they have been left
alone during the [*92] recent
spate of Lloyds bye-legislation.
Breaches of market agreements are a
matter for the market associations. Infringement of market letters or breaches
of bye-law were a matter for the committee, which could under the 1911 Act
suspend a member for up to two years; and more usually for the chairman, who
could admonish a wrongdoer but could do little more without the consent of the
The new Lloyds Act of 1982
totally changed this regime. Under Clause 6 the council is granted
the management and superintendence of the affairs of the Society and
the power to regulate and direct the business of insurance at
Lloyds. The council may do this by passing bye-laws by a
special resolution: which must secure separate majorities of the working
members of the council and of the external and nominated members of the council
voting together. A sixty-day period is stipulated during which a new bye-law
may be challenged by a general meeting on the petition of not less than five
hundred members. The council can delegate its powers and functions, other than
bye-law making, to the chairman, a deputy chairman or to the committee. In
particular the council can delegate to the committee, by special resolution,
the power to make regulations regarding the business of insurance at
Lloyds. Finally, there is a power to make directions which the
council may delegate to the committee or the chairs. Directions are rules
applied to specific situations and are not, unlike bye-laws and regulations, of
general application. For example, an underwriter may be directed to stop
underwriting because he is in danger of breaching his premium income limits.
Like bye-laws, regulations and directions are subject to challenge and if
challenged may be ratified by a special resolution of the council.
This was the new legislative
structure: bye-laws which only the council can pass: regulations, the province
of the committee; and directions to be made by the chairs or the committee.
Breach of any of these was made a subject for disciplinary action by Clause 7
of the Act.
Before the Act had been passed the
Committee of Lloyds had established a number of Fisher task
groups composed of committee members, representatives of the market,
staff and outside professionals. Each was assigned a separate topic following
the recommendations made in Sir Henrys report. A small central
secretariat was established, The Fisher Implementation
Office. The establishment of the new self-regulatory regime at
Lloyds was the second of the three tasks with which I had been
specifically charged by the council under the terms of my appointment. The
Fisher task groups had, as I saw it, been engaged in a useful job of codifying
existing practice. We would be making use of their work. It was first necessary
for us to consider the regulatory philosophy to be applied.IX.6 [*93]
The term rules
embraces all means by which the conduct of the members of Lloyds is
governed in their capacity as members: it embraces bye-laws, regulations,
directions, codes of conduct and practice, guidance and explanatory notes, manuals
and market letters. Rules for any selfregulatory body must cover three aspects:
to control admission, to govern conduct, and to provide for an effective
disciplinary process for offenders. The rule book should have a dynamic
capacity for re-examination and renewal of its structure.
It is important to distinguish
between sanctionable rules, which may need to be enforced by disciplinary
action, and non-sanctionable rules which are sell-enforcing. For example, rules
about membership qualifications bear their own sanction in that if an applicant
does not satisfy the qualifications laid down, he will not be admitted.
Similarly, one might have a rule to the effect that certain business had to be
submitted to the Lloyds Policy Signing Office (LPSO) on a particular
form only: if it were not submitted on such a form, it would simply not be
accepted. Sanctionable rules are much more critical because they create
offences; in the event all such rules were passed as bye-laws, the most
powerful weapon in our legislative armoury.
Three special features distinguish
Lloyds from other self-regulatory bodies. The first is the importance
of the law of agency which pervades all aspects of business at
Lloyds: the broker is the agent of the assured, the underwriter the
agent of the Name.IX.7
Relations between principals and agents are governed by the civil law and it is
not necessary for Lloyds to legislate the law of agency: breach of
agency law already gives rise to a right of civil action in tort and contract
for damages by the principal against the agent. But the meticulous observation
of the law of agency is fundamental to the effective working of the
Lloyds market. It follows that Lloyds rules must be
designed to bolster the law of agency and encourage its observance; a breach of
the law of agency can be regarded as discreditable conduct in the
Lloyds context and would therefore be a quasicriminal offence under
Lloyds rules.
The second peculiar feature of the
self-regulatory regime at Lloyds is the way in which the public
interest is served. Lloyds duties to its policy holders are
supervised by the DTI whose solvency rules are designed to ensure that
underwriters can meet their obligations when they fall due. Maintaining the
security of the Lloyds policy, in furtherance of this duty, must
therefore be a special concern of the Council of Lloyds.
Additionally, there is the public interest in fair play between the external
members and the agents, recognized in the presence on the council of external
members and nominated members whose co-option has been approved by the [*94] Governor of the Bank of England. As
Lloyds Log put it: Parliament accepted this interest by
enshrining the right of external Names to substantial representation on the
Council. Any previous atmosphere of caveat emptor has now been firmly
dispelled. In formulating its self-regulatory policy the Council must have
particular regard for the interests of the Names.IX.8
The third special feature of
Lloyds self-regulatory arrangements is the legislative framework in
which it is set. Because Lloyds is specially exempted from the
detailed application of the Insurance Companies Act 11982 It must take
particular care to be sure that its domestic arrangements for admitting and
controlling those who trade in the market are at least as rigorous as those
which prevail among insurance companies. Similarly, the new Lloyds
Act, which vests bye-law-making powers in the council and takes them away from
the members in general meeting, provides challenge procedures for petitioning
for a general meeting and also, and more importantly, for bye-laws to be passed
by special resolution of the council. These unique checks and balances must be
punctiliously observed.
During 1983 as the rule-making
strategy developed four main issues emerged.
The first was the extent to which
the market should be regulated by formal rules. Sir Henry Fisher had no doubt
that, although Lloyds had always depended on mutual trust between
those actively involved in the transaction of insurance business in the market,
the time had come when Lloyds should have the power to penalize those
who betrayed the trust of their fellows. He concluded: We do not
believe that an institution such as Lloyds can any longer operate
without this sort of control over those whom it admits and over their conduct
once admitted. The general issue at stake was the extent to
which Lloyds can continue to base itself on mutual trust and
confidence, unwritten but generally accepted standards of behaviour and
personal relationships and the extent to which it has to accustom itself to
more impersonal methods and written rules and codes of practice designed to
govern those that are not prepared to abide by the old system or who cannot be
trusted to behave properly unless compelled.IX.9
In recognizing this argument we
adopted a policy we called minimalism.IX.10
Bye-laws would be confined to sanctionable matters. They would be brief and
general. Details would be supplied by codes or guidance notes. And we would
only legislate if there appeared to be a need for reform. In the event the
bye-laws have proved to be longer and more detailed than had at first been
hoped, usually because the lawyers required it so. The [*95] legislative powers of the Accounting Standards
Committee, where I learnt about self-regulation, are limited to the production
of statements of standard accounting practice for later adoption by the
councils of the six accountancy institutes. They have no legal force. They are
persuasive of best practice. They are also brief and to the point. It did not
in the event prove possible to achieve such idyllic simplicity at
Lloyds, where the rules had to be capable of withstanding legal
attack. Although the rule book therefore turned out rather differently from
what had at first been intended it is probably the better for it.
Arising out of this was the second
issue: the use of codes of practice or guidance notes. Lloyds is a
small self-regulatory community in which it should be possible to regulate as
much by the spirit as by the letter of the law; there should be an atmosphere
of compliance which should make unnecessary the sort of detailed prescriptive
rule-making found in the tax law. In this context we intended to make use of
codes of practice or explanatory notes. These were seen as helping the market
professional to comply with the general prescriptions laid down in the bye-laws:
if he follows the code he will comply with the governing bye-laws; if he
departs from the code for a good reason he will still be in order; but if he
departs from the code recklessly or heedless of the consequence he may have to
answer for a breach of Lloyds rules. This approach put the onus on
the market to decide how the spirit of the rules is to be applied.
Although the policy of brief general
bye-laws for sanctionable matters, supported by detailed codes to help the
underwriter, agent or broker to comply, appears sensible and attractive, we did
not in fact push it as far as had originally been intended. Our experiences in
dealing with the miscreants, the realization that the key issue to be tackled
was one that Fisher had not fully comprehended relations between
Names and agents and the fact that misunderstandings by agents about
their fiduciary duties to their Names was so widespread all conspired towards a
more detailed prescriptive legal regime.IX.11
The most effective way of dealing
with breaches of agency law and at the same time of avoiding over-legislation
was the use of disclosure. At my first press conference after my appointment I
said that sunshine drives away the mists. Although I used
the phrase so often that it came to haunt me, the idea was correct and it was
the basis of our policy at Lloyds. Full and proper disclosure by
agents to Names would itself correct many of the ills that had occurred. Agents
would discontinue dubious practices if they were ashamed of explaining them to
their Names. There would be a spate of cot-deaths among baby syndicates if
agents were forcedto explain why they existed and showed such attractive
profits for their insider [*96] members.IX.12 Reinsurances with companies owned by
the agents would be less likely if the financial details had to be exposed to
the interested eyes of the Names whose money had been used. Secret profits are
not offensive if they are no longer secret and the profits are accounted for;
disclosed conflicts of interest invite the Names approval which, if
granted, purges the error; proper disclosure satisfies the agents
legal duty to account.
When I first came to
Lloyds it was still an amazingly secret place. Despite the
recommendations of Cromer there was still no regulatory requirement that agents
should send syndicate accounts to their Names. Many did so, but an important
minority did not, and in the overwhelming majority of cases the figures were
not audited. Despite bearing unlimited liability Names were far less well
served in the matter of information than shareholders in limited liability
companies incorporated under the Companies Act. My belief in the disinfectant
value of disclosure has been vindicated by the disappearance of market practices
that would have taken years to eradicate if the problem had been tackled solely
by charging the individuals concerned one by one before the Disciplinary
Committee. Soon after I came to Lloyds I observed that the Room was
loud with the susurration of collapsing arrangements collapsing
because their perpetrators were ashamed to expose them to the gaze of their
The final issue faded into
insignificance because the power structure of Lloyds changed. Sir
Henry had envisaged, and the Act provided, that the council could delegate its
legislative powers to the committee, who could make
regulations. It also empowered the committee and the chairs
to issue directions regarding the business of insurance.
The Fisher Report implies that the council would be lofty and detached and that
the day-today business of making regulations for the market would lie with the
committee. Parliament provided a framework so that this could happen. The
scandals of autumn 1982 changed the scene at Lloyds. The matters to
be addressed most urgently concerned the agents and their proper role vis-ˆ-vis
the Names; although Fisher had concerned himself with these questions they were
not the chief focus of his inquiry and the climate of the time did not dictate
that very much attention would be paid to them. Now that climate had changed
and it did not seem appropriate to the council that they should leave any
substantive rule-making activity to a committee which consisted overwhelmingly
of the very people who were to be legislated for the agents. This
issue gave our legal advisers some difficulty. They would say
Parliament intended that the committee should issue
regulations. To which we would reply Thats as may
be, but the Council wont wear it. In fairness it must be
added that the Fisher Report suggests that the division of duties between the
council and the committee [*97] should be
a matter to be decided by those bodies themselves.
In summary, the conclusion was this:
we would base our rule book on the use of bye-laws supplemented, where
appropriate, by guidance notes, explanatory notes or codes of practice.
Bye-laws would be as brief and general as possible. The council reserved to
itself the principal legislative role. In the first three years of its
existence the council passed forty bye-laws; the committee passed only three
regulations, in each case under powers specifically delegated for the purpose
by the council. The power to issue directions was not used until 1986 and then
to direct an underwriter to cease underwriting because he had overwritten his
premium limit. Guidance notes and codes were generally issued with the
authority of the council although in some cases they were formulated by
subsidiary committees. But the fundament of rule-making policy was disclosure,
which would in many cases make unnecessary more detailed legislative steps.
This was the policy. How was it to
be implemented? The first thing was to establish a committee of the council,
the Rules Committee, to supervise the legislative programme. Our primary
purpose in setting up this committee in June 1983 was to save the time of the
council: rather than the council taking time to debate legislation line by line
it would be better to leave the job to a sub-committee of councillors and
others from the market who would recommend to the council legislation to be
passed. It was the Rules Committees job to reassure the council that
the proposed bye-law would achieve the purpose the council had intended when it
called for legislation. The Rules Committee had a facilitating and
co-ordinating role. It did not recommend policy to the council: that was a
matter for the Committee of Lloyds or other committees, like the Accounting
and Auditing Standards Committee, or ad hoc working parties set up for the
purpose. In every case it was for the council to confirm the general policy to
be followed.
Originally the drafting of bye-laws
had been in the hands of the Fisher task groups. These were now wound up and
the Fisher implementation office subsumed into the rules staff. Heavy use was
made of outside legal skills at first but later an internal staff was
developed, and we were able to make increasing use of in-house skills.
When it came to introducing
legislation consultation was vital. The Accounting Standards Committee has a
fifteen-year record of self-regulatory legislation and we adapted our practices
from them. The policy under consideration for example syndicate accounts
or rules for members would be exposed in a green-covered
consultative document for public comment.IX.13
This openness did not find favour among some of [*98] the more traditional members of the council
who felt that their authority might be undermined if, as a result of
consultation, policy were changed. But the market welcomed the consultative
process and the market associations in particular, who represent the views of
the various sections of the market, became adept at marshalling their responses.
We also frequently received submissions from people outside the market, like
the DTI and the professional bodies. The consultative process gave a chance for
the public to be involved.
Consultative documents were followed
by exposure drafts of the proposed bye-laws. This stage gave an opportunity to
consider and, if necessary, amend the original policy. More importantly it
provided an opportunity to identify and deal with special situations which had
not been considered before and in respect of which legislative exceptions could
be made.
The second arrow to our bow was
education. Underwriters and agents are busy men and they are not experts in
legislation. Rules which stay in the rule book unread are of little use. The
mere publication of the rules was not enough: it was necessary to explain and
elucidate through a programme of seminars. The first of these was held in 1983
at the prompting of Sir Peter Green. He felt that agents did not know enough
about the law of agency, the duties of directors under the Companies Acts and
the effects of other legislation on the day-to-day work of the agent. It was
also necessary to explain the new Lloyds Act and how the regulatory
regime arising from it was to be used. The seminar faculty was provided by my
three advisers on self-regulation and myself. The chair was taken by a leading
council member from the market and the response from agents was overwhelming.
More than any amount of rule-making these seminars, which were continued and
extended to cover additional topics as our regulatory framework developed,
served to change the culture and attitudes of the market.
The various topics covered by the
new council and its rule-making are best considered in relation to those
affected: the underwriters, the agents, the brokers, the Names and the
accountants. The order in which the various subjects were tackled by the
council provides an interesting reflection of the priorities of the times. Most
of 1983 was occupied with bye-laws establishing the disciplinary powers of the
council described in Chapter VIII. Seventeen bye-laws covering these topics
were passed by 7 February 1983. Then there was a pause until the heavier
matters were ready for legislation. The busiest year was 1984, starting with
interim rules for syndicate accounts and a bye-law requiring agents to disclose
to their Names any financial interests they might have had in companies [*99] with which the syndicate had done
business. This was followed by rules giving effect to the divestment provisions
of the Act and requiring all underwriting agents to re-register. The autumn
brought rules covering four vital matters: control of premium income levels,
detailed rules for syndicate accounts, rules for members, and provisions for a
new panel of syndicate auditors. The initial phase of Lloyds
legislation was completed in 1985 with the introduction of the new standard
form of agreement between a Name and his agent, the rules for binding
authorities, rules forbidding reinsurance by syndicates with related parties,
and a rule banning baby syndicates.
Together with a number of procedural
and amending bye-laws this is a considerable catalogue of achievement for a new
council operating in an intensely conservative market place. Why did this
happen? First, because the new council was eager to justify its existence and
be seen to be cleaning up the market; in this the energy of Peter Miller who
succeeded Sir Peter Green as Chairman at the beginning of 1984 had an
influential part. Second, the resources and commitment were there. The money
was available to get the job done and the staff were there to complete the
necessary tasks in short order. But third, the continued pressure from the
Names, the press, Whitehall, the Bank and Parliament all played a vital part.IX.14 It is unfortunate that proper public
concerns about the constitution of Lloyds regulatory framework and
about the incidence and effect of fraud as seen in the PCW affair should have
overshadowed a major selfregulatory accomplishment. [*100]
The Fisher Report had been firm
about the need for better syndicate accounting at Lloyds. One of its
recommendations was the subject of a parliamentary undertaking by
Lloyds in 1981 when the Bill was before the House. It had promised to
carry out Fishers recommendation that the council should lay down
rules as to the minimum information to be disclosed in syndicate accounts and
the accounting standards and principles which shall apply. These would need to
be specifically designed to meet the circumstances of Lloyds and,
although they would draw on the experience derived by the accountancy
profession from application of the Second Schedule to the Companies Act 1967
and the various accounting and auditing standards which have been issued for
the accounts of companies, they would recognize the special features of the
Lloyds system for example, the three-year account period,
the lapse of time between accepting a risk and the processing of the policy and
premium through the Lloyds Policy Signing Office (LPSO), the volume
of reinsurance, and the central importance of the reinsurance to close.X.1
Ken Randall had been asked to chair
a Fisher task group on this matter, and the first draft of an accounting manual
for the guidance of agents and syndicate auditors was ready in December 1982.
This followed the basic tenets of company law. It had to be assumed that most
agents would be familiar with these as, except for the few who were partners in
firms, they were themselves directors of companies incorporated under the
Companies Act.X.2 The accounting aspects
of British companies legislation are based on the concept of disclosure: the
Act lays down what should be disclosed, leaving to the author of the accounts
the judgment as to how it shall be disclosed. Valuation rules for determining
the figures to be shown in accounts are left to the accountancy profession and
the statutes are vague and general on such matters. The Lloyds
Accounting Manual [*101] drafted by
the Randall task group took the same line and stipulated what matters should be
disclosed. In doing so it was guided by the current practices of the best
agents, some of whom were already providing their Names with excellent
accounts. However, details of such accounts were not easy to come by as the
Corporation of Lloyds had then no regular formal right to receive
syndicate accounts.
This manual had largely been
completed when I was appointed in November 1982 to chair a working party to
consider, among other things, disclosure of interests by underwritings agents.X.3 That working party had a different
remit from the Randall task group: to prepare guidance on accounting by agents
to Names for transactions in which the agents had been involved on their own
account using funds belonging to the Names. The working party had been
established following the scandals of 1982 which had revealed grave breaches of
fiduciary duty by agents. The intention had been that all such breaches should
be revealed by means of accounting guidance supported by revised instructions
to Lloyds auditors. When I became Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive
of Lloyds my former partner, Ian Plaistowe, took the chair of this
group whose consultative document was released in August 1983.X.4 It proposed that Lloyds
agents and those connected with them should disclose any interests in insurance
companies or in companies which provided services to their syndicates. Two
types of disclosure should be made: ownership interests; and transactions,
transactions being those between the syndicates and companies in which the
agent had an interest. Ownerships were to be disclosed to Lloyds in a
two-part register the first, disclosing the fact of ownership, was to
be made public; the second part, which would quantify the values involved,
would remain secret. Transactions would be disclosed in syndicate accounts to
be sent privately to Names.
This consultative document covered
eighty pages and included elaborate diagrams illustrating the relationships
that would have to be disclosed. It was not well received in the market because
it was too complicated. But it triggered a far-reaching change at
Lloyds. Instead of the two-part register, said the agents, why not
make the syndicate accounts themselves available on file at Lloyds
and permit the public access to them? Pressures from the press to come clean
would be met, and the Names would be fully informed without the necessity of a
bureaucratic register of interests.
This was a major step forward. The
council adopted it towards the end of 1983 and the public filing of syndicate
accounts became an important part of the reform programme at Lloyds.
The working members enlightened view on this matter no doubt reflected,
at least in part, a realization [*102] that with the growth of the societys membership and the
increasing tendency for Names to be contentious, circulating accounts to Names
would mean that they would in the end reach anyone who wanted to obtain a copy.
The fact that Chatset, a company owned by a group of external Names then
connected with the Association of Lloyds Members, started to publish
syndicate league tables based on those accounts that they could obtain from
Names helped to confirm that the time had come to open up the books.
In the middle of 1983 guidance on
matters of accounting policy provided by the Randall task group was taken over
by a new committee of the council: the Accounting and Auditing Standards
Committee. This was chaired by one of the nominated members of the Council,
Brandon Cough, the Managing Partner of the large accounting firm of Coopers
& Lybrand. His committee included council members, and accountants from the
market familiar both with the ways of Lloyds and wider professional
practice. This committee was directly responsible for the policy behind the
syndicate accounting bye-law and the syndicate audit legislation.
The provisional accounting manual
for syndicates had been released for consultation in December 1982. This final
version, containing a number of changes, was issued in November 1983 with a
letter from the chairman which said that, although the document was still
provisional pending a bye-law on the matter, it should be followed by agents as
a guide to best practice in the market. The manual recited the fundamental
elements of syndicate disclosures that were to be refined and reinforced, but
not greatly changed, by subsequent bye-laws.X.5
They were:
1. An underwriting account for the year just
2. Underwriting accounts for the open years,
normally two.
3. A balance sheet.
4. Notes to the accounts.
5. Disclosures of interests of agents in
syndicates transactions.
6. A personal account for each member, showing his
interest in the syndicate result and any charges made to him personally.
7. A managing agents report.
8. An underwriters report.
9. A seven-year summary of syndicate results.
10. An audit report.
The first six items formed the
accounts proper and would be subject to audit.
The third thread in the disclosure
story emerged later but still found a [*103] place in the legislation to be passed in 1984. It concerned baby
syndicatesX.6 preferred
underwriting arrangements (by which insiders on socalled baby syndicates get
the best of the business) were in clear breach of the laws of agency. Parallel
syndicates, on the other hand, under which the same underwriter runs two
syndicates insuring different types of business but in which no Name is given
an unfair advantage over another, can be legitimate. The matter had been
discussed in a consultative document issued by a working party chaired by
former deputy chairman Alec Higgins in September 1983.X.7 Whatever legislation might be
developed for resolving the problem it seemed that disclosure would, as for
other matters, cure nine-tenths of the disease. Being required to disclose to
their Names what was going on, agents would not wish to be involved in
arrangements of which they would be ashamed.
These three elements: replication of
the company accounting rules, disclosures of related party transactions
(principally reinsurance) with agency-related companies, and baby syndicates
came together in legislative form in 1984. In February a bye-law gave immediate
effect to the accounting manual: this required agents to provide annual reports
for syndicates comprising the first eight of the elements enumerated above. The
accounts were to be audited and a central file of syndicate accounts, to be
opened to public inspection, was established. This was followed in April by the
Disclosure of Interests Bye-law which implemented the Plaistowe Report. Its
provisions were quite different from his original proposals. It required every
annual report in respect of a syndicate to include a fair presentation of all
transactions entered into by the managing agent for the account of the
syndicate in which the agent had, directly or indirectly, a material interest.
If there were no such transactions or arrangements the annual report should
state that fact.X.8, This
was one of the principal steps to avoid a repetition of the insider dealing
associated with the scandals of 1982.
Both these rules were brief and
short lived. The sufficed until they were overtaken by the principal
legislation, the Syndicate Accounting Bye-law of 1984. This is a large document
and one of the four principal foundation stones of the reform of
Lloyds.X.9 The
Syndicate Accounting Bye-law requires the agent to keep proper accounting
records; it establishes the three-year accounts rule; it calls for syndicate
reports containing the three elements described above; and it requires the
accounts to be approved, signed and audited. They have to be circulated to
Names and filed at Lloyds. The schedules cover details about
accounting records, accounting policies, the format and contents of accounts,
including disclosures of interests, the contents of the managing
agents report, which is seen as [*104] corresponding to the
directors report in a set of company accounts, and the contents of
the underwriters report, which is to be a discussion of the business
of the syndicate for the year. The whole document is redolent of the
corresponding sections of the Companies Act.
This regime took immediate effect.
The first of the new-style accounts were prepared under thé February
1984 bye-law and sent out to Names that summer. The central file of syndicate
accounts opened to the public for the first time in August 1984.X.10 The consolidating statute, passed in
October 1984, governed the accounts produced in 1985 and subsequent years
including those filed publicly in April 1985. An important element of these
reforms, the requirement that the accounts should show a true and
fair view, was deferred until 1986 to give auditors and agents time
to prepare syndicate accounts able to match the standards of the company world
in showing a true and fair view of the profit for the closed year.
For many years the Institute of
Chartered Accountants has conducted an annual survey of company accounts. Each
annual volume analyses the disclosure practices of the top three hundred or so
companies and discusses critical accounting questions. The volume serves as an
invaluable guide to best practice for company accountants and their auditors.
We came up with the idea of carrying out a similar survey of Lloyds
syndicate accounts. In conjunction with the Research Department of the
institute, Lloyds financed a survey of syndicate accounts which was
carried out by an eminent accounting academic, Professor Richard Mac Ye of
Aberystwyth University. Based on a detailed examination of the accounts now
placed on public file at Lloyds, the book discusses each critical
accounting question we faced in developing the syndicate accounting rules; it
provides an excellent introduction to the subject of accounting for syndicates.X.111
Accounting legislation falls, in
general, under two headings: rules about disclosure and rules about valuation.
For companies, disclosure rules are the province of the Companies Act, while
valuation rules are laid down by the accountancy profession through the medium
of accounting standards which amplify the general statutory rule that accounts
must show a true and fair view. These standards are, for the most part,
directed at setting out valuation rules: how stocks, investments or fixed
assets are to be valued, and how income is to be determined. In the
Lloyds context the valuation rules are generally simple because
almost all syndicate transactions are for cash, and most of the assets are held
in the form of short-term liquid investments which are carried at current
market values. There are only two contentious accounting matters concerning
The first is the reinsurance to
close. The accurate estimate of this [*105] figure is vital to determining syndicate profit. It is essentially a
matter of forecasting, in which the underwriter must form a view both as to the
likely outcome of claims of which he has been notified and as to the expected
development of claims of which he has not yet been advised the IBNR
or incurred but not reported claims. This judgment is more
likely to be fair if it is arrived at in a disciplined manner following a regular
routine under which all the available evidence about the trend of claims is
carefully sifted. From an accounting point of view the problem is no different
from that which faces a building contractor estimating the cost of completing a
building or an automobile manufacturer assessing future car warranty claims: in
both these cases an accurate estimate is critical to the determination of
annual profit. If the method is thoroughly and meticulously documented the
auditor should be able to put his name to the result: not in the sense of
warranting the accuracy of the estimate; but, as with the stock of a
manufacturing company, in the sense that the figure for reinsurance to close is
a fair estimate which a reasonable man might be expected to draw from the
evidence before him, and that all the available evidence was considered.
As a result of the introduction of
the true and fair requirement, and of pressure from the Revenue, improvements
began to be made in accounting for the reinsurance to close, a matter in which
the Revenue continues to take a close interest. The old secrecy with which the
matter had been surrounded gave way to a regime of disclosure which no longer
gave so much room for nudge and fudge. And the bias towards prudence which had
always been present was increasingly overtaken by the concept of equity between
Names. Although the practice of providing more than the circumstances required
was admirable from the point of view of Lloyds solvency and hence of
the policy holder, it favoured tomorrows Names at the expense of
todays and provided the underwriter with hidden reserves with which
to smooth over any future hiccups in his underwriting results.
Despite thé introduction
of the true and fair requirement, there are still valuation questions for
discussion in connection with the reinsurance to close. A set of explanatory
notes on this was issued in December 1985 to provide further guidance on the
application of the syndicate accounting bye-law.X.12
These notes consider whether the reinsurance to close should take account of
the future costs of claims settlement, of future inflation on the size of
claims, and of the effect of discounting claims by the time value of money when
they are unlikely to be settled for many years ahead. At present this is not
allowed, but an underwriter may purchase a time and distance reinsurance policy
which has the same effect, save that the [*106] rate of discount is settled in the open market
rather than in the syndicates books.
The second valuation question
remains unresolved. It turns on the market practice by which a risk is assigned
by the Lloyds Policy Signing Office to the year in which the
completed slip is received from the broker rather than the year in which the
risk starts. Provided that any delay in passing documents to the LPSO is the
same from year to year, as claims will be matched to the year to which the
premium is credited, no great harm may be done. But it will still be the case
that Names may be liable in one year for claims arising in an earlier year
because of the late filing of documents. As the Names on a syndicate will
change from one year to another equity between Names is spoilt. The situation
can be much worse than that when the broker deliberately delays the entry of
risks because he wishes to delay handing the premiums on to the underwriter, or
because the underwriter has exceeded his premium income limit and wishes to
defer income to conceal that fact. Until Lloyds introduces a strict
rule that the risk is to be assigned to the year in which it incepts
inception-date accounting it will not be possible to eradicate such
practices.X.13 Only then will it be
possible to audit the LPSO and give syndicate auditors the comfort that they
seek that the LPSO figures, on which the syndicate depends for important
elements of its accounting input, are themselves true and fair.X.14
Four areas of disclosure proved to
be contentious.
The first of these was reinsurance.
The old practice had been to prepare accounts with premiums shown net of
reinsurance so that the overall volume of the syndicates business was
not disclosed. Such a disclosure is important because premium income limits are
set before reinsurance and, under Lloyds rules, security must cover
the gross business underwritten. No credit is given for reinsurance so that if
the reinsurer fails to pay the policy holder does not suffer: the loss is a
purely commercial one to be borne by the Names who should have sufficient means
to meet it. There was some resistance in some quarters at Lloyds to
disclosing gross figures and the figures for outward reinsurance because it
made it more difficult for the underwriter to conceal overwriting by quota
share reinsurance which, in the case of PCW for example had been associated
with irregularities.
There was much more resistance to
making public details of the syndicate reinsurance programme as is required of
insurance companies. The underwriters reservations related to the
competitive damage which a full disclosure of the secrets of their trade might
The disclosure of pure year results
is patchy too. To obtain a full picture [*107] of the performance of a syndicate from year to
year it is necessary to see to which year developing claims relate. According
to the strict letter of the accounting rules, all that must be shown is the
total figure for the reinsurance to close covering all claims for all prior
closed years. As these old claims come in they are charged to the account which
has received the reinsurance to close premium regardless of the year to which
the claim relates. MacVe argues that the pattern of claims development should
be disclosed. He says, It would at least aid understanding of the
kind of margin of error within which estimates have to be made. Although fewer
syndicates gave this information in their 1984 accounts than in their 1983
accounts, I hope that the syndicates which have been giving this information
will continue to do so and that others will choose to follow them.X.15
More critical, and more difficult,
is the disclosure of provisions on the open years. The open year accounts are
nothing more than a record of premiums received and claims paid to date. No
attempt is made until the third year to account for notified claims and the
IBNR and hence to form a view of the profit.X.16
For solvency purposes the open year liabilities must be estimated following the
Lloyds minimum percentages for reserving purposes, but the results of
the solvency valuation do not appear in the syndicate accounts. MacVe suggests
that a way forward, towards the more current accounting used by the insurance
companies, would be to include in a note to the accounts the estimated
deficiency on the open years and an explanation of the extent to which risks
have been accepted that are not yet reflected in the accounts. It does not
follow from this that Lloyds would move away from three-year
accounting when it comes to the distribution of profits. The ability to warn
Names more precisely and earlier about the development of events would help to
bolster their confidence in the Lloyds system.X.17
The fourth area of argument was the
underwriters report. The accounting manual had proposed that the
report would include a description of the business written including the
reinsurance arrangements in forceX.18
Schedule 8 of the syndicate accounting bye-law reflects the markets
concern at the liberality of these proposals. It was finally decided that the
comments were to be more general: no details of the reinsurance in force were
called for nor were analyses of the source of business required. MacVe comments
on this: The aim of the underwriters report should be to
assist understanding of the risks and returns of the syndicates
business. This requires a suitable blend of verbal explanation and quantified
analysis. While the 1984 underwriters reports show evidence of a
greater degree of quantified analysis than was provided in those filed for
1983, [*108] the overall level was still low.
Segmental analysis concentrated mainly on classes of business and currency.
Underwriters generally need to give further consideration to how best to
present useful statistics to provide performance indicators and guides to
likely prospects, and how to strike a suitable balance between giving broad
generalisations and swamping reasons with an uninterpreted mass of detailed
While there was an
increase in the number of quantified forecasts in the 1984 reports, these were
all in cases where losses were anticipated there seems to be a
general reluctance to provide quantified profit forecasts even for the open
years, let alone future years. While uncertainty about exchange rate
fluctuations and investment returns may contribute significantly to this
reluctance, there is scope for giving forecasts on the basis of stated
assumptions about these factors, or for giving a likely range of outcomes,
which should be considered. Generally the question of how much further disclosure
of segmental data, and of expectations and assumptions about future results,
should be produced to Names (taking into account the nature of each market),
and how much of this should be on public file, deserves further
However, it should not be thought
that the syndicate accounting reforms at Lloyds are anything short of
fundamental and valuable. As Professor MacVe concludes in his book,
The developments that have taken place put Lloyds syndicate
accounts in many respects ahead of ordinary company accounts with respect to
providing useful information
. One needs to promote further
improvements in company accounts generally before turning again to
Lloyds. Comparing this passage with the 1980 quotation from
Fisher at the beginning of this chapter gives a fair measure of the progress
made .X.20 [*109]
Accountants have been a part of the
Lloyds scene since at least 1908 when Cuthbert Heaths
manifesto led to the establishment of the solvency audit.XI.1 The responsibility for this work
became concentrated among a small coterie of accounting firms whose businesses
largely depended upon Lloyds. Contrary to the ethical guidance of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants, they kept the books as well as doing the
audit, thus in effect checking their own work. Furthermore their loyalty to
their agent clients conflicted with their loyalty to the syndicates of Names,
because most of the solvency auditors also acted as auditors of the managing
agency companies that ran the syndicates.
