Can pre-1946 Pinoys claim US citizenship?

JUS SOLI: There is this
fascinating argument that — oversimplified here — persons born in the
Philippines when the islands were still United States territory
(1898-1946) are Americans under the principle of jus soli (Latin for
“right of the soil”).
This argument has spawned many cases filed by Filipinos born before
On a related issue, reader Elbert Friend
laments that the US Supreme Court has slammed the door on Filipino
Americans born in the
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JAMES’ SAGA: The case arose
when the former US Immigration and Naturalization Service cancelled the
certificate of citizenship of James (not his real name) after deciding
that it committed an “error” in issuing the certificate to him.
After exhausting administrative remedies,
James sued for declaratory judgment. The district court saw his point
and declared him a
James, a natural son (his parents married only in 1952) of an American father and a Filipina, was born in the
Initially blocked by the Department of
State, he finally prevailed and was issued a certificate of citizenship
in 1992 and later a
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DILEMMA: Friend summarizes the case for us:
The Court of Appeals ruled that residence in the
Revised Statutes section 1993 provides: “All
children heretofore born or hereafter born out of the limits and
jurisdiction of the United States, whose fathers were or may be at the
time of their birth citizens thereof, are declared to be citizens of the
United States, but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to
children whose fathers never resided in the United States.”
Strictly interpreted, this means that children of US citizens born in the
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CRACK: The absurd situation
arises that these children, denied their citizenship, have fallen
through a “statutory crack,” an aberration in law.
While these children may have been
disqualified under the literal reading of the statute, the INS did not
engage in literal disqualification for many years. Instead, US agencies
construed or interpreted the statute to include those children as
citizens. Likewise, residence in the outlying possessions was deemed
sufficient to transmit citizenship to a child.
James’s father, born and lived all his life in the
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UNJUST: James’s life has
been turned upside down by the revocation of his citizenship on the
basis alone of an “error” that INS freely admitted in the statutory
construction which, if taken strictly, does not even apply to him.
The liberties taken by INS in reading into
the statute an interpretation that deprives James of his citizenship is
not only inequitable and unfair, but is at cross purposes with the
substance and intent of the law itself.
James has no chance under the statute, not
because he is disqualified by it, but because it does not apply to him.
What the INS asked the court to uphold is the construction the INS
itself gives to the statute, which disqualifies James.
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STATE’S STAND: Since 1912,
the Department of State has held that Revised Statutes section 1993
applies, as of the date of birth, to a child born out of wedlock in the
outlying possessions of the US, provided paternity is established.
The Attorney General sustained this in an opinion of
Since the appellate court has sustained a
new statutory construction, will the Attorney General cancel the
certificates of citizenship “illegally” issued to illegitimate children
born in the
* * *
BIRTHRIGHT: Acquisition of
birthright citizenship is retroactive to birth. The person is considered
to have acquired citizenship at birth and to have always maintained
that status, even if that status is not confirmed until adulthood.
While there are subsequent or concurrent
conditions such as the modern retention requirements, once granted,
there is no second class citizenship recognized either under the
Constitution or in the statute.
James was determined by the INS to be a
By what legally contrived process can a
person be stripped of his birthright citizenship or {returned to a
“former status” when he has been a citizen from birth?
But the Supreme Court’s decision has
rendered James stateless, a cruel and unusual punishment. He is unable
to obtain a passport to travel and has been deprived peace of mind from
fears of deportation and separation from loved ones.
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