The Baltimore Sun

Edition: FINAL


Page: 1C


August 28, 1996


LloydÕs can proceed with recovery plan

Appeals court halts injunction obtained by U.S. investors

Settlement deadline today

Huge losses from asbestos, pollution cases rocked insurer


Author: Jay Hancock; SUN STAFF


Article Text:


A federal appeals court in Baltimore reversed a ruling against LloydÕs of London yesterday, clearing a last-minute obstruction to LloydÕs recovery plan and disappointing hundreds of U.S.  investors  who claim they were cheated in the famous British  insurance  market.


After a three-hour hearing, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out a temporary injunction, issued Friday by a lower court, that blocked LloydÕs $4.8 billion rescue plan and seemed to open the door to a flood of lawsuits against LloydÕs in U.S. courts.


In overruling U.S. District Judge Robert E. Payne in Richmond, Va., the 4th Circuit panel said LloydÕs investors should be held to contracts they signed agreeing to pursue disputes in British courts only.


With that threat shrunken by yesterdayÕs decision, LloydÕs managers continued to press  investors  to support its scheme to raise capital to cover huge losses incurred by many of the marketÕs syndicates. The deadline for investors to sign on to the plan was noon today, London time.


Late yesterday, LloydÕs said that more than 80 percent of its 34,000 members around the world had accepted the settlement. ÒI am confident that the acceptence level will have increased yet againÓ by today, said LloydÕs Chairman David Rowland.


LloydÕs had said it needed approval from Òa substantial majorityÓ of investors by today to meet British solvency requirements.


Peter Lane, LloydÕs managing director for North America, said only 53 percent of American names, or investors, have accepted the plan, a low percentage he attributed to confusion created by the lawsuit. LloydÕs plans to extend todayÕs deadline informally for American names, provided that other names continue back the plan in high numbers, Lane said.


For LloydÕs 3,000 American  investors , including 35 Marylanders, yesterdayÕs decision, delivered by Judge Paul V. Niemeyer, slammed a brief hope of successfully suing LloydÕs in U.S. courts.


 LloydÕs American members argue that they should be able to seek redress for fraud under U.S. securities laws. They contend that billions in losses from asbestos and pollution cases were intentionally and secretly loaded onto their backs by LloydÕs London managers.


In a surprise ruling Friday, Judge Payne favored the U.S. investors. He made LloydÕs give them an extra two months to review the settlement proposal, and he ordered LloydÕs to supply more detailed financial information about it.


At the same time, Payne said he found significant evidence that LloydÕs had broken U.S. securities laws and that American investors should have their cases tried in U.S. courts.


In overruling Payne, the 4th Circuit panel said LloydÕs investors should be held to contracts they signed agreeing to pursue disputes in British courts only.


Jack Shettle Sr., a retired insurance executive and head of a group of Maryland LloydÕs members, said it would be impossible to prevail in British courts.


ÒIf we took on LloydÕs over there, it would cost us in the vicinity of $1 million,Ó he said. ÒOur chance of winning there is zero. And if we lost, weÕd have to pay the other sideÕs costs. So here we have LloydÕs fighting against us with our own money.Ó


The investors havenÕt given up and say theyÕll continue to try to sue LloydÕs in the United States.


A. Stephens Clay, a lawyer who represents 93 LloydÕs investors in the Virginia case, said he may appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court or file new motions in lower courts.


 LloydÕs crisis has slowly unfolded in lawsuits and insurance accounting statements over the last 10 years. In the marketÕs unusual system, investors assume unlimited liability for insurance claims -- down to their last penny.


As $12 billion in asbestos, pollution and other claims piled up, disputes arose about who would pay.


The marketÕs restructuring plan would place money-losing policies into a new company, called Equitas Group, and allow investors to discharge their huge liabilities.


But Equitas must be capitalized first, partly with $4.8 billion raised by LloydÕs and partly with payments -- some more than $100,000 -- from investors. Investors who accept the plan must also give up their right to sue LloydÕs.



Pub Date: 8/28/96