The structure of the accounting
profession in the UK changed considerably during the 1970s. A series of mergers
between medium-sized and larger firms increased the relative size of the latter
and greatly reduced the number of the former. Lloyds was not immune from this
trend, and although the number of member firms in the Lloyds audit
panel did not change their parentage did. Two of the largest three were taken
over: Baker Sutton by Ernst & Whinney, and Angus Campbell by Josolyne
Layton Bennett, which itself joined Arthur Young. Ernst & Whinney and
Arthur Young are among the top eight international accounting firms and enjoy
excellent reputations. When the 1982 scandals emerged Arthur Young took steps
to apply their high standards to the Lloyds clients that had joined
their client list as a result of the Josolyne Layton Bennett takeover. Ernst
& Whinney, who had not been responsible for any of the troubled syndicates,
were heavily involved with their partner Nigel Holland in investigating the
recent wrongdoings. The style of professional work at Lloyds was
therefore beginning to change before the 1984 reforms.
One of the principal problems the
panel of auditors faced at Lloyds was [*110] the misapprehension, on the part of the
market, that they were responsible for auditing the syndicates. They were not:
they merely signed annual solvency certificates confirming that each Name
possessed the means to meet his obligations. The quantum of obligations was
fixed by the Lloyds minimum reserving rules plus such extra sums as
the underwriter and the agent thought prudent; the means were measured by the
premiums trust funds, deposits and personal reserves. In the usual case the premiums
trust fund itself was large enough, and once the auditor saw that the
obligations were covered he stopped counting. None the less the market called
this an audit and allowed itself to believe that the fairness and equity of the
annual syndicate results had been blessed by the auditors. It was urgent to
correct this impression: a first step was taken in 1983 when the name of the
committee responsible for supervising the annual solvency test was changed from
the Audit Committee to the Members Solvency and
Security Committee.
Fisher had called for the new
syndicate accounts to be audited and this was provided for in the Syndicate
Accounting Bye-law. But who was to do the audits and to what standards? The
matter was discussed in a consultative paper issued by the council in July 1984
and prepared under the guidance of the Accounting and Auditing Standards
As the consultative document says,
the main reason for the audit of syndicate accounts is to provide an independent
report to Names on the stewardship function undertaken by their agents. Having
unlimited exposure to risk, the Names are in greater need of this protection
than shareholders in companies. In addition the audit of annual reports would
provide assurance to the Council of Lloyds as to the effectiveness of
reporting to Names and hence compliance with the standards and rules for
accounting laid down as part of the regulatory framework at Lloyds.XI.3
Lloyds did not wish to
take upon itself the task of saying how syndicate audits were to be conducted.
The accountancy profession already has this duty and all that was necessary was
to hitch the Lloyds wagon to the company audit train. This was done
by means of the true and fair test: Lloyds syndicate accounts had to
give a true and fair view of the results for the closed year. The phrase
true and fair comes from the Companies Act and applies by
law to the accounts of companies. The same Act lays down the duties of auditors
who must report if the accounts show a true and fair view. The scope and nature
of the audit work necessary to support this opinion is prescribed by a corpus
of professional guidance issued under the aegis of the accountancy
professions Auditing Practices Committee. By requiring a true and
fair audit Lloyds was able to call upon the whole apparatus of
professional guidance that sets the standards for [*111] company audits and apply it to the audit of
syndicate accounts audit matters were peculiar to Lloyds
foremost among them the reinsurance to close but we looked to the
Institute of Chartered Accountants to give guidance to auditors on this, just
as they give guidance in other specialized audit fields. However, there were some
aspects of syndicate auditing where it was appropriate for Lloyds
itself to lay down special rules.
The first related to the
qualification of auditors. Experience had shown that a restricted panel of
auditors, although perhaps ensuring that auditors understood the business, had
attendant dangers of lack of independence and objectivity that proved more
damaging in the end than any harm a lack of technical expertise might have
done. In other fields the trend has been away from specialized audit panels: a
proposal to provide for them in future legislation covering banking supervision
has been dropped. Provided that the auditor is professionally qualified qua
auditor it does not appear that there is much advantage in requiring him to be
expert in a specific industry. An audit is an audit and the peculiarities of
the clients trade are something the well-qualified auditor takes in
his stride: compensating for any lack of technical knowledge with independence,
detachment, objectivity and the ability to see the wood for the trees. It was
tempting therefore to abolish the audit panel altogether arid replace it with a
simple requirement that syndicate auditors be professionally qualified.
However, this was not possible. The Insurance Companies Act provides that the
accounts of every underwriter shall be audited annually by
an accountant approved by the Committee of Lloyds: the audit referred
to is in fact the solvency test.XI.4 But
the same auditors carry out the solvency test and audit the syndicate accounts
and unnecessary duplication would be caused if the two separate tasks were
carried out by different firms. Lloyds would have to continue to
license a panel of auditors for solvency purposes; it was decided to make the
best of it and use the statutory provisions to ensure that auditors were better
It was therefore proposed to
reconstruct the panel of auditors and require all those who wished to carry out
syndicate audits to re-register. Those registering would have to show that they
were qualified in two important respects: by their breadth of audit experience
outside Lloyds, including the audit of insurance companies; and by
the resources they could bring to bear measured by their arrangements for
recruiting, training and developing their staff. We wanted tough well-rounded
auditors who could stand up to the agents, and to Lloyds if need be;
we didnt want poodles.
The second matter was independence.
The auditors lack of inde-[*112]-pendence and the undue cosiness which existed between agents and panel
auditors had been a critical source of weakness in the old arrangements.XI.5 The Companies Act and the ethical
rules of the Institute of Chartered Accountants provide that the auditor should
be independent of his client. He cannot be a director or a shareholder or keep
the books. He should not earn more than 15 per cent of his fee income from any
one client, so that if he needs to take a strong line on an audit point he is
not tempted to trim his sails by fears for his own financial position. These
general rules were specifically to be applied to Lloyds by requiring
that the auditor could not be a director or a shareholder of the agent, or a
member of any syndicate managed by the agent.XI.6
Bookkeeping was dealt with specifically with the proposal that a complete
prohibition on a bookkeeping firm from acting as auditor to its syndicate
accounting clients is the best means of ensuring the independence of the audit
of the syndicate annual report.XI.7
The most significant change related
to the conflict between the interests of the agent and those of the Names on
the syndicate. As the consultative document puts it: There are,
however, circumstances in the Lloyds market where an auditor may face
a conflict of reporting responsibility Le. where the same firm acts
both for the managing agent and for its managed syndicates. It is apparent that
the interests in each case (agency shareholders versus Names on the syndicates)
are not mutually compatible. There is an increasingly held view in the market
that there should be a separation of responsibilities and this has gained some
support from existing panel auditors
. There should be a specific
requirement for separate firms to act for an agency and for its managed
syndicates as the introduction of a requirement along these lines will
eliminate any appearance of a conflict of interest. This proposal is therefore
considered to be more effective in protecting the independence of the auditor in
each case. XI.8
A third question on which
legislation was needed concerned the method of appointing syndicate auditors.
Under the Companies Act the shareholders appoint the auditors, but usually at
the instigation of the directors whose recommendation is rarely overturned. A
syndicate is not a company. It is not even a legal entity at law it
is nothing more than a term of convenience. The members of the syndicate cannot
vote because one cannot bind another, each has several liability and a direct
relationship to the agent. Names owe no collective duty to fellow Names on the
syndicate. Again, a syndicate is reconstituted after each year, and although
many of the Names will continue some will change. Each year represents a
different venture and could select a different auditor. There are therefore
serious legal difficulties in the Names appointing the [*113] auditor. Although the consultative
document toyed with the the Council of Lloyds should appoint the
auditors this was rejected. Appointment of auditors by the Council would
compromise the operation of normal market forces not only as regards standards
of service but also in terms of the costs involved, i.e. audit fee levels.
These forces should be allowed to operate in respect of Lloyds
syndicate audits. However the major consideration under this heading lies in
the conflict between the Council assuming responsibilities in respect of
individual syndicates with its overriding duty to act on behalf of the
membership of Lloyds as a whole.XI.9 Noting that in the case of most
companies the directors appoint the auditors de facto although the shareholders
appoint them de jure, the final proposal was that the managing agents should
make the appointment. But safeguards were called for, in particular
the responsibilities of the auditors to report to Names must be clearly defined
notwithstanding the fact that the auditor is appointed on the Names
behalf by the agent,XI.10 and
a resigning auditor was to have the right to make a statement as to the
circumstances of his resignation like that provided for in the Companies Act.
The council was to monitor appointments and removals.
The proposal that the agent should
appoint the auditor drew strong protests from certain quarters. In particular
chartered accountant John Rew of the Association of Lloyds Members
(ALM) argued strongly for the rights of Names to make the appointment. The
judgment was a finely balanced one but the council, when passing the bye-law in
1984, agreed with the consultative document. Neill expressed some
dissatisfaction with this conclusion, observing that the idea that Names should
be able to appoint the auditors who report to them is attractive and urging the
council to reopen the question if real problems emerge with the new recognition
arrangements for auditors; but the Committee of Inquiry made no recommendation.XI.11
The fourth and final matter which
was peculiar to Lloyds was the relationship between the Society of
Lloyds and the panel auditors. Auditors are not usually members of
Lloyds, indeed some now have rules that their partners may not be members.XI.12 In general, therefore, panel
auditors are not subject to Lloyds jurisdiction and cannot be
sanctioned by its byelaws. Yet Lloyds, as a regulatory authority,
must have a relationship with each firm on the panel. The conundrum was solved
by resorting to the regulatory device used for members, agents and brokers
before the new Lloyds Act was passed: panel auditors were asked to
provide a written undertaking to the Council of Lloyds as a means of
defining the relationship between syndicate auditors and the council.XI.13 The undertaking would acknowledge
the right of the council to appoint and remove [*114] auditors from the panel, and the auditor would
undertake to comply with Lloyds syndicate accounting rules and the
new rules as to the auditors independence. The undertaking also
tackled the difficult question of client confidentiality, the preservation of
which is regarded by many auditors as the touchstone of their relations with
their clients. The consultative document explained the point: An
auditor generally has a duty to his client to maintain confidentiality in
relation to the affairs of that client; information would not normally be
revealed to a third party without the express permission of the client.
However, in order to regulate the market effectively in the interests of Names
there are circumstances in which the Council of Lloyds would need to
seek information from syndicate auditors. In the past there has been some
confusion as to the responsibility of an auditor to volunteer to
Lloyds information in respect of syndicate audit clients. For the
avoidance of doubt it is not proposed that auditors should have such a
responsibility, rather the intention is for syndicate auditors to be able to
respond to specific requests for information after due observance of
appropriate procedures provided for in Lloyds rules
. It is
important that both auditors and their clients appreciate that this proposal
would override the conventional duty of confidentiality which an auditor owes
to his client.XI.14
Neill had considerable difficulty
with this conclusion because the undertaking lacks the statutory force that
attaches to Section 109 of the Financial Services Act 1986 by which any duty of
confidentiality owed by the auditor to his client is waived in respect of
communications in good faith to the Secretary of State, whether or not in
response to a request from him.XI.15
However, the general undertaking now to be signed by all members of
Lloyds waives in favour of the society any duty of confidentiality
owed by a syndicate auditor to its Names.
The Syndicate Audit Arrangements
bye-law, which was passed in December 1984, gave force to the provisions of the
consultative document five months after it had been released for discussion.
There was little variation from the councils original proposals. The
new panel was to take effect from the end of 1986. A special committee of the
council was set up the Syndicate Auditor Registration Committee
(SARC) which began the task of registering the new panel of
auditors. Although it was the general policy of the council to widen the circle
of syndicate auditors it lacked the power to do this directly. The SARC
therefore adopted the policy of encouraging new firms to apply. Lack of audit
experience at Lloyds was not seen as a bar to registration provided
that the firm had adequate audit experience in related fields
insurance companies for example and had taken steps to train its
partners and staff in Lloyds matters. [*115] Considerable attention was paid to ensuring
that those who took syndicate audit responsibilities would have the resources
to do the work: there had been bottlenecks in the past because too many
syndicates were calling for the attention of too few auditors at the same time.
It was an odd symptom of Lloyds tradition of secrecy that the old
list of panel auditors was confidential. Most of the audit panel firms
re-registered, but not before they could satisfy the sAc that they were
reorganized so as to meet the new more stringent standards. In certain cases
SARC approval was given only after the receipt of assurances that individuals
previously involved with syndicate work had been removed from that
responsibility. The new list was to be published, but not until March 1986, by
which time virtually all the firms which wished to do so had registered.
The new audit arrangements, at first
sight, look little different from the old: the number of firms on the list is
larger, nineteen as opposed to fifteen when Fisher reported, and the
overwhelming bulk of the audits are still being carried out by four firms,
which accounted for four-fifths of the syndicates.XI.16 While conceding that the new
registration arrangements together with the enforced separation of agency and
syndicate auditors adequately protects the auditors independence,
Neffi admits that this continued concentration of audit work is unsatisfactory.
He recommends that if there is no change by 1991 then Lloyds should
implement Fishers proposal and limit the number of syndicates handled
by any one audit firm.XI.17
There were important underlying changes however: the separation of agency
auditors from syndicate auditors led to a large number of audit changes which
gave agents the opportunity to reconsider carefully the quality of service
being provided; the mergers with larger firms meant that by 1984 65 per cent of
the syndicates were being audited by firms well known outside the
Lloyds community; and the requirement of registration including
regular monitoring and recruiting, training and staffing arrangements, had
caused all panel firms to look to improvements in these respects especially as
registrations were in each case granted for a limited period varying between
two and five years. One can only hope that the ring has been broken and that
the forces of competition among firms for Lloyds work will ensure
that the complacency among accountants that served Lloyds so ill in
the past does not recur. [*116]
The rules covering the
re-registration of underwriting agents have two sources.
The first is divestment, imposed by
Parliament as the price for granting the considerable self-regulatory powers
given to the council by the Lloyds Act 1982.XII.1 No doubt the ownership of a managing
agent by a broker can present the underwriter with a difficult conflict of
interest; no doubt too, that the brokers duty to his assured can
conflict with his duty to the Names for which his agency acts. However, I came
across no case where this conflict had led to objectionable abuse, and I am
certain that such abuses as did occur were as nothing compared to those
perpetrated by agents upon their Names. Fisher had said, The question
is whether the undoubted difficulties, both of principle and practice, of a
compulsory divestment by Lloyds brokers of shares in managing
agencies should be allowed to override this logic:XII.2 this logic being
the argument that brokerowned underwriting agencies created unacceptable conflicts
of interest. The game may have been worth the candle as it frees
Lloyds of a set of conflicts that might be the source of abuse. But
the question remains: Was it worth the disturbance to the market and the
undoubted weakening of the agency system? This question was, however, academic.
Parliament had decreed divestment and it was up to the Council of
Lloyds to make it work by the statutory deadline of July 1987.
The second thread was registration.
In a paper in 1985 Peter Daniels, a leading Lloyds agent and member
of the council, outlined the history of agent registration.XII.3 Pointing out that Lloyds
agencies began to be acquired by public companies about 1950, he explained that
the next major change to affect agents followed the publication of Lord
Cromers working party report in 1969. Among many other matters this
report drew a distinction between an agent who attends to the affairs of the [*117] Name and an agent who manages the
syndicate, the former, as often as not, having been described in the past as an
introductory agent. At about the same time another working party under the
chairmanship of Mr Paul Dixey was asked to produce a code of conduct for
underwriting agents. In November 1970 a bye-law was introduced for the
maintenance of a register of agents, the main purpose of which was to give
power to the Committee of Lloyds to remove agents from the register.
Following the Dixey working party report, an underwriting agents
manual was introduced.XII.4 This
manual was the main source of guidance to agents when I arrived at
In 1980 Sir Henry Fishers
working party discussed requiring agents to re-register with Lloyds.
It recommended that re-registration should be for a limited period only; that
the committee should have the power to veto the employment of an active
underwriter; that the Council should apply tests of suitability,
standing and general market expertise when deciding whether to admit an
underwriting agency to the register of approved Lloyds underwriting
agents; and that the Council should have power, analogous
to that possessed by the Department of Trade in relation to insurance
companies, to ensure that otily fit and proper persons have
control over underwriting agency companies or firms, or are directors or senior
employees of underwriting agency companies or firms.XII.5 The Fisher Committee went on to
recommend that minimum levels of capitalization for agencies be established and
that agents be required to carry errors and omissions insurance. Turning to
members agencies Fisher recommended that boards of such agencies be
encouraged to include an outside element and that at least one director be a
member of every syndicate on which the agency placed Names.
During consideration of the
Lloyds Bill undertakings were given to Parliament that an inquiry
would be set up into the underwriting agency system at Lloyds with a
view to implementing the divestment requirements of the Lloyds Act.
The committee of inquiry was established in March 1982 under the chairmanship
of a former Deputy Chairman of Lloyds Alec Higgins. It was
directed to have regard to the Fisher proposals as well as the divestment
requirements of the Act. These two threads were to come together in a
consultative document in March 1983.XII.6
This proposed that all agents re-register before July 1987 under rules that
would give effect both to Parliaments wish to divest agents from brokers
and to Fishers proposals to tighten up the standards of underwriting
The reform proposals had two parts:
those relating to the ownership and control of agencies, and those concerned
with the minimum standards [*118] which agencies would have to achieve. Higgins concentrated on the
first. Lloyds has always been anxious to retain supervisory powers
over those who control underwriting agencies, fearing that if controllers were
outside their jurisdiction it would be more difficult to supervise the market.
As Higgins put it, The agency function is at the heart of the
Lloyds market. Although abuses have arisen in entities controlled by
persons within the jurisdiction of the Committee of Lloyds, for
self-regulation to be effective it is necessary that those who have the
ultimate control of the agency function should be able to feel: We
are all members of the same Society. This is our market place. We have a common
interest in maintaining its quality and integrity. We doubt whether
this sense of community would persist indefinitely if agencies became owned and
controlled by persons outside the Lloyds community. We would fear for
self-regulation in that event.XII.7
Jurisdictional control was to be
achieved by three measures. First, not less than two-thirds of the voting power
of shares in agencies would have to be held by members of Lloyds for
whom the agent acted. Second, every holding of more than 10 per cent of shares,
whether voting or non-voting, would require council approval which would not be
given in the case of voting shares held by non-members. Third, not less than
two-thirds of the directors would have to be Names for whom the agent acted.
The concept of the non-voting equity
share, entitled to a full share of the companys profits but having no
votes, is an unusual one and rarely found outside the Lloyds
community.XII.8 The idea goes back to
i95. when the Committee of Lloyds required agencies to be in
companies separated from their broker parents.XII.9
Since then there has been an increasing trend towards constructing
Chinese walls around agency companies at Lloyds
in order to protect the underwriter from outside interference. Commonly this
was done by the use of non-voting shares held by the broker parent, which
entitle the holder to all the profits and an equity interest in the capital,
and voting shares generally held by the board members, which carry no rights to
dividends but exercise the voting powers. The effect of these arrangements has
been to discourage outside investors from owning agencies unless there is a
collateral commercial reason, as there was for brokers. The unfortunate agency
parent was prevented from exercising any effective control over its offspring,
although it might ultimately be liable, legally or morally, or both, if things
went wrong.XII.10
The Higgins Report proposed two
further safeguards on the ownership of agencies. In order to avoid agencies
being dominated by one man, which has been a common situation at
Lloyds, not more than 40 per cent of the voting power of an agency
could be held by any one person, [*119] save that a Lloyds broker could own up to 100 per cent of a
members agent. The second aimed to meet Fishers argument
that brokers, although forbidden by statute from owning managing agencies,
could none the less improperly influence underwriters by threatening to
withdraw their Names from his syndicates, their Names being
those served by the members agency under the brokers
control. As the Higgins Report put it, It is in our reconsidered view
either a case of forbidding Lloyds brokers from controlling a
members agent while placing no restriction on supply of stamp
capacity by the members agent, or of limiting the supply of stamp
capacity and permitting the Lloyds broker to control the
members agent.XII.11
A limit of 20 per cent was proposed and broker-controlled members
agents were to be given until 1992 to reduce their proportion of any
syndicates capacity to that level or below.
Debate at council and in the market
concentrated principally on the question of the brokers involvement
in members agencies. There were fears that the 20 per cent
restriction of stamp capacity would be difficult to achieve and that those
unfortunate Names who would be told to change syndicates would object to what
they might see as an unwelcome change in their fortunes. The council decided to
drop the proposals. The 40 per cent limitation on any one shareholder also went
when it was pointed out that almost half of the Lloyds agencies were
affected. Instead the council proposed to rely on rules covering the collective
character and suitability of the board to avoid too much idiosyncratic
dominance by one underwriter.
During the summer of 1983 discussion
on the divestment arrangements concentrated on the rules for the ownership and
control of agencies. In the autumn a divestment sub-committee was set up to
plan the detailed rules. It was chaired by Peter Miller, a marine broker with
legal training; he continued to lead the sub-committee after he took over as
Chairman of Lloyds on 1 January 1984 although he later handed over
the chair to the Senior Deputy Chairman, Murray Lawrence.
The re-registration proposals came
before the council in bye-law form in May 1984. They reflected
Higgins plans for the ownership and control of agencies, except for
the 40 per cent ownership and 20 per cent stamp capacity rules.
The bye-law also picked up
Fishers proposals concerning character and suitability. Directors
would need to have adequate experience, be of good character and able to devote
sufficient time to the position; boards collectively would have to show a
balance of skills and contain an independent view. The board should contain an
active underwriter from each market in which the agency manages a syndicate,
and any syndicates [*120] which
account for more than 10 per cent of the agencys total capacity
should be represented on the board by the active underwriters. The Committee of
Lloyds would need to be satisfied that the agency had sufficient
capital, staff, errors and omissions insurance and appropriate premises. The
number of the syndicates managed would be controlled by the committee.XII.12
The bye-law also gave specific
effect to Sections 10 and 11 of the Act which require brokers and agencies to
be divested. It directs: There should not exist any arrangement which
might enable a managing agency to influence the policy or business of a
Lloyds broker or might enable a Lloyds broker to influence
the business of a managing agent unless such an arrangement is a normal
commercial arrangement.XII.13
The sections go on to exclude a profit-sharing arrangement between a broker and
an agent unless this arises out of divestment negotiations and terminates no
later than 1995. The effect of this part of the bye-law is to make undue
influence involving an unacceptable conflict of interest between broker and
underwriter a disciplinary offence at Lloyds: such an improper
arrangement would amount to a breach of a bye-law which is itself a
sanctionable matter.
Within this legal framework the
process of divestment began. The deadline laid down by Parliament was July
1987, but the bye-law said that any agency which had not made arrangements for
divestment by May 1986 must write to its Names advising them of that fact so
that the Names would know that there might be a possibility that their agency
would cease activities in July 1987 and so that they would have time to make
other arrangements.
An indication of the extent of the
problem which divestment posed is provided in the appendix to a consultative
paper put out by the Higgins Committee in September 1982. This reported that 11
4 of the 293 agencies at Lloyds would be directly affected by
divestment because they were then associated with brokers. These 114 agencies
managed 308 of the 481 syndicates at Lloyds 71 per cent of
the total, and in terms of volume of business the proportion was possibly
higher. Divestment would mean that more than two-thirds of the capacity of the
market would be under new management within a three-year period.XII.14
In December 1986 with seven months
to go before the parliamentary deadline Lloyds gave a progress report
on the registration process. The new agency structure was beginning to emerge;
by July 1987 242 agencies were expected to have registered, a reduction of 20
per cent. It would be wrong to assume that most of those dropping out had
failed to meet the new higher standards of management and capital; many
represent [*121] the termination of shell agencies
that had not traded for some years, the result of mergers, or a general tidying
up of corporate structures. None the less the reduction must indicate some
raising of standards and hence a greater degree of protection for Names.
The withdrawal of brokers from their
connections with managing agents had no doubt contributed to the expected
reduction in the proportion of combined managing/members agencies
from 54 per cent to 42 per cent. At the same time the number of pure managing
agencies had grown from 35 (ii per cent) to 57 (24 per cent). The number of
members agencies had fallen from 105 (35 per cent) to 83 (34 per
cent): no doubt the closure of a number of small members agencies was
to be balanced to some extent by the number of combined
managing/members agencies formerly owned by brokers becoming
broker-owned members agencies.XII.15
An attempt was made in early 1984 to encourage institutions to invest in
agencies by amending the bye-law proposals about non-voting shares, so that the
holders of such shares could have the power to appoint directors with the
consent of the Committee of Lloyds and remove directors after
consulting the committee. Despite this change it appears that the overwhelming
majority of divestments have been carried out by means of a management buy-out.
It is not only the strict, indeed arguably narrow, requirements of the council
about the ownership and control of agencies that has led to this. Public
investors are understandably chary about investing in companies where so much
of the profit depends on the personal skills of the active underwriter. The
risk has been highlighted by the recent scandals where errant agents have cost
their broker parents dearly. Brokers have in general obtained lower prices for
their agencies because of the prevalence of management buy-outs.XII.16
Another consequence of the
widespread use of management buy-outs has been to introduce weaknesses into the
agency system in two respects: management and capital. The new reform programme
at Lloyds has quite properly imposed a considerably greater
administrative burden on agencies and this has exposed the weakness of some of
the smaller ones. Despite the formidable underwriting skills of working Names
at Lloyds, it does not follow that these are automatically accompanied
by management expertise. By striking out on their own underwriters are
discovering for themselves the scarcity of skills in agency management which
were formerly provided, together with a whole range of back-up services, by
their large broker parents. In the larger agencies the shortage is being met by
introducing a new cadre of professional agency managers but the smaller
agencies, with an average of less than one hundred Names each, [*122] cannot afford a full-time
professional manager. In another respect the reforms have intensified the
pressure on the smaller agencies because they have imposed higher capital
standards. Not surprisingly, many agencies coming forward for registration had
minimal capital no longer backed by that of the broker parent. Furthermore,
inorder to raise the capital, agents have had to take out loans which depend
upon a high level of short-term profitability for their redemption. Agents must
therefore take a shorterterm view of profits. This will be exacerbated by the
new requirement to publish syndicate accounts; an important reform, but one
which facilitates the production of syndicate league tables. These provide a
spur to agents and underwriters to produce short-term results in order to
maintain or improve their ratings in these tables.
These weaknesses of management and
capital are likely to be more pronounced among the smaller agents.
Lloyds is quite a concentrated market. The ten largest agents are
estimated to control over 36 per cent of the market and the two largest between
them to control almost 16 per cent. This number has not changed much recently
but there is a clear trend for the largest agencies to grow. Sturge and Merrett
both have paper on the Stock Market and the path to future acquisitions must be
regarded as open, especially as neither was directly affected by divestment and
hence they are well capitalized and managed. There can be little doubt that the
number of managing agencies would have fallen further had the bye-law
incorporated the limitation of 40 per cent share ownership in one pair of
hands, as Higgins had recommended. There have been a number of cases of
agencies spawned under the wing of a larger managing agency but controlled by
the underwriter in order to give him a share of the equity and the possibility
of capital gain. Such agencies are frequently unable to offer a comprehensive
service, being contractually dependent upon an associated company for support
with accounting and investment management.
In October 1984 a consultative
document on membership requirements recommended the ending of the one agent/one
class rule.XII.17 This would have a
much more profound effect on the structure of the agency system. It would mean
that a Name could approach a profitable syndicate directly and would no longer
be dependent upon the existence of a sub-agency agreement between his
members agent and the managing agent of the chosen syndicate. As a
result Names would be able to move between syndicates more freely, provided
that the underwriters were willing to take them on. An underwriter receiving
such an approach would have the added incentive that he would not have to share
his salary and profit commission with a members agent. On the other
hand, underwriters are [*123] jealous
of their right to select Names for their syndicates and are not unaware that
those who come easily in good times may leave quickly when times are hard.
In recent years there can be no
doubt that brokers, as a result of divestment, are slowly distancing themselves
from the underwriting side of Lloyds, and the underwriters are
beginning td realize that they are no longer literally in the pay of the
brokers. As a consequence, brokers are reconsidering their attitude to the
business of supplying Names to Lloyds. Aware of the risks of suit by
dissatisfied Names, one or two of the larger brokers have decided to get out of
the members agency game altogetheE. However, it is still estimated
that seven out of the ten largest members agencies at Lloyds
are broker-controlled and that those seven agencies account for one-fifth of
the capacity of the market.
It appears, therefore, that
divestment and its associated re-registration have not so far produced a
drastic change in the structure of the Lloyds agency system, but
certain trends are clear. The number of agents is falling despite the doubling
of Lloyds capacity from 1983 to 1986 and the 33.3 per cent increase
in the membership during that period. Divestment has clearly deprived a number
of agents of resources that the brokers once provided, and institutional
investors without Lloyds broking interests, who could have replaced
those resources, have not emerged. There is little evidence of divestment
having led to the introduction of new capital into the Lloyds agency
system. The lack of management skills among the smaller agents is made more
serious by the increased regulatory requirements. Against such a background a
further concentration of underwriting power in the hands of a few large
agencies must be a reasonable bet in the medium term.
Although formally separated from
underwriting the brokers are not without influence. The rejection by the
council of the Higgins proposal to limit the size of a broker-owned
members agents share of any syndicate means that the threat
to remove Names can be a potent one.
Furthermore, the relative financial
weakness of some agents must mean that they will be less able to withstand
broker pressure were it to be applied. As I have said, I neither saw nor heard
of seriously improper pressure by brokers. It does now appear that Sir Henry
Fisher may have shot the wrong horse in pressing for divestment in the name of
avoiding conflicts of interest between brokers and agents while overlooking the
much more serious abuses of conflicts of interest uncovered since 1982 where a
few agents had plundered their Names, putting their own interest as agents
improperly ahead of their duties to their Names. It must be said in mitigation
of Sir Henry that the nature and extent of these abuses was [*124] not known at
the time of his inquiry. Although divestment is, of itself, a perfectly proper
policy it does not attack the real problem: the abuse of the interests of Names
by their agents. It is fortunate that the Lloyds Act 1982, which gave
Lloyds the powers that Fisher recommended, also enabled the council
to look at these abuses and take steps to ensure that they will not recur.
However, a wider lesson may be drawn
from Lloyds experience with the ownership and control of agencies.
One of the most notorious of the scandals is that of the PCW agency. This had
been acquired in 1973 by the publicly quoted broker, Minet Holdings PLC, under
conditions laid down by the committee of the day to ensure that there would be
no improper interference by the broker parent with the underwriter subsidiary.
The parent company was denied access to information about the
subsidiarys activities, only one parent company nominee director was
allowed, the agency auditors were different from those of the parent company,
and the agencys errors and omissions insurance was severed from that
of its broker parent. This is a perfect example of what the City calls a
Chinese wall. Behind its protection £29 million was abstracted from
the PCW Names. When the facts eventually emerged the broker parent was in a
position to step in, take up the reins of power and perform a rescue. If
divestment had been in place in 1982 there would have been no broker parent to step
in, change the PCW board and shoulder the burden of resolving the problem.
Broker power is not always malevolent. [*124]
Relations between Members
and Lloyds
The fourth foundation stone of the
new regulatory edifice at Lloyds was the corpus of rules governing
relations between members, their agents and the society: the rules for members.XIII.1 Before the 1982 Act most of these
concerns were covered by contracts: a general undertaking
between the member and the Society of Lloyds and an underwriting
agency agreement between the member and his agent. These arrangements were now
to be covered, as Fisher had recommended, by bye-laws,
The new structure was to involve a
membership bye-law, and a number of lesser documents including a new form of
premiums trust deed, and a brief general undertaking to abide by the rules of
the society to be signed by each member. Having begun this codification of the
membership rules the council set up the Bird working party on membership requirements
which made its proposals for future changes in October 1984.XIII.2
A Fisher task group had been
studying the question of rules for members since 1982. Its proposals were a
prime example of codification: the consultative document reflected the then
current practice in bye-law form, covering the admission and termination of
membership, and the granting of permission to underwrite, a separate matter
from membership.XIII.3
The rules for admission emphasize
one of the most valuable features of Lloyds. Despite the change from
the old club atmosphere to an investing institution, good personal relations
between the Name and his agent are fundamental. Agents are required to know
their Names personally and the applicant must be sponsored by two members. The
admission process takes up to a year and there is therefore little chance that
a Name will be trapped unwittingly into an arrangement the nature of which he
has not had an ample opportunity to consider in advance.
All applicants to join
Lloyds are interviewed by a member of the council, or a senior
working member of the society at a Rota interview. As over [*126] three thousand of these must be
held in a busy year they take up a lot of time between July and November.XIII.4 Each of these interviews follows a
carefully prescribed form. The council member is accompanied by an officer from
the membership department, the applicant by his agent. The surroundings are
usually fairly impressive, given Lloyds penchant for gilded plasterwork
and chandeliers, and the applicant often somewhat overwhelmed. But the
ten-minute interview has the great virtue that no one can become a member of
Lloyds without knowingly agreeing that he is willing to accept
unlimited liability in respect of his insurance obligations.
The membership bye-law was brought
before the council in November 1984 so that it would have effect for the 1985
membership year.XIII.5 It
introduced a novel and important change in relation to resignation. Hitherto a
member could resign at any time at the discretion of the
Committee. Now a member could cease to underwrite with effect from
the end of any year but would then become a non-underwriting member until a
period of thirty months had elapsed.XIII.6
The council would have the power to shorten or lengthen this notice period at
any time before it expired.
The membership bye-law also
incorporates two of the old fundamental rules of Lloyds: that each
member underwrites for his own part and not one for another there is
no liability by one member in respect of the underwriting of another; and that
a member is not permitted to underwrite except at Lloyds.XIII.7
Of more direct significance to the
member is the agreement he signs with his members agent, the
underwriting agency agreement. This commits him to support, to the limit of his
financial ability, the underwriting activities carried out by the agent on his
behalf. At the same time he agrees to delegate powers to his agent. These
underwriting activities may be carried out directly by the agent or by another
managing agent to whom the members agent may delegate his powers via
a sub-agency agreement. There is therefore a contractual chain binding the
member to those who actually underwrite the risks on his behalf. All members of
Lloyds sign such an underwriting agency agreement: the terms are
onerous and the delegation of power by the Name to the agent extensive.
Cromer advocated a model form of
agreement for the better protection of Names.XIII.8
Having recommended that the council should introduce a mandatory form of agency
agreement by bye-law, Fisher said, The relationship between a Name
and his underwriting agent is governed by the terms of an agency agreement
which both the Name and the agent sign. At present there is no rule which lays
down which topics such [*127]
agreements shall cover or lays down what terms they hallo shell not contain.
The form and content of the agreement are left to the parties to determine,
although they are in practice dictated by the agent, and the Name has no option
but to accept them if he wishes that agent to act for him.XIII.9 The use of a standard form of
agency agreement gives a new Name much comfort. He can be sure that the
document he is asked to sign has been approved by an independent body on his
behalf and is the same as that signed by all other members.
A task group of agents and
Lloyds staff chaired by Frank Barber, then a deputy chairman,
considered these proposals in a consultative document published in July 1984.XIII.10 This raised a number of
contentious questions.
Accepting Fishers main
argument, the document proposes a standard form of underwriting agency
agreement mandated by bye-laws. Rejecting the idea that there should be a
direct contract between the Name and the underwriter of each syndicate to which
he belongs, the proposals stick to the traditional Lloyds rule of an
agency agreement between a Name and his members agent and sub-agency
agreements between the members agent and the managing agent of each
The consultative document introduced
certain reforms which improved the position of Names: the agents
liability under the agreement could not be restricted; agents were to pay interest
on profits if they were distributed late; and the Name would have the right to
notice if the active underwriter or a director of the agency came off the
syndicate so that the Name would have time to withdraw too. It also
strengthened the hand of agents in certain respects. The Name cannot summarily
terminate the agreement, but has to settle his losses first and argue with the
agent afterwards about any potential liability he may have to the Name
the pay now sue later clause; the agent has the
right to borrow to cover a Names losses; and his duty to observe the
syndicate premium income limits is not a strict duty but is confined to
best efforts. The apparently onerous pay now sue
later clause was approved by the council with surprisingly little
debate; discussion concentrated on the other matters: deficit clauses and
agents charges.
Fisher had drawn attention to the
offence caused to Names by the lack of a deficit clause: We have
received complaints that a member with a line through the same agent on marine
and non-marine syndicates can make an overall loss on his entire underwriting
activities, yet pay a profit commission to the agent because there has been a
small profit on, say. the marine syndicate
. We consider that it
should be mandatory for every agreement to contain a deficit clause. But we
consider that the matter requires further study and that the exact form of
deficit clause [*128] would
require careful consideration. It might prove difficult to arrive at a clause
which was appropriate to every agency, but we think that the Council should
make every effort to overcome the difficulties.XIII.11 This was a proposal on which a
number of external Names focused, including committee members of the
Association of Lloyds Members.
Drawing attention to the inequity of
penalizing the underwriter on a profitable syndicate by docking his profit
commission because the underwriter on another syndicate on which the Name also
had a line had made a loss, the task group said: If there is to be a
deficit clause the task group recommends a vertical form of deficit clause
under which a single syndicates underwriting results in successive
years would be taken into account.XIII.12 It was clear that the group did not
like deficit clauses: should the Council interpose between the Name
and his agent, in the matter of the terms of business arrived at between them,
by compelling the use of a deficit clause the result might well be the
distortion and general renegotiation of terms of business quite possibly to the
ultimate disadvantage of some Names in a performance orientated market. It was
also recognised that the members agents share of the profit
commission represented a vital source of income to them
. Agents
might therefore be moved to alter their rates and manner of charging their
salaries and fees.XIII.13
Although the consultative document included an optional deficit clause, the
standard agreement, introduced in March 1985, is silent on the matter. The
councils conclusions in this regard brought out considerable press
criticism which noted that the task group responsible for considering the
matter was composed of agents, Lloyds staff and a representative of
Lloyds solicitors. No external member was included. It must be said,
however, that deficit clauses are permitted, some agents use them, and a Name
who is keen on one can always seek out an agent who operates such a clause. The
difficulty an innocent applicant to membership faces is that he may not be
aware of his options.
The question of agents
charges was even more sensitive. In an average year half the profits of
Lloyds go to the agents in the form of salary and profit commission
as a reward for the underwriting and management services they provide, and half
to the Names as a reward for the risks they run. That is not to say that the
rate of profit commission runs at 50 per cent. The overall effect is produced
because Names bear all the losses and the agents salary continues
even if a loss is made. Cromer noted concerns about the level of
agents charges;XIII.14
Fisher said: We consider that in principle agents should be free to
compete with each other in the matter of charges, and that the varying
circumstances of different agencies and different syndicates may justify some
variations. But there is clearly a [*129] danger of abuse, particularly so long as the terms offered by different
agents are not publicly known and Names are not in a good position to discuss
whether relatively to others they are being overcharged.XIII.15 He recommended that agents give
details of their terms and conditions of business, including rates of charges,
to Lloyds, which should keep them under review and take steps to
check possible abuses. This proposal was accepted by Lloyds when
their counsel gave Parliament an undertaking during the passage of the
Lloyds Bill that It would be implemented by July 1984.XIII.16
The effective fee to be charged by
an agent can be varied by adjusting the level of expenses charged to the
syndicate as opposed to those borne by the agency itself. While the cost of
finding and caring for new applicants for membership is clearly for the account
of the agency, and LPSO charges and those of the syndicate auditor are for the
syndicate to bear, there are a number of expenses that fall on the borderline
and there were calls for a clear definition in the agency agreement of those
matters which could be charged to Names and those which were to be borne by
The scale of charges to be applied
by the agent is laid down in the underwriting agency agreement. In order to
assist Names in this respect the Higgins working party said:
It is important to improve the
conditions in which market forces can operate by making it easier for either
prospective or existing names to compare remunerations of different agents. The
disclosure requirements proposed will take care of much of this problem. It is
recommended that consideration should be given to:
(a) writing into the proposed standard form
of agency agreement principles laid down by the Council for the calculation of
commission and the allocation of expenses;
(b) requiring the agreement to state any departure
from those principles.XIII.17
There were therefore three proposals
before the council: the publication of a register of agents charges,
standard rules for calculating agents charges in the agency agreement,
and rules for the allocation of expenses.
The last two of these were matters
for the underwriting agency agreement. The Barber task group considered the
matter at some length, and proposed that the underwriting agreement should
provide for the schedule of the business terms of the agreement to set out
model terms to govern the calculation of the profit attracting the commission
payable to agents; while at the same time allowing an agent to vary those terms
provided that it was made clear that such variation had been made and how It
had [*130] been made. The proposed model terms
were set out in an attached specimen agreement. This represented a sound
reaction to the problem. But the report added, darkly: It might be
considered that the task groups solution represents an undue
intrusion into the negotiation and settlement of the terms of business between
Names and agents. This was acknowledged by the task group. This
footnote proved to be right. When the standard form of underwriting agency
agreement was released the schedule covering salary and profit commission had
no model clauses and the words in the agreement comprising the model
terms as may be expressly varied (and shown to be varied) by agreement between
Name and agent had been deleted. Again the new Names
problem was not that the agents charges were not fair, but that he
lacked the means of knowing what alternatives might be in current use.
In dealing with the allocation of
expenses the consultative document argues that it was wrong for the current
regime, under which most underwriting agents had a relatively free hand, to
continue. It says: The vital control over syndicate expenses that the
task group has introduced into the underwriting agency agreement is the
provision that, unless an expense is proper and reasonable, the agent has no
contractual authority to charge the Name in respect of it.XIII.18
It was also argued that the new
disclosure provisions discussed in the previous chapter relating to syndicate
accounts should solve the problem.
The fact of the public filing of the
syndicate accounts has also been advanced as a reason for not proceeding with
the parliamentary undertaking to publish a register of agents
charges. There had been promises but no progress when I left Lloyds
in February 1986. Professor MacVe devotes a chapter to this question.XIII.19 In 1984 about 40 per cent of the
agencies gave some explanation of how expenses had been allocated between
managing agents and syndicates, an improvement on the 1983 accounts. In the
matter of profit commission 67 per cent of the agents gave a note in the 1983
accounts, but only 27 per cent in the 1984 accounts, the recommended
disclosures in this respect in the Provisional Accounting Manual having been
deleted with the passage of the Syndicate Accounting Bye-law in 1984. But the
seven-year summary of results, now required for all syndicates, disclosed the
amount of profit commission in 58 per cent of the cases. The publication of syndicate
results did not produce a regime which met the full demands of Fisher about
disclosing agents charges.
While it is arguable that the
publication of syndicate reports puts the Name in possession of much more
information, it does not meet the requirement to make public details of
agents charging rates for the consideration of prospective members,
and those thinking of changing their agents. It is difficult to resist the
conclusion that the reluctance of the committee to require this disclosure, and
to incorporate in the standard underwriting agency agreement model charging
clauses, is again related to the dominance of agents in the internal councils
of Lloyds. There are two points here. The first is the natural
disinclination of any body of commercial men to encourage competition among
their number, especially when the body consists of those who have succeeded in
their chosen field and achieved the status of elected office. In this instance
the agents reluctance may have been fortified by the practice,
identified by Fisher, of charging different rates of commission to different
Names on the same syndicate. The second is the unfairness at law between the
agent who has the power because he knows the ropes, and the Name who, lacking full
knowledge, cannot be expected to rely upon the contractual doctrine of caveat
In spite of criticisms about the
disclosure of charges the new standard agency agreement was a major step
forward in protecting the Names and was made mandatory by bye-law on 10 March
1985. This was expected to take effect on i January 1987 when a new form of
premiums trust deed, approved by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
under the Insurance Companies Act, together with a new abbreviated general undertaking,
would also take effect. From that date all members of Lloyds would
have signed the same underwriting agency agreement. Differences would be
confined to commercial matters such as salary, profit commission and expense
allocations identified in the schedule to the agreement.
Given Sir Patrick Neills
remit to consider the regulatory arrangements at Lloyds from the
point of protecting the Names interests, it is not surprising that he
found much to condemn in the matters related above. In the view of the
committee of inquiry things should have been better ordered, and
Lloyds failure to do so provides conclusive evidence that the
constitutional structure was defective in being too concerned with protecting
the self-interest of the agents who controlled the Committee and Council of
Lloyds. He condemns out of hand the failure to publish a register of
agents charges in accordance with the parliamentary undertaking and
calls for standardizing the method of calculating charges. Like Fisher he
considers that deficit clauses should be mandatory. He criticizes vagueness
about the basis of allocating syndicate expenses. While recognizing the value
of the pay now sue later clause in protecting policy holders,
he considers that its application is far too onerous:
Lloyds must take steps to temper the effect of this
provision to deal with possible cases of abuse. Finally he rejects
the traditional arrangements at Lloyds by [*132] which an indirect Name has a contract only
with his members agent who in turn contracts with the sub-agent who
manages the syndicate. He points out the advantage of the Name having a direct
contract with each active underwriter: the Name can then sue directly and the
responsibilities of the managing agent are enhanced. He concludes that the
standard agency agreement is written from the standpoint of an agent
endeavouring to ensure the smooth running of his business and with too little
regard for the interests of the Name.XIII.21
How is it that the Rules Committee
of the council could have approved such an arrangement given the presence on
that committee of external and nominated members? The answer lies in the terms
of reference of that committee which was to propose rules to give
effect to the policy decisions of the Council. It was the council
guided by the chairs and the Committee of Lloyds
which dictated the course of action which Neill rightly condemns.
The Bird working partyXIII.22
looked at the application of the new membership rules to the market and made
proposals for change. Its report considered the required levels of means and
deposits and their relationship to premium income. Minor but important changes
were recommended both as to the amount and nature of qualifying assets. But the
most important part was the revelation that over six and a half thousand
members (approximately 30 per cent of the membership) were out of line with
current security requirements, the total shortfall of deposits amounting to
£350 million in a year when deposits totalled £1.2 billion.
This had happened because under the old regime of written undertakings it was
not possible to vary the deposit required of a member without his agreement.
Members could only be made to come into line when they applied to increase
their level of underwriting. As a result a few members were still accepting
business on the basis of security laid down under rules twenty or thirty years
earlier. Indeed there is a tiny handful of very elderly Names who still enjoy
the pre-1920 regime in which there had been no limit on premium income in
relation to deposits. Seventy-five per cent of the members who were below
deposit requirements showed a shortfall of less than twenty thousand pounds,
and the bulk of the cases concerned members elected in the mid-1970s when
security requirements had been relaxed following the implementation of the
Cromer Report. The ratio of deposits to net premiums was then 1 : 10
as opposed to i: today. But the situation represented a hole in
Lloyds security which must be repaired now that the council has the
powers under the 1982 Act.XIII.23
The working party confirmed the
principle of unlimited liability of members. It urged regular certification of
means, saying: Means should [*133] be positively confirmed every three years .
Names who wish
to increase their overall premium limits should be subject to a full means test
at the time.XIII.24
It considered the touchy subject of Lloyds vocational Names
working members of Lloyds admitted on preferential terms
to encourage those who work in the market to join the society. Frequently such
a members deposit will be financed by his employer. Bird recommends
that such members should continue to be allowed, but on the footing that they
show the same deposit-to-means to premium-income ratios as ordinary members,
the only difference being that they are permitted a lower level of means and
deposit and hence of premium income.
Finally, the Bird Report considered
the question, of market capacity. Whenever times are hard at Lloyds
and premium rates and underwriting profits are low the cry goes up for a
limitation on the number of new members being admitted, the argument being that
they are sharing in existing profits and diluting the interests of existing
Names. When times are good, as in 1985 and 1986, the cry is the opposite:
increase the premium-income to deposit ratio and provide more capacity from the
existing security. At the same time members agents are keen to
encourage more members to join. In fact steps by the regulatory authorities at
Lloyds are both unnecessary and irrelevant to the question of
capacity. If times are hard new Names will be unable to find places on
syndicates and they will not willingly join Lloyds, with a hefty
entrance fee and annual subscription, if they see no return from syndicate
memberships. In good times Names are attracted by high reported profits, and there
should be no need to lower the barriers to membership. The potentially
important recommendation that the limit on the individuals premium
income be removed was not proceeded with. By retaining an individual maximum,
now a premium income of £1.3 million, Lloyds has ensured
that it is still essentially a small mans market .XIII.25 [*134]
Premium overwriting has been an
endemic problem at Lloyds. Although it tends to be particularly
pressing at times during the insurance cycle when capacity is tight and there
is a lot of good business around, it can happen at any time to a foolish
Each Name contracts with each of his
underwriters to accept business up to the limit of his line on that syndicate:
that is up to his premium income limit. If the limit is exceeded further
security will be called for by Lloyds to back the additional risks
undertaken. This may be provided by shortfalls on the Names other
syndicates, but if there are none the Name must put up an additional deposit.
The active underwriter therefore has a duty to keep his syndicates
business within this overall limit or he will have difficulties with his Names
and Lloyds. The difficulties are usually easy to overcome
if the syndicate has made a profit because the Name will then be happy to
provide the extra security. But if the syndicate has made a loss the Name will
complain bitterly at being made to cover losses arising from trading beyond his
or her contractual limit. A good agent will keep a close check on his
underwriters signings so that the flow of business can be cut off if
there is a risk of overwriting. A sloppy agent may not keep good records and it
may therefore be difficult to keep track of the underwriting for which he is
responsible. But even a thorough and conscientious underwriter can be at risk
for two reasons beyond his control. First, he may be writing risks in dollars
much of Lloyds business is done in dollars and
a fall in the £/$ exchange rate will immediately increase sterling
premium income for the same dollar risk. Second, he may have granted a binding
authority to a cover holder who has written more business than expected.
Binding authorities are arrangements
by which a non-Lloyds cover holder, usually overseas, is empowered to
accept risks on behalf of the [*135] syndicate; their incorrect use had been at the root of the traumatic
Sasse affair.XIV.1 The disciplinary
report on Sasse illustrates the actions that a misguided underwriter can take
when faced with premium limit excesses caused by a foreign binder going wrong.
In a letter to the underwriter, Tim Sasse, dated 8 July 1976, the broker, John
Newman, set the scene: I did intend to go on to generalise to some
extent about the future, and also to give you a complete run-down on the
American situation, which I do know that you have come to see as a mystery
There had been premium limit excesses. There were discussions between Mr Sasse
and Mr Newman regarding the premium income problems which this increase posed
for the syndicate. Mr Sasse instructed Mr Newman not to process premiums for
the time being while he (Sasse) set about trying to find a way to lay
off premium income. The way involved transferring
premiums to other years of account.
The practice of concealing
overwriting by reinsuring the excess into another syndicate or year is no
longer possible because premium income is reckoned gross of reinsurance.
Another strategy is for the broker to book the business late so that it appears
in the next year of account;XIV.3
this practice could only be fully prevented by the introduction of inception
date accounting which would lay down strict rules as to the accounting year to
which a specific risk is to be credited.XIV.4
Sir Henry Fisher was concerned about
underwriters exceeding their premium income limits: We consider that the
importance of ensuring early detection of premium income excesses is so great
that continued and unremitting efforts should be made to devise and introduce
an effective scheme.XIV.5
Noting that the committee had already put in train an early warning scheme for
the 1980 account, he concluded: Any measures which the Council may
take in the matter of premium income limits will incidentally be of benefit to
Names, but the principal purpose of such measures would be the security of the
Lloyds policy.XIV.6
Nothing causes greater annoyance to
Names than being called upon to produce additional deposits to cover excessive
underwriting which the Name has not authorized and on which the underwriter has
made a loss. However, because the fault is not necessarily deliberate the
committee has been extremely reluctant to make premium overwriting a
strict offence: one in which the offence is the fact of
exceeding the limit regardless of the reason. This attitude was reflected in
the Syndicate Premium Income Bye-Law,XIV.7
which gave effect to the Fisher recommendation. It laid a duty on the
underwriting agent to take reasonable steps to ensure that the amount of
insurance business underwritten through the syndicate is not such as would
cause the syndicates premium income [*136] to exceed the allocated capacity for that year
of account.XIV.8 The agent is required
to have an effective system for monitoring premium income and to keep the
development of premium income for every year of account under active review at
all times. If monitoring shows a threat of excesses the committee is given
power to step in and ask why. They may then direct the underwriter to stop
underwriting: in which case the agent is required to tell his members.
The committee passed a regulation to
coincide with this bye-law which requires each managing agent to supply a
forecast of the expected development of each syndicates premium
income for each year of account, quarter by quarter. This forecast is compared
with the actual figures as they come to the LPSO. If forecasts are exceeded the
syndicate is placed on a watch list by Lloyds and
the underwriter will be asked to explain his plans for avoiding a breach of his
premium income limits. In serious cases the underwriter may volunteer to
suspend business, or the committee may direct him to do so. The system is
therefore based on the underwriter having a legal obligation to take
reasonable steps. If he fails to do so and is reckless or careless of
his duties that will be a disciplinary offence.
An important effect of the new rules
has been to improve agency records so that the build-up of business is tracked
more closely. In this way the underwriter can reduce his margin of safety and
make more money for his Names. The lesson is that better controls mean more profits.
Binding authorities have been
described as a way of getting around the rule about writing business only in
the Room. They are particularly favoured in the non-marine market, especially
for US business. As Fisher says: Our evidence leaves us in no doubt
that the use of binding authorities is essential for the success of
. Without the use of binding authorities
Lloyds syndicates, with their small staffs, could not have dealt with
the volume of business which has over the years come to
marine market has rarely used binders, except when writing incidental
non-marine business. A similar device, called a lineslip, is widely used in the
marine market but there is a vital difference. While a binder is defined as
an agreement between underwriters and a coverholder under which a
coverholder is authorised to accept risks on behalf of underwriting members in
accordance with the terms thereof and to issue documents without the specific
prior approval of the underwritersXIV.10
a lineslip requires each risk to be approved by a leading underwriter who, by
his approval, binds the other underwriters on the slip.
The regulation of binding
authorities is an old story. A working party was chaired by Tim Brennan, a
senior broker member of the committee who later became a deputy chairman of
Lloyds. This proposed in 1978 [*117] that all cover holders be approved by
tribunals and that the tribunal procedure should be applied to all new
applicants, that there should be a central register containing the salient
features of all binding authorities granted and that a recommended binding
authority agreement with standard general conditions should be introduced.XIV.11 Fisher agreed that binders should
be subject to regulation but conceded that Lloyds might not yet have
the necessary powers. A later working party finally converted these intentions
into legislation in August 1985.XIV.12
The binding authority bye-law briefly provides that every binding authority
must be evidenced in writing and presented to the LPSO by the relevant
Lloyds broker. Only an approved cover holder can receive such an
authority. A set of regulations, passed by the committee, lays down procedures
for the registration of binding authorities and the approval of cover holders
by panels of underwriters. A code of practice recommends, but does not enforce,
standard conditions. The whole legislation puts heavy emphasis on the role of
the Lloyds broker as cover holder, or more commonly introducer of the
cover holder to the underwriter.
The difficulties of this working
party illustrated an important feature of the regulation of Lloyds.
Binding authorities are a market matter the
interests of policy holders and Names are not directly involved. Underwriters
therefore think it is unnecessary for the regulatory authorities to be
involved, unless the security of the Lloyds policy is at risk. The
Non-Marine Association (NMA) had operated a system of tribunalization
for many years by which an underwriter could be advised of the bona fides of a
proposed cover holder and told if the grant of a binding authority was
inadvisable. A small staff was employed by the NMA to handle these approvals. However,
the NMA freely admitted that it had no sanctions which could be brought to bear
upon an underwriter who by-passed the tribunal system. At first there were many
reservations about handing such a matter to the council for central regulation.
Fisher observed: The Council of Lloyds will have to decide
as a question of principle whether any tribunal or tribunals which form part of
the system of regulation should be run by the Committee of Lloyds or
by the market association. We are prepared to accept the view which seems to be
fairly strongly held at Lloyds that it should be the
latter.XIV.13 In
the end the council won. The tribunal staff were transferred from the NMA to
the corporation within a regulatory framework laid down by the council.
It proved difficult to reach
agreement among the market associations on the degree of rigidity to be
incorporated into the new council-ordained regime. The non-marine market
operates, in a rather buccaneering fashion, as a small element in the worldwide
property and casualty [*138] insurance
market. It explores new fields. It invents new covers. It encourages
initiatives. On the other hand, the marine market, represented by the
Lloyds Underwriters Association (LUA), is a more stolid community.
Their wordings and rates dominate the world market for marine insurance, of
which they have a significant share. The mariners behave in an altogether more
staid fashion; while not frowning on initiative they expect underwriters to
follow market agreements, and by and large that is what happens. The LUA, who
had little experience of binding authorities, asked for a strict set of rules,
and in particular that there should be a standard form of binding authority
laid down by Lloyds and followed by all. The NMA was all for
flexibility and freedom for the underwriter. A compromise was reached by which
a code of practice was used to outline a standard binding authority. Not
perhaps an ideal use of a device whose foreword says that it is to assist
in establishing a recognised standard of professional conduct for all members
of the Lloyds community who should, in discharging their duties as
such, bear in mind both this objective and the underlying spirit and intent of
these codes.XIV.14 It
was the nonmandatory nature of a code that appealed.
Lloyds tries as far as
possible not to interfere with the freedom of the underwriter to decide what
risks to accept and how. It is felt that the best protection for the assured is
provided by two facts: that the customer is represented by a skilled broker,
and that the market is highly competitive. The regulators step in only where
security is at risk, as with premium income limits, or there is a danger that
outsiders might take advantage of the freedom of the market, as with binding
authorities. There are a few strict rules, for example: against insuring war on
land because of the danger of aggregation of claims,XIV.15 or against insuring
candidates deposits in parliamentary elections.XIV.16 As a matter of public policy
Lloyds now keeps away from elections. Tonner
policies were also banned on Fishers recommendation. They have been
described as a kind of insurance policy which is pure gambling. It started as a
sort of excess of loss reinsurance for marine underwriters. They were afraid of
the freak aggregation of loss that could arise if, for example, the Queen
Mary were to ram
the Normandie.
They would cover themselves by taking out an insurance against two ships of more
than 50,000 tonnes each being involved in a casualty in a given year.XIV.17 Fisher points out that where the
insured has no insurable interest a policy is regarded in law as a gaming or
wagering contract and therefore unenforceable in the courts.XIV.18 Since 1773 Lloyds has
been anxious to keep out gambling the battle continues.
But there remained two important
areas in which intervention in the practice of underwriting was necessary, both
of which Fisher had [*139]
overlooked they emerged only during the revelations of autumn 1982.
The first of these was related party reinsurance which was a feature of all
three of the worst cases: Howdens, PCW and Fidentia. The problem is
illustrated by a quotation from the Hart disciplinary case Mr Hart,
the defendant, was a Howdens underwriter. Mr Archer had been called
in to put the affairs of the syndicate in order. In the summer of
1980 Mr Archer found a copy of the LPSO premium debit
. He thought it
unusual and asked the Defendant to meet him. Mr Archer asked the Defendant for
an explanation saying that he was very unhappy about it. The Defendant said
that Mr Archer was not to worry, there will never be a claim on the
policy, and that it was a dead reinsurance. Mr
Archer asked what this meant and the Defendant said: Its a
means to get money to one of Jacks companies. Mr Archer
understood this to be a reference to Mr Jack Carpenter. He told the Defendant
that he would have to take the matter to Mr Grob (as the Chairman of the
Alexander Howden Group) and the Defendant said: Theres no
point in doing that because there are lots of policies like that at
However rare such extraordinary practices may have been their public discovery
made preventive legislation inevitable.
In their first report of March 1983
the Higgins Committee pressed for each agent, its directors or partners and
active underwriters, to disclose to Names the extent of their respective
interests, whether direct or indirect, in insurance entities.XIV.20 This requirement had been imposed
by the Disclosure of Interests Bye-Law No. 3 of 1984 in April of that year and
incorporated in the consolidating legislation the Syndicate
Accounting Bye-Law No. 7 of 1984 in October.
Despite the corrective effect of
these disclosures the council felt that more should be done. The Committee of
Inquiry report into the Fidentia affair, which was sent out to all Names on the
affected syndicates, had recommended: As soon as possible
Lloyds should impose a comprehensive prohibition on all future
related party reinsurance transactions. In particular we wish to record that,
having regard to the fact that most syndicate members know very little indeed
about reinsurance or the operation of the reinsurance market, disclosure to
Names that such transactions have been entered into during the course of a
given period is not an adequate substitute for an overall prohibition of
related party reinsurance transactions.XIV.21
This was advice which could not be
rejected, and steps were taken to forbid a practice that could never be
consonant with the proper application of the law of agency. However, there was
a problem. Many related party reinsurance arrangements were made through the
broker parent of the [*140] managing agency. The reinsurances might then be
arranged with insurance company subsidiaries of such Lloyds broker
parents. Frequently the underwriter would have no say in where the insurance
was placed, which would be decided by his broker colleagues. A
syndicates reinsurance arrangements are often long-term in nature and
based on treaties: disturbing such treaties can be expensive, and can hardly be
justified if it is only for a year or two. It would, therefore, be best to wait
until divestment had severed links between managing agencies and
Lloyds brokers. Thereafter treaty arrangements could continue, and
the reinsurances could not be characterized as related party reinsurance
because the relationship would then have ceased. Meanwhile, with effect from
the syndicate accounts produced during 1984, any such arrangements would have
to be disclosed. Provided that the agent had made a full and fair disclosure in
his account, the Names were on notice, and dubious reinsurance arrangements, of
which the agent would be ashamed to tell his Names, would be unlikely to
An exposure draft was therefore
released in August 1985XIV.22
This forbade any reinsurances by a syndicate into an insurance company in which
the agency had an interest. It also forbade the use of a broker related to the
agency for the placing of outwards reinsurance. Not only were such transactions
forbidden, so were significant ownerships by agents of insurance companies.
There was little opposition to these
proposals. The proposed bye-law would take effect in July 1987 when divestment
would be complete and therefore no transitional exceptions would be called for.
The substantive bye-law was passed on 10 March 1986XIV.23 and from that date, save for
expiring arrangements that would be concluded by divestment, the sort of set-up
that PCW and the Gang of Four had so greedily used became a disciplinary
offence: now there would be no excuse for smoke billowing from the desks.
I doubt if many situations changed
as a result of this legislation. Sunshine, present for two years before the
related parties bye-law was passed, would have eliminated any dubious
arrangements, provided that they had been fully and fairly disclosed in the
agents accounts as the law required. In a few cases there must be
some doubt about the agents candour in dealing with these matters
despite the perusal of syndicate auditors independent of the agency: now there
could be no reason for doubt that related reinsurance was wrong.XIV.24
The second necessary change in
underwriting practice, also overlooked by Fisher, was the continued abuse of
baby syndicates. While the icw case was by far the most serious instance of
plunder the potential for [*141] abuse was
regarded so seriously by the Higgins working party that they devoted half their
second report to it. Most people are concerned about those cases
where an underwriter who writes for more than one syndicate intentionally prefers
one syndicate by directing to it the better business or directing away from it
the less good business. However, there are two other important areas of
potential conflict of duty when a managing agent manages, or an active
underwriter writes risks for, more than one syndicate. The one is the
allocation of expenses between the syndicates, including particularly the cost
of reinsurance protection. The other is the distribution of reinsurance
recoveries between the syndicates.XIV.25
The working party went on to point out that there are many innocent situations
where the same active underwriter can be managing more than one syndicate: for
example, when the membership of the syndicate is identical so-called
mirror syndicates because of an historical amalgamation of two
syndicates; or, as is common in the marine market, because one of the
syndicates writes incidental non-marine business; or because the underwriter
wishes to handle two different classes of business, one low-risk and one high-risk
and many Names do not want to be involved in underwriting risky insurances.
Higgins said: We use the expression preferred underwriting
where a managing agent through the active underwriter is in a position to
prefer one syndicate over another where it is writing risks, allocating
expenses or the cost or the benefit of reinsurance protection, or distributing
reinsurance recoveries. We use the expression parallel
syndicates where the managing agent manages two or more syndicates in
the same class of business or the active underwriter writes risks for two or
more syndicates (where they are not managed by the same managing agent) in the
same class of business. The report quotes examples of acceptable
parallel syndicates: where participations in all risks are in a predetermined
percentage; where the syndicates, although managed by the same agent, have
different underwriters; or where the types of business are different enough to
avoid conflicts of duty. However, three common cases are condemned because they
give rise to unacceptable confficts: a waiting syndicate
formed to accommodate new Names until there are places available on the main
syndicate; broker syndicates to give an incentive to a
broker to bring business to the main syndicate; and a syndicate started for a
deputy underwriter as an inducement: A deputy underwriter for one
syndicate cannot in our view properly be an active underwriter for another
syndicate in the same class of business. Higgins recommended that
these practices be regarded as unacceptable.
The report concluded that while
preferred underwriting should be banned, parallel syndicates, under the same
managing agent, could be [*142] permitted
if there is a valid reason for a viable separate syndicate and the risks are
divided on a predetermined declared percentage, or there is a separate
underwriter, or the syndicate writes different categories of business in the
same class. The onus would be on the underwriter to show that the parallel
syndicate was permissible.
These recommendations ran into
trouble because the use of baby syndicates had been widespread. Many leading
figures in the market were involved. An estimate of the extent of the practice
in 1982 can be formed from the ALM league tables published in September 1985.XIV.26 If one categorizes a baby syndicate
as one with less than 50 members and excludes those with a less than four-year
history starting syndicates 27 of the 157 marine
syndicates in 1982 were baby syndicates 17 per cent of the number of
syndicates. Of these 27 syndicates, 13 were among the most profitable fifth. A
Name who belonged to one of them had a 2.5 Unies better chance of earning high
profits than if he belonged to an average syndicate. The non-marine market
showed the same effect but to a markedly smaller degree. Out of 143 syndicates
11 were babies: 4 of them were in the top 20 per cent for profitability. Thus a
Name had a 1.5 times better chance of earning high profits on such a syndicate
compared with the average. The motor and aviation markets gave no material
evidence of the practice. It is not possible to form a clear view about how
widespread preferred underwriting had been before 1982 because the ALM league
tables for 1981 arid earlier years rely on a sampling of the accounts obtained
from external Names: accounts for the insider syndicates were not normally
available to the ALMs investigators.
The Higgins Report was a
consultative document. It proposed a policy which it was now up to the council
to implement. This was done in two ways by publicity and by
regulation. The new syndicate accounting bye-law says: The managing
agents report shall include
where the managing agent manages
another syndicate which operates in the same market as the syndicate to which
the managing agents report relates, the basis on which insurance
business is allocated between those syndicates.XIV.27 This disclosure, together with the
public filing of all syndicate accounts, meant that the Names would soon become
aware of preferred underwriting arrangements. Those involved knew that this
would happen and many arrangements were wound up because they would not bear
the light of day.XIV.28
But disclosure was not good enough.
We had to go further.
The true extent of baby syndicates
was not revealed publicly until the accounts of 1982 were filed in August 1985.
During 1984 and 1985, while we considered how best to give legislative effect
to the Higgins [*143] proposals,
I had received more than one call from the Room, on the lines of We
havent heard much about baby syndicates recently. Are they permitted
now? Were thinking of starting one up. The revelations of
the 1982 accounts, in which the league table was headed by a three-man
syndicate whose underwriter was one of Lloyds most respected figures,
brought considerable press comment. Discussion of baby,
staff or broker syndicates, all giving
preference to insiders, added to the public concern about the substantial PCW
losses and brought further coals of fire upon the heads of the unfortunate
Council of Lloyds. The matter of baby syndicates was raised in the
House of Commons during the debate on the Financial Services Bill in 1986.
The two-year delay in legislating
was caused by the complexity of the problem and the difficulty of producing a
solution which was acceptable to the working members on the Committee of
Lloyds.XIV.29 A
ban on preferred underwriting was rejected because of the difficulty of
prescribing in detail what was intended to be outlawed in practice. To control
the size of the syndicate would be a crude and inefficient measure: there were
many smaller syndicates having well over fifty members that were still confined
to insiders. The most effective measure would have been a one
underwriter one syndicate rule with exceptions, if any, approved case
by case by the council. With 30 per cent of the syndicates operating in parallelXIV.30 this would have meant a major
change in market practices and some parallel syndicates had a legitimate basis.
But there is no doubt that the commercial damage caused to the market by the
introduction of a one underwriter one syndicate rule would
have been far less than the political and public damage that was done by its
Because of the complexity of the
problem a code of practice was preferred to a bye-law. It was felt that as
preferred underwriting was already contrary to the law of agency a bye-law was
unnecessary. Unhappily, a code of practice, although wider and more general in
its application than a bye-law, does not give a Name such a ready right of
action against his agent for breach, as Neil points out.XIV.31 Alter rehearsing the principles of
the law of agency the code, which confines itself to the case where an
underwriter intentionally prefers one syndicate to another, sets out best
practice.XIV.32 First it recommends
that the managing agent avoids the problem by confining himself to one
syndicate for each class of business, or to managing mirror syndicates. If this
is not possible the code advises that there must be a valid reason for each
syndicate. The provision of incentive or remuneration to agency/box staff
as a purpose or function of a syndicate will never be a valid reason for its
existence. Either there should be different underwriters for each
syndicate, or the division of risks [*144] must be in accordance with a clearly stated policy. Reinsurances with
different syndicates must be kept apart: the reinsurance programme should be
arrived at independently and premiums and recoveries should be kept separate.
Emphasizing the duty to disclose, the code says that the managing agent should
make full fair and prior disclosure to all direct Names and
members agents as to its underwriting arrangements, to enable all
Names to appreciate the nature of these arrangements and to make informed
decisions as to whether or not to participate in them.
This code was regarded by some
critics as inadequate. It did not deal with the allocation of expenses, nor
with waiting or broker syndicates.
Neither did it deal with the tricky question of the allocation of Names to
syndicates.XIV.33 And it was felt by
some that the use of a code was too weak: the council therefore linked the code
with a bye-law which banned any syndicate which consists of less than
50 members unless at least 75 per cent of the capacity of the syndicate is
provided by members who are not shareholders, directors, partners or employees
of the managing agent or individuals who are connected with any of those
persons.XIV.34 By
the time it was passed, in December 1985, it seemed unlikely that many such syndicates
still survived: the code of practice, because it should be following the spirit
rather than the letter of the law, may well prove of more use in dealing with
the offence .XIV.35
The third part of the mission agreed
by Lloyds at the beginning of 1983 was to equip the society with
up-to-date regulatory machinery.XV.1 The
introduction of new disciplinary procedures and a new rule book would be
largely pointless without the machinery to make them work. The chief
executives central role in this was clearly set out in his terms of
reference:XV.2 overseeing the new
self-regulatory regime; recommending proposed byelaws; setting up and
monitoring the progress of necessary task forces; consulting with the market
and outside regulatory authorities on proposed rules; setting up machinery to
implement new bye-laws; and taking responsibility for the quality of the new
self-regulatory arrangements, particularly the disciplinary arrangements. This
paragraph was supported by further clauses giving authority to manage the
resources of the society, appoint and direct the staff and maintain proper
channels of communication. These executive powers were in addition to his role
as a policy adviser to the chairs and the council.XV.3
The chief executives
responsibility to the council for the quality of the new rules and their
application made it essential for him to have staff capable of doing the job
and committed to the better regulation of the market. When the new council took
office the staff were ill prepared for this new role: not because they lacked
the necessary qualities, although some did, but because they lacked the
necessary authority and standing vis-ˆ-vis the elected members. The curiously
deferential style of the corporation staff is the product of Lloyds
peculiar history.
In the second half of the nineteenth
century the practice of having an active underwriter as chairman had been
dropped. The committee decided to look outside Lloyds for a chairman
with influential connections, although that would mean a man who was not
available for the day-to-day work of the society. Thomas Baring, of the banking
family, was [*146] chosen. He had been a member for
twenty years and was a Tory MP who could have had a cabinet post had he wished.
He held the chairmanship for eighteen years, and was succeeded in 1869 by G. J.
Goschen, a young Liberal MP who had already held cabinet rank and was
subsequently to occupy a string of official posts, culminating in Chancellor of
the Exchequer under Lord Salisbury. Goschen was chairman from 1869 to 1886 and
again from 1893 to i901 when he reached the age of seventy. In the years
between, Lord Reveistoke of the Baring family occupied the chair.XV.4
This arrangement meant that the
day-to-day leadership of the society devolved on the committee and its
secretary.XV.5 The committee
supervised the affairs of the society through the member in
attendance, one of the committee appointed to stand by for a month at
a time who for that short period acted as the absentee chairmans
vice-regent.XV.6 In such a regime the
power and influence of the permanent secretary was considerable. The needs of
the situation appear to have been met in Sir Henry Hozier, 1874-1906, and
Rear-Admiral Sir Gilbert Englefleld Bart, 1906-22. Pensioners letters
in Lloyds staff magazine, Triangle, relate the tartar-like character
of the autocratic rear-admiral who ruled the staff until 1922.
This concentration of power became
too much for the committee and after Sir Gilberts abrupt enforced
retirement, with a generous golden handshake, there was a major change.
Reversing the policy followed for 120 years, Engleflelds successor
was called Principal Clerk to the Committee. The message
was clear. Elected members, and elected chairmen who had been chosen from the
working members since Goschen retired, were determined to be masters in their
own house. After 1922 the senior member of Lloyds staff was called the
Principal Clerk and the title was changed to Secretary General only in 1975
because American members found difficulty in accepting the authority of an
office holder bearing the title of clerk.
The title changed: the role and
attitudes did not. Soon after his arrival at Lloyds one of my most
senior and highly paid colleagues asked a waiter if he was required to attend
the committee lunch that day. He was amazed to be told: No sir, no
clerks at lunch today. The green-baize door syndrome, keeping the
servants firmly in their place behind it, was deeply ingrained in the culture
of Lloyds.
Reinforcing this attitude, the three
elected chairs were responsible for the direct day-to-day management of the
staff. An organization chart of the corporation in 1970 shows the principal
clerk as one among a number of committee clerks or departmental managers, none
of whom reported to him and for whose work he had no direct responsibility.
Until 1983 [*147] the arrangement was that each of
the seventeen major departments of the corporation reported directly to the
chairman or one of the two elected deputy chairmen.XV.7
Over the years, as new
market-support activities developed, the tendency had been for these activities
to be established independently of the Corporation of Lloyds and then
to be adopted by the corporation as the market made increasing use of their
services. The tribunalization department of the Non-Marine Association for
example, which was responsible for the registration of binding authorities, was
the last of a long line of such activities to come under corporation control.XV.8 The same thing had happened sixty
years earlier with the LPSO.XV.9
Given the history of these departments, it was not surprising that each of the
boards of underwriters who supervised their affairs saw themselves as a board
of directors responsible for the day-to-day management of the department and
its staff. This approach, although suitable for departments whose activities
served the market, was not at all appropriate for those whose job it was to
regulate the market.XV.10
The appointment of a chief executive
in 1983 put heart into an important element of the staff the
investigators working in Fort Knox on the roof of the Lloyds building.XV.11 Now they had someone to whom they
could turn to protect them against the real fears that some had for their
careers as their inquiries brought them nearer to the leading figures in the
society. Regulation which is anything more than the minimum which everyone is
voluntarily prepared to agree upon is inherently unpopular to a greater or
lesser extent. It involves saying no and stopping people
doing what they would otherwise want to do. It also involves making them do
things they would not otherwise want to do. Regulation can seem offensive by
appearing to impute to peoples actions and market
practices a degree of impropriety. The difficulties which this might
pose can be described in extreme terms. Would the elected chairs support the
abolition of practices which the market thinks are okay or, more extremely, in
which the chairs themselves are heavily involved? Drawing from recent history
the answer must be no. In this context the need to introduce
an independent voice among the chairs was clear, but the confusion of loyalties
which such an introduction would produce could have serious implications on the
regulatory side.
This was the background to the
situation at the beginning of 1983.
Seventeen departments reported to
the Chairman of Lloyds either directly or through a policy
board in the case of activities that had once been autonomous. The
chairman of the day had adopted the practice of assigning responsibility for
certain departments to one or other of the deputy [*147] chairmen. The secretary general was not seen
as having anything other than a co-ordinating role exercised through the
supervision of the agenda for the weekly committee meeting and a daily
management meeting, called O Group, presided over by the chairman at which a
lengthy agenda of decisions was taken. Lacking authority themselves,
departmental managers were used to turning directly to the chairs and enjoyed
the opportunity it afforded them of walking the corridors of power.
In May 1983 the committee received
my proposals for a new approach. Staff would report through an organizational
structure of six group heads to the chief executive. This would ensure that
departmental managers would be accountable for the quality of their work to
their group heads and through them to the chief executive. Policy guidance for
certain departments would be provided by policy boards of elected members who
should not see themselves as having a management role. Although they could be
consulted on staff appointments, promotions and salaries, these were
essentially matters to be settled by the chief executive on the advice of the
Staff Policy Committee, or the Senior Appointments Committee in the case of the
most senior posts. These changes were designed to weld the staff into one
organization, owing allegiance through the chief executive to the council and
taking responsibility for the execution of policy decisions, but leaving the
determination of policy in the hands of elected members. Sir Kenneth Berriil,
who chaired an inquiry into Lloyds Corporation structure which
reported in March 1986, recognized the importance of these structural changes.
The appointment of the Chief Executive clearly had major implications
for the relationships between senior Corporation Staff and the elected chairs.XV.12
Sir Kenneths report also
comments on the role of policy boards or committees: In our view it
should be a cardinal principle that, except where they are specifically
fulfilling a task assigned to them by bye-law, committees should be
. While committees retain so many executive functions,
the staff reporting lines remain divided between their executive supervisors
and their committees. This crucially reduces the ability of the Chief Executive
to fulfil his role as the person responsible for all staff and inhibits him
from welding the activities of the corporation into an effective instrument for
implementing Council policy.XV.13
But as Berriil points out the 1983
organizational changes had still to be implemented effectively: The
practice of staff relating to a particular Deputy Chairman and expecting him to
take most executive decisions fails to recognise the change brought about by
the establishment of a Chief Executive and a number of high quality group
The reshaping of the corporation
staff took place against this back-[*149]-ground of divided loyalties. New high-level talent was brought in toiÈ
finance, external relations, data processing and the corporations
legal services.
By the beginning of 1986 four of the
six group heads had been appointed since the new council took office. At the
lower level, of thé twenty-four posts reporting to those group
heads, ten had arrived at Lloyds since 1983 and a further nine had
been promoted from the corporation staff. This wholesale strengthening of the
staff brought inevitable tensions, and new personnel policies had to be
developed to match Lloyds needs. A jobevaluation study established
proper gradings and salary bands for each staff post; a new system for
performance assessment was introduced, together with a more rigorous and fairer
system of job evaluation and salary administration. Better graduate recruiting
and training for new entrants and managers would have to wait until new heads
of personnel and training were appointed in 1985 and 1986 respectively.
In two respects staffing the
corporation has its own particular difficulties. Corporation staff and their
wives or husbands cannot be members of Lloyds. Many of the staff see
membership as a road to riches that is being taken by their friends in the
market, many of whom are less well qualified than they are. But the
incorruptibility of the staff is essential to Lloyds: i would be
quite wrong for members of staff or their partners, having access as they do to
insider information about syndicate affairs, to be members of the society.
Berriil cites the opinion that the member of Lloyds
is the core of Lloyds and if the Corporation staff are not members
they are in the important sense not members of the central community.
We have sympathy with this view but are persuaded by the force of the argument
that a potential conflict could so easily arise from full underwriting
A second difficulty is caused by the
regular loss of staff from the Corporation of Lloyds to the market.
As divestment proceeded newly independent agencies cast about for management
expertise and their eyes all too frequently fell on members of the corporation
staff who had received a basic training in Lloyds at the expense of
the society. They were thus ideally equipped to act as agency staff. With
better planning and a longer time scale it would have been possible to recruit
a number of graduates for the corporation each year in the expectation that in
five years time many would have left to work in the market: the
market would be strengthened by such trained recruits and the balance, left for
the corporation, would fill the needs of the regulatory authority.
The Corporation of Lloyds
had a good budgetary system and proper financial controls: they were made even
stronger. An internal audit [*150] The Pattern of Reform department was set up and regular audit checks of
corporation activities became the rule. The work of the external auditors was
extended to cover the members deposits and the trust funds and the
systems in use at the LPSO. These activities were funded by the boom in
membership which generated substantial cash flows from entrance fees and
subscriptions.XV.16 As a result
Lloyds was able to erect a new building, paid for through
subscription income, remodel the data-processing systems which support the
market, and carry through a plethora of regulatory changes including an
extensive series of disciplinary investigations at the same time. Funds were
always available when needed for regulatory work.
The process of reform is inevitably
largely one of education, or reeducation. New rule books are academic unless
they are understood and followed. Management and staff cannot adopt new
practices unless they know what they are and why they are needed. Better
training at Lloyds was vital: a series of market seminars did much to
change the attitudes of the underwriting agents.XV.17
Reflecting on the reforms in the
management of Lloyds during the last three years, it now seems that
the fundamental necessity was a change in the culture of the staff: a change in
the way in which they looked at themselves, their jobs and those in the market
with whom they worked. The green-baize door, with its forelock-tugging
attitudes, had to go: not just in the name of modern democracy, or to achieve
the abolition of outdated class distinctions, but because the admiration and
respect of staff for their betters the working
members of Lloyds had been destroyed by the speculation
and wrongdoing exposed in 1982; they had seen through the green-baize door.
The old attitude had been one of
respect for a fine old institution and the Lloyds men who had led it
down the years: the chairmen, the deputy chairmen and the committee members.
Lloyds was steeped in tradition and the staff had been made to feel
part of a large family in which devotion and faithful long service were the
most desirable virtues. The events of 1982 changed that: the staff could no
longer feel respect for a committee which included members who had been
involved in discreditable practices. The older and more traditional members of
the staff felt disillusioned and cynical. What was needed was to rebuild the
staff in a new ethos: more detached, more professional, relying more on good
pay and conditions than security and long service, but above all being aware of
the importance of their independent responsibility for regulating the society
on behalf of its members, four-fifths of whom were not working in the market.
The introduction and expansion of
modern management methods budgetary controls, financial planning,
value for money, job re-grading Lloyds Corporation
Structure [*151] was all very well, and certainly
helped to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the staff. But the
fundamental need was for a change in the corporate culture. The change could
not succeed unless there was also a change in the culture and attitudes of the
second floor: the servants could not change unless the family changed too. [*152]
The necessary change in the culture
of the corporation and in the attitudes of the staff turned upon the relative
positions of the Chairman of Lloyds and the Chief Executive.XVI.1 The proper establishment of these
roles would lay the foundations for a Lloyds in which new rules,
developed under the aegis of the self-regulating Council of Lloyds,
would be applied to the market by impartial, independent professionals, rather
than by partisan insiders taken for a brief period from the ranks of brokers
and underwriters to play monitor and amateur policeman.
The Chairman of Lloyds had
functioned since 1901 as the executive head of the corporation. In this role he
had been supported by the two deputy chairmen, who, like him, had to be drawn
from among the working members of the council.XVI.2
The chairman had four principal duties: to act as figurehead, spokesman and
ambassador for the society; to chair the council and the committee; to lead the
society in policy matters, proposing the line to be followed by the council;
and to set the tone for Lloyds sleepy or bustling, formal
or informal, hard driving or laid back.
In addition the chairman had an
executive role: directing the work of the departments, assigning duties, and
dealing with the plethora of dayto-day regulatory matters affecting agents,
brokers and underwriters to whom the chairmans office door was always
open. The Room enjoyed the privilege of direct access to the chairman, a fact
of which the regulatory staff were frequently made aware. Chairmen sometimes
found it difficult to back the staff against the working members, being well
aware that they held office thanks to members votes.
The appointment of a chief executive
was clearly intended to lead to a change in the role of the chairman and his
two elected colleagues. While the elected chairs would continue to play a
dominant role in policy matters, on which the chief executive would act as an
adviser, the [*153] execution of policy should be left
to the chief executive and his professional staff, given his responsibilities
in that respect to the council.
When I was appointed as Chief
Executive of Lloyds, with a nominated seat on the council, I asked
for the additional title of Deputy Chairman, because of problems in the past
about the status of Lloyds staff. A certain mystique attached to
the chairs and it was essential to be one of them to have
authority in the market and, more importantly, among the staff who needed to
feel that they had a representative on the council. It was also necessary to
make clear that the chief executive had a position as a member of the policy
team, with a particular responsibility for representing the voice and interests
of the external members and the public. The role was a dual one: policy
adviser, as a member of the policy-formulating team of the four chairs; and
executive responsible directly to the council for the execution of policy
decisions. In policy formulation he was to have particular responsibility for
supporting the chairman in external relations: the other two deputy chairmen,
by the nature of their previous experience, would be less well qualified for
this. In the execution of policy he was to be particularly concerned with the
regulatory and disciplinary arrangements.XVI.3
The appointment had been made at the
insistence of the Bank of England and the DTI. There can be no doubt that it
was strongly resisted within Lloyds, where the market professionals
saw it as an unwarranted interference in their internal affairs. But the
gravity of the 1982 crisis made such an appointment essential. Not only had
leading market members been taking advantage of their Names, but those
responsible had enjoyed the confidence, respect and company of the ruling
circles within Lloyds: no less than three members of the 1982
committee were later to face charges before Lloyds disciplinary
committees. Lloyds was presented with two alternatives: to accept the
imposition of an external chief executive or to suffer the discontinuance of
its self-regulatory status. The former was seen as the lesser of two evils.
Given the circumstances of the appointment the authorities drafted the terms of
reference of the chief executive with considerable care: their prescience was
to provesignificant when these terms of reference became a critical point of
There were, however, weaknesses in
the terms. Hope was offered to the Lloyds traditionalists by the last
clause: The appointment is seen as a temporary one with a term of
three to five years. Whether there is to be a successor and what his duties
might be remains to be considered. It might therefore be possible,
one day, to revert to the status quo ante.
A legal difficulty was dealt with by
clause 6 which began: The Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive will
not make directions to the Market. [*154] This referred to the fact that under the
Lloyds Act 1982 only a chairman and deputy chairman, who must be
elected from among the working members of the council, could receive delegated
power from the council to give directions regarding the business of
insurance at Lloyds to any member of the Society.XVI.4 It was made clear at the time of my
appointment that I could not be empowered to deal directly with market matters,
a reservation which fatally weakened the post. The weakness could only be
overcome by a change in the Lloyds Act: such a change would be seen
by many at Lloyds as removing the keystone of their self-regulation.
Given that legal obstacle the chief executive could only proceed by persuasion
and by the fact that, through control of the staff, he would in effect command
the resources of the society.
But the greatest problem was caused
by the fact that there were no terms of reference laid down for the chairman
and the elected deputy chairmen.XVI.5 The
potential for ambiguity was particularly dangerous in the regulatory area,
where the clear and unchallenged authority of an established chief executive
was needed in order to resist the pressures that were frequently brought to
bear on regulatory questions from the market. Further confusion was caused by
the fact that the system by which deputy chairmen are assigned departmental
duties continued.XVI.6
Managers saw themselves as having divided loyalties: to their group head and
through him to the chief executive; and to the deputy chairman who monitored
the department for which they were responsible.
The arrival of a chief executive
should have meant a major shift in the traditional role of the chairman. He
would no longer be the executive head of the corporation. The staff reported to
the chief executive who had the authority to decide questions of appointment,
promotion, remuneration and dismissal. Also, and importantly, it was his job to
decide who does what among the staff: to settle the organizational duties and
responsibilities. This was not an authority to be exercised out of hand. I made
it my practice to discuss organizational matters with my three fellow chairs
and to seek their advice and opinion before reaching decisions. My terms of
reference gave me the power to appoint staff, but in the case of senior
appointments this was subject to the approval of the council: a Senior
Appointments Committee was formed, with the chairs as members.XVI.7
When I started at Lloyds
in February 1983, Sir Peter Green had no alternative but to back me up and
support my authority. The lack of a clear demarcation between the roles of the
chairman and the chief executive did not then matter. But to many of the
traditional members of the committee the presence of a chief executive was a
standing slight upon Lloyds. He [*155] was a constant reminder of the shameful events
of 1982 and the sooner he went the sooner the bad times would be behind them.
They accepted the need for the medicine, at the time, but once it had done its
work the prescription could be discontinued. This school of thought was anxious
for Lloyds to be master once more in its own house: it saw the chief
executives presence as the denial of that principle.
The election in November 1983 of
Peter Miller as Chairman in succession to Sir Peter Green signalled a change.
By that time confidence had been restored in Lloyds. Business
continued to flood in. The investigatory and disciplinary processes were
clearly working. Relations with the press had been transformed: in the new
climate of openness they were coming to accept that the old Lloyds
practice of sweeping matters under the carpet had gone for ever.
In this context recidivism emerged:
the market professionals were feeling their oats again. Asked at his inaugural
press conference how he saw our mutual roles Peter Miller replied: I
am the Prime Minister, Mr Davison is the head of the Civil Service.XVI.8 This suggested a fundamental
misunderstanding of the nature of the role of the Chief Executive of
Lloyds. A civil servants job is to support his minister,
through thick and thin, and to carry out his policy. He should advise on policy
certainly, but should never allow his own views, especially his own political
views, to appear. But that is not how the role of the Chief Executive of
Lloyds should be seen. He must have the independence to make value
judgments about the situations that face Lloyds, and must be free to
express a view that is not coloured by self-interest. He has to be able to
differ from the chairman, publicly if necessary. Above all he is the voice of
the external Names and the public in the inner councils of the society.
The new chairmans
inaugural statement introduced a period of steady erosion of the authority of
the chief executive. Early in 1984 there were arguments about the right of the
chief executive to enjoy the same status within the society as the other deputy
chairmen to whom, it was made quite clear, he was junior. Emphasis was placed
upon using the chief executives expertise in the rule-making area on
which it was suggested he should concentrate most of his energies. The new
chairman was keen to take an active role in the two major crises then facing
the society the Revenue settlement and the PCW affair and
was anxious to exclude the chief executive from both, which would in my view
have left the responsible staff in an impossible position.
Peter Miller is an extremely
energetic man and this translated itself into a mood of bustle which
accelerated the reform programme. But at the same time confusion over the
executive role of the chairman, and conflict [*155] between that and the role of the chief
executive, made my task increasingly difficult, especially in relation to staff
appointments and organization.
I had never at any time seen myself
in a career position as Chief Executive of Lloyds. I was an agent of
change brought in at the instance of the Bank to introduce a programme of
reforms, which included reforming the structure of the society. I realized that
the latter, which would involve a fundamental change in the power structure of
the corporation, would take longer than my three-to-five-year span and would
call for outside intervention. My successor would be critical to these
developments. But the question was posed by my terms of reference: would there
be a successor? I was sure that the continuation of the post, with undiminished
powers, was essential if the new reforms were to stick. Meanwhile the chief
executives authority vis-ˆ-vis the staff was being eaten away by
confusion over two centres of power.
By lune 1985 I had begun to consider
suitable dates for my departure. According to my contract of employment the
earliest possible date would be February 1986, the latest February 1988. If Mr
Miller were to go at the end of 1986 I might have a duty to stay on and see in
a new chairman, but if he were to stay in office in 1987 I could leave sooner
rather than later. By the summer of 1985 the structure question was the most
important single issue remaining on the reform agenda. The other tasks we had
begun to tackle in 1983 were well on the way to completion: the major
miscreants would have been disciplined by the end of 1985, the bulk of the rule
book was completed and the rest of the work was well in hand. But the
difficulties caused by the defective constitution remained. This was the key
issue to be tackled and I decided that as I could not resolve it myself, having
neither the time in office nor the necessary powers, I should use my
resignation to force the issue into the open in the hope that it would thereby
be resolved.
On 12 July I set out my concerns in
a lengthy letter to the Bank of England. I concluded: First, that the
system of having unwritten terms of reference for the Chairman could only work
in a climate of self-restraint which we now know cannot always be guaranteed.
The experiment of yoking a full-time Chairman to a full-time Chief Executive
cannot work without detailed written responsibilities for both, and this must
be done for my successor.
second, there is a
profound misunderstanding between the Committee of Lloyds and the
outside world about the meaning of the phrase
Selfregulation. To most informed observers, and no doubt to
most Names at Lloyds, it means that the rules are made by those to
whom they are to be applied. The application of rules, on a case by case basis,
would be the [*157] duty of the staff [vide Fisher
above].XVI.9 The traditional
Lloyds man sees it differently. He has never known a written rule
book, but has relied upon the precepts of the Chairs. To him self-regulation is
consonant with self-government. The Chairs decide, case by case, what shall be
done. This approach suffers from the lack of clear policy direction, or, at the
least, from the lack of proper segregation of policy from execution. Further,
those deciding are frequently parti-pris, often concerned themselves, may have
a conflict of interest, and usually suffer from knowing the individuals
socially. The correct answer must be to relieve the elected Chairs from any
responsibility for the day to day regulation of the Market, which should be
handled by the professionals, expert in the topic, dispassionate and
experienced. Rule-making itself, however, should remain in the hands of the
elected Council. This would produce a much more effective regime which would
still be properly described as self-regulation.
Third, given the
experiences of the last two and a half years, it is necessary for me to be
succeeded by a forceful public figure capable of dealing with a climate of
Committee opinion that is still largely unaltered despite the experiences of
the last three years. He must be a Deputy Chairman because of the status that
brings here, and should be appointed for a five-year term, renewable once. He
must be independent and must, therefore, come from outside the Society. His
appointment must be publicly endorsed by the Bank. And, if self-regulation is
to work, he must be supported by a powerful staff of senior colleagues who
apply the rules.
At the council meeting on 11 November
1985 the new office holders for 1986 were confirmed. The recently developing
pattern of governing the society was thus set for the near term. At the end of
the meeting, having told the chairman beforehand of my decision, I read out my
letter of resignation.
Two matters made me choose the
council meeting on ii November 1985 to submit my resignation: the Berrill
Inquiry and the Financial Services Bill.
At the end of the council meeting on
9 September 1985 Sir Kenneth Berriil intervened with criticisms about the
administration of the societys affairs. The meeting had started with
a discussion of the reasons for an error in the global accounts which had
emerged at the last moment.XVI.10
The chairman seized eagerly upon Sir Kenneths intervention to propose
a committee of inquiry into the administration. I took it as a reflection upon
my position that such an inquiry should have been launched without any advance
notice to me.
I welcomed the fact of the inquiry
insofar as it addressed the structure question the relative roles of
the elected chairs and the chief executive. [*158] But it also considered the organizational
structure of the staff reporting to me. The process of developing evidence on
that point would, as the chairman insisted despite my objections, involve
round-table discussions at O Group among the chairs and the group heads. This I
found damaging to my authority with my colleagues, who saw that the chairman
now intended to take a direct hand in the assignment of responsibilities. The
staff saw this as a return to the old ways: I saw it as a fundamental threat to
the authority of the chief executive, who must be responsible for the
corporation carrying out efficiently and effectively all functions required of
it. To do so he must be able to organize the staff and obtain and allocate
resources as needed: staff must report and be accountable to him. Ambiguity in
reporting could lead to conflict and the undermining of authority. It would
also be difficult to retain high-quality senior staff if the chief
executives authority were diminished. I felt that my usefulness and
effectiveness had been substantially reduced by the diminution of my authority
in the eyes of the staff: a diminution which would make the achievement of changes
in staff attitudes that much more difficult.
The report of the Berrill Inquiry
was published in March 1986, by which time I had left Lloyds.
Pointing out that the appointment of a Chief Executive clearly had
major implications for the relationships between the senior Corporation staff
and the elected chairsXVI.11
the report went on to say: Our main and basic conclusion on the
structure of the Corporation of Lloyds is that the organisational
changes instituted in 1983 have still to be implemented effectively.XVI.12 It continued: The work of
the elected chairs has not changed to the extent it should
. The
pre-1983 practice of staff relating to a particular deputy chairman and
expecting him to take most executive decisions fails to recognise the change
brought about by the establishment of a chief executive and a number of
high-quality group heads.XVI.13
The central conclusion of the
Berriil Inquiry was the confusion of roles. O
Group in its submission to the working party, accepted that under the present
working arrangements there is at least a potential source of difficulty in that
the Chairman and Chief Executive can be viewed as two centres of
. This is indeed the central issue as Mr
Davisons letter demonstrated.XVI.14
Until 1982 the role of Chief Executive was undertaken by the Chairman (assisted
by the Deputy Chairmen). The appointment of a Chief Executive should have meant
a complete change from that system .
Lloyds is unusual
among City institutions in having a full-time Chairman, a full-time Chief
Executive, and two Deputy Chairmen who devote the bulk of their working time to
their office
. We believe that in this situation there is a danger
that the elected Chairs will remain involved in [*159] matters which should be left to the permanent
Regrettably, the report did not carry the argument to its logical conclusion,
contained in my letter to the Bank of England in July: The correct
answer must be to relieve the elected chairs from any responsibility for the
day to day regulation of the market, which should be handled by the
professionals, expert in the topic, dispassionate and experienced.
The Berriil Inquiry was useful. But
I objected most strongly to the fashion in which the collective evidence of O
Group was developed. In my letter of resignation submitted to the council at
its meeting on 11 November 1985, I said: My conclusion that now is
the time to resign is prompted by the Councils recent initiation of
an internal inquiry into the structure of Lloyds, which has started
discussions about changing the Terms of Reference and status of the post of
Chief Executive. The preparation of the Corporations evidence for
this inquiry has revealed divergent opinions about the continuing need for the
Chief Executive to be independent and responsible directly to the Council.
My own views on the
paramount necessity of an independent Chief Executive, with appropriate terms
of reference, responsible directly to the Council, have not changed and,
therefore, I would find it impossible to continue in office were those terms to
be significantly altered. At the same time, the argument is a perfectly proper
one for a self-regulatory body and, by resigning at this time, I remove an
obstacle to the Councils freedom of discussion and to my freedom to
argue for the retention of the position of Chief Executive with independent
powers without any suggestion of self-interest.
The second factor affecting the
timing was just as compelling. The Financial Services Bill reforming the
regulation of financial institutions in the City was about to be published.
Lloyds might or might not be within its proposals. But, in or out,
Lloyds would be a lively topic at Westminster, because the
announcement of heavy losses in the PCW non-marine syndicates in summer 1985
had produced a spate of letters to mps from aggrieved members of the syndicates.
This had been exacerbated by discussions and concern about baby syndicates, the
pervasiveness of which had become apparent when the 1984 accounts of syndicates
had been published at the beginning of August 1985. Had I continued as chief
executive it would have been impossible for me to speak out on the issue of
fundamental importance the defective constitution of the society. I
was in any case intending to leave. It would be better to have the matter done
with before parliamentary debate started rather than to resign during the
debates and, perhaps, be accused of trying to influence the result or, at the
least, of embarrassing the Government. [*160] My resignation, the PCW losses and baby
syndicates all contributed to parliamentary concerns about Lloyds.
There was widespread pressure to bring Lloyds within the scope of the
new Financial Services Bill. The Tory back benches were placated by the
launching of an inquiry into selfregulation at Lloyds to be chaired
by Sir Patrick Neill. It would address the question whether or not Names at
Lloyds enjoyed protection analogous to that afforded to investors
under the Financial Services Bill.
In concluding this chapter about my
resignation it may be helpful to recall the words I used in a speech to the
Tory Back Bench Finance Committee at the House of Commons just after my
resignation. I said then that when I was appointed, with the backing of the
Governor of the Bank of England and the approval of the then Secretary of State
for Trade and Industry, my contract made it clear that I was appointed by the
Council of Lloyds and that I was to be accountable to the council for
the organization and management of the corporation staff. These principles were
vital for the continued success and acceptability of self-regulation
and particularly, the staff and management responsibility. First, the
Chairmanship of Lloyds is a temporary position and office holders
have varying characters and interests. The chief executive must have the necessary
security and independence from todays incumbent to maintain a proper
course until the arrival of tomorrows.
Second, the chief executive has a
particular duty to represent among his fellow office holders the interests of
the external members of the society and the public at large. He must be able to
report on a contentious issue to the whole council directly to,
amongst others, the external and nominated members. This power may never need
to be used, but it is an essential part of the chief executives
armoury if the system of self-regulation and the Lloyds Act are to be
seen by the Names and the outside world to be secure.
More important is the chief
executives sole responsibility to the council for the appointment,
organization and direction of the staff. Much of the regulatory work of the
corporation staff involves the exercise of judgment over activities, actual or
proposed, of members of the market who are enterprising businessmen. Someone,
and it has to be the corporation staff, must supply a wider vigilance. That
needs a degree of self-confidence in the relevant staff members,
self-confidence which can only be given by a position deliberately insulated
from any pressures brought by members of the market. If a chairman of the
future were able to give orders to individual members of the staff, or, even
more seriously to be in a position to affect their postings and future careers,
or, most seriously of all, to reorganize the structure of the staff
all things which a succeeding [*161] chairman might reorder differently in a short space of time
the staff would be unable to exercise the essential regulatory vigilance.
To argue that there is an analogy
between the structure of Lloyds and that of the Civil Service, as I
have said, is quite wrong. Civil servants are the servants of the Government.
The staff of Lloyds are not the servants of the elected chairman of
the day, nor indeed of the committee, but of the Council of Lloyds representing
the three constituencies of working, external and nominated members. It is also
false to argue that Lloyds is like a large corporation with a
chairman and a chief executive. Constitutionally Lloyds is a more
complex animal, and John Lockes analysis of the separation of powers
legislative, judicial and executive is more aptXVI.16 Lloyds is unique, and
requires a unique solution. Given the possibilities of regression which must
exist, I believe that a separation of powers, rather than some kind of
constitutional subordination, is the only secure guarantee which members of
Lloyds, and the wider public, can have that recidivism can never be a
Given these firm convictions, I was
naturally perturbed to find developing at Lloyds a clear alternative
view and an inclination so to change the position of the chief executive that
independence from the chairman, in the particular respects that I have
described, would be largely eliminated. The development of evidence for the
Berriil Committee showed the range of different ideas that by then existed
within Lloyds about the future role of the chief executive. I must
emphasize that those who wanted to change the role of the chief executive did
not do so for any sinister or improper reason. They did not, however, realize
the implications of the constitutional position. My purpose in giving notice as
I did was to ensure that full consideration was given to a question which I
believed to be vital for the future of the society, and which deeply concerns
all the members of it, as well as all external authorities with an interest in
its continued success. [*162] [*163]
[*164] [*165]
By the end of 1984 the four main
foundations of Lloyds new rule book were in place. Bye-laws covered
disciplinary matters, the re-registration of agents, syndicate accounting and
auditing, and membership rules. During 1985 and 1986 the structure was
elaborated with a number of measures designed to cope with inadequacies
revealed by the scandals: binding authorities and bans on related party
reinsurance and preferred underwriting. By the summer of 1986 there remained
one major area for regulation, and a number of less important ones.
The major area was the regulation of
Lloyds brokers. The 1982 Act gave formal statutory recognition for
the first time to Lloyds brokersXVII.1
and Schedule II of the Act invites the Council of Lloyds to regulate
their admission and continuing right to broke business in the Room. The brokers
are the marketing arm of Lloyds. They develop new policies and forms
of insurance as well as meeting the existing needs of their customers:
companies or individuals, for insurance; and underwriters for reinsurance.
These functions are performed by all insurance intermediaries
Lloyds brokers, non-Lloyds brokers or unregistered
insurance consultants. Only brokers at Lloyds have the additional
duties of preparing policy documents, handling claims, and providing financial
and accounting services for underwriters in conjunction with the LPSO. In
Fishers eyes, the existence of these duties justified the maintenance
of a restricted class of Lloyds brokers.XVII.2 The right to belong to this
restrictive class, and to carry on the companys letterhead the
subscript and at Lloyds, has come to acquire a
considerable value in terms of commercial goodwill.
As with other parts of the
Lloyds market brokers have traditionally been regulated by means of
contractual undertakings between each Lloyds broker and the Society
of Lloyds. As these are obtained on admission, changes in the rules
cannot be applied retrospectively. Current [*166] undertakings require brokers to meet minimum
standards of solvency and financial standing, to provide audited accounts to
Lloyds, and to give information about their business to the
corporation if asked. Applicants for admission to the register of
Lloyds brokers must show that they have a good commercial record and
adequate management expertise and office facilities, and are not overly
dependent on one source or type of business. The disciplinary sanction for the
enforcement of these rules is provided by Bye-law 72 under the 1871 Act which
empowers the committee to refuse a brokers subscription
whenever they see fit. This bye-law remains in force under
the 1982 Act pending new legislation.
This quaint set of arrangements
continues to regulate a field of business which has changed beyond all
recognition over the last twenty years. Lloyds brokers are now giants
in the insurance world and the majority of their business is no longer placed
in the Room. Although the number of Lloyds brokers may have changed
little since the Second World War there has been an increased concentration of
business furthered by a number of recent mergers. Many have involved overseas
groups, notably Americans, thus rendering a dead letter the old committee rule
that not more than 20 per cent of the shares of a Lloyds broker could
be held by non-Lloyds insurance interests.XVII.3 Fisher noted that in 1978
two-fifths of the business at Lloyds was placed by three broker
groups and two-thirds was placed by twelve.XVII.4
This concentration has not yet proved sufficiently significant to attract the
attentions of the Office of Fair Trading, but a greater concentration might do
Early in the 1970s the broking
community discovered that the benefits of holding premiums and claims money, in
terms of the interest earned on such funds before they are passed on to the
underwriter or assured, could provide a handsome supplement to normal brokerage
income. Increasingly, brokers developed skills in controlling the cash that
passed through their hands, skills which bore great fruit when falling
inflation in the 1980s produced positive real interest rates and a period of
rising stock markets. Aggressive policies of cash management generated greatly
increased broker earnings; but they also generated friction with underwriters
who saw their own earnings eroded by the late settlement of premium payments;
and their reputation as underwriters damaged as assureds complained about the
late settlement of claims.
These tensions were augmented by the
unforeseen advent of divestment. While the underwriter was an employee of the
broker he could not complain about his cash flow as vigorously as he could when
he found himself independent. Complaints about late settlement of claims and
cases of delayed preparation of insurance documents increased. While
Lloyds [*167] brokers
remain an integral and essential part of the Lloyds market there is
no doubt that they feel further from the underwriters than in predivestment
days: even more do newly divested underwriters feel independent of their former
broker parents.
In this context there has been talk
among underwriters of increasing direct business. Not all business is brought into
Lloyds by Lloyds brokers. The Lloyds Act allows
a Lloyds broker or such other persons as the
Council may from time to time by bye-law permit.XVII.5 Bye-law 12 of January 1983XVII.6 applies this proviso to the motor
market where underwriters deal directly with high-street brokers: policies are
issued by the underwriters own organizations, which also handle
claims. Lloyds brokers are still included in the chain: as guarantors
of the credit of the retail brokers; but they do not have an active business
role. Some motor underwriters argue that the guarantee by the Lloyds
broker is unnecessary and could readily, and more cheaply, be replaced by
credit insurance.
Aware of the dwindling share of the
total business of the large Lloyds brokers that now comes to them,
underwriters are arguing the case for relaxing the direct dealing rules further
so that such covers as yachts, livestock and householders
comprehensive insurance could be handled without going through a
Lloyds broker. Although many Lloyds brokers object to such
developments for the obvious reason that it erodes their commercial advantages,
the retail business in which underwriters are interested is not the sort that
brings a large broker much profit.
The Insurance Brokers
Registration Act 1977 brought in statutory regulation of insurance brokers by
restricting the use of the title Insurance Broker to those
registered with the Insurance Brokers Registration Council (IBRC). It
is designed to protect the public when dealing with insurance intermediaries,
and registered brokers must meet standards of solvency and show that they are
fit and proper persons. They must comply with a statutory
code of conduct the essence of which is that they must display the utmost good
faith in their dealings, they must always act in the interests of their
clients, and they must never mislead or exaggerate.XVII.7 Lloyds brokers were
automatically admitted to the new register on the footing that they already
complied with standards required by Lloyds that were at least as
rigorous as those laid down by the new Act. Lloyds brokers are
therefore regulated both by Lloyds, through contractual undertakings,
and by the Insurance Brokers Registration Council in which they play
a significant role: the Chairman of the IBRC is a senior Lloyds
Following the passage of the
Insurance Brokers Registration Act the Committee of Lloyds
set up a working party to review all pre-admission [*168] requirements and post-admission conditions for
Lloyds brokers.XVII.9
This recommended measures, endorsed in the report of the Fisher Committee,XVII.10 to regulate brokers by bye-law
which would subject all brokers to the same rules. These would cover the
admission of brokers, when the Council of Lloyds should have regard
to the suitability, standing and general market expertise of the applicant for
whom minimum standards of capital, solvency, staff, facilities and range and
scope of business would be required. Controllers, directors and senior
employees of brokers would have to show that they were fit and proper
persons. All Lloyds brokers would have to re-register.
Lloyds brokers have
traditionally handled claims on behalf of underwriters. In doing so they place
themselves in a position of conflict with their duties to their customers. In
two High Court decisions in 1969 and 1970 it was held that it was in law
inconsistent with a brokers duty to the assured for the broker to act
as agent for Lloyds underwriters without the consent of the assured.XVII.11 Because, except for reinsurance
business, this consent is not easy to obtain, Fisher recommended that
Lloyds should discourage reliance by underwriters on the services of
brokers in settling claims. It is not clear what real effect this
recommendation, which is well known in the Lloyds broking community,
has had on claims settlement practices.XVII.12
Fisher also considered the position
of insurance creditors when the broker becomes insolvent. He urged the council
to develop a scheme which would achieve trust status for
all monies held by Lloyds brokers in their IBAsXVII.13 so that in the event of insolvency
this money would be available only to insurance creditors.XVII.14
From this background the regulatory
requirements were clear. Our objectives in regulating Lloyds brokers
would be three: to discharge our duty under the Act to regulate
Lloyds brokers; to raise the standards of brokers; and at the same
time to widen the source of Lloyds revenues by allowing for the
admission of new brokers and for the approval of direct dealing arrangements
for classes of business where the full rigour of the standards applicable to
Lloyds brokers was not required. There would be three parts to the
regulatory framework: rules covering accounting and financial requirements,
including if possible preferred creditor status for insurance funds; rules
covering experience and competence, including the character and suitability of
controllers, directors and senior employees; and a code of conduct for brokers
at Lloyds extending the IBRC Code to matters particular to
Lloyds, that is to dealings between brokers and underwriters
including completion of the slip, documentation, claims settlement, cash flow,
disclosure of fees, binding authorities, etc. The [*169] principal purpose of the code would be to
define discreditable conduct in broking at
However, these plans remain in
draft. No consultative document has yet been issued and no bye-laws passed. Why
is this?
There are three principal reasons.
The first is that there has been more urgent business. The crux of the problems
at Lloyds lay in relations between Names and agents: most of the
urgent reforms were addressed to this matter. Such was the pressure for action,
compounded by the fact that re-registration of agents arising out of divestment
had to be achieved by July 1987, that brokers had to wait. Secondly, there are
no major problems with the present arrangements. Only two aspects of broking
conduct have caused offence: binding authorities, which had been separately
dealt with;XVII.16 and umbrella
brokers to which I shall turn next. Under these circumstances there was a case
for putting the regulation of brokers on one side.
There was a third and more subtle
reason for delay. The broker scene was changing. The Americans had arrived:
Marsh McLellan, Alexander & Alexander and others acquired Lloyds
brokers. Divestment was tearing apart the old fabric of agency/broker
relationships. Had we legislated over-hastily we would have been in danger of
setting in stone a framework that was becoming out of date. Self-regulatory
legislation should always follow commercial relationships and never precede
them. We had to wait for the new post-divestment pattern of commercial
relationships to emerge.
The Multigarantee case about
extended product warranty insurance, had brought to light two major lacunae in
the Lloyds regulatory setup. Confusion had arisen about who precisely
was insuring the warranty risk: customers were led to believe it was
Lloyds, while Lloyds underwriters believed they were
insuring the guarantee company. A working party chaired by Sir Kenneth Clucas,
formerly Permanent Secretary at the Department of Trade, reported to the
Council of Lloyds in November 1985. It recommended that it should be
the purchaser and not the manufacturer/retailer who is the insured, i.e.
individual certificates of insurance must be issued off binding authorities.XVII.17 It recommended a code of practice
for extended warranty business to be introduced by the Council of
The second problem was more
widespread; the offending brokers in the Multigarantee case had not been
Lloyds brokers at all: they had been operating in the Room under the
umbrella of a Lloyds broker who had allowed them to use his name but
had taken little interest in their work. The practice of umbrella broking,
which gave access to Lloyds for non-[*170]-Lloyds brokers, was investigated by
a working party who reported that there were at least one hundred and
twenty-five umbrella arrangements, which increased the numbers of broking
companies working at Lloyds by 50 per cent and produced about 5 per
cent of the total premium income. The practice was unregulated and had led to
abuse: underwriters had been gulled by unethical and unscrupulous brokers. The
practice had originated when former employees of a Lloyds broker
wished to set up in business pending their application to become a
Lloyds broker, or a nonLloyds broker wanted to save brokerage
commission on a piece of business, or a Lloyds broker wanted access
to the specialized skills of a particular non-Lloyds broker. The
working party recommended that such arrangements be restricted to a broker who
intended to apply to be a Lloyds broker within three years. Meanwhile
the sponsoring Lloyds broker whose najm nme was used should take full
responsibility for all the business of the umbrella broker. These proposals,
having been put out for consultation in May 1984, are waiting for the
formulation of a general set of rules for brokers into which they will fit.XVII.18
Besides the major problems of
brokers, five lesser matters are still waiting for legislative attention by the
Council of Lloyds excluding the long list of matters
proposed by Neill.
The first is the disciplinary rules
described in detail in Chapter VIII. The package of disciplinary bye-laws was
passed in January 1983. It was put to immediate use and has on the whole proved
effective, as the disciplinary statistics show. It has weaknesses: proceedings
are very legalistic, the criminal standard of proof is a heavy burden for a
self-regulatory society to carry, and defendants are given considerable scope
to delay proceedings. On the other hand it has been supported in the courts and
complimented publicly by Lord Wilberforce in the House of Lords.XVII.19
Two steps could be taken to simplify
and accelerate disciplinary proceedings. The first would be to limit the use of
the council. After the imposition of a penalty by a disciplinary committee, and
an appeal, if there is one, every case comes before a specially convened
meeting of the full council.XVII.20
The council can confirm, modify or waive the sentence and decides about
publication: its policy is always to publish the report of the disciplinary and
appeal proceedings. This stage takes time, brings about delays and increases
legal costs. It could be abolished without any loss of natural justice: the
defendant has already had the right of appeal to a tribunal presided over by an
ex-judge or senior lawyer from outside the Lloyds community and any
miscarriage of justice at this stage could be remedied by the High Court. If
not abolished the council stage could at least be restricted to cases where the
defendant wishes to exercise his right [*171] to be heard by the full council; it should not
be compulsory.
A second step would be to develop a
form of summary jurisdiction offering quicker and cheaper justice for minor
misdemeanours. To provide an alternative system offering lesser penalties would
make it too easy for the Investigations Committee to choose a soft option when
the circumstances of the case may not justify it. The introduction of fixed
penalties into bye-laws should achieve the aim of quicker and cheaper justice
without that defect. At present the defendant has no means of knowing how
seriously a disciplinary committee will view his offence. He therefore fears
the worst and mounts a full and often over-elaborate defence. If he knew that the
worst penalty he could face would be a reprimand, censure or limited fine, he
might well be willing to approach his defence more simply, saving his time and
that of Lloyds.
The Fisher Report looked at the
information available to prospective Names. Many of the Names who
submitted evidence to us complained about the limited evidence which was
available to a prospective Name to enable him to decide which agency to join
and to compare the results of different syndicates so that he can make a rational
During the passage of the Lloyds Bill, Lloyds gave an
undertaking to Parliament that the Fisher recommendations about this would be
legislated within two years of the passage of the Act, that is by July 1984.XVII.22 This was not done.
Fisher recommended that there should
be a bye-law laying down mandatory requirements for disclosure to prospective
Names; that there should be a council brochure for applicants; that there
should be a register, available to serious applicants, of the terms and
conditions of business offered by each agent; that audited syndicate accounts
for the last seven years should be made available; that agents should disclose
their other business interests; and that the same information should be shown
to all prospective Names.XVII.23
The Fisher recommendations focus on
two matters: information about syndicate results, and information about agents.
Since the syndicate accounting bye-law and the introduction of the public
register of accounts, analyses of syndicate results are produced in tabular
form by a number of organizations, including Chatset and the Association of
Lloyds Members. Any prospective Name therefore can obtain most of the
information he might need about syndicate results, and about the related party
interests of his prospective agent.
None the less Neill concentrates
attention on these matters.XVII.24
Lloyds produced a new and greatly improved membership brochure while
the inquiry was in progress.XVII.25
Neill states, Our overall impression Is that the proposed content is
much more suited to its purpose than the existing [*172] one
. There are clear references to
the existence of comparative syndicate results, resignation procedures and stop
loss insurance, and applicants are advised to consider visiting more than one
members agent.
But more needs to be done: an
explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of joining one type of agent
rather than another; publishing details of agents charges, the
absence of which occasioned so much criticism of Lloyds;XVII.26 and the publication of comparisons
of the relative performance of members agents. On the last point
NeilI suggests that members agents should submit to Lloyds
for entry in a central register an analysis of their aggregate underwriting on
a standardized basis. This information would then be used by the organizations
that currently publish league tables of syndicate results. These steps
represent a significant loosening of the anti-competitive practices at
Lloyds. So far has this gone that the Association of Lloyds
Members, once the pariah of the Committee of Lloyds, is to be
consulted on further editions of the membership brochure.
There is also unfinished business on
preferred underwriting, discussed in Chapter XIV. The allocation of Names to
syndicates must, if the underwriter is popular and the syndicate profitable,
involve some element of discrimination. The underwriter may favour a certain
type of Name: a wealthy man, or one with a taste for high risks, or one who is
not likely to worry him, or a broker who brings him lots of business. The
opportunities of exercising preference are manifold; some preferences may be
fair, others may be prejudicial to the agents other Names. The
underwriter should be required to publish his criteria for selecting the risks
that he prefers to write and the type of Name that he will accept. If more
Names apply than there is room for the new members of the syndicate should be
chosen by a ballot. There are parallels in issuing shares in companies: they
provide appropriate guidance for Lloyds. Certainly it is wrong for
insiders, such as fellow underwriters or brokers, to obtain favourable
syndicate memberships at the expense of external Names.XVII.27
For many years Names have been able
to buy personal stop loss policies which insure them against an overall
underwriting loss.XVII.28
Such policies usually have a minimal loss to be borne by the Name,
£io,000 or £20,000, and an upward limit, £100,000
or £200,000, above which the Name is still liable. They appealed
originally to the faint-hearted and some agents had a policy of discouraging
their Names from taking out such policies, arguing as did the PCW
agencies that the syndicates reinsurance programmes
provided all the protection a Name could want. Whereas five years ago perhaps
10 per cent of the Names took out such policies, recent events at
Lloyds, most notably the PCW losses, have greatly [*173] increased the popularity of stop
loss policies to the point where about so per cent of members have them. The
practice should be examined. Two regulatory issues arise here: Names have in a
few cases been misled into believing that they had adequate stop loss cover
when they did not; and the practice of reinsuring stop loss within
Lloyds means that the same security is being used twice over to back
the same risk. These problems must be dealt with by regulatory measures to lay
down wordings of stop loss policies, because in this instance the buyer and the
seller are not on an equal footing; and to resolve the security conundrum,
perhaps by requiring such insurances to be placed outside Lloyds.
With the major exception of
regulations for brokers the Lloyds rule book as originally proposed
by Fisher is now largely written. However the recommendations of the Neil
Inquiry, which total seventy, will require a considerable further effort of
rule-making, given the great pressure to which Lloyds is now subject.
Lloyds must also consider
how to apply its new bye-laws. Monitoring of compliance is not a new matter for
the corporation: the LPSO ensures that policies do not break the rules; the
deposits department ensures that deposits are in order; and the annual solvency
test requires a complete check of syndicate reserves against members
assets. But the new framework at Lloyds will require much more
monitoring. Agents, brokers and panel auditors must be re-registered regularly,
so that standards are maintained. Four-yearly or more frequent certification of
means will require a considerable effort with a membership of over thirty-two
thousand. The newly filed syndicate accounts must be reviewed for compliance
with the bye-law. Binders, multiple syndicates, direct motor business,
underwriting agency agreements, and premium income limits all require
continuous attention. There is no point in the new rule book unless resources
are put into ensuring that it is applied even-handedly and rigorously across
the market.
The Review Powers Bye-Law, No. 5 of
1986, was passed by the Council of Lloyds on 13 October 1986 to give
effect to the monitoring function. It gives an authorized person power to
review the affairs of any broker or underwriter. It is significant that this
power is vested not in the elected chairs, who are themselves invariably
brokers or agents or both, but in the independent office of the chief
executive.XVII.29 [*174]
Anyone who has read as far as this
will realize that the reform of Lloyds is not complete. One of the
purposes of this book is to permit the author, freed from the ties of office at
Lloyds, to present his own ideas for the further reform of the market
born of his experiences there. The proposals fall under four headings:
relations between Lloyds and its Names, relations with Parliament,
with worldwide insurance markets, and finally the question of who works in and
around the Room.
The history of the PCW affair
involves all the principal issues which affect Names on troubled syndicates.XVIII.1 The origins of the problem lay in
quota share reinsurance arrangements which placed syndicate funds offshore
in Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Gibraltar and Geneva where
they escaped UK taxation and were used in part to line the pockets of the
principal directors of the agency. In addition, baby syndicates were operated
with the avowed purpose of providing additional remuneration for the
agencys directors and underwriters. These actions involved dishonesty
and serious breaches of the civil law of agency, including the taking of secret
profits, failure to handle conflicts of interest properly, and inadequate
accounting by the agents to their principals, the Names. The Syndicate
Accounting Bye-lawXVIII.2
requires proper syndicate accounts to be prepared incorporating disclosures of
related party interests; it requires the accounts to be audited to full
professional standards, and it calls for the accounts to be placed on public
record. These measures go a long way to prevent the recurrence of such
iniquities and provide better protection for Names.
After the Pew agency finally ceased
trading in July 1985 Lloyds appointed a fact-finding inquiry under
John DavisXVIII.3 to review the
management of the PCW syndicates from December 1982 to July 1985 the
period when the agency was under the chairmanship of Richard Beckett.XVIII.4 [*175] The Davis Report was published in July 1986:
it found no evidence of fraud or gross negligence by the management of the
agency during the period of Richard Becketts chairmanship.XVIII.5 Peter Dixon voluntarily suspended
himself from Lloyds on 1 November 1982. Thereafter the agencys
parent company, Minet Holdings PLC, chaired by Ray Pettit after John
Wallrocks enforced resignation on 21 November 1982, took steps to run
the agency directly until Richard Beckett was appointed as Chairman of PCW on 6
December 1982. After Dixons suspension investigations were started by
Lloyds, the DTI and Minets, who commissioned Neville Russell &
Co, chartered accountants and members of the Lloyds audit panel, to
prepare a report.
PCW, a large managing agency,
operated a stable of syndicates covering marine, non-marine, and
aviation. There were underwriting problems, especially with the non-marine
syndicates. The account was unusually dominated by long-tail classes of
business, particularly general liability business emanating from the USA.XVIII.6 This type of business was giving
continuing problems for the market as a whole: the 1983 results showed that
although general casualty business contributed only 12 per cent of
Lloyds premium income it accounted for all the markets
losses in that year.XVIII.7
The problem was made worse by the
fact that Pew operated a group reinsurance programme covering syndicates with
different constitutions. As Davis explained, The syndicates which
submitted claims earlier would burn up the retentions so
that later claims for different syndicates could be reimbursed in full. If some
underwriters deliberately held back claims their syndicates would benefit
because they could make full recoveries from the programme.XVIII.8 In practice reinsurance recoveries
had been on a needs basis, which had helped the non-marine
syndicates. Later the recoveries were reassigned on a basis proportional to the
premiums paid, disadvantaging the non-marine syndicates which had no other
significant reinsurance protection.
The early efforts of the new agency
management were directed to chasing the funds moved improperly overseas.
Substantial recoveries were made from Gibraltar in particular, and these were
supplemented by contributions from the brokers who had helped to make the
original reinsurance arrangements: Howdens and Minets. In
all about forty million pounds were recovered in this way. It was only just in
time. The losses on the syndicates were mounting. As Ray Pettit said,
To our horror, the underwriting losses were really beginning to
emerge as a very serious issue. To be looking into the jaws of death and
that a big figure was going to be announced to the Names at
the end of April, and [*176] that on
top of what was missing, we could not get the money released in Gibraltar: all
hell was going to break loose!XVIII.9
An offer of repayment was made to the Names on 21 June 1984. The recoveries
made by individual Names under the offer were dependent mainly on the accuracy
of the underwriters reserving. In total however the sum offered
equalled the losses announced in 1984. The Davis Report assures us that this
was a coincidence.
In deciding whether or not to accept
the PCW offer Names were under considerable pressure: if they refused the offer
they would have to put up funds to meet their reported underwriting losses or
else cease underwriting and forego the possibility of future profits with which
to recoup their losses; if they accepted the offer they would have to sign away
their rights to any further recoveries from those responsible until
Howdens or Minets had recovered the £13 million
they had contributed to the settlement. Further pressure was provided by the
approach of the Lloyds solvency deadline, deferred to mid-July and,
later, to 5 August. This was seen by many Names as an attempt by
Lloyds to persuade them to accept the offer. There was mistrust by
some Names both of the agency which, although independently managed, was owned
by Minets; and of the second floor at Lloyds because of the
influence of agents and those involved with the syndicates before 1982 on the
Committee of Lloyds. Many of the Names came to the PCW syndicates
through members agents who were liable at law to their Names for any
misdemeanours committed by their sub-agent, PCW. Agents in such a position were
faced with a difficult conflict of interest in which their errors and omissions
insurers might require them to protect their own position even if it meant
being less helpful to their Names than they would otherwise wish.XVIII.10
The outcome was that the offer was
accepted and the solvency test completed. In April 1985 it came to light that
the non-marine syndicates were showing an even worse position. A new
underwriter, Ralph Bailey, took a different and much more rigorous view of the
probable outcome of the non-marine business and used a statistical forecasting
approach to reserving instead of the method used by his predecessor which
involved adding a loading to notified claims. But the
significant deterioriation largely resulted from entirely new claims. The Davis
Report quotes the underwriter, Ron Pateman: 1984 brought forward in
the non-marine market a major deterioration in known outstanding claims and
also a lot of new outstanding claims going back many, many years. They were
mostly to do with product liabilities. Certainly some of the asbestosis
reserves went up. But the main thing was product liabilities and medical
mpractice. [*177] The effect was to produce losses on
the non-marine syndicates far larger than the previous years but the
impact on the Names was moderatied by the use of discounting. Where claims are
likely to be deferred discounting can be considered. In the PCW case losses
arose because of the need to reserve against expected future claims. The
business of the syndicate being long-tail, many of the claims would not settle
for years. Meanwhile, the money in the premiums trust fund would earn interest.
It was argued that the expected settlement value of claims could be discounted
by a suitable rate of interest to recognize the earnings that would accrue on
the funds pending settlement. If solvency means, as the lawyers define it,
meeting your debts as they fall due, then it is correct to
say that what is required is to show that you will be in a position to meet
your debts in the future even though you may not have the funds now.
This argument prevailed at the time
because there were no Lloyds rules about it. Since then guidance has
been issued which precludes discounting for solvency purposesXVIII.12 because, firstly, of the
difficulty of estimating the timing of payments of liabilities and of
estimating the correct future rate of interest, secondly, of the difficulty in
segregating the funds to ensure that the earnings on those funds can not be
diverted to other purposes, and thirdly, because discounting would have the
effect of increasing profits, and taxes, on the profitable syndicates. The
Revenue could not be expected to accept that discounting should apply only to
loss-making syndicates. Instead of discounting, an underwriter who wishes to
take a view on a claim the settlement of which is a long way off can take out a
time and distance reinsurance policy which has the similar
effect of paying out a smaller sum now against the receipt of a larger sum
later, but which also has the advantage that the appropriate rate of interest is
determined in the open market by an arms length transaction between
the broker acting for the reinsured and the reinsuring underwriter.
The facts, therefore, were these:
The non-marine syndicates had a high concentration of long-tail American product
liability business the exposure on which had been aggravated by a policy of
writing a 100 per cent line on the slip, thus losing the advantage of second,
third or fourth opinions on the risk from following underwriters. This business
was showing mounting claims losses, and thanks to the group reinsurance
programme whose benefits had been reallocated away from the nonmarine
syndicates, the losses were largely unreinsured. During 1985 the losses had
been made worse by a markedly more conservative reserving policy, although this
had been mitigated somewhat by discounting the claims provision. The overall
effect on the Names concerned was horrendous. Some two hundred Names faced
losses of over a hundred thousand [*178] pounds each; for the first time many at Lloyds realized what
unlimited liability really meant.
I had many conversations with PCW
Names at that time. All accepted that they had a liability and that they knew
it was unlimited. The direct Names had a number of particular grievances:
Cameron-Webb had a policy of advising his Names to concentrate their
underwriting on his own agencys syndicates so they lacked any chance
of covering their losses with profits elsewhere; he had strongly discouraged
his Names from taking out stop-loss policies and when they did the cover
provided was inadequate; many Names suspected that the new losses had arisen
through fraud certainly the lack of adequate reinsurance was
suspect; Lloyds itself had been less than helpful, as they saw it,
with the solvency deadline and they were not sure that Lloyds was on
their side rather than that of the members agents or brokers
concerned; and they were extremely suspicious of the fact that the losses had
emerged so late and seemed to some extent to be attributable to a different
method of reserving rather than to a deteriorating experience of claims. The
Names in question faced losses of up to five times the premium income they had
written on the syndicates. Not surprisingly, in view of the uncertainty, they
refused to pay, and a large number of them were suspended in August and
September I985.XVIII.13
At this stage Minets
announced that they were pulling out of the agency business, and
Lloyds was invited, under its bye-law powers, to appoint a substitute
agent. A company was formed Additional Underwriting Agencies No. 3
Limited or AUA 3 in which Lloyds owned the shares but for
whose actions it took no management responsibility. Sir Ian MorrowXVIII.14 agreed to chair an independent
board. He insisted that AUA 3 must be free to pursue the interests of the
Names, even against the Society of Lloyds itself. Lloyds
would have to provide the finance, some of which could be recovered from
Minets, who were saving themselves overhead costs by ceasing to back
the defunct Richard Beckett Agency.
A process of negotiation then
started which was accompanied by even higher reported losses in 1986. It has
not been concluded at the time of writing. Speaking at a general meeting of
members on 26 June 1985, just after the vast losses had become known, Peter
Miller referred to his speech the preceding year and said: I made it
clear then that the hard fact remains that the incompetent or even wrongdoing
agent is still the agent of the Name. Going on to describe the help
provided by Lloyds to Names on damaged syndicates he concluded:
The one thing the Council cannot do is to provide some sort of
so-called financial lifeboat and thus depart from the principle that we each
individually have to respond for our share [*179] of losses if, unhappily, they occur.
His speech at the November general meeting had a more emollient tone:
In summary, the Council is determined that the Names on these
syndicates should receive justice; in particular the Names interests
and rights against any third parties will be vigorously pursued without cost to
the Names. Clearly one hopes that reasonable solutions can be found. I and the
Council will, of course, be using our best endeavours to bring this
about. By the June 1986 meeting the message was clear: It
must be that Names respond to losses justly and properly established, however
they may have arisen. At the same time, it must be the wish of us all to see a
fair and early settlement of this matter. The alternative could be five or more
years of litigation here and perhaps in the United States, which would be
expensive, of no assistance to our good name, and might well cast doubt on our
ability to deal with our own problems within the framework of the
It therefore seems likely that the
PCW affair will be resolved by a marketwide solution. This was done in 1979 for
the Sasse syndicates, referred to in Chapter V. It was also done in 1923 in the
Harrison case where the underwriter got out of his depth with credit insurance.XVIII.15 The exercise was repeated in 1954
when a fraudulent underwriter and his auditor conspired to cheat their assureds
and their Names. It was decided that in the special circumstances of the case
the Names should be relieved from their underwriting liability and have the
value of their debts discharged for them.XVIII.16
At intervals, when the seriousness
of the case demands it, Lloyds does not eschew a mutual solution to
such a problem, despite the rule of each for his own account, not one for
another. What lessons for the future of Lloyds and its relations with
its members can be drawn from the PCW saga?
The first is that Lloyds
must get away from the annual solvency test deadline. The Insurance Companies
Act requires Lloyds to furnish a certificate each year to the
Secretary of State that all members have assets sufficient to meet their
insurance liabilities.XVIII.17
No deadline is laid down in the Act for this and the DTI are usually very
understanding when difficulties arise. An annual deadline is actually imposed
by the fact that the New York State Insurance Commissioner requires, by 1
September each year, a certificate to the effect that Lloyds has
complied with current UK regulatory requirements with regard to solvency.
Failure to meet this deadline would mean the suspension of Lloyds in
New York, Americas leading insurance market: such a suspension would
be devastating for Lloyds American business.
This problem could be avoided if the
solvency test were recast. In [*180] manufacturing industry the calculation of closing inventory for
accounting purposes no longer depends upon an annual stock take. Continuous
inventory-taking on a cycle basis, allied with careful record-keeping and tight
internal controls and audit, ensure that the closing stock figure is available
promptly and accurately. If similar thinking were applied to Lloyds
there could be a continuous audit of members assets and deposits,
with the liability figures calculated currently and audited on a continuous
rotating cycle. Assuming all syndicates continue to operate on calendar-year
accounts, there would still have to be a cut-off at year end, but the
calculation of the annual outcome could be much quicker. The annual report to
the DTI and to the New York commissioner and other regulatory authorities
around the world would confirm that Lloyds has in place a system of
checking solvency continuously and that reviews and audit of the system show
that it is functioning well. It would follow that regulators could reasonably
rely upon the figures produced by the system.
The second lesson is that
Lloyds must have better accounting and auditing. The PCW affair
highlights the importance of proper reserving. At the time of their
Lloyds inquiry the Revenue had doubts about the reinsurance to close:
they felt that in too many cases the figures were subjective and unsupported.
The existence of waiting syndicates in the PCW agency shows
that there was a considerable endowment element in the premiums trust funds of
the main old-established syndicates; so that a Name had to wait, and build up
his own dowry, before joining a profitable and well-funded
syndicate. There should really be no such endowment effect: it can only arise
because the underwriter sets aside more funds to meet expected claims than is
justified by a strict examination of the evidence. This may be done in the name
of prudence, to protect the policy holder, or to reduce the burden of tax, but
it is neither true nor fair in accounting terms.
The new guidance issued in December
1985 on reinsurance to close urges the underwriter and his auditor to be
careful and thorough in their calculations and checks.XVIII.18 The evidence must be set out and
examined. The conclusion must be properly documented. The more openness there
is in these calculations the less the chance that rogue or errant solutions
will be arrived at. The more the market shares its experiences and skills
through the publication of details in the syndicate accounts the better for the
The third question concerns the
level of help provided by Lloyds to Names when agents get into
difficulties. It has been pointed out that in the circumstances of the Brooks
and Dooley and Howden cases the members agents were in an equivocal
position and could not help, and Lloyds was [*181] unwilling to help, even by providing addresses
so that a committee of Names could send a circular out to those affected.XVIII.19 In these circumstances the
independent position of the deputy chairman and chief executive is especially
important. The Names, knowing that the Committee of Lloyds consists
usually of agents and that the chairs are almost always agents too, presume
that they cannot expect a fair hearing on the second floor. The chief
executive, with his independent remit and powers, can be relied on to give that
fair hearing and should take steps to facilitate, by every means in his power,
the exercise by the Names of their proper rights. This would include calling a
meeting of Names and acting, rather like the official receiver with an
insolvent company, as interim locum tenens until the Names appoint their own
committee. Meanwhile he should see that the Names are provided with legal and
accounting advice, at the corporations expense, until a committee of
Names can make their own arrangements.
The Neill Report adapts and
elaborates this proposal in its chapter on complaints and disputes. Neill
proposes that the chief executive should operate an investigatory service for
Names with a complaint against their agent. Compulsory arbitration would be
available to settle money claims. The service would be supervised by a Names
Interests Committee, chaired by a nominated member of the council with a
majority of external and nominated members. The report also proposes the
appointment of an ombudsman chosen by the nominated members of the council to
investigate and make recommendations on Names complaints against the
corporation. Such an arrangement is seen as particularly appropriate in view of
the statutory immunity against suit by members enjoyed by the corporation under
S.14 of the Lloyds Act.XVIII.20
The importance of a truly
independent committee or agency is seen in the cases of Brooks and Dooley and
Howdens. In the first instance the committee was financed by a
subscription from the Names, and in the second Alexander Syndicate Management
was formed by Alexander & Alexander as an independent company owned by the
broker but provided with independent finance to pursue claims independently
against anyone, including its parent and paymaster. The history of Pew might
have been different if the rescue agency had been chaired by a figure
independent of Lloyds, and if the agency had been independent of its
parent, Minet, so that there could be no grounds for suspicions, on the
Names part, that the interests of Minets public shareholders
might be preferred to their own.
The PCW case brought calls for a
fraud compensation fund to protect Names against defalcations by their agents.
It was argued that the Stock Exchange Investors Protection Fund performs a
similar function for investors in shares. The Central Fund at Lloyds
has a different role: it exists to [*182] ensure that every valid claim on a Lloyds policy will be met
regardless of the insolvency of any Name on that policy. It is intended to be a
policyholders protection fund and does not exist to protect the
Names: they must be declared in default and suspended from underwriting before
the fund can be used to cover their liabilities. The society then has a right
to sue the Name to recover any disbursements made against valid claims on his
There have been recent attempts to
change this role, with the argument that the Central Fund could also be used
for other purposes in the general interests of the society as by
bye-law it can.XVIII.21
It is argued that a separate fund
should be established to protect Names against the fraudulent acts of their
agents. Such a proposal would surely be impractical because of the difficulties
of defining fraud. Fraud is only provable in a court of law, and until the case
is proven, fraud can only be alleged. None of the recent cases at
Lloyds involve fraud, strictly speaking, because none have been
brought to criminal trial. The line between fraud and gross negligence is
indistinct. It is not clear by any means that all the losses in the PCW cases
are fraudulent. No doubt the lack of reinsurance is dubious, and the books were
not well kept, but the losses appear to be related to valid contracts of
insurance validly arrived at. A fraud fund would be likely to fail for the lack
of a clear definition of the offence.XVIII.22
A better solution might be to
dispense with the doctrine of unlimited liability. Lloyds has shown
on several occasions that when push comes to shove it will abandon its
principles and accept a mutual solution. Each case is attended by protestations
of undying commitment to the principle of each for his own
on the part of the society and endless sleepless nights on the part of the
unhappy Names. During 1985 it was clear that while PCW Names objected strongly
to paying the alleged losses, they objected even more to the fact that they
could not be certain where the liabilities would end. The lack of certainty is
the most cruel thing.
The secret of the financing of
Lloyds is not unlimited liability: it is uncalled capital. It is
worth being a Name at Lloyds because your money works for you twice:
it backs your underwriting and at the same time you have the use of the funds
not because of unlimited liability but because of the concept of
uncalled capital. A security statement produced by Lloyds identifies
the members certified means among the reserves of the society. In the
statement at i December 1985 these amounted to £2,591 million, an
important element in Lloyds total reserves.XVIII.23 But in fact members were liable
beyond this to the very limits of their means whatever they might
be. [*183]
If the liability of a member of
Lloyds were to be limited to his or her certified means it would make
no difference to the figures in the financial statements. Nor would it affect
the security of the Lloyds policy in the eyes of the average American
risk manager, who takes a pretty sceptical view of the financial worth of the rolling
green acres behind the ladies and gentlemen of England who are members of
Lloyds. On the other hand the attitude of the Name would be
transformed by the certainty that there was a limit to the financial
misfortunes that could befall him.
Suppose that limit were to be
breached? Members on average write on ten syndicates and, notionally and on
average, put one-tenth of their means behind each syndicate of which they are a
member. The number of cases in which a syndicates losses have exceeded
the certified means of its members must be very very few. It would mean losses
of five times the premium income if the member had a spread across other
syndicates which could be a requirement of membership and
the other syndicates on average broke even. The cases where a Names
limit would be breached would be few, just as PCW cases have been very few. But
1f it happened there is a mechanism already available to resolve the problem:
the Central Fund. It would not then be necessary to go through the drama and
palaver and anguish for those involved.
Many Names already take steps to
transfer assets in excess of their certified means out of their own names into
those of their wives, children or trustees. Why should it be necessary for a
Name to do this? How much simpler to cover the matter by limiting liability to
certified means. How much more comforting to Names and, what may be important
in the future, to new applicants.XVIII.24
Lloyds and the
Lloyds has had a
relationship with Parliament since first coming to public prominence during the
Napoleonic Wars. In the nineteenth century this relationship had two
dimensions: Lloyds marine intelligence services were an important
national resource that deserved support in the Parliament of the
worlds largest maritime nation; and, because Lloyds is an
important part of the network of financial activities which make up the City, a
number of leading Mls, generally on the Tory side, were Names. Later,
in this century, the insurance role of Lloyds became increasingly
important. Parliamentary regulation of the business of insurance was
strengthened after the Vehicle and General Insurance collapse in 1971, when
many motor policy holders suffered. As the direct regulation of insurance
companies tightened, questions began to be asked about the unique isolation of
Lloyds. These questions were, to some extent, answered by tighter
solvency returns from Lloyds which have provided exemplary protection
for the policy holder. But relations between underwriters and their backers,
the Names, continued to be entirely self-administered under the
Lloyds Act 1871 and its subsequent amending statutes.
With the Sasse affair the problem of
regulation became public: essentially Lloyds had outgrown its old
constitution, but there was no parliamentary pressure for reform. Early in my
career at Lloyds I tackled a leading Labour front bench MP on this
point. I asserted that the difficulties were all the fault of his party who had
left Lloyds alone too long. Had they harried it over the years, as
they had harried the Stock Exchange, Lloyds would have been forced to
put its house in order. He replied: Its quite simple. There
are four reasons why we have left Lloyds alone: first, we
dont understand it; second, you dont kill the goose that
lays the golden eggs; third, there are no votes for us in reforming it; and
fourth, whenever things go wrong its only the rich stealing from the
rich [*185] anyway. Although this
sounds like a simplistic answer, it was politically shrewd. Lloyds
had never been in the political limelight until the 1980s.
The Fisher Report was instituted by
Lloyds, although there is doubt that the Bank of England encouraged
the inquiry. Fishers major conclusion was the need for a new Act of
Parliament, and like its 1871 predecessor this was to be a private Bill. A
private Bill should not be confused with a private Members Bill. It
is brought forward by a petitioner, in this case Lloyds, under
arrangements that are based today on those provided in the 1840s for the
promotion of railway companies which, because of their need for compulsory land
purchase rights needed parliamentary assistance. A private Bill does not take
government time, or need government intervention. A select committee of the
House scrutinizes the Bill and, provided that the measure is in the public
interest, will recommend the granting of appropriate statutory powers to the
petitioner. The procedure is most frequently used by local authorities seeking
additional powers.
Backed by the powerful and
wide-ranging recommendations of Fisher the Lloyds Bill was, by and
large, given support in Parliament. Some critics were opposed to
Lloyds on principle because of the alleged arrogance of the
committee.XIX.1 But most of the
debate centred on the question of the conflicts of interest, highlighted by
Fisher, between brokers and brokerowned underwriting agents. The new Act
imposed divestment directly on Lloyds and did not leave it to the
council to deal with by subordinate legislation, as Fisher had recommended.
Parliamentary pressure to impose divorce between the syndicate management
functions and the members service functions of agents was defeated
after a pou of the members of the society. There was also a fierce debate about
Clause 14 which grants immunity to the Council of Lloyds against suit
by members of the society In this field the opposition was led by those who
doubted that it was right to grant Lloyds such sweeping powers of
self-government; parliamentary approval for the Lloyds Bill was
secured only after Lloyds undertook to provide more information to
and protection for Names.XIX.2
Events since 1982 have undoubtedly
hardened parliamentary attitudes towards Lloyds it now
seems most unlikely that the 1982 Act would be passed were it put before the
House today. There are a number of reasons for this change of view. The
revelations of autumn 1982 which disclosed how dishonest agents had milked
their Names brought out a point that Fisher had missed: conflicts of interest
between Names and their agents were a much more serious problem than those
between brokers and broker-owned agents. Salt was rubbed into the wound when it
became clear that some of the leading witnesses before the select [*186] committee had themselves been
involved in improprieties.XIX.3
Later revelations about the size of the PCW losses and the prevalence of baby
syndicates made matters worse.
There was a common view that
Parliament had been misled, whether intentionally or not. Although the offences
committed at Lloyds antedated the passage of the Act they did not
become a matter of public knowledge until after the Act. Had they been known in
1980 and 1981 Parliament would undoubtedly have taken a different view. Indeed
the imposition of an independent chief executive by the authorities could be
viewed as an admission, by the Bank and Whitehall, that more needed to be done
than was provided for under the 1982 Act. The view was taken that
Lloyds could not be counted on to implement the new Act fully and
fairly without some outside intervention.
In January 1984 Professor
Gowers Review of Investor Protection was published.XIX.4 This review had been commissioned by
the Secretary of State for Trade in 1981 to consider the statutory protection
required by investors in securities. Since the Prevention of Fraud
(Investments) Act 1958 there had been no major piece of legislation covering
the entire field of City investment markets and a new statute was needed:
Professor Cower was to provide proposals to form the basis of a Financial
Services Bill. At the time Gower was appointed the scandals at Lloyds
had not emerged: he was not, therefore, directly concerned with tightening the
regulation of Lloyds which, in any case, was granted new and
additional powers by the 1982 Act during the course of his inquiry. However,
there can be no doubt that Cower thought that Lloyds would be covered
by the new regulatory arrangements for City markets. He said: I
assume, too, that Lloyds would wish to become recognised as a
self-regulatory agency through which registration could be obtained by its
underwriting agents who clearly undertake investment business of some magnitude
in seeking and advising investors in underwriting syndicates and in managing
their investment.XIX.5
This passage betrays a lack of
clarity about the functioning of Lloyds. Clearly Gower sees the Name
as an investor, not as a sole trader in the business of insurance which, in
strict legal terms, he is. He refers to the business of the agent as managing
the Names investment in the singular. Clearly and rightly Gower felt
that the Lloyds Name was as deserving of protection as any other
investor. The Financial Services Act, however, left Lloyds out. It
deals with investment activities. And investments are defined as shares,
debentures, warrants, options etc. The Act lists the activities which it seeks
to regulate and clearly membership of a Lloyds syndicate is not among
them.XIX.6 Underwriting agents do, however,
deal in [*187] one type of investment activity on
the part of their Names. They manage the premiums trust funds. Here they are
strictly limited to trustee-type investments by the Insurance Companies ActXIX.7 and, quite reasonably in my view,
the Act excludes such investment activities by managing agents from the new
regulatory arrangements.XIX.8
Parliament was faced, therefore,
with a Government Bill to create a totally new self-regulatory regime in the
City, in which despite the scandals and public opprobrium that had fallen upon
Lloyds and despite Gowers assumptions, it appeared likely
that it alone of the larger City markets would be excluded. Furthermore the
exclusion was seen as being on legalistic rather than policy grounds. This
situation generated considerable concern on the government back benches, led by
a recent Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, the Rt Hon. Patrick Jenkin
MP. The concern was measurably increased by my resignation on a point of
principle. In response to this pressure, Sir Patrick Neill, Warden of All Souls
College, Oxford and former Chairman of the Council for the Securities Industry,
was appointed by the Secretary of State to inquire into the selfregulatory
arrangements at Lloyds, and the extent to which they provided
protection for Names analogous to that to be provided for investors under the
provisions of the new Financial Services Act. If the protection of Names were
deficient reforms would be proposed.
There can be no doubt that the 1982
Act has been put to good use by the Council of Lloyds. Measures have
been introduced that transform the protection of Names. Miscreants have been
dealt with thoroughly and publicly and, while many things are still to be done,
the achievement has been considerable. There have been three reasons for this:
the introduction of competent and energetic talent to the corporation staff led
by the chief executive; the willingness of the Council of Lloyds,
presiding as they do over an extremely rich institution, to provide very
considerable resources to get the job done quickly,XIX.9 and continuous pressure from the
press and the authorities.
But the constitutional arrangements
of Lloyds remained defective. Lloyds is today a society of
external investors: four out of five members have never worked in the market.
Yet the constitutional power remained in the hands of working members, almost
all of whose representatives on the council are agents. This power was
exercised through the Committee of Lloyds, made up of the sixteen
working members of the council, and the executive Chairman of the Society and
his two elected deputies, who by the Lloyds Act must be chosen from
among the working members of the council. Almost all are agents. Being human
they lack the capacity to be totally impartial over questions involving
relations between Names [*188] and
agents questions which lie at the root of so many of the problem
cases at Lloyds. These difficulties were compounded by the fact that
there had been close associations between some of those charged at
Lloyds with disciplinary offences and the ruling insiders on the
The Neil Report, when it was
published in January 1987, concentrated on this very point. Complimenting the
council on the progress made since 1982 the report said: We know of
no profession or equivalent organisation which has accomplished such a major
programme of reform in such a short time scale.XIX.10 Notwithstanding this progress the
arrangements at Lloyds did not match those called for under the
Financial Services Act. A number of detailed changes were needed but,
more fundamentally, the constitution of Lloyds does not
currently provide for that degree of involvement of independent outsiders and
that degree of detached scrutiny of the activities of market practitioners
that will be a feature of the regime under the Financial Services Act. The
checks and balances at Lloyds are not, in our view, so firmly in
place. The balance of initiative rests too much with the working
Rejecting the argument that
Lloyds should be brought, as Gower had recommended, within the ambit
of the Financial Services Act and under the supervision of the Securities and
Investments Board established by that Act, Neill proposed instead that the
Council of Lloyds could itself be the supervisory body provided that
its balance was altered by the addition of a further four nominated members and
the deletion of four working members. The majority would then be held by the
nominated and external members who would number sixteen to the working
members twelve. This solution had the advantage that it would not
require legislation. As Neill says: It is directed at the specific
weakness we have identified in the Lloyds regulatory structure. This
is that the balance of the initiative lies with the insiders, the working
members who up to now have remained dominant in the policy making of the
Society. We believe that a change in the composition of the governing body,
together with a somewhat more extensive involvement of nominated members in the
committee work that supports it will provide independent oversight no less
effective than the board members of any external supervisory authority could be
expected to provide.XIX.12
The more extensive involvement of nominated members would involve reserving for
them the chairmanships of the Investigations, Disciplinary, Rules and Names
Interests committees, and requiring their participation in the work of the
Administrative Suspension, and Registration of Underwriting Agents committees.
Sir Patricks inquiry took
a year, six months more than had at first been expected. During this period
Lloyds took steps to put its house in order [*189] by announcing the publication of a register of
agents charges; passing a Review Powers bye-lawXIX.13 which gave the chief executive the
authority to review the affairs of any Lloyds registered agency; and,
just before the Neil Report was published, releasing a detailed brochure for
the information of new Names, which not only went into details about the
financial arrangements for membership but encouraged Names to compare the
services and charges of agents before deciding which one to use.XIX.14
Commenting on these matters the
chairman revealed, in his November 1986 speech to the general meeting of
members, that regulatory progress on the registration of brokers had been
substantially delayed because of the time and effort devoted to the submission
of evidence to the Neil Inquiry.
The Neill Report is almost as long
as Sir Henry Fishers Report which had been at my elbow throughout my
time at Lloyds. But it differs significantly because it was prepared
by a committee of objective outsiders: both the Fisher Report and the Cromer
Report that had preceded it were prepared by committees whose majorities were
working members of Lloyds. Like Fisher, Neill received written
evidence from hundreds of parties, but a review of a list of those who gave oral
evidence shows how the balance had shifted towards outsiders in seven years:
apart from a sprinkling of journalists all Sir Henrys witnesses came
from within the Lloyds community; more than half of Sir
Patricks came from outside Lloyds.
Neils conclusion that
Lloyds fails the test of matching the requirements of the Financial
Services Act is based on three examples, each of which has been discussed
above. He noted that Lloyds failed to honour its undertaking to
Parliament in 1981 to publish a register of agents charges; he
observed that the standard underwriting agency agreement failed to recognize
and protect the interests of Names as opposed to those of agents and
recommended that it be rewritten; and he condemned Lloyds handling of
parallel syndicates, both as to the time taken to deal with the problem and the
means of dealing with it: he felt that parallel syndicates should have been
banned. While he regards these shortcomings as fundamental, he also makes a
large number of additional recommendations for changes in Lloyds
regulatory arrangements.
Many of these go far further than
would have been possible in my time at Lloyds because they weaken the
power of the agents vis-ˆ-vis that of the Names. Such changes could never be
proposed while the agentdominated committee ruled the roost. The principal
recommendations included: more detailed guidance to new Names, including the
publication of data facilitating the comparison of the relative performance of
members [*190] agents;
the introduction of a direct contractual relationship between the Name and the
managing agent even though the Name may have obtained access to the syndicate
indirectly through the intervention of a members agent; a right on
the part of the Name to appeal to the chief executive against the application
of the pay now, sue later clause in the underwriting
agreement; the appointment of an ombudsman, under the aegis of the nominated
members of the council, to deal with Names complaints against the
corporation; the replacement of the Names Advisory Committee, chaired by an
external member of council, by a Names Interests Committee, chaired by a
nominated council member; the establishment of a Names Compensation Fund; and
the introduction of proper professional examinations for those who seek to
become underwriters at Lloyds. These changes, and other more detailed
ones upon which I have already commented, will greatly strengthen the
protection of Names.
Considering the three tasksXIX.15 which the Council of
Lloyds set itself, and me, at the beginning of 1983, Neil gives
Lloyds full marks for the cleaning-up operation: We have
identified no serious deficiencies in Lloyds procedures for
investigations and disciplinary proceedings.XIX.16 As far as the rule book is
concerned Lloyds is commended for the progress so far, but more is
needed. But when it comes to the third task, altering the structure of the
society, it is clear that, as I had pointed out at the time of my resignation
and the Berriil Report had confirmed four months later, it remains
fundamentally unchanged. Sir Patricks analysis of this problem is so
fundamental to the argument of this book that it is worth discussing it in
The question is defined in the
request for evidence by the Neili Inquiry: Whether the present
constitution of Lloyds is, in principle and practice, adequate and
effective in overseeing the operation of the Lloyds market and in
protecting the interest of Names.XIX.18
Lloyds critics argued the need for external supervision. Neill
confirms that Lloyds is subject to less external supervision than
other self-regulatory organizations recognized under the Financial Services Act
who are answerable to the Securities and Investment Board, and points out that
while the DTI has a duty to protect the interests of policy holders which it
discharges through the solvency procedures, it has no duty to protect the
interests of Names. The Governor of the Bank of England has a formal role in
confirming the appointment of nominated members of the council: informally he
may go further when, for example, he took the initiative in persuading
Lloyds to create the new post of Chief Executive. One of the four
nominated members, the chief executive is charged by his terms of reference
with the responsibility for the quality of the self-regulatory arrangements.
both as [*191] to the rules and their application.XIX.19
Nevertheless, Neill concludes: External influence, particularly in
terms of independent oversight of the process of regulation, is much more
limited in relation to the Council of Lloyds than it will be in the
context of the monitoring of Self Regulatory Organisations (SROs) by the
Securities and Investments Board (SIS). At the level of principle, therefore,
some changes in the current arrangements would be needed before they could be
judged comparable with those envisaged by the Act.
Neill then advances a fundamental
prescription in relation to the development of self-regulation in the City of
London: The Financial Services Act reflects a public policy that
practitioner based regulation in the investment field requires some element of
independent oversight. He examines three examples of defective
regulation: agents charges a desire on the part
of working members to preserve the traditional secrecy surrounding this aspect
of their affairs; the standard underwriting agency agreement
the working members of the Lloyds community were
not able themselves to take a sufficiently objective view of the interests of
the Names; and rules in relation to parallel syndicates
the problems are seen from within, not from without: a
phrase which aptly sums up Neffis whole judgment about
Clearly more outside influence was
needed. The presence of nominated members of the council, an independent chief
executive and committees reporting directly to the council, notably the
Accounting and Auditing Standards Committee, the Investigations Committee and
the Rules Committee, all contribute to an outside view. Nevertheless, Neill
points to the continuing influence of insiders through the Committee of
Lloyds: composed entirely of working members of the council, headed
by the elected chairs who are required by statute to be working members and who
also chair the council, meeting weekly, in spite of the recommendation of the
Berrill Report that they meet fortnightly, and until recently reviewing all
council papers before the council meets.
Pointing out that the balance
between the council and the committee has been affected by the appointment of
the chief executive, Neil notes that no provision was made in the
Lloyds Act for such an appointment. Referring to my resignation he
says: Moreover, although terms of reference were drawn up for the new
post, complementary terms of reference were not prepared for the Chairman and
the elected Deputy Chairs. There was as a result some degree of uncertainty of
what the relationship should be between the elected Chairs and the Chief
Executive, and over their respective roles in the organisation. This
uncertainty was clearly visible in the explanation given by Mr Hay Davison of
the reasons for his [*192]
resignation. Referring to these uncertainties Neill goes on:
A number of significant submissions to the Inquiry have, however,
been critical of the continuing substantial executive activity on the part of
the elected Chairs. We have noted in this connection the conclusions of the
Berrill Report (para. 2.5) that the work load of the elected Chairs had not, in
the period up to beginning of 1986, been changed to the extent that it should
have been and that the roles at present performed by the elected
Chairs need to be scrutinised and wherever possible delegated to the Chief
Executive and other senior staff. We support the recommended
Pointing out that the appointment of
an independent chief executive postdates the 1982 Act, Neill describes the
appointment as providing comfort both to the Names and to the public interest.
The success and effectiveness of any supervisory body depends heavily
on the quality and independent-mindedness of its staff and their ability to
take decisive actions regardless of whether such action accords with the wishes
of those who are being regulated or is seen as a threat to their
interests. Despite the appointment of men of calibre to the staff of
the corporation there remains the difficulty that the chief executive and his
staff are answerable to a Council which is dominated numerically by
working members of the community, a domination enhanced by the substantial
executive roles performed by the Chairman and the elected Deputy
Reviewing the options for change
Neil explores two alternatives: the designation of an external body whose
authority could be invoked when the insiders were not taking a sufficiently
disinterested view of matters, leaving the domestic structure more or less as
it is; and modifying the domestic structure so that the Council of
Lloyds itself becomes a supervisory body.
In the former option the SIB is the
obvious body to do this job. Here the difficulty is that it is devoted to
investor protection, yet whatever body supervises Lloyds must have
the interests of both investors and policy holders in mind. This duality makes
Lloyds a unique regulatory problem, one for which the SIB is not well
suited. Here I agree with Neill. Furthermore the whole legal thrust of the
Financial Services Act, under which the SIB operates, is directed towards the
protection of investors as narrowly defined in the Act. Lloyds Names
do not easily fit within the definition. However, it is difficult to see why a
purpose-built supervisory body, or even the DTI itself, could not discharge the
role of balancing the interests of Names and policy holders: the Council of
Lloyds is not unique in possessing this capability. However, Neill
chooses the second alternative to modify the Council of
Recognizing that the
balance of initiative on regulatory as well as [*193] market matters rests with the working
members, Neil proposes to redress this so that the working members of
the council cease to have a majority. This is to be done by doubling the number
of nominated members from four to eight and reducing the number of working members,
and the Committee of Lloyds, from sixteen to twelve. One of the
nominated members should always be the chairman for the time being of the SIB
or his deputy. Neill sees the nominated members as discharging a role on the
council and its committees not markedly different from that which board members
of any external supervisory authority could be expected to undertake. He
concedes that they lack a separate staff and argues that a small high-powered
staff should be established.
Neill rightly dismisses the criticism
that additional nominated members might not be available or that the reduction
in the number of working members will seriously damage the input of market
expertise into the regulatory process. A more serious criticism is that the
nominated members will be chosen by the Council of Lloyds and
endorsed by the Governor of the Bank of England. The task of selection is a
critical one in which the authorities should play an active part.
The additional nominated members
will make it possible for them to hold the reserved chairmanships already
referred to, and to play a larger part in the work of the ombudsman, the Names
Interests Committee and the registration of agents. In particular, as Neil sees
it, the chief executive and his senior colleagues would be answerable to a body
where the power of initiative clearly lay with the outsiders. This solution is
likely to offer a much more effective guarantee of the independence of the
chief executive than the entrenchment of paper terms of reference. A view with
which I concur.
The publication of the Neill Report
in January 1987 coincided with revelations about dubious practices in the City
in connection with the Guinness takeover of Distillers in March 1986. Here the
DTI had taken more vigorous steps to pursue alleged malpractices than had been
the case at Lloyds four years earlier. With an election in prospect
the Government was sensitive to allegations that it was soft on wrongdoing in
the City of London. Over four months, from October 1986 to January 1987, the
tone of ministerial speeches had changed, from robust support for the concept
of self-regulation to the argument that the new regulatory framework in the
City was proving itself capable of handling the alleged skulduggery firmly and
briskly. In such a political climate the Council of Lloyds had no
alternative but to accept at once Neils principal recommendation:
that the balance of the council should be altered. Presenting the report to
Parliament, the Secretary of State, Paul Channon, promised [*194] to legislate within a year if
Lloyds did not act properly and promptly. Press reaction to Neill
accepted that it was not a whitewash but was a thorough independent examination
of Lloyds regulatory problems: the headline in the Financial Times was A Salutary Kick for
Lloyds. In its leader on the subject the Daily Telegraph, pointing out that it was my
volcanic departure that led to the Neill Inquiry, accepted
that supervision was the key to the reform of Lloyds.
The attitude of the Room turned on
the question of divorce. Neills request for evidence indicated that
the inquiry would be reopening the discussion of divorce between members and
managing agents deferred by Parliament in 1982 after rejection by a ballot of
Lloyds members.XIX.20
Divestment of managing agents from brokers had already caused a massive
upheaval in the market: the prospect of further extensive changes In the
ownership of agencies filled it with dread. Commenting on the question Neill
said: We think that there are strong practical arguments against any
scheme of mandatory divorce and that Names benefit from being able to choose
between different types of agent. XIX.21
As soon as Neill was published and it became clear that divorce was not to be
required the Room relaxed: the active underwriters, agents and brokers were
largely indifferent to the political manoeuvrings upstairs where the working
members were discussing which of their number would resign.XIX.22
Much of this book has been devoted
to the regulatory problems of Lloyds during a momentous period of its
constitutional history. A new legislative structure was introduced against a
background of doubt about its suitability for the job to be done. Meanwhile the
business of Lloyds has gone on remarkably unaffected by events on the
second floor at Lime Street and down the road in Whitehall. In the four years
since I went to Lloyds the overall capacity of the market increased
2.3 times from £4.3 billion in 1983 to £10 billion in
1987. In the same period the membership increased by 50 per cent from 21,000 to
nearly 32,000. Despite its well-publicized difficulties there was no shortage of
business coming to the market and of Names willing to join Lloyds.XX.1 These facts should encourage
reformers not to be deterred by warnings to leave Lloyds alone lest
changes spoil the business and the valuable flow of international earnings.
Clearly there are measures which, if taken, could seriously damage the market
and drive business and Names away: there is no evidence that the ideas under
consideration and the proposals in the Neil Report would come within a mile of
doing that.
However, there are real threats
external and internal to the future of Lloyds
and its ability to continue to compete effectively in world insurance markets.
Externally the biggest and most
important market is the USA. Here legislative proposals from time to time
threaten new regulatory restrictions on Lloyds. They are met just as
regularly as they are proposed: by the lobbying skills of Le Boeuf Lamb Leiby
& MacRae Lloyds US counsel and by the undoubted
muscle Lloyds has in congressional corridors, thanks to the size and
importance of its dollar business, and by the flexible response of
Lloyds brokers and underwriters to changing markets, a flexibility
due in part to Lloyds unique organizational structure with its [*196] emphasis on highly decentralized
The threat to Lloyds
financial strength of a steadily declining pound is more serious. The more the
pound falls against the dollar the more Lloyds capital base is
eroded. Premiums are taken in dollars and held in trust in dollars. Claims are
settled in dollars. But the reserve margin to cover any adventitious deficit is
provided in sterling. Would it not be more sensible to denominate syndicate
capacity in the currency in which the syndicate trades, that is in dollars?
A Name who wishes a join a syndicate
writing dollar business, or mixed dollar/sterling business, should be required
to provide part of his deposit in dollars and show that the dollar value of
part of his means was consistently maintained. If the pound falls against the
dollar the underwriter would not then have, as he has today, a capacity problem
but his Names would have to cover the shortfall: by showing more assets in
sterling terms or, more probably, by hedging the exchange risk.XX.2 This is nothing more than the Names
insuring themselves against the risk of currency fluctuations and such
insurance would be a tax-deductible expense covered by part of the resulting
underwriting profit. An alternative stratagem to make
Lloyds a dollar business, in view of the fact that 70 per cent of its
trade is in dollars would be more dramatic than the situation
requires. But there is nothing very radical in what is proposed. At present
Lloyds accounts for premiums and claims in three currencies
sterling, US dollars and Canadian dollars; the suggestion is that
the calculation be extended to the security base as well.
The second threat to the non-marine
business in the United States today is that posed by the capricious and often
extravagant settlements in US tort cases. Here Lloyds underwriters
are a small voice among many sufferers. The issue is a political one and calls
for a political solution. It seems likely that an answer will be found,
probably first on the medical front: the disappearance of medical services from
certain regions of the United States where medical malpractice claims have been
particularly heavy results in angry letters to Congress. Meanwhile
Lloyds underwriters are protecting themselves and their Names by more
restrictive policy wordings, despite the complaints of the assureds and their
The third external factor is the
continual difficulty in applying the Treaty of Rome to insurance services in
Europe. Lloyds, by its low rates and extensive covers, demonstrates
the advantages of competition in the field of insurance. Assureds in those
countries which continue to treat insurance like a public utility suffer from
the disadvantages of monopoly supply. Freeing the European market would not
only remove these to the customers advantage it would also help
European insurance companies [*197] to provide an international service for a worldwide market.XX.3
Factors outside Lloyds are
largely outside Lloyds control but internal factors, which are in
principle capable of being resolved internally, look in fact just as
intractable. During 1983 the new council established a committee to look into
the future the Policy Review Advisory Committee. In its short life
this committee, which was served by the planning department of the corporation,
devoted its efforts to obtaining the views of brokers, underwriters and
corporation staff about the future of Lloyds. The concerns from all
quarters were the same and fell under four headings: cash flow, claims
handling, documentation and training.XX.4
Failure to resolve the difficulties in these areas would make it increasingly
difficult for Lloyds to compete internationally in the twenty-first century.
The disadvantages of the club-like
traditions of Lloyds are most clearly seen in the arrangements for
handling the settlement of premiums and claims. The underwriters
attention is most clearly focused on the risk at the moment when he signs the
slip. His box will make a note of the risk but the collection of the premium by
the broker will be left until later. The broker has a direct financial interest
in delaying the payment of the premium to the underwriter because he enjoys the
interest on his customers money until he hands it over. The more
financially astute among the brokers customers will agree late
settlement terms with the broker to obtain a share of this interest benefit.
Originally the underwriters were the unwitting victims of these arrangements,
but in recent years a termsof-credit scheme has been introduced which tracks
the settlement record of each broker and calls to account anyone who delays
settlement unduly. At the same time it formally recognizes the lengthy credit
terms normally allowed. The underwriter has his opportunity to retaliate by
delaying the payment of claims and forcing the broker to use premium funds held
pending transfer to the underwriter to settle outstanding claims, a practice
which some might argue comes perilously close to breach of trust.
With high real interest rates and
low inflation the benefits to the brokers earnings in closely
controlling, not to say manipulating, the cash balances in their hands are
In this tug of war between broker
and underwriter the losers are too often Lloyds customers, the
assureds. They wonder why, when dealing with Lloyds, premiums are
often invoiced very slowly and cash settlements of agreed claims are so
frequently delayed. There can be no doubt that poor cash-handling practices are
damaging the reputation of Lloyds compared with the company market.
It is difficult for Lloyds to discipline this behaviour. Accounting
arrangements in the market need tightening up, particularly the introduction of
a system of slip registration and [*198] inception-date accounting, so that the broker cannot delay filing the
completed slip with the LPSO or the date for the due settlement of the premium.XX.5 The second internal difficulty is claims
service. Lloyds operates a unique procedure by which the broker is
responsible for lodging the claims on behalf of the assured. Thereafter he acts
also as the agent of the underwriter in obtaining information and settling the
claim. Two court cases in 1969 and 1970 drew attention to the conflicts of
interest inherent in these arrangements, and since then Lloyds has
discouraged brokers from acting too much as the agent of the underwriter.XX.6 But, for the most part, the
underwriter has no other field force available to deal directly with the
In an attempt to improve claims
service Lloyds bought Toplis and Harding Inc. (THI) in 1984. This is
an American firm of loss adjusters whose primary role is to advise underwriters
on the settlement of claims. THI deals directly with underwriters, both marine
and non-marine, and is able to provide a service free of the conflict of
interest that the broker has. To the extent that delays in claim settlement are
attributable to delays by brokers, THI gives the underwriters a means to cure
the problem.
Further delays in claims handling
originate from the fact that the underwriter who signs the slip is the person
with the authority to settle any claim arising on the consequent policy. Most
boxes have a claims clerk who handles claims presented by the broker; some of
the larger syndicates have a separate claims box. But the need in principle to
get the approval of every underwriter on the slip makes for substantial delays.
All the markets have sought ways to solve this problem. The marine market uses
Lloyds Underwriters Claims and Recoveries Office (LUCRO), a part of
the corporation. LUCRO receives claims from brokers, sees that underwriters are
notified, and then settles claims either on its own authority or with the
consent of the leading underwriter on the slip. The more idiosyncratic
non-marine market operates LUNCO, Lloyds Underwriters Non-Marine
Claims Office, under the aegis of the Non-Marine Association. This organization
has less delegated settlement powers but serves to provide a similar
information role. A third agency operates in the aviation market. These
organizations have clearly improved the speed of settling claims.
The final weakness in claims service
lies, again, in the handling of cash. The underwriters cheques pass
through the hands of the brokers who may delay paying the funds to the
claimants. In any case, under current practice, the final payment is out of the
hands of the underwriters. Direct payment schemes are in operation in some
parts of the market: these give [*199] the underwriter more control over the service Lloyds gives to
the assureds.
The critical legal position of an
insurance policy is defined in the law: A contract of marine insurance
is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in
accordance with this Act. The policy may be executed and issued either at the
time when the contract is concluded, or afterwards.XX.7 Similar provisions apply to other
classes of insurance. Essentially the policy is needed as evidence of the
contract when a claim is made. It is clear that the policy can be issued after
the insurance starts and that is commonly the case. The London market is unique
in the insurance world in making the broker responsible for preparing and
issuing, but not signing, the policy. In respect of risks written at
Lloyds the last task is that of the LPSO on behalf of the
underwriters who are bound by the policy. The procedure is this: the broker
describes the risk on a slip a standard form; having completed the
slip with the initials of a sufficient number of underwriters the broker
advises the client with a cover note and, usually at the same time, issues the
invoice; the broker then files the completed slip with the LPSO together with a
draft policy. This is checked by the LPSO to see that the policy agrees with
the slip that the underwriters intentions when signing the
slip have been faithfully reproduced in the policy. The LPSO then signs the
policy and returns it to the broker to be forwarded to the client. In the
course of this checking process the LPSO collects the data needed to effect the
accounting settlement between the broker and the underwriters.
This is a cumbersome process and
fraught with delay. In many cases policies are not finally prepared until after
the insurance has expired. Attempts have been made to streamline the
preparation of policies. For example, Lloyds policies no longer list
on the reverse the names of all the members of the syndicates backing the
policy. Nevertheless, one of the disadvantages of Lloyds from the
assureds point of view is the long delay before the necessary
insurance documents are produced.
The long-term solution to these
problems cash flow, claims processing and documentation
lies in data processing. Lloyds was among the earliest users of
computers in the UK. The LPSO installed one of the new IBM machines in 1960 and
since then the corporation has been a major user of computers. In 1983 there
were almost four hundred people working in the data-processing department
in Chatham and London both in production and in systems
development work. But the present system of central accounting is out of date.
It produces its daily output of advices to underwriting boxes about the risks
that have been booked to them in the form of punched cards: 90,000 a day, or 45
boxes of cards. [*200] Punched cards are now an obsolete data-processing medium
and the fact that Lloyds must now be the worlds largest
user of them is not a source of pride. This fact alone illustrates the efforts
that must be made to bring the corporation, and the Lloyds market, up
to date.
An early step in this process was a
paper to the Council of Lloyds in November 1983 which proposed that
Lloyds should be transformed into an electronic market by 1988. There
were to be three stages in the transition. In the first stage data would be
entered into a common network by brokers who would continue to present a
printed slip to underwriters at the box. A second phase would involve the
underwriters entering their lines electronically, having seen the slip on a
screen at the box. A third parallel phase would cover the computerization of
claims handling.
Further study showed that the plans
laid in November 1983 were overambitious. The problem was that there were four
separate classes of computer system in the vast Lloyds market. Each
of the major brokers had its own data-processing network; some of the larger
agents had computers for risk analysis and some accounting functions, but many
of the smaller ones relied on data-processing bureaux for their accounting
figures; the LPSO had its own central processing system to handle the central
accounting settlement, and the claims offices had their own arrangements. The
aim was to bring these four into some kind of common network in which the role
of the corporation would be similar to that of British Telecom to provide
a network of channels through which brokers and underwriters could transmit
But this would need a common
language and common data-processing standards. Here the disparate nature of
Lloyds showed itself. It is a market place, not a company. Each agent
and broker is running his own business and is very jealous of his independence.
The council is prepared to legislate on regulatory matters because it has legal
powers over these, but it is not prepared to do so in commercial fields, and it
did not feel it appropriate to impose on the market over such a commercial
matter as data processing. The business of negotiating a common approach
between brokers on the one hand and the market associations of underwriters on
the other is long and difficult. Yet if Lloyds does not do this its
success in world markets, when all its major competitors are highly automated
and are able to make the fullest use of computers, will be very doubtful.
But even if the data-processing
solutions are found and the electronic market becomes a reality rather than a
dream, Lloyds will not succeed without the right people to operate
the market. Business, especially the City, now hires graduates in large
numbers, but Lloyds has been slow to take advantage of this trend.
The brokers now operate graduate entry [*201] schemes, as they must because they compete in
worldwide Insurance markets and their customers are large corporations who are
also stal by graduates. But the underwriters have no such arrangements. The
problem is that most agencies employ no more than twenty people and there are
not enough places on the boxes each year for the typical agent to have a
graduate entry scheme. So recruits come in dribs and drabs, at a much lower
salary and with lower ambitions, from secondary schools, or some, already
trained, from brokers. Training is, except for the larger brokers, exiguous to
a degree. The traditional method of sitting next to Nellie
ensures a lot of experience but does not ensure its relevance. There is little
training in theory, or in the legal background to the market. One very senior
underwriter told me that in common with most underwriters at Lloyds
he never had any form of business training in the fields of company law, agency
law and taxation. His training was limited solely to underwriting. The very
narrowness and inadequacy of these training arrangements were in part a cause
of the widespread misunderstandings that led to the scandals, as Neill points
At the end of 1985 Lloyds
introduced a bye-law requiring each new entrant to the Room to take a simple
examination Lloyds Introductory Test soon after
he or she starts at Lloyds.XX.8
It is the first time that Lloyds has required any technical
qualification. Such qualifications exist in the insurance world: the Chartered
Insurance Institute is the examining body and its examinations are required in
the company market and to a lesser extent in the broking field. But not at
Underwriting is not a profession
like law, medicine or accountancy and the practitioner is
not dealing with the public: the protection of a statutory body is not needed
to ensure that practitioners are qualified, because their customers
the public have no easy means of doing so. A bad underwriter will
not last long at Lloyds, his errors will soon become known, although
the lesson may cost his Names money. There is no compelling need to require
underwriters to be professionally qualified, yet this lack has meant that the
calibre of entrants to the market has not been as high as it should have been.
Neil rightly points to these
defects, commenting on the absence of any adequate system of examinations. He
refers to Lloyds introductory test but does not consider that this
goes far enough. Experience is no doubt an excellent school for a market
trader: but Lloyds underwriters and agents must now be far more than
this, as Neili says: We for our part are in favour of mandatory examinations.
We find the arguments against them unconvincing. Active underwriters at
Lloyds assume considerable responsibilities in conducting insurance
business on behalf of Names. [*202] Furthermore, Lloyds have taken great trouble to introduce a
substantial volume of legislation covering many aspects of the market. It is
imperative that those who work in the market should be thoroughly familiar with
this body of law, and, as we have said elsewhere, a knowledge of the law of
agency is essential to the proper conduct of the business.XX.9 The weight of this argument is borne
out by the finding of the PCW investigators that many members of the
Lloyds community in senior positions were not even vaguely aware of
their legal obligations as agents.
These difficulties are reflected, on
a much smaller scale, in the corporations staff. Most of the jobs in
the corporation are clerical and are easily and well filled. But the more
taxing posts in the regulatory, systems, market support, finance and
administrative areas are filled in a variety of ways, too many of them
informal. Lloyds should urgently introduce a programme to recruit
graduates to the corporation staff and provide them with proper training,
accepting that a proportion will leave the corporation to work in the market
after three to four years. The balance who remain would provide enough to
service the managerial ranks of the corporation. But such policies can not be
achieved in a threeor four-year time span: they are more likely to take
twenty-five years.
Progress on these four fronts is
essential if Lloyds is to continue to be an effective commercial
force in world insurance markets. Better control of cash flow, tighter claim
settlement procedures, and more streamlined documentation can all be achieved
with the help of more sophisticated computer systems. This will require a
cultural change in the Room, one that is more likely if the calibre of entrants
is raised and their training improved. Signs of this are clearly visible in the
greater openness and acceptance of change exhibited by the younger generation
of brokers and underwriters.
If these changes do come about there
is no reason why Lloyds should not continue to make an excellent
contribution to the British balance of payments and to the fortunes of its
Names. The recent commercial results show that, far from damaging
Lloyds, the greater openness associated with the reforms of the last
four years has brought greater public understanding, and very much greater
understanding by Names, of the market in which they participate. But the
continued commercial success of Lloyds can only be assured in a
well-regulated market in which investors can have confidence that they will get
a fair deal. Sir Patrick Neill points the way towards a better and more robust
regime at Lloyds. Couched in dense and dispassionate prose, his
report is a mine of constructive and effective proposals for improving the
relative position of Names at Lloyds vis-à-vis agents. The
more I read it the more I find in it: there is no [*203] recommendation that is not well considered and
capable of urgent implementation.
I must however still ask: is the day
of agent domination in the Council of Lloyds really coming to a
close; do the Neill proposals for constitutional change really go far enough to
shift the balance of initiative permanently away from the working members; is
Neills solution adequate to right the balance? I doubt it. The policy
initiative at Lloyds still rests as it has for seventy years with the
Chairman of Lloyds and his deputies. It is O Group that is
responsible for laying down the policy line to be proposed to the council; and
the elected chairs dominate O Group. O Group, which controls the council
agenda, must bear responsibility for the specific defects in the regulatory
reform programme identified by Neill. But it is important to see those defects
in the context in which Neill places them. He does not condemn the Council of Lloyds
for getting three policy questions wrong: instead he judges correctly that the
erroneous conclusions reached by Lloyds in relation to the disclosure
of agents charges, parallel syndicates and the standard form of
underwriting agency agreement are symptomatic of an imbalance in the power
structure of the corporation by which the interests of working members and
agents have too much play.
If such errors are to be avoided in
the future it is essential that the office of Chairman of the Council be
separated from that of Chairman of the Committee: a division for which the
Lloyds Act makes provision. The Chairman of the Council should be a
nominated member: Sir Patrick is quoted as saying that he expects this to come
about in five to ten years. Indeed it will be a rum sort of council in which
the chairman and the elected deputy chairman can only be selected from a
minority of the councillors. It is no more logical to argue that the Chairman
of the Council of Lloyds must be a working member than to argue that
a working stockbroker must chair the Securities and Investments Board or a
miner the National Coal Board. The voice of the market should be provided by
the Chairman of the Committee, the voice of the Chairman of the Council should
be the voice of the regulatory body. After all Sir Patrick proposes the Council
of Lloyds as a Lloyds surrogate for the SIB.
But such a change cannot happen
without legislation because the Lloyds Act 1982 reserves the
Chairmanship and Deputy Chairmanships of the Council to working members. An
amendment to the Lloyds Act would be essential, but simple. The
Government should not shirk this vital element in its battery of City
regulatory reforms. Until this is done the initiative at Lloyds will
still rest with the working members. What confidence can we have that they will
turn to and actively assist in dismantling their own power base along the lines
proposed by Neill? Certainly judging [*204] from my own experience progress on critical issues will be as slow as
external pressures the press, Whitehall and the bank
I resigned from my position at
Lloyds because the power structure of the corporation was not
adequate to maintain and continue the reforms that would be needed before the
Names could get a fair deal. As a direct result of my resignation Sir
Patricks Inquiry was appointed. His report confirms the validity of
the reservations which prompted my resignation and charts the way for further
reforms that would not have been accepted under the regime within which I
1 Reports to the Chairman and to the
Council of which he is a member.
2 Attends meetings of the Committee.
3 Forms part of a team with the Chairman
and the other two Deputies who together preside over the affairs of the
4 As Deputy Chairman he will be
particularly concerned with supporting the Chairman in connection with the
external relations of the Society. As the senior member of the Society the
Chairman must continue to discharge his ambassadorial role and to lead
negotiations at the highest level. The Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive will
assist with negotiations with regulatory and tax authorities both here and
overseas at official level. He will also be particularly concerned with
relations between the Society and the Press.
5 As Chief Executive he will be
responsible to the Council for:
a) Overseeing the establishment of the new
self-regulatory regime at Lloyds. He will recommend proposed byelaws
to the Council; he will see to the setting up and monitor the progress of
necessary task forces; he will consult with the market and outside regulatory
authorities on proposed rules; he will see to the setting up of the necessary
machinery to implement new byelaws; he will be responsible to the Council for
the quality of the new self-regulatory arrangements, both as to the rules and
as to their application; and he will exercise general supervision over the
disciplinary arrangements.
b) The management of and
accountability for the resources of the Society.
c) The direction and, with the exception of the
Secretary General, the appointment of the senior staff (after consultation with
the Chairman of any policy board where appropriate and subject to the approval
of the Council).
d) Overseeing the implementation of
policy decisions of the Council and the Committee.
e) Maintaining proper channels of
communication and responsibility within the Society. [*206]
f) Co-ordinating the work of the
Societys various sub-committees, advisory boards and other
investigatory and advisory bodies.
g) Laying the foundations for the
future management of the Society and the development of the Corporation of
6 The Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive
will not make directions to the Market. However, he will be expected to become
known to underwriters and brokers in the market place so that he may be able to
earn their confidence and exert influence on behalf of the Council.
7 The appointment is seen as a temporary
one with a term of three to five years.
Whether there is to
be a successor and what his duties might be remains to be considered.
Appendix II
11 November
As Chief
Executive of Lloyds. I report to the Council of Lloyds and
I am, therefore, addressing this, my notice of resignation, to you.
When I came to Lloyds in February
1983, it was with these Terms of Reference which I required as a condition of
accepting the appointment and which were confirmed by the Council at the time:
As Deputy Chairman to be concerned with
external relations, notably with regulatory and tax authorities and the Press.
As Chief Executive to be responsible to the
Council for:
overseeing the establishment of the
new self-regulatory regime envisaged by
the Lloyds Act 1982
exercising general supervision over
disciplinary arrangements
managing the resources of the Society
appointing and directing staff
overseeing the implementation of
policy decisions
maintaining proper channels of
communication and responsibility
laying the foundations for the
future management of the Society
With the approval of the Chairman
and the Council, I set myself three principal objectives: to bring to book
those in the Lloyds community who had misbehaved themselves; to
establish a new regulatory framework for Lloyds, based upon higher
standards of disclosure, accounting and auditing; and to improve the staffing,
organisation and management of the Corporation. I undertook this assignment for
a term of three to five years. I saw, and see, myself principally as an agent
of change and had no intention of continuing permanently in post.
Thanks to the readiness of the
Council to embrace the major changes called for and the energy of the Chairman
in pressing them forward, those principal objectives are now largely achieved.
We expect, today, to complete the last of the [*208] major disciplinary cases; the new rule book
called for by Sir Henry Fisher is mostly in place; and the re-staffing of the
Corporation is evident by the substantial influx of new people and the major
reorganisation that has occurred since I joined Lloyds.
My conclusion that now is the time
to resign is prompted by the Councils recent initiation of an
internal Inquiry into the structure of Lloyds, which has started
discussions about changing the Terms of Reference and status of the post of
Chief Executive. The preparation of the Corporations evidence for
this inquiry has revealed divergent opinions about the continuing need for the
Chief Executive to be independent and responsible directly to the Council.
My own views on the paramount
necessity of an independent Chief Executive, with appropriate terms of
reference, responsible directly to the Council, have not changed and,
therefore, I would find it impossible to continue in office were those terms to
be significantly altered. At the same time, the argument is a perfectly proper
one for a self-regulatory body and, by resigning at this time, I remove an
obstacle to the Councils freedom of discussion and to my freedom to
argue for the retention of the position of the Chief Executive with independent
powers without any suggestion of self-interest.
My contract requires me to give six
months notice of resignation. This I now do and propose to leave the
Corporations employment on ii May 1986. In view of the circumstances
of my appointment, I am sending copies of this letter to the Secretary of State
for Trade and industry and the Governor of the Bank of England. In order to
obviate any speculation about the reasons for my decision, I am also sending a
copy to the Press.
Ian Hay
BRUCE-GARDYNE, Jock, Ministers
and Mandarins
Inside the Whitehall Village (Sidgwick & Jackson 1986).
CLARKE, William M., Inside
the City. A guide to London as a Financial Centre (George Allen & Unwin. Revised paperback
COCKERELL, Hugh, Lloyds
of London A Portrait (Woodhead-Faulkner Limited 1984).
GIBB. D. E. W., Lloyds
of London A Study in individualism (The Corporation of Lloyds 1957 reprinted 1978).
NODGSON, Godfrey, Lloyds
of London A Reputation at Risk (Penguin Books Revised Paperback Edition
MACYE, Richard, A
Survey of Lloyds Syndicate Accounts Financial Reporting at
Lloyds in 1985 (Prentice-Hall International in association with the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 1986).
MANSER, W. A. P., The
Institutional Insurance Market A View from London. Special Report No. 193
The Economist Intelligence Unit (The Economist Publications Ltd. 1985).
PLENDER, John, and
WALLACE, Paul, The Square Mile. A Guide to the New City of London (LWT/Century Hutchinson: reprinted
WIDLAKE, Brian, In
the City (Faber
& Faber 1986).
BERRILL, Sir Kenneth,
Lloyds Corporation Structure. Report of the Berriil Working Party (Corporation of
Lloyds March 1986).
BOYD, S. C., and
DUBUISSON, P. W. G., Department of Trade and Industry Minet Holdings
plc, WMD Underwriting Agencies Limited Investigation under Section
165 (•) (B) of the Companies Act 1948 (HMSO 1986).
COLMAN, Anthony, and
HAlLEY, Stephen, Report of Lloyds Committee of Enquiry
Syndicates Underwritten by T. R. Brooks and other Fidentia Marine
Insurance Co Ltd.. Final Report Part 1 The Fidentia Report
(Circulated to members of the syndicates by the Corporation of Lloyds
August 1983). [*210]
CROMER, Rt Hon The
Earl of, Report of Working Party to Study the Future of Lloyds 1969
(Corporation of Lloyds, published October 1986).
DAVIS, A. j., Inquiry
into the Management of Syndicates by Richard Beckett Underwriting Agencies Ltd.
Report of the Davis Committee (Corporation of Lloyds July 1986).
FISHER, Sir Henry,
Self-Regulation at Lloyds Report of the Fisher Working
Party (Corporation of Lloyds, May 1980).
COWER. L. C. B.,
Review of Investor Protection Report Part i (HMSO January 1984 Cmnd 9125).
GOWER, L. C. B.,
Review of Investor Protection Report Part 2 (HMSO 1985).
NEILL, Sir Patrick,
Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds Report of the Committee
of Inquiry. Chairman Sir Patrick Neill QC (HMSO 1987 Cm 59).
Reform at Lloyds 1983-1984 reprinted
in The Future of Lloyds Papers from a Technical
Briefing Conference
14 February 1985 (Risk Research Group 1985).
The Auditors Role at Lloyds. Paper
delivered to the Conference of the National Association of Accountants, Paris,
19 April 1985.
Lloyds The Case for Self-Regulation.
Paper delivered to the London Meeting of the American Bar Association 16 July
Statutory Divestment at Lloyds of London and the Financial
Services Revolution. Paper delivered to the Manchester Business
School Conference on New Strategies in Financial Services ii June 1986.
September 1982
Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Working
Partys Consultative Paper on Ownership and Control of Underwriting
Agencies Higgins Working Party.
March 1983
Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Part I
Working Partys Report on Ownership and Control of Underwriting
Agencies Higgins Working Party.
July 1983 Membership
of the Society Consultative Document Draft Bye-Laws.
August 1983
Disclosure of Interests by Underwriting Agents Draft Bye-Law and
Detailed Proposals Plaistowe Working Party.
September 1983
Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Part II
Working Partys Report on Preferred Underwriting and Parallel
Syndicates, Character and Suitability Higgins Working Party.
November 1983
Lloyds Accounting Manual Accounting to Underwriting
Members of Lloyds Randall Task Group.
May 1984 Umbrella
Arrangements Batchelor Working Party.
July 1984
Lloyds Syndicate Audit Arrangements Accounting and Auditing
Standards Committee chaired by Brandon Cough.
July 1984
Underwriting Agency Agreement Barber Task Group. [*211]
October 1984
Membership Requirements at Lloyds The Report of the Long
Term Review Working Party Bird Working Party.
March 1985 Exposure
Draft Rules for Binding Authorities and Approval of Correspondents Parry Working Party.
August 1985 Related
Party Interests and Transactions Bye-law Exposure Draft.
November 1985
Extended Warranties and Consumer Guarantees Clucas Working Party.
Lloyds Bye-laws issued
under Lloyds Acts 1871-1951 published by the Corporation of
Lloyds 1973. |
2 |
Suspension |
3 |
and Investigations |
4 |
and Confidentiality |
5 |
Penalties and Sanctions |
6 |
Committees |
7 |
Tribunal |
8 |
Stage of Disciplinary Proceedings |
17 |
Chairman and Chief Executive of the Society |
2 |
Annual Reports of Syndicates |
3 |
of Interests |
4 |
Agents |
6 |
Premium Income |
7 |
Syndicate Accounting Bye-law Explanatory Notes
Reinsurance to clsoe December 1985 |
9 |
Membership |
10 |
Audit Requirements |
1 |
Agreements |
4 |
Authorities |
7 |
Syndicates |
8 |
Introductory Test |
2 |
Parties |
5 |
Review Powers Bye-law |
Number: |
8401/4 |
& Dooley The Fidentia Case |
1984 |
8502/3 |
Brooks, Parry & Raven The Fidentia Case |
1986 |
8402/6 |
The Sasse Syndicate |
July 1985 |
8403/4 |
& Posgate The Wigham Poland Policy |
1984 |
8404/4 |
Comery, Posgate & Benbassat Southern International
Reinsurance and Banque du Rhone |
1984 Apeal
May/June 1985 |
8404/4 |
&145;SIR and B d R |
June 1985 |
8501/9 |
The Hart Syndicates |
1986 Appeal
July 1986 |
8401/5 |
Oldworth, Davies, Hill, Sampson, Dixon The PCW
Case |
1985 Apeal by
Mr Sampson October 1985 |
8401/W |
The PCW Case |
1985 Appeal
June 1986 |
Marine Insurance Act 1906
Insurance Brokers (Registration) Act
Insurance Brokers Registration
Council (Code of Conduct) Approval order 1978
Lloyds Act 1982
Incorporating those sections of the Lloyds Acts 1871-1951 currently
in force
Insurance Companies Act 1982
Financial Services Act 1986
Lloyds Annual Report and
Accounts 1981-1985
Lloyds of London Global Report
and Accounts 1982-1985
A.L.M. 1982
Lloyds Syndicate Results (Association of Lloyds Members
September 1985)
Self-Regulatory Policy at
Lloyds from Lloyds Log July
1983 (Corporation of Lloyds 1983)
WILLIS C. J. P. and others
Lloyds Market 1984 (Risk Research Group Ltd, November
The Future of Lloyds
Papers from a Technical Briefing Conference (Risk Research Group
Ltd, March 1985)
New York Insurance Exchange Annual Report
1985 Underwriters Corporation Staff and Brokers View of
Lloyds, July 1985 1(REW, John, and STURGE, Charles 1982
Lloyds League Tables (Chatset Ltd 1985)
Lloyds of London
Membership: The Issues published by the Council of Lloyds
December 1986 [*212]
I.1 The Committee of Lloyds was formed in 1771 and took over the regulation of the society from the Master, or proprietor, of the coffee house, of which Edward Lloyd was the first.
I.2 Eighty-two per cent of the 1987 members do not work at Lloyds.
I.3 NeilI, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds Report of the Committee of Inquiry.
I.4 Allegations were current at the end of 1986 that there had been improprieties in supporting the share price of Guinness during its bid for Distillers earlier in the year.
I.5 See Appendix II.
I.6 The precise terms of reference were: To consider whether the regulatory arrangements which are being established at Lloyds under the 1982 Lloyds Act provide protection for the interests of members of Lloyds comparable to that proposed for investors under the Financial Services Bill. Neill, op. cit., Appendix I.
I.7 Ibid., para. 3.22, p.13.
I.8 Ibid., para. 1.6, p.1.
I.9 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, 1980.
II.1 Lloyds Act 1871 Schedule Rule 3.
II.2 By one of those illogical extensions which are so common at Lloyds, the insurance of goods in transit by land is included. This is small beer to Lloyds and peanuts in relation to North American trucking business, most of which stays firmly in the USA where, no less logically, it is known as dry marine or inland marine business.
II.3 Not all will be directly insured at Lloyds, many such risks will be reinsured there.
II.4 For 1983 the
premium income figures were: [*214]
Marine |
40% |
Nonmarine |
42% |
Aviation |
7% |
Motor |
11% |
II.5 Also loss of profits, specie, householders, builders and contractors, accident and illness, employers liability, bankers blanket bonds, abandonment of functions, contingency risks, travel and holiday all risks, and professional indemnity
II.6 Gibb, Lloyds of London, a Study in Individualism, pp. 61-5.
II.7 Total world non-marine insurance premiums in 1983 were approximately $290 billion; Lloyds non-marine insurance premiums in 1983 were approximately $2.6 billion.
II.8 The current revolution in City of London investment markets may be changing this. But although Londons share of world investment business may grow, much of this growth will be engendered by American and Japanese investment houses increasing their London operations.
II.9 This varies by class: ships, goods in transit and property damage are 8090 per cent export while only 8 per cent of motor business is export. Also loss of profits, specie, householders, builders and contractors, accident and illness, employers liability, bankers blanket bonds, abandonment of functions, contingency risks, travel and holiday all risks, and professional indemnity.
II.10 December 1985.
1985 |
Ten Years to 1985 |
£bn |
£bn |
Lloyds underwriting and investment earnings |
1.2 |
5.3 |
Lloyds brokers earnings |
0.7 |
3.5 |
1.9 |
8.8 |
Banking |
2.1 |
8.2 |
Note that most of the Lloyds brokers earnaings relate to non-Lloyds business.
II.12 In 1985 the US Federal Government Deficit amounted to $198 billion; Lloyds holdings of US Government paper were $5 billion.
II.13 Covers the perils that are covered by an insurance policy.
II.14 Manser, The Institutional Insurance Market, A View from London, p. 29.
II.15 Lloyds Global Report' 1985. p.4.
II.16 Recently American legislators have made the captive insurance company rules even more stringent by requiring no shareholder to hold more than 10 per cent of the shares. US captives seem set for a decline.
II.17 Hodgson, Lloyds of London A Reputation at Risk, p. 149.
II.18 New York Insurance Exchange Report 1985.
II.19 1983 £4.2 billion. I986 £8.5 billion.
III.1 Pepys records the practice: Called at the coffee house and there hear by great accident that a letter is come that our ship is safe come to Newcastle. With this news I went like an asse presently to Alderman Blackwell and told him of it . Now what an opportunity had I to have concealed this and seemed to have made an insurance and got £100 with the least trouble and danger in the whole woridi' Quoted in Plender & Wallace, The Square Mile, p. 165.
III.2 Plus a further 550 sub-agents.
III.3 Bowrings, Sedgwicks and Willis Faber.
III.4 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, p. 74; and see Chapter XII below.
III.5 Commission rates vary between 3 per cent (on a large reinsurance) and 30 per cent on small direct personal lines. Although Lloyds may allow a higher commission than a company underwriter, brokers frequently complain that the amount of work is no less on risks written by companies because in many cases the slip will be signed by underwriters from both markets.
III.6 Until quite recently Lloyds policies continued to bear, on the reverse, a list of the members of the syndicates committed to the policy. This has now ceased. Instead the policy indicates the numbers of the syndicates and reference must be made to the syndicate book at Lloyds in order to determine who precisely is liable for the risks under a policy.
III.7 The change in these proportions since the advent of divestment and reregistration, discussed in Chapter XII, is interesting:
1984 |
in July 1987 |
No. |
% |
No. |
% |
Managing Agents |
38 |
12 |
57 |
24 |
Members Agents |
110 |
36 |
83 |
34 |
Combined Managing/ Members Agents |
158 |
52 |
101 |
42 |
306 |
100 |
241 |
100 |
III.8 Sturge, A. C. L., Lloyds An Outside Members View, quoted in Technical Briefing Conference 1985, p. 122.
III.9 Ibid., p. 121.
III.10 In 1969 non-commonwealth male nationals were admitted, in 1970 British women domiciled in the UK, and in 1971 women of any nationality were allowed to join.
III.11 The requirements for 1987 are:
Minimum |
Means |
£ |
100,0000 |
Deposit |
£ |
50,000 |
Premium Income Limit |
£ |
250,000 |
Maximum |
Means |
£ |
520,000 |
Premium Income Limit |
£ |
260,000 |
Premium Income Limit |
£ |
1,300,000 |
Foreign Foreign residents must deposit a higher sum, Names working at Lloyds may qualify at a lower level of means and make a reduced deposit. Names [*216] may make a lower deposit, as little as £25,000 in the case of UK Names, but their premium income limits will be reduced pro rata.
III.12 Lloyds Policy Signing Office LPSO is the largest employer among the departments of the corporation. It receives the draft insurance policy, prepared by the broker, compares the policy with the slip to see that the conditions laid down by the underwriters have been reflected in the policy and, if all is in order, signs and seals the policy on behalf of the underwriters. Its function is therefore essentially one of providing a check on behalf of underwriters but it also has a regulatory role: irregularities that come to light in the LPSO are reported to the advisory department for investigation and, in extreme cases, disciplinary action can ensue.
III.13 Lloyds Act 1982, s.6.
IV.1 Cockerell, Lloyds of London A Portrait, p. 13.
IV.2 This was the Forwood case in which the committees improbably illegal conduct led to pressure for reform. See Gibb, Lloyds of London A Study in Individualism, p. 135.
IV.3 This has since changed at the instigation of the Neill Report. See Chapters I and XIX.
IV.4 It was upon this area that the Neill inquiry focused.
IV.5 Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Chapter X, Part I.
IV.6 Insurance Companies Act 1982, s. 83 (2).
IV.7 Lloyds of London, Membership: The Issues, 1986.
IV.8 Before making allowance for sums earmarked to cover the contingent deficits of members in suspense of £82 million. See Lloyds of London: 'Global Report and Accounts, 31 December 1985, p. 43.
IV.9 See Chapter XVIII.
IV.10 The Burnand scandal of 1903 when an underwriter and three of the four other Names on his syndicate were bankrupted. This led to a programme of reforms. Gibb, op. cit., p.183.
IV.11 In 1985, NeilI Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds para. 9.5 i, p. 61.
IV.12 See Chapter V.
IV.13 Neil explores the question of protection of Names interests at considerable length. See Chapter XVIII.
V.1 Cromer, Report of Working Party to Study the Future of Lloyds, 1969.
V.2 Ibid., para. 50, p. 14.
V.3 Ibid., para. 195, p.41.
V.4 Ibid., para. 231.p.47.
V.5 Ibid., para. 340, p.66.
V.6 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 1.12. p. 3.
V.7 Lloyds Act 1982, s. 3 (2)(c).
V.8 The Higgins Inquiry into the Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds found [*217] in September 1982 that 308 out of 431 syndicates would have to suffer a change of ownership as a result of the Act. That represents 71 per cent of the syndicates. The Fisher report, in para. 12.03, said the eight largest Broker-Controlled Agencies are controlled by the eight largest Lloyds Brokers who between them account for 58.8 per cent of the premium income of Lloyds.
V.9 Chapter III, p. 24.
V.10 Cromer, op. cit., paras. 252 and 253, p. 50, quoted in Fisher, op. cit., para. 12.10, p. 75.
V.11 Fisher, op. cit., para. 12.19, p. 77.
V.12 This passage is largely drawn from a paper given at the Revenue Law Conference at Cambridge by the author on 5 July 1986.
V.13 Report of Lloyds Disciplinary and Appellate Proceedings in the matter of C.L.R. Hart, p. 19.
V.14 This passage is largely drawn from a paper given at the National Association of Accountants Conference in Paris by the author on 19 April 1985.
V.15 Cromer, op. cit., para. 181, p. 37.
VI.1 See Chapter II.
VI.2 For a discussion of the Howden, Pew and Brookes & Dooley affairs see Hodgson, Lloyds of London A Reputation at Risk, and the reports of the Lloyds disciplinary committees into The Fidentia Case 8401/4 and The PCW Case 8401/5. The Howden affair is developed and analysed in The Wigham Poland Policy' 8403/4, southern International Reinsurance and the Banque du Rhone' 8404/4, and The Hart Syndicates 8501/9.
VI.3 Hodgson, op. cit., p. 79.
VI.4 Boyd and Dubuisson, Minet Holdings et al. Investigation under s. 165 of the Companies Act 1948', paras 5.16, 5.17 and 5.21, pp. 59-62.
VI.5 Ibid.,para. 7.33, p.80.
VI.6 Ibid., para. 7.35, p. 81.
VI.7 See Chapter V, p. 45.
VI.8 For a lengthy description of this task see Davis, Inquiry into the Management of Syndicates by Richard Beckett Underwriting Agencies Ltd.
VI.9 The Neil Report
attempts an estimate in paras 3.18-3.20 p. 13 as follows:
£m |
Brooks & Dooley |
£ 6.2 |
Howdens $10 million at 1.5 $/£ |
£20.0 |
£29.0 |
£55.2 |
VI.10 Report of Lloyds Disciplinary Proceedings The PCW Case 8401/5.
VI.11 Ibid., para. B9(6), p.21.
VI.12 Ibid., para. B II, p.24. [*218]
VI.13 The relative roles of the DTI and the Bank are interesting at this stage. The Governor of the Bank of England, Gordon Richardson, was a popular figure at the height of his powers. Clearly he saw the Lloyds difficulties as a City problem for the resolution of which he had better take responsibility if the Bank were to retain its traditional influence in City markets. The Treasury and Whitehall were known to be flexing their muscles about City regulation. The on, under Lord Cockfleld, acquiesced, and although he clearly signalled his approval by telephone to my appointment, I never had a faceto-face interview with him about Lloyds at that time. See Bruce-Gardyne, Ministers and Mandarins, Chapter 6.
VII.1 Cough until December 1986, Walker-Arnott until December 1987 and Ben-ill until December 1988. Sir Kenneth Ben-ill later became Chairman of the Securities and Investment Board.
VII.2 The Neill Report drew attention to this matter and proposed that the Council of Lloyds should keep the question of remuneration under review. Para. 12.36, p. 84.
VII.3 Since I left Lloyds at the end of February 1986 the corporation has moved across lime Street into the new building. The committee room is now on the eleventh floor and the executive offices on the twelfth. What used to be known as the second floor' has therefore become the the twelfth floor'. Following the recommendations of the Berrill Committee one of the weekly committee meetings has been replaced by the monthly council meeting.
VII.4 Neills proposal to remove the working members majority will have the effect, as he points out at para. £2.38 p. 84, that the special resolution procedure, designed to give a blocking veto to the nominated and external members, will instead give it to the working members. To that extent his proposal is defective and the Act should be amended to correct this.
VII.5 See Appendix I. The Bank of England played an influential part in drafting this document.
VIII.1 Much of this passage is drawn from a paper given at a Risk Research Group Conference on The Future of Lloyds by the author on £4 February 1984.
VIII.2 Financial Times, 10 December 1982.
VIII.3 Regrettably since the summer of 1985 the old carping tone has returned.
VIII.4 Section 20 of the Lloyds Act 1871 reads, in part: If any member of the Society 1. Violates any of the fundamental rules of the Society; or 2. Is guilty of any act or default discreditable to him as an underwriter or otherwise in connection with the business of insurance he shall be liable to be excluded from membership of the Society. To enforce this section Lloyds and the defendant had each to appoint an arbitrator who would jointly report as to the members guilt. If found guilty the member could then be expelled by an 8o per cent majority at a general meeting, provided that at least one hundred members voted.
VIII.5 Lloyds Act 1982, s. 7.
VIII.6 Bye-Law No. 2 of 1983 Administrative Suspension. Bye-Law No. 3 of £983 Inquiries and Investigations. Bye-Law No. 4 of 1983 Information and Confidentiality. Bye-Law No. 5 of 1983 Misconduct, Penalties and Sanctions. Bye-Law No. 6 of 1983 Disciplinary Committees. Bye-Law No. 7 of 1983 Appeal Tribunal. Bye-Law No. 8 of 1983 Council Stage of Disciplinary Proceedings.
VIII.7 Neill commends this course of action in his report and goes further to propose that a nominated member of council should always chair the Investigations Committee and that working members of that committee should be in a minority.
VIII.8 Bye-Law No. 2 of 1983 Administrative Suspension.
VIII.9 Called the Advisory Department because it advises underwriters of miscreants who are known to be about in the insurance world.
VIII.10 By 18 January 1987 eight investigations had been carried out by outsiders and seventeen by Lloyds staff, assisted in one case by two working members of the council.
VIII.11 Colman & Halley, The Fidentia Report, Part I.
VIII.12 Bye-Law No. 9 of 1984 Membership.
VIII.13 There are those who would argue that Lloyds disciplinary proceedings are a lawyers paradise. During 1984 I was a guest at the Annual Dinner of the Senate and the Inns of Court, and was made most welcome. Inquiring why I had been singled out for such excellent hospitality I was told: You do realize, dont you, that cases surrounding Lloyds provided 20 per cent of the fee income of the entire London bar last year?' I do not know whether or not this was true, but men of Lloyds are litigious, especially when livelihoods and large sums are at stake.
VIII.14 Report of Lloyds Disciplinary Proceedings. Appeal by Ian Richard Posgate 8404/4, para 7(a), p. 4.
VIII.15 This had not always been the case. Instances had occurred in the past when Lloyds settled matters, and expelled the miscreants, without calling in the police.
VIII.16 The contrast with the promptness with which the authorities have pursued those accused of insider dealing in securities at the end of 1986 is striking.
VIII.17 Neill confirms this at para. 11.45 p. 76: We sympathise with those who have expressed exasperation that alleged frauds remain untried in the criminal courts. The sooner the lengthy investigations have been concluded the better. It is certainly beyond doubt that no blame can be attached to Lloyds for the fact that public prosecutions have not been instituted.
VIII.18 See Chapter V, p.49 et seq. This passage, like the earlier one, is largely drawn from a paper given at the Revenue Law Conference at Cambridge by the author on 5 July 1986. [*220]
VIII.19 This view was confirmed by the NeilI Report which recommends at para. 9.25, p. 57 the introduction of rigorous professional examinations for underwriters so that those who work in the market are thoroughly familiar with the law of agency.
IX.1 Lloyds Bye-Laws under Lloyds Acts 1870 to 1951.
IX.2 Bye-laws were required to be passed by a general meeting. See Chapter IV, p.31.
IX.3 For example, members were required to sign a general undertaking on election, and conditions and requirements were imposed by means of undertakings before admission to the register of Lloyds brokers permitted to show a brokerage account in the Room.
IX.4 See Chapter V p. 50.
IX.5 An example is the War & Civil War Risk Exclusion Agreement' which excludes the insurance of property on land against war risks, and delegates the control of underwriting marine and aviation war risks to the relevant sub-agreements. The philosophy behind the agreement is that the accumulation of value on land could exceed an insurers capital base, so not only would insurers be destroyed, but the assured would not be indemnified. Ships and their cargoes are less of an accumulation risk, as they can move away from potential danger, in absolute terms the values involved are far less, and the insurances offered contain exclusions and cancellation clauses which would not be acceptable to owners of land-based property.
IX.6 The discussion that follows was published in Lloyds Log in July 1983 under the title self-Regulatory Policy at Lloyds.
IX.7 See Chapter VI p.61.
IX.8 self-Regulatory Policy at Lloyds.
IX.9 Fisher, op. cit., para. 1.20, p.6.
IX.10 This passage draws upon the arguments in a paper given to the American Bar Association in London by the author on 16 July 1985.
IX.11 On reflection I am forced to conclude that codes of conduct are most appropriate for identifying existing best practice in order to encourage a minority of backsliders to mend their ways: they are not so suitable where existing practices are inadequate and in need of reform. Neill confirms this view at para. 8.49 and adds the further powerful argument: Whether or not failure to comply with the provision of a code would give grounds enabling a Name to mount an action for breach of contract, it is beyond doubt that a clear and specific bye-law dealing with the same matter would enhance his prospects of success.
IX.12 For an explanation of baby syndicates see Chapter VI, p. 62.
IX.13 Such green papers had to conform to certain basic desiderata: the reason for the report had to be clearly stated; the document should be self-sufficient, containing within itself all that the reader would need in order to consider the policy discussed; the issues were to be explained as far as possible in [*221] laymans language, remembering that underwriters and brokers are not lawyers; the arguments for and against the proposed course of action should be rehearsed and the conclusion clearly stated; and finally, readers should be directed to the issues on which comments were specifically required. Consultative documents were issued with a deadline for response after which action would be taken.
IX.14 It is noteworthy that legislation about baby syndicates, related party reinsurance, disclosure of agents charges to their Names and the production of information for new Names all got a fresh impetus as a result of Press pressures following the disclosure of the large PCW losses in Summer 1985 and the subsequent appointment of the Neill Inquiry.
X.1 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, Recommendation No. 71, p.9 and para. 23.22, p. 139.
X.2 The Companies Act refers to the Companies Act 1985, a consolidating statute which incorporates all Companies Acts since the last consolidating statute of 1948.
X.3 See Chapter I, p. 5.
X.4 Plaistowe, Disclosure of Interests by Underwriting Agents Draft Bye-Law and Detailed Proposals, Plaistowe Working Party.
X.5 Randall, Lloyds Accounting Manual.
X.6 See Chapter VI, p.62.
X.7 Higgins, Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Part II.
X.8 Bye-Law No. 3 of 1984 Disclosure of Interests, s. 3.
X.9 The other three being the disciplinary rules, the rules for members and those for the registration of agents.
Despite fears
that the publication of syndicate accounts would attract hordes of curious
gossips the opening of the files passed quietly. The number of inquiries has
1984 |
51 |
1985 |
69 |
1986 |
45 |
X.11 MacVe, A Survey of Lloyds Syndicate Accounts.
X.12 Bye-Law No. 7 of 1984 Syndicate Accounting. Explanatory Notes Reinsurance to Close, 9 December 1985.
X.13 Neil supports this view at para. 5.9, p. 23.
X.14 Ernst & Whinney, the Corporation of Lloyds auditors, now give a report that the LPSO figures are correctly prepared. But they are not able to give an assurance that the premium income booked in the year relates to insurance covers which start in that year.
X.15 MacVe, op. cit., p. 11,; see also Neill, para. 5.13, p.24, who agrees.
X.16 IBNR Claims incurred but not reported.
X.17 NeilI supports this view, see para. 5.8. p.23.
X.18 It recommended that net premium income should be analysed by major [*222] business category, geographical area, and source reinsurance treaty, binding authority, etc. The review of the closing year would compare premium income with capacity, identify significant claims affecting the year and report on the performance of the reinsurance to close of the previous years. Similar details would be disclosed, as far as possible, about the open years.
X.19 MacVe, op. cit., p. 191, a view supported by Neill, p. 25.
X.20 Ibid., pp. 228-9.
XI.1 Chapter IV, p. 38.
XI.2 Lloyds Syndicate Audit Arrangements.
XI.3 Ibid., para. 3.6, p.3.
XI.4 Insurance Companies Act 1982, S. 83(4).
XI.5 See Chapter I, p. 5
XI.6 Although some argued that the 15 per cent rule should be interpreted so that no panel auditor could depend upon work in the Lloyds market for more than 15 per cent of his total fees, this was felt to be too restrictive and the test was applied only at the managing agency level: no auditor could earn more than 15 per cent of his total fee income from any one managing agents group of syndicates.
XI.7 Lloyds Syndicate Audit Arrangements, para. 7.4.1, p. 7.
XI.8 Ibid., para. 7.4.4., p. 8.
XI.9 Ibid., para. 8.5, p. 10.
XI.10 Ibid., para. 8.6.1, p. 10.
XI.11 Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, para. 5.22, p. 26.
XI.12 Some accountants are associates, a class of person outside the membership entitled to enter the Room and use Lloyds facilities.
XI.13 Bye-Law No. ro of 1984-Syndicate Audit Arrangements Schedule 2.
XI.14 Lloyds Syndicate Audit Arrangements, para. 5.3, p.4.
XI.15 Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, para. 10.21, p. 65.
XI.16 At 31 December 1986 the distribution
of syndicate audit assignments wag as follows:
% |
Ernst & Whinney |
24 |
Neville Russell |
22 |
Littlejohn Fraser |
18 |
Arthur Young |
15 |
79 |
Others (7 firms) |
21 |
100 |
XI.17 Neill, op. cit., para. 9.5 i, p. 6,; and Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 23.22, p. 141.
XII.1 Divestment, at Lloyds, means the legal separation of Lloyds brokers from managing agencies who have the management of the underwriting syndicates, so that the conflict between the duty of the broker to his customer, the insured, and the duty of the managing agent to the Names on the underwriting syndicates he manages is eliminated.
XII.2 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 12.19, p. 77.
XII.3 Daniels, Underwriting Agencies After Divestment, Papers from a Technical Briefing Conference published by the Risk Research Group Ltd, March 1985.
XII.4 Ibid., p. 18.
XII.5 Fisher, op. cit., paras 10.06-10.09, p. 60.
XII.6 Higgins, Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Part I.
XII.7 Ibid., para. 2.02, p. 13. This passage throws an interesting light on the attitude of the working party to self-regulation at Lloyds. The implication is that outsiders might not be trusted to abide by the rules. But Lloyds problem was that It was the insiders who had broken the rules, and some, admittedly guilty of milder transgressions, sat on the governing Council of Lloyds.
XII.8 The Stock Exchange frowns upon such a capital structure in the case of a quoted company.
XII.9 See Chapter III, p. 24.
XII.10 This was the very position in which Minet Holdings PLC were to find themselves vis-à-vis their agency subsidiary PCW.
XII.11 Higgins, op. cit., para. 3.17, p. 18. Stamp capacity refers to the total premium income the syndicate is permitted to accept: its capacity to accept premium income. Years ago, when syndicates consisted of only a handful of Names and there was no LPSO or central accounting, underwriters had rubber stamps made which showed their syndicates membership and the individual Names shares. This was stamped on policies when they were signed at the box.
XII.12 Bye-Law No. 4 of 1984 Underwriting Agents, s. 8, p. 11.
XII.13 Ibid., s.15(a), p. 17.
Higgins, Underwriting Agency
System at Lloyds Working Partys Consultative
Paper on Ownership and Control of Underwriting Agencies, September
1982. Appendix 2 Analysis of Agencies as at September 1982.
Total Number of Underwriting Agents
in the Market:
(i) |
Number of pure Managing Agents |
35 (11%) |
(ii) |
Numer of pure Members Agents |
105 (35%) |
(iii) |
Number of Managing/Members Agents |
163 (54%) |
Total Number
of Managing Agents Identified as having a Divestment Problem:
(i) |
Number of pure Managing Agents |
19 (17%) |
(ii) |
Number of Managing/Members Agents |
95 (83%) |
114 |
XII.15 Much of the commentary on the effects of divestment that follows is drawn from a paper on statutory Divestment at Lloyds of London and the Financial Services Revolution. Given at the Manchester Business School Conference on New Strategies in Financial Services by the author on I I June 1986.
XII.16 Neill comments on this and suggests a relaxation of the strict rule that outsiders may not exercise voting control over Lloyds agencies, para. 9.9, p.53.
XII.17 Bird, Membership Requirements at Lloyds. This proposal was vigorously endorsed by Neill, para. 5.36, p. 28.
XIII.1 The other three were: the audit and publication of syndicate accounts; the re-registration of agents; and the disciplinary rules.
XIII.2 Bird, Membership Requirements at Lloyds.
XIII.3 Membership of the Society consultative document.
XIII.4 In 1985 11,000 application forms for membership were issued and 4,330 completed forms returned; 3,178 applicants attended a Rota interview and 3,085 new members were finally elected.
XIII.5 Bye-Law No. 9 of &984 Membership.
XIII.6 See Chapter VIII, p. 84.
XIII.7 Several liability is required by Bye-Law No. 9 of &984 S. 18 (a) replacing Lloyds Act 1871 S. 40: Underwriting is confined to Lloyds by Bye-Law No. 9 of 1984 S. 17(b) replacing Lloyds Act 1871 Schedule Rule 3.
XIII.8 Cromer, Report of Working Party to Study the Future of Lloyds (1969).
XIII.9 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds.
XIII.10 Barber, Underwriting Agency Agreement.
XIII.11 Fisher, op. cit., para. 9.31, p. 8.
XIII.12 Barber, op. cit., para. 6, p. 3.
XIII.13 Ibid., para. 6, p. 3.
XIII.14 Cromer, op. cit., para 222 et seq., pp. 46-8.
XIII.15 Fisher, op. cit., para. 9.30, p. 58.
XIII.16 Lloyds gave an undertaking to the House of Commons Committee on the Lloyds Bill in July 1981 that the recommendation in paras 9.15 and 23.22 of the Fisher Report would be implemented within two years of the Bill receiving Royal Assent, i.e. July 1984. Paragraph 9.15 of the Fisher Report called for a bye-law specifying the information to be disclosed to prospective [*225] Names including the maintenance by the corporation of a register of the terms and conditions of business offered by all agents and the disclosure by agents of their other business interests. Paragraph 23.22 called for rules about syndicate accounts. Paragraph 9.15 was not implemented in accordance with the Parliamentary undertaking. See Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, Appendix 8, p. 102.
XIII.17 Higgins, Underwriting Agency System at Lloyds Part I, para. 9.03, p. 26.
XIII.18 Barber, op. cit., para. 9, p.4.
XIII.19 MacVe, A Survey of Lloyds Syndicate Accounts, Chapter 9, p. 84.
XIII.20 The position was improved when, under the pressure of the Neill Inquiry, the council agreed to maintain a detailed register of all managing and members agents charges to be available publicly. See Lloyds Press Release, 9 December 1986.
XIII.21 Neill, op. cit., Chapter 6, p. 29.
XIII.22 Bird, op. cit. The working party included two external members, a number of agents, and two members of the corporation staff.
XIII.23 This has now been corrected and arrangements are in hand to bring all members into line by 1 January 1988.
XIII.24 Bird, op. cit., para. 2.11, p. 15. This is also to be implemented by 1 January 1988.
XIII.25 The political implications, for the management of the society, of the decision about maximum premium income are immense. Without such a limit the markets capacity could well be provided by far fewer wealthier members. But such a structure would reduce the power of the agents because their Names would be fewer in number and more influential. By deciding to retain a maximum premium income limit Lloyds has ensured that it will have a numerous membership as it grows. But this has produced a society in which the Names think of themselves as investors and not as members of a club. The pressures this change has brought about are the theme of this book.
XIV.1 Chapter V, p.46.
XIV.2 Lloyds Report of Disciplinary Proceedings against F. H. Sasse, Exhibit No. 1, p. 3, and Statement of Case, paras 2.3 and 2.7, pp. 2 and 5.
XIV.3 Such overwriting could not escape the eyes of a reasonably vigilant auditor. Delayed signings risk discovery in a market where there are many syndicates on one slip.
XIV.4 See Chapter X, p. 106.
XIV.5 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 21.19, p. 128.
XIV.6 Ibid., para. 21.26, p. 130.
XIV.7 Bye-Law No. 6 of 1984Syndicate Premium Income.
XIV.8 Ibid., para. 2(a), p. 5.
XIV.9 Fisher, op. cit., para. 22.02, p. 131.
XIV.10 Bye-Law No. 4 of 1985, Schedule I. [*226]
XIV.11 Quoted in Fisher, op. cit., para. 22.10, p. 133.
XIV.12 Bye-Law No. 4 of 1985.
XIV.13 Fisher, op. cit., para. 22.13, p. 133.
XIV.14 Code of Practice on operation of Binding Authorities. Issued on 5 August 1985 by the Council of Lloyds with Bye-Law No. 4 of 1985.
XIV.15 See Chapter IX, p. 91.
XIV.16 The result of the unfortunate experience of the market when it insured the Liberal Partys deposits in 1950.
XIV.17 Hodgson, Lloyds of London A Reputation at Risk, p.255.
XIV.18 Fisher, op. cit., para. 27-03, p. 150.
XIV.19 Report of Lloyds Disciplinary and Appellate proceedings in the Case of C. L. R. Hart. Decision of the Disciplinary Committee, para. 51, p. 32.
XIV.20 Higgins, Part I, op. cit., para. 9.12, p. 27.
XIV.21 Colman and Hailey, The Fidentia Report Part I', para. 18.22.
XIV.22 Related Party Interests and Transactions Bye-Law Exposure Draft August 1985.
XIV.23 Related Parties Bye-Law No. 2 of 1986.
XIV.24 Neill says: It seems to us that the prohibitions contained in Bye-law No. 2 of 1986 combined with the continuing requirement (imposed by Bye-law No. of 1984) on managing agents to disclose any transactions in which they, their executives, or related companies have material interests, go a very long way towards ensuring that past abuses are not repeated. Para. 8.26, p. 47.
XIV.25 Higgins, Part II, para. 11.1, p.4.
XIV.26 Association of Lloyds Members, 1982 Lloyds Syndicate Results.
XIV.27 Bye-Law No. 7 of 1984 the Syndicate Accounting Bye-Law Schedule 7, para. (j) p.48.
The Neili
Report charts the collapse of baby syndicates. The percentage of syndicates
having 99 or fewer members changed as follows:
1978 |
43 |
1981 |
32 |
1984 |
18 |
1979 |
37 |
1982 |
29 |
1985 |
11 |
1980 |
34 |
21983 |
24 |
1986 |
8 |
The rapid decline after 1983 is noteworthy. See Neill, op. cit., Appendix 12.
XIV.29 Higgins Part II was published In September 1983, the Multiple Syndicates Code and Bye-Law was passed in December 1985.
Neill reports
the percentage of parallel syndicates, where one underwriter manages more than
one syndicate, as follows:
1978 |
31 |
1981 |
27 |
1984 |
21 |
1979 |
33 |
1982 |
27 |
1985 |
20 |
1980 |
30 |
21983 |
24 |
1986 |
16 |
[*227] The decline after 1983 was noticeably rapid.
Unlike the earlier table showing the numbers of small syndicates these figures
are not affected by the growth in the membership. Source, Neill, op. cit.,
Appendix II.
XIV.31 Neill, op. cit., para. 8.49, p. 51.
XIV.32 Code attached to Multiple Syndicate Bye-Law No. 7 of 1985.
XIV.33 These matters, originally part of the legislation, were once again deferred at the committees request and will no doubt be swept up in the programme of reforms that will follow the Neill Report.
XIV.34 Bye-Law No. 7 of 1985 Multiple Syndicate Bye-Law, para. 2, p. 5.
XIV.35 Neill reports that only three syndicates were affected by this bye-law. Neili, op. cit., para. 8.39, p. 49. It was in effect a hollow gesture, helpful in creating an impression of determined action but of little real effect.
XV.1 Chapter VII, p. 70.
XV.2 Quoted in full in Appendix I.
XV.3 Throughout this and the next chapter, unless the context calls for a fuller title, the deputy chairman and chief executive is referred to as the chief executive.
XV.4 Cockerell, Lloyds of London A Portrait, p. 18.
XV.5 A position first established by John Bennett in 1804.
XV.6 Gibb, Lloyds of London A Study in Individualism, p. 147.
XV.7 In 1967 the number of deputy chairmen had been increased from one to two to cope with the increasing work of the societys administration.
XV.8 Chapter XIV, p. 137.
XV.9 The largest department of the corporation, the Lloyds Policy Signing Office was set up in 1916 and only taken over by the corporation in 1924 when all underwriters were, for the first time, required to use the LPSO.
XV.10 The sole exception was the marine intelligence department. Once the biggest department of the corporation, it had been hived off in 1973 when Lloyds of London Press was established at Colchester to publish Lloyds List daily, the regular weekly and monthly shipping publications, and a list of maritime and legal works.
XV.11 See Chapter IX.
XV.12 Berriil, Lloyds Corporation Structure, para. 2.3, p. 7. See also Chapter XVI, p. 158.
XV.13 Ibid., para. 3.15, p. 14.
XV.14 Ibid., para. 2.5(i), p. 8.
XV.15 Ibid., para. 7.6, p. 38.
XV.16 In 1985 the Corporation of Lloyds showed an operating surplus of £24 million and a total revenue of £103 million. Of this revenue rather more than half came from members subscriptions and entrance fees and the balance from charges for services provided to the market. There had been little variation in this pattern during preceding years.
XV.17 See Chapter IX, p. 98. [*228]
XVI.1 Unless the context requires otherwise this chapter uses the phrase chief executive to mean the deputy chairman and chief executive.
XVI.2 Lloyds Act 1982, s. 4.
XVI.3 See Terms of Reference, Appendix I.
XVI.4 Lloyds Act 1982, s. 6(8) and Appendix I.
XVI.5 Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, para. 12.16, p. 80.
XVI.6 See Chapter XV, p. 148. Assignments continued until well into 1987.
XVI.7 See Chapter XV, p. 148. This committee was unique among committees of the council in that although the chairman was a member it was chaired by an external or nominated member of the council to emphasize the fact that staff matters belonged to the chief executive and he reported about them to the council directly and not through the chairman, who had ceased to have executive responsibility for staff matters.
XVI.8 This phrase echoed Sir Henry Fishers comment that the Secretary General of Lloyds should play a role akin to that of a permanent secretary in a ministry. See Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 26.04, p. 148.
XVI.9 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 26.06, p. 149.
XVI.10 Just before the press conference in September at which the chairman traditionally announces Lloyds results an error was found in the Global returns for 1984 (see Chapter VIII, p. 78). The error had arisen because of a misunderstanding by a panel auditor about one of the syndicate returns. It had been discovered because of a new system of accounting checks introduced for the first time that year. Because the annual deadline for filing syndicate returns had been repeatedly put back to accommodate the difficulties of the PCW Names, insufficient time had been left to resolve errors revealed by the new checks
XVI.11 Berrill, Lloyds Corporation Structure, para. 2.3, p. 7.
XVI.12 Ibid., para. 2.4, p. 8.
XVI.13 Ibid., para. 2.5(i), p.8.
XVI.14 My letter of resignation is included at Appendix II.
XVI.15 Berrill, op. cit., para. 4.9, p.21.
XVI.16 Locke, Of Civil Government, Book II, Chapter 12, para. 143.
XVII.1 Lloyds Act 1982, s. 8(3).
XVII.2 Fisher, Self-Regulation at Lloyds, para. 13.04, p.8.
XVII.3 For a further description see Chapter II, p. 17.
XVII.4 Fisher, op. cit., para. 13.19, p. 89.
XVII.5 Lloyds Act 1982, S.8(3).
XVII.6 This brief bye-law gives legal effect to the Direct Motor Regulations. Motor business may be accepted fron non-Lloyds brokers provided that it complies with the regulation.
XVII.7 The Insurance Brokers Registration Council (Code of Conduct) Approval Order 1979, s. 3. [*229]
XVII.8 See Chapter IV, p.32.
XVII.9 The Lambert Coles Committee.
XVII.10 Fisher, op. cit., para. 14.02, p.95 and Appendix 7, pp. 181-4.
XVII.11 Anglo-African Merchants Ltd v. Bayley, 1970, 1 QB 311; North, and South Trust Co. v. Berkeley, 1971, 1 WLR 470, both discussed in Fisher, op. cit., para, 13.27, p. 90.
Neil points
out that sixteen years after the above cases the legal conundrum that they
propound has still not been resolved. Neill, op. cit., para. 9.45, p. 60.
Insurance broking accounts.
op. cit., para. 13.3 Nelll, op. cit., paras. 4.14 to 4.22, pp. 17-18.9, p. 93.
chairmans speech to the general meeting of members, 25 June 1986.
See Chapter XIV, p. 137.
Extended Warranty and Consumer Guarantee, para. 6.2.3, p. 10 and para.
8.12, p. 16.
Umbrella Arrangements.
House of Lords Debate on the Criminal Justice Bill, 10 February 1986. Hansard,
Columns 49-54.
which members of the Investigations Committee are absent.
op. cit., para. 9.08, p. 51.
op. cit., Appendix 8, p. 102.
Fisher, op. cit., para. 9.15,
p. 53 et seq. This was one of the two paragraphs specified in the Parliamentary
Undertaking. The other was para. 23.22 concerning syndicate accounts
see Chapter X, p. 104. The discussion in the Fisher Report carries interesting
echoes of an earlier age: the nonLloyds members of the working party
favouring disclosure of syndicate accounts, the Lloyds members
believing that the publication of syndicate results for the purposes of
comparison might be positively misleading. The conclusion was that the
non-Lloyds members were prepared not to press for more radical
proposals (for the general publication of syndicate results), but to rest
content with the more limited proposals which ail members of the working party
were willing to support.
op. cit., paras. 4.14 to 4.22, pp. 17-18.
XVII.25 Lloyds of London
Membership: The Issues, December 1986.
XVII.26 See Chapter X III.
XVII.27 Such a proposal
would be as fair as and more workable than the suggestion for auctioning places
on syndicates considered and rejected by NelIl at para. 5.32, p. 27.
XVII.28 See Chapter III, p.
XVII.29 Bye-Law No. 5 of
1986, s. 1.
XVIII.1 The story is
introduced at Chapter VI.
XVIII.2 Bye-Law No. 7 of
1984. [*230]
XVIII.3 President of
the Institute of Bankers and Vice-Chairman of Lloyds Bank PLC>
The name of the agency was changed from P.C.W. Underwriting Agencies Limited to
Richard Beckett Underwriting Agencies Limited in September 1983.
Davis, Inquiry into the Management of Syndicates by Richard Beckett
Underwriting Agencies Limited.
Ibid., para. 3.91., p. 53.
Lloyds Global Report and Accounts, 1985, p. 4.
Davis, op. cit., para. 3..114,p. 59.
Ibid., para. 7.2, p. 128.
Names should be better placed in future by the adoption of Neills
Recommendation 20 which calls for a direct contractual nexus between Name and
managing agent.
Bye-Law No. 7 of 1984 The Syndicate Accounting Bye-Law, Explanatory
Notes on Reinsurance to Close, 4 December 1985.
A total of 517 members failed to file solvency certificates by 31 July 1985. As
a result £66 million of the Central Fund, which then stood at about
£200 million, was earmarked. By October, 199 Names
had failed to provide proof of their solvency and were suspended: £56
million was still earmarked. A year later no less than £238 million
was earmarked out of a Central Fund which then stood at £265 million.
(Neill, op. cit., para. 7.32, p. 41.) The increase in earmarking is due to
dramatic worsening of the PCW losses during 1986. The number of Names then
facing losses of over one hundred thousand pounds was probably between three
hundred and five hundred.
Sir Ian Morrow is a former President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Scotland. He is not a member of Lloyds.
Lloyds agreed to foot the bill through a policy of insurance.
Gibbs history of Lloyds reports at p. 273: A
premium of 2/6d per cent was paid by the Corporation to the underwriters for
writing a risk that was known to be a loss before it was written. A slip was
initialed and a policy signed. The original policy is still in existence
a document of no little significance which, even if it is never
exhibited, should be kept permanently in the Corporations archives.
It has indeed a twofold interest. It is the first outward and visible sign of
the sense of Corporate responsibility which marks the modern Lloyds.
And it is probably the only policy in the history of underwriting in which has
appeared the signature of every Lloyds syndicate and every person underwriting
for himself alone. In that respect it is unique.
Gibb, Lloyds of London,
p. 283. This concerns the Wilcox Syndicate.
Insurance Companies Act 1982, ss. 83(4) and (5).
Explanatory Notes on Reinsurance to Close, op. cit. [*231]
In order to avoid commercial harassment Lloyds is careful to keep the
private addresses of Names confidential. Mail addressed to a Name at
Lloyds is forwarded to his agent who should then pass it on.
Unhappily it can happen that if the contents of the letter are critical to the
interests of the agent, it may not be forwarded.
Neill, op. cit., paras 7.9-7.28, pp. 36-40.
Bye-Law No. 4 of 1984 The Central Fund Bye-Law.
Chapter I.
Lloyds Global Report and Accounts, 1985, p. 42.
Confirmation that I am not the only one to hold this view is provided by the
Neill Report. We should a record the skepticism expressed by a number
of the witnesses about whether unlimited liability continues to provide a
practical basis on which to run the market. They have argued that a
Names liability should be limited to his shown means.
Neill, op. cit., para. 4-27, p. 19.
Notably Jonathan Aitken MP on the Savonita affair. See Chapter V, p. 45.
For a detailed description of the events surrounding the passage of the
Lloyds Act 1982 see Hodgson, Lloyds A
Reputation at Risk, Chapter 11, p.
306. For the Parliamentary Undertaking, see Neill, Regulatory Arrangements
at Lloyds, Appendix 8.
Messrs Grob, Wallrock and Posgate were later disciplined by Lloyds
disciplinary committees.
XIX.4 Gower, Review of Investor
Protection Part I.
XIX.5 Ibid., para. 4.12, p. 31.
XIX.6 Financial Services Act 1986 Schedule I.
XIX.7 Insurance Companies Act 1982 s. 83(2).
XIX.8 Financial Services Act 1986 s. 42.
XIX.9 It is very doubtful that such resources would have been made available had the Civil Service been given the job.
Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, para. 1.4, p. 1.
XIX.11 Ibid., para. 1.6, p. l.
XIX.12 Ibid., para. 1.10, p. 2.
XIX.13 Bye-Law No. 5 of 1986 Review Powers.
XIX.14 Lloyds of London Membership: The Issues. December 1986.
XIX.15 See Chapter I, p. 7.
XIX.16 Neill, op. cit., para. 11.47, p. 77.
XIX.17 Ibid., Chapter 12, p. 78; unless otherwise indicated the questions on the following pages are drawn from this chapter.
XIX.18 Ibid., Appendix I, para. 8(9).
XIX.19 Appendix I, para. 5(a). [*232]
XIX.20 See Chapter V.
XIX.21 Neill, op. cit., para. 1.18, p. 3.
XIX.22 See Chapter I.
XX.1 However Names are clearly much more careful of their interests. Almost half now have stop loss policies and the number of resignations rose in 1986 to 1.3 per cent of the membership after averaging 0.5 per cent for ten years.
XX.2 See Chapter XIV, p. 134.
XX.3 Matters were considerably advanced on this front by the settlement in December 1986 of four cases brought by the ac Commission against the governments of West Germany, France, Ireland and Belgium. It was successfully argued that EEC-based insurers should enjoy greater freedom to operate elsewhere in Europe.
XX.4 Underwriters Corporation Staff and Brokers View of Lloyds, July 1985.
XX.5 A view which Neill endorses, admittedly for different reasons. See Chapter X, p. 1o6 and Neill, Regulatory Arrangements at Lloyds, para. 5.9, p. 23.
XX.6 But the issue remains unresolved as Neill explains in para. 9.45, p. 60. See Chapter XVII, p. 168.
XX.7 Marine Insurance Act 1906, s. 22.
XX.8 Bye-Law No. 8 of 1985 Lloyds Introductory Test.